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Module 7U3 教师版.docx

1、Module 7U3 教师版Module 7 Unit3Under the sea教师版The First Period 第一课时 Words & ExpressionsI Teaching aims:To develop Ss ability of using words.To develop Ss ability of guessing words.To prepare Ss for the new unit. II Teaching procedures1.Students read the new words after the tape.2. 按要求写出汉语或英语,划线处写英语,括弧

2、处写汉语。1. witness vt.( ) witness n. ( ) 2. annual adj.( ) annual n. ( ) 3. opposite prep. & adj.( ) (v.反对) (adj.反对的)4. flee vi. & vt.( ) (过去式) (过去分词)5. depth n.( ) ( adj.深的) / (adv. 深深地) (v.变深)6. relationship n.( ) (n.关系,讲述) (n.亲戚; adj. 相对的) (v. 联系,讲述) (adj.有关系的)6. conservation n.( ) (v.)7. jog vi ( )

3、_ (现在分词) (过去分词)8. reflect vi.& vt .( ) (n.) (adj.沉思的) (n.反射体)9. tasty adj .( ) vt.( ) n.( )10. pension n.( ) pensioner n. ( )Keys:1. 目击,亲眼看到;目击者,证人,证据2.每年的;年刊,年鉴3. 在对面,相反的;oppose,opposed 4.逃离,逃避;fled ,fled 5.深度;deep;deep/deeply; deepen 6.关系;relation; relative; relate; related7. 慢跑,jogging ,jogged 8.

4、 反映,反射,思考;reflection; reflective; reflector 9.美味的;taste;品尝;taste;口味10.养老金,领取养老金者3. Complete the following as required: Write down the English according to the English explanation and the first letter 1. personal story=anecdote shout loudly= yell 3. escape=flee 4. unusual, remarkable=extraordina

5、ry to live in=accommodation 6. pull with difficulty= drag 7.give up=abandon 8. consider, think on= reflect 9.strongly suggest one do something= urge 10. sth. being aimed at= target Write down the Chinese according to the English explanation1. migration=moving from one place to another 迁移 2.

6、whale n. 鲸 v. 捕鲸 whaler n. 捕鲸者 3. sort out=arrange 安排,整理,解决 4. enormous=huge 巨大的 5. crash =jump into the water head first 头朝下扎到水里 6. race=run quickly 快跑 7.draw closer=get closer 靠得更近 8. swiftly=quickly 快速地 9. fierce=violent 凶猛的 10. approach=get close to 接近 Fill in the blanks with suitable preparatio

7、ns and translate the phrases into Chinese(Book p19) 1. on a snorkeling trip ( 在一次潜泳旅行中 ) 2. at an aquarium ( 在水族馆 ) 3. on a boat tour ( 在一次泛舟旅行中 ) 4. on TV nature programmes ( 在电视上关于自然的节目中 ) 5. on the Internet ( 在网络上 )4.practice(见课件)5.Homework: 1. Go over the new words and expressions. 2.Finish exer

8、cises in Book p22.The Second Period 第二课时Warming-up & Reading (1)I. Teaching aimsII. 1.To learn some knowledge about the creatures under the sea 2.To improve students reading sills3.To learn the relationship between man and animalsIII. Teaching procedures Warming up1.Have you seen plants and animals

9、that live under the sea? Where did you see them?2.Watch the photos on the screen and try to write down the names of the creatures Pre-reading 1. Look at the picture in Pre-reading, and then guess what is happening in the picture.2. Read the introduction of the text on page 19 and fill in the followi

10、ng table.WriterClancyVocationA whalerStyleAnecdotestimeAt the beginning for the 20th century PlaceAustraliaMain ideaThe killer whale help people to kill baleen whale . While-reading Fast reading1.Read the text fast, and fill in the blanks with the proper names:1. Clancy was 16 years of age when he w

11、ent to work at the whaling station.2. George ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay.3. the killer whale was swimming by the boat, showing the whalers the way. 4. Jack told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale.5. James was ca

12、rried by the waves further and further away from the whalers.6. Red knew that Old Tom would protect James.2.Read the text again, and then put the following sentences in the right order:( 4 )1.Clancy jumped into the boat with the whalers. ( 1 ) 2. Clancy arrived at the whaling station. ( 5 ) 3. The k

13、illers started racing between our boat and the whale. ( 2 ) 4. Clancy heard a loud noise coming from the bay.( 3 ) 5. Clancy ran down to the shore. ( 6 ) 6. The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale. Careful reading1. Read the text carefully, and answer the following questions. (

14、Discuss in pairs)1. What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping the whalers out?Old Tom let the whalers know that there was a baleen whale nearby; he showed them the way to whalers.2. Why did George think that the killer whales worked as a team? Because they could see that some of the killers w

15、ere throwing themselves on the top of the whales blowhole while others were preventing it from diving or fleeing out to sea.3. How did Old Tom help James? Why do you think he did this?Old Tom prevented James from drowning. Old Tom wanted to help his human friends.2. Fill in the blanks according to t

16、he passage.Working at the _ (whale) station, I had _ whales killed many times with my own eyes. On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I _ _ _ (sort 短语) my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. Running down to the shore in time, we saw an _ (huge同义词) animal. “It is called O

17、ld Tom, the killer.” George said as he ran ahead me. _ the distance we could see that something was happening. As we _ _ (draw短语), I could see a whale _ _ by a _ of about six sharks. Being badly wounded, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was dragged by the sharks down into the _ of the sea.Ke

18、ys: Whaling, witnessed, was sorting out, enormous, of, In, drew nearer,being attacked, pack, depths3. Summary: Get the main ideas of the two anecdotes.The first anecdote describes a hunting experience about how the killer whales helped the whalers to hunt a whale. The second one tells about how a ki

19、ller whale protected and saved James, a whaler. III. Post-reading: DiscussionThe last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. Whales are now an endangered species and protected by an international ban, but some countries oppose the ban. In groups discuss the reasons for and against banning whal

20、ing.IV. Homework: 1. Read the text again and try to find out some language points.2. Find out the following expressions from (SBP21-22)1. .亲眼目睹某事 witness sth with ones own eyes2. 整理我的住处 sort out my accommodation3. 在我们对面的庞大的动物 an enormous animal opposite us4. 坠落 crash down5. 大声喊叫 yell out6. 准备做某事 be

21、about to do sth7. 在、面前 ahead of8. 前往某地 head sp9. 朝水里看 look down into the water10. 给某人带路 show sb the way 11. 靠近,走进 draw close12. 击中要害 hit the spot13. 海洋深处 the depths of the sea14. 调转船头 turn the boat around15. 带来 ,引进 bring in16. 与此同时 in the meanwhile17. 害怕,担心 be terrified of18. 抛弃某人 abandon sb19. 靠近某人

22、 approach sb20. 催促某人做某事 urge sb to do sthThe Third Period 第三课时Learning about languageUseful expressions(Reading1)Teaching aims:1. To learn the use of key words and expressions2. To learn to analyze the structure of the complex sentencesTeaching procedures1.annual 既可作形容词, 意为“ 每年的 ”, 也可作名词, 意为“ 年刊,年鉴

23、”。1). 时装表演是一年一度的大事。 The fashion show is an annual event . 2). 怀特先生的年薪是两万美元。 Mr. White has an annual salary of 20,000 dollars. 2. witness 【观察】 Did you witness the accident?She is (a) witness of the accident. He has been (a) witness to a terrible murder. 【归纳】作_及物_动词, 意为“ 目击,见证 。 亲眼看到事故witness the acci

24、dent 作 名 词,意为“ 目击者,证人 ”。常用于be (a) witness to / of sth. 意为“ 。的见证者 ”。【实践】我亲眼目睹了坠机事件,吓得要死。 I witnessed the plane crash and was scared to death. 3.sort out ones accommodation 是习语,意思是 to find suitable accommodation.sort out 表示“分类”,“整理”,还表示“解决(问题或困难)”【实践】我正在整理可以扔掉的文件。 I am sorting out the files that can b

25、e thrown away. 我们有几个小问题要解决。 We have a few little problems to sort out. 4. opposite是介词, 意为 在对面 ,opposite 也可作形容词,意为 相反的,相对的 。【拓展】oppose 词性 动词 意思 反对 opposed词性 形容词 意思 反对的 常用于词组 be opposed to 意为“ 反对 ”【实践】1讨论的时候,他坐在玛丽对面。He sat opposite to Marion during the discussion. 2他住在在街的对面。He lives on the opposite si

26、de of the street 3我反对你出国。 I am opposed to your going abroad./ I oppose your going abroad. 5. pause词性 vi.&n. 意思:中断,暂停;停顿;犹豫,考虑【实践】稍稍停顿一下后演讲者继续讲下去。After a briefpausethe speaker continued.他听到后面有脚步声便停了下来。Hepausedwhen he heard steps behind him.6. flee fled fled vt. & vi. flee( from )sp. 逃离某地 【实践】他们被迫离开祖国

27、。They were forced to flee the country.囚犯企图越狱,但失败了。The prisoner attempted to flee from the prison, but he failed.7. urge v.&n.1) urge sb to do sth催促,怂恿某人做某事 2)urge (on)that 从句(虚拟)强烈要求、3) urge on sb sth 向某人强调某事(的重要性)4)sb. have a urge to do sth某人很想做某事1. 他们催促我们马上去。Theyurgedus to go at once.2. 朋友们力劝我申请那份

28、工作。My friendsurgedthat I (should) apply for the job.3. 他对我们强调忍耐的必要性。He urged on us the necessary of patience.4. 假期快到了,我很想外出旅行。The vacation is coming and I have anurgeto travel.8. ahead of 1) 在前面2) 比强(好)” ahead of time “提前”【实践】他的语文比我强. He is ahead of me in Chinese.他提前完成了任务. He finished the task ahead

29、 of time.9.feed on 表示“吃”,“以为食”,feedon/to 表示“用饲养.”【实践】牛在冬天吃干草(hay)。Cows feed on hay during winter. 我们喂肉给狗吃。We feed our dog on meat. = We feed meat to our dog. 10.abandon的意思是“放弃,抛弃”, 【实践】翻译词组1)abandon ones country/friend背弃祖国/朋友2)abandon ones family抛弃家庭 3)abandon a bad habit革除陋习 4) abandon ones post/ho

30、pe/plan/idea放弃职位/希望/计划/主意11. approach 词性: v.&n. 1)approach sp.靠近某地2) the approach to sth(处理问题的)方法,手段;【实践】当你接近宝贝的床时, 走路轻些。Walk softly as you approach the babys bed.他处理这个问题的方法是错误的。His approaches to the problem are wrong.随着春天的临近,我们开始感觉好一点。 With the approach of spring ,we began to feel abou

31、t to do 即将;将要will do, be going to, be to do和be about to的区别 will do 表不是事先经过考虑的将来动作 be going to 表示打算或计划做某事或根据某种迹象判断将要发生的事。 be to 表示预先安排好的计划或约定。be about to 表示即将发生的动作,意为“正要, 即将”, 不与具体的表将来时间的副词或副词性短语连用, 但可以与when引导的时间状语连用。 Dont go out now, we _are about to_ have supper. The wind went down toward sunset. It _is going to_ be fine tomorrow. The Que

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