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1、吴洋雅思作文课堂笔记新东方考试项目: Task1 Task2考试时间: 20min 40min字数要求: 150 250 (不少于)分值比例: 33.3% 66.7% 全客观 主观内容客观形式一、评分标准:Task response:散聚1、切题:n.在题目中的重要性2、论证充分、论据鲜明例一:教材36页例二:Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individua

2、l crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Coherence and Cohesion:连接词不要机械使用,要随意连接词:firstly secondly 要产生变化To begin with,. Whats more, . Lastly,Last but not least, (考官反感本句)恰到好处,点到

3、即可。Lexical Resource:少多I think. I argue/deem/hold/insist1、由高级词替代低级词;2、由细化词替代笼统词:look see stare / glance / glimpse / peer / glare at.person individual inhabitant native3、词汇变性:Sth. is important.Sth.,which, is of vital importance.Grammatical Range & Accuracy:The allure of computers stem mainly from the

4、fact thatit can be used for a wide range of purposes.数的一致The use of the internet is now greater than (that of) television, radio and other media combined.高中英语语法大全二、如何练习:1、材料:新东方:顾家北雅思写作套路剖析与范例大全Tom Macri: 跟雅思考官练写作,北京语言大学出版社2、顺序:输入输出输入:词汇语法文章结构;输出:范文研究仿写(不限时间)限时实写3、频率:三、Task 1:类型、审题与分段类型:饼状图、曲线图、柱状图、

5、表格、流程图例如:This pie chart shows the information of a survey of the meat sale in a supermarket.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information on the graph.You should write at least 150 words.The table below presents information about Australian economy in the late 1980s. Write a re

6、port describing the trends in profits shown in the table.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.首段: The data of this table illustrates company interests before tax, by industry in Australian economy spanning from 1986 to 1990. We can see items such as manufac

7、turing, mining, retail trade and other constitute the whole diagram.审题原则:1、分清写几段:一般来说,同一个主语在不同时间内的变化,这个主语的描述为一段;2、分清是静态还是动态: 静态图:不出现时间指标, 动态图:出现时间指标,3、有所选择,有所比较,突出最值: 有所选择(尤其是表格) 突出最值(尤其是线图、饼图)4、不要对数据进行分析推理!分三个部分:开头段:1-2句,回应题目主体段:1+ n句:第1句为图表总趋势结尾段:1-2句,总结全文(发掘图形的隐含点)四:Task 1:第一段写法:Paraphrase + Over

8、view时间、地点、事件三要素必不可少例如:教材80-88页。 (上面第一个例题):This is a pie chart that illustrates / demonstrates / depicts / conveys the message of the proportion of the meat sold in a supermarket. (不要全换)可被替换的词:图、表明(传达)不需要换的词:时间、地点 As can be seen in this pie chart, different categories of meat such as chick, pork, bee

9、f, lamb, etc. which make up various percentages,is sold in a supermarket.占有:account for make up constitute provide遇到表格、饼图时,第一段可以写图表给出的指征。80页:increasing trendranging / spanning from 1980 to 1988during the nine years from 1980 to 1988五:Task 1:中间段写法饼图:一饼,如上面提到的“例一” The total meat sold in the supermarke

10、t is classified into six types as follows: chicken, pork, beef, lamb, fish and others. Overall, chicken has the largest proportion, which accounts for 40%; while others has the smallest percentage, at 2%. (while pork,ranking the second,made up the percentage of 20%)As can be seen in the pie chart, c

11、hicken, which makes up 40%, is the most popular among the total meat sold, then next is pork with 20%, followed by beef, constituting 18%; and finally come lamb, fish and others at 15%, 5% and 2% respectively. It should be noted that the sale of pork is half as much as that of chicken. And it is als

12、o interesting to note that the sale of chicken is 20 times as much as that of others.It can be concluded from the pie chart that chicken is the most commonly bought meat while others is the least commonly bought meat. 一饼中间段:1、突出最值;2、横向比较倍数 二饼中间段:(如教材89页)1、尽量不要按照时间分段,2、属于动态图,应该按照指标名词分段或涨跌共同点分段。掌握涨跌平波

13、和比较:上升:rise increase go up climb boomn.形式:a growth in an upward trend in下降:fall decline decrease dip go downslump reduce n.形式 reduction不变:leveled out (at) a leveling out (of) did not change remained stable / steady / constant (at) maintained the same level plateaued at reach a plateau at波动:fluctuate

14、d (around) swing peaked at stood at a fluctuation (v./n.) (adj./adv.)变化程度:巨大:dramatic sharp considerablesignificant huge enormous(numerous) substantial适度:moderate轻微:slight minimal变化速度:快速:rapid quick swift sudden steep稳步:steady 逐渐:gradual倍数:N times as many(much) as 是几倍 N times more than 多几倍increase N

15、 times / folds 多几倍double triple quadruple quintuple线图:单线图:见教材80页1、可以用分阶段的方式描写(时间);2、一定要突出最值,可写最值与其它数据的比;3、若单线比较曲折,则按照曲折的趋势分段。单方向:微观细节描写,有所比较多方向:分阶段描写多线图:宏观描写、分阶段、线线关系注意:1、淡化细节,突出比较;2、若线不太曲折,数量在3个以下,建议按线(category)分段,第二条线提及时,适当与第一条线做比较。教材重点掌握范文:81页、83页(例2,学生描写第二条线):From 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., there i

16、s a sharp increase in radio (audience), peaking at approximately 40% at 7:00 a.m. Whereas from 7:00 a.m. onward, it declines gradually, bottoming out to 4% at 4:00 a.m.吴洋课堂笔记(2)复习:“有所选择,有所比较,突出最值”1.2 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.0 2.2 3.3the figure ofrose to1.7 in 年份,andthen in 年份 and 年份,it jumped to 2.2 and 3.3 r

17、espectively.数据从1980年往后稳步上升,在1990年达到顶峰80,这个数字是1970年的四倍。From 1980 onward, the statistics boomed steadily, peaking at 80% in 1990, which quadrupled the figure in 1970.表格:1、动态(含有时间指标)表格: The table below presents information about Australian economy in the late 1980s. Write a report describing the trends

18、 in profits shown in the table. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. The data of this table depicted company interests before tax, by industry in Australian economy in the late 1980s. We can see indicators such as manufacturing, mining, retail trade and ot

19、her constitute the whole diagram. Certain patterns can be identified from the graph. Specifically, every industry had a different trend in gaining profits during that period.Manufacturings profits had a great rise between 1986 and 1988, from 4650 to 6615 million and then jumped again to 8617 million

20、 during 1988 to 1989. (But the trend had experienced a reverse from a great increase to a sudden stop during.) its profits fell to 7810 at the end of 1980s. With regard to mining, the profit dropped slightly during 1986 to 1989 from 3840 to 3816 to 3540 and then still had a significant boom in 1990

21、to 4992 million. As to / As far as * was concerned, (写后两个指标) In conclusion(In sum), over the five-year period, fluctuations can be seen from the statistics of the whole graph. It is noticeable that manufacturing and mining constitute the majority of corporate profits in Australia.动态表总结:同一主语的不同时间,可以按

22、趋势或指标类型分段。突出最值是次要的。2、静态(无时间指标)表格: The table shows the number of foreign visitors (in million) to 7 countries. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. The table shows the total number of visitors to seven countries around the world and details the number of th

23、ose visitors who came from the UK and the USA. Certain patterns are evident from these figures. Canada received more than twice as many visitors as Mexico (15 million compared to 7 million), yet the percentage (ratio) of visitors to those countries from the USA were about the same, 80%, 12 million A

24、mericans visited Canada while 5.5 million visited Mexico. Australia had half as many visitors as Thailand (3 million compared to 6 million), but the number of visitors to those countries from both the UK and the USA was the same, 0.3 million. France and Ireland received more visitors from the UK (7.

25、4 million and 2.4 million respectively) than from the USA (0.1 million and 0.4 million respectively). France had a higher total number of visitors than any of the other countries on the list. Over half of Irelands visitors came from the UK. Italy received 20 million visitors, of which 1.2 million we

26、re from the UK and 1.8 million were from the USA. Although the table shows a limited number of countries, it can be seen that British and American people tend to visit those countries nearest geographically(图表隐含点). However, the relationship is not definitive. (evident/ conclusive)总结:(静态表)分类:按性质、按数据比

27、较:组内对比,组间对比;通过比较获得写作方式(n. / v. / 时间/ 地点 /最值:同义词)句式:主动、被动、倒装、(禁用祈使句)如今的年轻人不喜欢看电影。Todays young people do not like to see films.Films are not liked by todays young people.Films are losing its appeal among young people in contemporary China.每句涵盖的信息点是否全面如何分段,如何找出隐含点柱图:见教材94页带时间的柱图可以转化为曲线图杂交图: The given c

28、harts show the result of a survey of adult education. The first chart describes the reasons why adults decide to study. The pie chart illustrate how people think the costs of adult education should be shared. Write a report for your university lecturer describing the information shown below. There a

29、re two charts illustrating the result of a survey on adult education. (分图再描述)The bar chart shows the reason why people decided to further their education while the pie chart reveals how people surveyed think the cost of adult education should be shared. According to the bar chart, (最值)it is noticeab

30、le that the highest percentage of reason is “interest in subject”, which is 40% while the lowest ratio is “to meet people”, representing 9%. The percentage of “to gain qualifications” (38%) is a little smaller than that of “interest in subject” while “helpful for current job” ranks the third, constituting 22%. A remarkable phenomenon of the graph is “to improve prospects of promotion” and “enjoy learning study” have the same proportion, at 20%.(

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