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1、初二下Unit1一对一教学辅导教案学科: 英语 任课教师: 吴老师 授课时间:2013 年1月 21 日 姓名年级:初二教学课题Unit 1-Will people have robots? 阶段基础( ) 提高() 强化()课时计划第( 1)次课 共( )次课教学目标考点:重点词汇及短语能力:牢固掌握语法方法:重复法,提问重点难点重点:将来时的时间状语难点:灵活运用课本重点句型教学内容与教学过程课前检查作业完成情况:优 良 中 差 建议_ 知识网络一.课前小测: e pany8.building41.thought9.astronaut42.fiction10.rocket43.unplea

2、 the future13.fly46.hundreds of14.moon47.already15.fall48.made16.fell49.factory17.fall in love with50.simple18.alone51.such19.pet52.bored20.parrot53.everywhere21.probably54.human22.go able to 58.snake

3、26.dress59.possible27.casually60.electric28.which61.toothbrush29.even62.impossible30.the World Cup63.seem31.wrote64.housework32.myself65.rating33.interview二.重点词汇1. 1.There will be fewer people and less free time.2. fewer people 更少的人(fewer修饰名词复数,表示否定)3. less free time 更少的空闲时间(less修饰不可数名词,表示否定)4. fewe

4、r是 的比较级,less是 的比较级5. 【考点】a few/a little 表示有一些,强调“有”,有肯定意义6. few/little 表示很少,几乎没有,有否定意义,7. few/ a few修饰 (可数/不可数)名词;而little/a lttle修饰 (可数/不可数)名词。8. 9. 练习:10. ( ) There are students in the classroom.They all go on vacation.11. A. less B. a few C.a less D.few12. 【拓展延伸】13. (1) some/any“一些,许多”,其中some用于肯定句

5、,any用于疑问和否定句14. 练习: I have some money.15. 改为否定句: 16. 改为一般疑问句并作可定和否定回答: Yes, . No, 17. 表示“一些,许多”的词还有:many,much,a lot of/lots of18. She has so many beautiful flowers. 她有那么多漂亮的花. many修饰可数名词复数。She has so much homework to do. 她有那么多作业要做. She has a lot of beautiful flowers and a lot of homework.她有很多花和作业 比较

6、上面三个例句,我们知道many只能修饰可数名词复数,much 只能修饰不可数名词,而a lot of/lots of可以通杀,可数名词复数与不可数名词都可以修饰,具备了many 和much的功能。注意:a lot of/lots of 不能用于否定句中.练习:改错a. I have a lot books. b.Do you have some bread?Im hungry now. c.So much girls like JJ(林俊杰).I cant believe it. (2)不规则比较级、最高级:“多,少,好,坏,远“ many/muchmoremost littlelesslea

7、st good/wellbetterbest bad/illworseworst farfarther/furtherfatherest/furtherest19. 2.I wiil be a college student in ten years 10年后我将是个大学生20. in+一段时间,表示“之后”,用于将来时,提问用How soon21. 22. 练习:I will come back 我将10分钟后回来23. 就划线部分提问: 4. 与by +时间点的区别,by+时间表示“在.之前”5. 你必须在十点钟前完成你的作业(home work)6. You must finish yo

8、ur homework 7. ( ) I will be a policeman 8. A. in ten years B at ten years C.after ten years9. 10. 3.fall in love with爱上,跟某人相爱。11. My father fell in love (withfrom)my mother long long ago.5. They have been in love for ten years和They fell in love for ten years哪种表达正确?6. 7. 4.I will live alone我将单独居住 be

9、/feel lonely感到孤独( 比较:live alone/go alone 通过比较我们知道alone跟在实意动词后面,所以是 (副词/形容词),longly在系动词后面,所以是 (副词/形容词) -ly结尾的词一般是副词,如quickly,quietly等,想一想,-ly结尾表示形容词的词还有哪些? 练习:I often go to school ,but I never be in my heart. A.alone,alone B.alone ,lonely C、longly,aloneT 改错:The girl walked alone along the street, but

10、 she didnt feel alone at all. 那女孩独自沿着街道走,但她并不感到孤独 8. 9. 【拓展延伸】10. Long live the people!Long live Chairman Mao!翻译: No one can live to be 200 years.没人能活到200岁拓展词汇:alive活着的; living活着的; loneliness 孤单,寂寞11.12. 5. keep/feed a pet pig养一头宠物猪13. keep有保留的意思,常见短语keep a diary keep a secret/promise(诺言) 14. How lo

11、ng can I keep this book?翻译 15. feed on以.为食 Pandas banboo. 熊猫以竹子为食8. 练习:改错 How long can I borrow this book? 9.10. to the moon飞上月球11. n.蚊子,虫子12. There are a lot over there.那边有好多飞蛾13. fly 作动词常用于进行时表示将来,这一类动词还有comego等14. I am flying to Beijing tomorrow.15. 请问 Mom,Im coming 请问这句话的时态是 ,怎么翻译?16.9. 7.

12、hundreds of +复数数百/几百(概数,类似还有thousands of; millions of) 10. 数以百计的,hundred 只有单独使用,且与of 连用时才加s 其它任何情况下都不加s,如 three hundred yuan,some hundred books dozen“一打,十二个”的用法与此相同,表示12个鸡蛋,我们可以说 A dozen eggs,同样,数打啤酒(beer)我们怎么表达呢? (1) There are many (hundred)pens over there. (2) of people die of hunger every day in

13、Africa. A.hundred B.thousand C.millions 拓展词汇:millionaire 百万富翁 billion 十亿 8 .His watch looks the same as mine.他的手表看上去和我的一样。 the same as和相同,一样 常见搭配;belook the same 翻译; 这对双胞胎姐妹看起来一模一样 11. 拓展词组:(1) 和.一样. 12. Im as tall as my father now 我现在跟老爸一样高13. (2)such as 例如;such .as如此.以致.14. I like many fruit

14、s,such as bananas ,apples and oranges. 15. She is such a beautiful girl as every boy likes.16. =She is such a beautiful girl that every boy likes her.17. (3)as if 似乎,好像18. He always speak highly of himself as if he is a genius(天才)19. 练习:( )Your clothes the same as ,but they are not as as mine.20. A.

15、is;me;more beautiful B.are;me;beautifully C.are;mine;beautiful 21.22. 9. Abe different from B A与B不同( =There is a difference/There are differences between A and B) 注意介词是跟from 搭配,等价的表达还有vary from 从.变化到 另外,different后面的名词一般用复数形式,如果后面接不可数名词,一般与kind(种类)连用 My clothes have seven different kinds of colors. E

16、instan is very different us.he looks as if he were an Alient(外星人) 10.wake up醒来(wake sb. up表示 “唤醒某人”) 注意:动词+介词结构,人称代词必须放到中间。我们可以说 I wake my father up,也可以说I wake up my father. 但I wake him up不能表达成I wake up him 13. 14. 拓展词组:15. raise up 养大,举起 16. You raise me up to more than I can be 你把我培养到我所不能达到的高度17.

17、awake 醒着的, Im awake. 反义词asleep睡着的。18. get/fall asleep入睡, sleepy 困的,想睡觉的19.20. 11.I get bored about doing endless homework.我对做不完的作业感到厌烦21. be/get bored about sth.感到/变得厌倦(be/get/become是连系动词,后跟形容词如tired/angry/excited等)14. 同意词组 be/get tired of15. 练习:将上面的例句改写成同义句 16. 17. 【拓展延伸】 表示变得的表达还有turn,go等18. turn表

18、示突变,特别用于季节,颜色的变化。19. In autumn,trees turn yellow.20. get常表示渐变,如21. I get to know my parents hardship and the expression on me我渐渐懂得父母的不易和对我的殷切期望22. go常接形容词,常含被动意味go bad变质 go hungery 挨饿 23. 练习:( )Do you know how many people hungry everyday?24. A.turn B.get C.go D.become25. 26. 12.go skating去滑冰(类似还有go

19、hiking/fishing /skating/bike riding等) 15. 最常见的表示“去干.”与此同类的还有have16. have a walk ,have a lesson, have a hike等17. 练习: Lets go (shop),shall we?18. 13 lots of/a lot of许多(修饰可数名词、不可数名词都可以)16. 既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词,表示“一些,愈多”的词还有some和any,在肯定句或17. 肯定意义的句子里用some,在否定句和疑问句中用anyThere arent books on the desk. Are t

20、here pandas in America?A.any,some B.some, any C.any,any18. the weekends在周末在周末有四种表达:at the weekend at weekends on the weekend on weekends复数与单数的区别在于:复数周末指周末有两天,单数只有一天 练习:( )I dont study any subjects .Which of the following is not right? the weekend B.on the weekend weekends the we

21、ekend.【拓展延伸】 at the weekend (weekends )强调的是一个具体的时间,在具体的时间点前用at,是它的一般用法。如: I dont work at the weekend. 我周末不工作。 但如果强调的是一个特定的周末,就不能用at而要改为on. 如:Jack was killed on the weekend of May Ist,1987. 吉克被杀死在1987年5月1日的周末。 这个原则也适用于其它的时间介词。如: On a cold morning,I opened the window and was glad to find that it was s

22、nowing outside. 在这个句子中就不能用“in”了,因为它是一个特定的早晨。 所以on the weekend和at the weekend是不能划等号的。 练习:It is (in /on/at)a warm spring dawn that I meet my later husband. 17. 15. study on computers通过电脑学习 18. on还有“关于,用”的意思,与about词义相近19. a book on clone一本关于克隆技术的书,不同点在于on 往往比较学术化,具体化;20. about的相关性没那么大, 比较宽泛, 如 a book a

23、bout Math 一本介绍数学的书21. 【拓展延伸】22.18. 16. agree with sb.同意某人(的意见)19. I dont agree. = I disagree.我不同意20. 名词形式:agreement21. 【拓展延伸】agree还可以表示不适应,如 Zhongshans weather dosent agree with me22. 我很不适应中山的天气。23. 翻译: 我不适应这里的饮食 (李阳疯狂英语背诵句子)20. 情景交际常考I couldnt agree more. (我十分赞同/我不同意)21. - Lets go hiking,shall we?2

24、2. -I couldnt agree more.17. on vacation度假 on+n.往往有表示处于某种状态的意思:on business在出差;on duty(在)值班 另外at+名词也有表示在某种状态下的意思:at work在工作中 under则表示“在下”,尤其是指在抽象名词的前面,表示处于某种状态下如: under construction在建设下,under pressure在重压下;under protection在保护下 练习;I. 用at,on,under填空I have worked here for a long time,Im great pressure. I

25、 dont want to be business all the time. Linda is not on the playground,she is work now. II.( )-Im going to be mad with my math teacher,Im always work -Lets go a vacation,shall we? A.under,at B,under,on,on 22. 18.Lily always help me with my English.莉莉总是帮助我学英语。help sb with sth/help sb do sth帮助某人做

26、某事help sb. to do sth= help sb. do sth.=help sb. with sth.是帮助某人做某事请用三种方法表达“我帮妈妈做家务(housework)” help( to)do sth. 是帮忙做某事 在家里我经常帮忙打扫卫生I often help clean the house when Im at home= I often help to clean the house when Im at homecant help doing 是情不自禁地做某事 I cant help laughing 我忍不住大笑起来小女孩忍不住大哭(cry)起来 练习:I o

27、ften help my mother washing,and my mother help me my English。One day she made a ridiculous(可笑的)mistake,so I couldnt help A.does,of,laugh B,do,with,laughing do,with,laughing24. in an apartment住在公寓里/live on the twelfth floor 住在12楼 25. live at NO.332,Shanghai Street 住在上海路332号 注意介词的搭配,at 表示

28、小地方,in表示大地点 如:I live in Zhongshan City. I live on a farm我住在农场 I live in the country(农村)/city I live in town.(注意这里没有the) 26. a reporter作为一名记者 as表示“作为,是” Im not in E.B.Whites class as a writer,but Im a good story-teller as a reporter. 作为一个学生,我跟E.B.Whites不是一个等级,但作为一个记者,我是一个讲故事的能手.27. 【拓展短语】:as long as只要 I will give this watch to you as long as you pay for it.只要你给钱,我就把手表给你。21.look smart显得精神/看起来聪明 look是系动词么? 系动词有哪些? 系动词包括be动词和感官动词,它们共同的结构为:主语+系动词+形容词或名词This cake taste good.Y

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