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1、管道清洗方案RevB 张家港保税区利柏特钢制品有限公司Zhangjiagang FTZ Libaite Steel Products Co., 江苏省 张家港市 张家港保税区Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu, P.R.ChinaPiping Cleaning Procedure管 道 清 洗 方 案(Rev. B)B第二次发布2nd Issue王忠建A第一次发布First Issue王忠建版本号Rev签发或版本说明Issue or Revision Description编制人Prepared by日期Date

2、审核人Reviewed by日期Date批准人Approved by日期DateCTI日期Date目 录Table of Contents1、 工作范围:Scope 32、 编制依据:Reference 33、 表面清洁度:Surface Cleanliness 34、 人员培训:Personnel Training 45、 污染物鉴定:Contaminant Identification 46、 清洗范围Cleaning Scope 57、 清洗程序(SO):Oxygen Cleaning Procedure (SO) 58、 表面清洁度检验、验收方法:Inspection & Accept

3、ance Methods for Surface Cleanliness 79、 酸碱浓度的定期检测和维持:Periodical Inspection & Maintenance of Acid-base Concentration 810、 管道焊口清洗 Cleaning of Pipe Welds 811、 废液溶解:Waste Solution Treatment 912、 安全保护:Security 913、 溶液酸碱浓度检测方法PH Concentration Inspection Methods for Cleaning Solution -101 工作范围:Scope为规范Can

4、solv公司SO2/CO2收集模块管道清洁施工流程,明确工艺要求,编制此方案。This procedure is proposed to standardize piping cleaning process and define relevant process requirements for Cansolv SO2/CO2 capture System Project.2 编制依据:ReferenceASTM A380-06 不锈钢部件设备系统的清洁&除垢&钝化 Standard Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of S

5、tainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and Systems3 表面清洁度:Surface Cleanliness3.1 所有应清洁的表面在明亮的灯光及紫外线照射下,不得有可见的污染物。Any visible contaminant is not allowed to appear on cleared surface under bright light or ultraviolet radiation.3.2 所有清洁表面,油脂含量应小于100mg/m2,用波长320380um功率为w的紫光照射下时,表面不得有油脂荧光。For all clear surface

6、s, grease content shall be less than 100mg/m2. Grease fluorescence shall not appear while irradiating with ultraviolet of 320380um wavelength and 100w power.3.3 用于清洗的设备和工具要保持干净,并与其它工具分开放置,所有工具在每次使用前彻底清洗干净,这也包括部件最后清洁使用的实验设备。清洗用的特殊工具、材料、测试仪器在使用前必须彻底清洁。所用的工具包括:测试仪器、吊装工具、吹扫设备、轻便手动工具。The equipments and t

7、ools for oxygen cleaning must keep clean and separated from others; all tools shall be cleared thoroughly prior to application, including test apparatus for components final cleaning. Special tools, materials, and test instruments for cleaning must be cleared thoroughly. The tools to be applied incl

8、ude: test instruments, lifting tools, blowing equipments and portable hand tools.3.4 在使用前用无毛绒干净布沾上异丙醇擦拭,确保它们无油、灰尘、碳氢化合物、油漆等。用黑光灯检验无荧光反应。工作平台应用无油的清洁的聚乙烯薄膜铺垫,覆盖好。用于清洗的清洗剂应保持洁净、有效,不可反复循环使用。清洁好的工具用一个干净的工具箱装好,不允许和其它工具混装。Wipe with clean, lint-free cloth wet by isopropyl alcohol prior to using to ensure no

9、 grease, dust, hydrocarbon, paint, etc.; no fluorescence appeared while Wood lamp testing. Clean gaseous rust protection paper or polyethylene film shall be put and covered on work platform. Detergent for cleaning shall be clean and efficient, recycled using is not allowed. Cleaned tools shall be pa

10、cked in a clean tool-box to avoid mixing with others.3.5 我们使用的设备包括:Equipments applied including: 喷砂车间一个 One sandblasting workshop 酸洗槽一个One pickling tank 7300MM长length 950MM宽width 900MM高height 脱脂槽一个 One degreasing tank 7300MM长length 2300MM宽width 900MM高height 高压洁净水枪 流量200升/小时,压力为8公斤/厘米3 High-pressure

11、squirt gun with flow rate of 200L/hour and pressure of 8kg/cm3 行车或汽车吊(5T)一台 One traveling crane or truck crane (5t) 空气压缩机一台 流量10m3/min,压力为8公斤/厘米 One air compressor with flow rate of 10m3/second and pressure of 8kg/cm3 清洗场地:清洗场地分为清洗区和待清洗区2个区,该区域要求明确标识隔离Cleaning site: it was divided to 2 isolated area

12、s of cleaning and ready-for-cleaning with clear marks.4 人员培训:Personnel Training 所有从事清洗的人员都必须经过严格的培训,让他们了解清洗程序,清洁设备,用于清洗的清洁剂的使用方法以及清洗的安全常识。公司必须提供指定的安全手册给这些职员。建立各种必要的安全设施设备及个人防护用品,所有施工人员应了解各种工作存在的潜在危险,在施工过程中,施工人员正确配带PPE。All personnel implement cleaning must be trained strictly to know the cleaning pro

13、cess, equipment, cleaning agent application methods and safety common sense of cleaning. The company shall provide specified safety manual, apparatus and PPE; during construction, all personnel must understand any potential risks, properly wear PPE and take with safety manual. 从事氧清洁工作的工人应接受全面培训,要意识到

14、不充分不适当的清洁方法会产生严重的后果。All workers take charge of oxygen cleaning shall be trained overall to understand insufficient and unsuitable cleaning method will cause serious aftermath. 工人应穿上特定的工作服,工作时手必须戴干净防酸手套。为防止清洁液或清洗剂溅入眼睛,工作时应戴上有侧面罩的安全眼睛镜和面罩。During cleaning, the workers must wear special clothes, whose h

15、ands must be wear clean, acid-protection gloves; safety goggles with side covers shall be wore to avoid cleaning solution or agent splashed into eyes. 尽可能避免身体暴露部位接触清洗液,清洗时应戴上橡皮手套。所有氧化物溶剂吸入一定量时对人体有害,因此,当用氯化物进行清洗时应在室外或通风良好的条件下进行,或使用适当的呼吸器(如氧气面罩)。Minimize the contact between exposed parts of body and c

16、leaning solution, rubber gloves shall be applied. All oxide solutions are harmful for body, so cleaning with chlorides shall be executed outside or well-ventilated, or wear suitable breather (such as oxygen mask). 所有的装置,工具,化学物质要分开安全存放以保证安全,有毒,易燃的物质要有明显的危险标识。All device, tools and chemicals shall be s

17、tored separately to ensure their safety; toxic and flammable materials shall be marked clearly.5 污染物鉴定:Contaminant Identification 原材料表面携带的污染物,如油脂,碳氢化合物,防锈剂等应用黑光灯检测,是否有荧光反应。The contaminants on materials such as grease, hydrocarbon or anti-rust agent shall be inspected with Wood lamp if they appear fl

18、uorescence. 加工过程中触及的污染物。(如用于机械切割的冷却润滑油等,如荧光反应,应在此类润滑油中添加显荧光剂。)Contaminant produced during machining. (such as add fluorescent developer into cooling lubricant for mechanical cutting)6 清洗范围Cleaning Scope 管道材料脱脂、钝化。Piping Material Degreasing & Passivating 由于是新装置,管道及系统不需要进行除垢处理 Piping and system are no

19、t required to receive descaling as they are all new.7 清洗程序(SO):Oxygen Cleaning Procedure (SO)7.1 模块管道制造程序大体可分为:Fabricating procedure for module pipes shall be divided into: 7.2 材料的接受和检验(材料合格证或质保书)Material acceptance & inspection (material certificate or QA document) 班组领料Material issuance 所有的管件进行清洗Cl

20、eaning 下料Cutting 管段组对(管段不超过两个弯头)Spools fit-up (each spool shall not exceed 2 elbows) 管段彻底清洗(管段按要求先做NDE)Cleaning spools thoroughly (NDE first as per related requirements) 标识移植Marking transplant管道现场安装(注意保持管段内部清洁度)Installation on site (pay special attention to keep the inside cleanliness of pipes) 焊口检查

21、(PT/RT)Welds testing 管道试压Pressure Testing 验收Acceptance7.3 清洗的过程包括原材料的清洗,组装过程中的清洗和保护。对于碳钢材料的清洗我们采用喷砂除锈、脱脂的方法。对于不锈钢材料的清洗我们采用槽浸法,安装过程中,材料受到2次污染我们采用溶剂,异丙醇擦拭。The cleaning including the cleaning and protection for original materials and assembling process. Sandblasting and degreasing will be applied for C

22、S material and, tank soaking for SS material. During installation, solution or isopropyl alcohol wiping will be applied for secondary pollution.7.4 为了彻底地清洁管子与管件的主要污染物(油,灰尘,微粒,潮湿气体等),我们必须根据规范。In order to clean the main contaminants (grease, dust, particle moisture) of pipes and fittings thoroughly, w

23、e must fully follow the specifications associated. 对碳钢管道外部采用喷砂处理(同时内壁保持清洁)。Outer of CS pipes shall be subject to sandblasting (the inner wall should be kept clean meanwhile). 不锈钢采用化学溶液进行清洗,配制所需要的化学溶剂,管道和管件采用槽浸法,主要针对于1.5m直径以下的管道和管件的清洗。, The SS pipes shall be cleaned by means of chemical solutions: fi

24、rstly, prepare the solution as required, and then adopt soaking for pipes and fittings with diameter less than 1.5m.7.5 碳钢管的清洗CS Pipes Cleaning 喷砂处理应在适宜的温度条件和湿度下进行(温度高于10度,相对湿度低于70%)Sandblasting shall be executed in suitable temperature and humidity (temperature more than 10 and relative humidity le

25、ss than 70%). 对灰色金属采用喷砂处理是对清扫碳钢件的最佳方法。除了用无油、干燥的压缩空气吹扫、拖帚清扫彻底清除颗粒外,不必再用另外的清扫方法。因此对于碳钢管道均采用外喷沙的方式进行处理,管道喷砂应达到Sa2.5级标准。Sandblasting is the best way to clean CS material. Except for purging with dry oil-free air and cleaning particles with clean cloth, no need to use other cleaning methods. Therefore th

26、e first step for CS pipes is inside & outside sandblasting with grade Sa2.5. 喷沙后应用无油压缩空气将管道中的沙粒、铁锈等杂质吹扫干净。Blowing out the foreign matters such as dust and rust with compressed oil-free air after sandblasting. 清洁后的管道应立即进行保护,管口应密封以防止灰尘和潮湿气体进入。Cleaning finished pipes shall be protected immediately: clo

27、se pipe ends to prevent dust and moisture entering. 管道外部应立即刷上底漆,防止生锈。Primer shall be applied outside the pipes immediately to prevent rust. 检查方法Inspection Method 喷砂后的管道必须进行白光检查。The sandblasted pipes must be inspected with bright light. 喷砂施工要求Sandblasting Requirements 喷砂喷射只能由操作员进行操作。Sandblasting shal

28、l only be manual operated by specified operator. 注意按照EPI着装(不能渗透的连衫裤工作服,带袖子的手套,防滑底的靴子,带遮光眼罩的安全帽,降噪装置,甲子或皮革围裙)。Dress as per EPI (impervious one-piece suit, gloves with sleeves, non-skid boots, helmet with eyeshade, noise reduction device and armor /leather apron). 不锈钢管道,管件和1.5m以下直径管道的清洗工艺:(槽浸法)Oxygen

29、Cleaning (SO) Process for SS Pipe (Diameter Less than 1.5m) and Fitting: (Tank Soaking) 槽浸法中清洗液的配制;我们选择0的NaOH溶液作为脱脂剂,选择 HNO3作为钝化液对管道进行钝化。Cleaning solution preparation for tank soaking: 15-20% NaOH solution will be degreasing agent; 25-30% HNO3 solution will be passivation agent. 脱脂剂的配制方法:首先清洗工人将洁净水放

30、入到脱脂槽中,量出水的高度约为0.5m,然后将适量的固体NaOH溶于脱脂槽中,使溶液的浓度约为20%左右。Method of degreasing agent preparation: The cleaning worker input clean water into degreasing tank with height of about 0.5m, dissolve adequate solid NaOH in the tank with concentration about 20%.7.6 不锈钢管道管件的清洗;SS Pipe, Fitting and Vessel Cleaning

31、 对表面污渍,油斑较严重的部位,应先用尼龙毛刷和异丙醇反复刷洗For the place where has much dirt, oil and so on, it shall be brushed with nylon fiber brush and isopropyl alcohol again and again. 在常温下,将要清洗的材料浸入到脱脂槽中并记录开始时间,每隔20分钟翻转一次,共计1-2小时左右,目测管道管件的洁净度经目测合格后把脱脂后的材料放入到冲洗池中,用高压水枪进行冲洗,直到附着在上面的溶液和杂质全部冲洗干净。In the normal temperature, immerge the materials into degreasing tank and record the time started; turn them each 20 minutes in 1-2 hours; visual test the cleanliness ,if it is accepted, put the material degreased into flushing tank and flush with high-pressure squirt gun till clean off all the solution and

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