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高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第10练 人物传记类一1.docx

1、高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第10练 人物传记类一1 第10练 人物传记类(一)单词识记:honor humorousinspireintelligenceoutstanding personality ambitious backgroundpossess retire sacrifice volunteerwarmhearted prove qualification independenthonest contemporary educated coincidence短语扫描:be honored as 被誉为be active in 积极从事于be skilled in在方面熟练be

2、admitted into.考上do well in 在方面做得好dream of梦想admire sb./sth.for sth.因某事而羡慕某人/物learn from 向学习make great contributions to 对做出巨大贡献think highly/well of 对高度评价 跟踪训练.语境填词1I feel deeply _(honor) to have the opportunity to meet with you.2She was one of the most _(inspire) people Ive ever met.3_(person) arises

3、from within and makes us who we are.4Its important to answer her questions as _(honest) as you can.5The _(educate) middle class led the move towards independence.单项填空6They gave money to the old peoples home either_or through their companies.(2015安徽,31)Alegally BsincerelyCpersonally Ddeliberately7Lea

4、ving a promising career is just one of the _ which my mother made for my family as we moved around the worldAprograms BsacrificesCcontributions Dcooperation8It is pure _ that Richard and Julia have come up with the same approaches to the problem.Acoincidence BincidentCdilemma Doccasion9I think whoev

5、er makes_contributions to the company than the others should get_income.Agreater;a highest Bmore greater;a higherCgreater;the highest Dmore greater;the higher10Jenny was _ to hospital with a soaring temperature this morning.Really?Ill go to see her this evening.Aadmitted BsubmittedCdistributed Dsent

6、enced.完形填空(2016泰州一模)Kobe Bryant,a super basketball star,announced that he would retire at the end of the 20152016 season via a letter poem.In the letter,he _1_ the moment he started rolling his dads tube socks and shooting _2_ gamewinning shots,indicating his deep love for basketball. “This season i

7、s all I have left to give,” the 37yearold wrote.“My heart can take the pounding.My mind can _3_ the grind(苦差) but my _4_ knows its time to say goodbye.” As the only son of Joe Bryant,a former NBA player,Bryant was crazy about basketball and started _5_ in at 6,and his favorite team growing up was th

8、e Lakers.Bryant earned national _6_ during an amazing high school career and his basketball skills would have ensured _7_ to any college he chose,but he decided to go directly into the NBA.He finally made it and was _8_ out of high school in 1996 and was then traded to the Lakers,for which he has pl

9、ayed his entire career._9_,Bryant played limited minutes,but as the season continued,he began to see some more playing time and in his second season,he began to show more of his abilities as a talented young guard.The 19981999 season _10_ Bryants appearance as a premier guard in the league._11_,even

10、 at an early stage of his career,sports writers were comparing his skills to those of Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson.There are always different interpretations of Bryant,making him the most _12_ figure in modern sports,a combination of hero and villain(反面人物)He received criticism for getting his _1

11、3_ in the games,completely neglecting his teammates;he was suspended _14_ deliberately breaking rules;he was even charged by the court with sex assault._15_,with 17 NBA AllStar selections,five NBA championships with the Lakers,two Olympic gold medals,Kobe has brought his fans _16_ memories.His best

12、days are long _17_ him indeed,but the way he approaches the game as well as life is always glamorous.Weve always known,and _18_ are mentally prepared,that one day Kobe Bryant will not be _19_.Yet his retirement note still caught us off guard.It simply _20_ when farewell words are uttered(说出) from on

13、e of the alltime greats in basketball.1A.remembered BrecalledCrecorded Dretold2A.imaginary BsuccessfulCpractical Dcritical3A.treat BoperateCassess BsoulCbody Dteammates5A.involving BdivingCparticipating Dthrowing6A.confirmation BrecognitionCrealization Drecommendation7A.permission Bo

14、ccupationCadmission Dsubmission8A.drafted BregisteredCsubstituted Demployed9A.Previously BFirstlyCBasically DInitially10A.represented BsymbolizedCmarked Dreflected11A.In addition BIn factCTherefore DThen12A.outstanding BridiculousCcontroversial Dauthentic13A.way Bscores Cmanner respon

15、se to Bin terms ofCon account of Din case of15A.Instead BBesidesCOtherwise DHowever16A.boring BdisappointingCshocking Dthrilling17A.above Bbefore Cbehind Dbeyond18A.more or less Bsooner or laterCnow and then Dby and by19A.around Bhere Cthere Bhurts Csuffers Dcounts.阅读理解(2016盐城三模)In 1

16、946,Will Thomas decided he did not wish to live in his native land any longer and that he would take his wife and children to Haiti,where as Negroes in a Negro republic,they would be free of racial prejudice and their opportunities would be limited only by their ability to use them.He does not belie

17、ve he need detail the reasons behind this unhappy decision,except to say that being considered and treated as an inferior on every level of life can become intolerable,especially when it is by ones race rather than his individual worth that he is prejudged and condemned.When he reached this point,he

18、 had become an unbeliever in both God and country,for it seemed to him that racial segregation and all that it implied was as rigid on the spiritual as on the ordinary practical life.And so finally he made the decision to leave his native land permanently.Love of country,Thomas found,can be very dee

19、p,very strong.So he thought to make one final try in his motherland for the equality of status which he considered he had been denied;and he chose Vermont for the experiment.Thomas reasoned that because of its great traditions of personal freedom there was at least a chance that he and his family mi

20、ght find there what they so yearned for,and they did.In the small farming community where they settled,they were accepted on a basis of individuality unqualified by race.However,it is not that which now seems most important to him.It is,rather,that in such a friendly atmosphere,and amid the quiet of

21、 a beautiful countryside,it was possible to think calmly,and gradually to gain understandings by which Thomas believes he can live in peace with other men,and with himself,for the rest of his life.One of these understandings is that unless one seeks sincerely for whatever it is he most wants,he sure

22、ly will not find it,and that what he really had been seeking most of his life was not what he wanted but instead was justification for the resentments he felt.This is not to say there was not cause for those resentments,but rather that he had so concentrated upon them he could not see that the pictu

23、re was not all badthat in fact,there was considerable good in it.Thomas had condemned his country and his religion because he viewed only what seemed wrong in both.But when he was able to remove the blinds of his own prejudice,it became clear that these failures,these flaws in church and state,were

24、human failures,human flaws,and not mere selfwilled bigotry;and that within each there were,and there always had been,many who had worked and fought for what was right.Thomas thinks the core of his earlier bitterness had been the conviction that he had been denied his birthright of human dignity.But

25、he knows now that is something which cannot be given or taken away by man.It has been written that he who seeks shall find,and that to him who asks,it shall be given.And he can only testify that when he did seek,he did find;and that when he asked,it was given to him.And he knows that only the God he

26、 once denied could bestow such precious gifts.21What made Will Thomas decide to escape his native land in 1946?ADisappointment with God.BEquality in a Negro republic.CRacial discrimination.DLack of individual worth.22Where should the sentence “However,he did not do it.” be placed?ABetween Paragraphs

27、 1 and 2.BBetween Paragraphs 2 and 3.CBetween Paragraphs 3 and 4.DBetween Paragraphs 4 and 5.23By writing the passage,the author intended to _.Aquestion human failures and flawsBsuggest how to fight for human dignityCcall on more people to condemn racismDshow transformation in thinking Thomas underw

28、ent答案精析第10练人物传记类(一)高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练.1.honored2.inspiring3.Personality4.honestly5.educated.6.C考查副词辨析。句意为:他们或者亲自或者通过他们的公司给敬老院送钱。legally合法地,法律上;sincerely真诚地,由衷地,诚恳地;personally亲自,当面,个别地,就自己而言;deliberately故意地,谨慎地,慎重地。根据through their companies可知personally为正确答案。7B因为我们要不停地搬家,所以母亲常常要离开自己很有前途的工作。这是她为这个家所做的牺牲

29、之一。program节目;sacrifice牺牲;contribution贡献;cooperation合作。8A句意为:这纯粹是巧合,Richard和Julia提出了解决这个问题的同一个方法。coincidence巧合;incident小事,事变;dilemma困境;occasion场合。故选A。9Cmore不可修饰比较级,排除B、D两项。greater.than the others是用比较级形式表示最高级意义,后面也用最高级,且最高级前要用定冠词the。10A句意为:珍妮因为今天早上发高烧而被送进了医院。真的吗?今晚我要去看她。admit接收;submit提交;distribute分配;s

30、entence判处。由句意可知选A项。知识运用与阅读能力专练.语篇解读 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。NBA的超级巨星科比布莱恩特是历史上最伟大的球星之一,虽然他也有自己的不足,但他的球技和所取得的辉煌战绩仍征服了无数的球迷。当他退役的那一天真的来临时,球迷们还是感到难以接受,伤心不已。1B根据空后的“the moment he started rolling his dads tube socks”可知,这里应该是回忆(recall)他是如何喜欢上篮球的。2A根据语境和空后的“gamewinning shots”可知,投进制胜球只能是想象出来的(imaginary)。3D根据本句中的but可知,虽然布莱恩特的思想还能够控制球,但到了离开的时候了。handle应付,对付。4C根据本句中的mind可知,只有body能够与之相对应。5B根据上文的crazy可知答案。dive in开始参加某项活动,为不及物短语。6B根据空后的“during an amazing high school career”可知,布莱恩特的精彩表现使他赢得了全国的认可(recognition)。7C根据空后的“to any college”可知,布莱恩特的篮球技巧可以确保他被任何大学录取(admission)。8A根据下文的“was t

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