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1、英语全套试题3大学英语四级新题型预测模拟试卷(三)大学英语4级考试College English Model Test ThreeBand FourPart Writing(30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirtyminutes to write a letter to your American friendLawrence, to introduce Spring Festival in China andinvite him to join you to spend this Spring Festival.

2、Suppose you are Yuan Chao. You should write at least120 words following the suggestions given below inChinese:1. 表达你对Lawrence的想念之情;2. 介绍中国的春节;3. 邀请Lawrence和你们一起过春节。提示:在实考试卷中,该试题在答题卡1上。A Letter to LawrenceSeptember 23, 2005Dear Lawrence, Yours,Yuan ChaoWatch out for Falling SatellitesWhat is happenin

3、g? An out-of-control US spy satellite will crash to Earth in the coming months, government officials say. The satellite is large enough that debris (残骸) are likely to survive atmospheric re-entry and strike the Earth, sometime in late February or early March, says Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for th

4、e National Security Council. Is that normal?“This is relatively routine in that satellites deorbit all the time,” says Johndroe. Pieces of uncontrolled debris heavier than two tonnes mostly discarded rocket stages crash to Earth as often as once every three weeks, says Jonathan McDowell, an astronom

5、er and launch observer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Many discarded pieces retain some power, so that controllers on Earth can guide them to a point far from human habitation, usually using a final dive into an ocean.In 2001, Russian space officials

6、broke up the old Mir space station in this way over the South Pacific. Thats not the case for this US one, however.“Obviously, we want to take a look at the potential for it to land in a populated area,” says Johndroe. “As background, Id like to say that over the past 30 plus years, there have been

7、many satellites and other man-made objects falling from space of course, they falling with very little damage and no injuries. What makes this case a little bit different, however, and in particular for the president in his consideration, was the likelihood that the satellite, upon descent to the Ea

8、rths surface, could release much of its thousand-plus pounds of hydrazine (联氨) fuel as a toxic gas.”What are the chances of it crashing through my roof?Exceedingly slim, says McDowell. Remember that some 70% of the Earth is water, and most lands are void of people. “There is no reason for people to

9、get alarmed about it,” he says.According to the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office, there have been no confirmed instances of serious property damage or injury caused by crashing debris in 40 years. The likelihood of the satellite falling in a populated area is small, and the extent and duration of

10、toxic hydrazine in the atmosphere would be quite limited; nevertheless, if the satellite did fall in a populated area, there was a possibility of death or injury to human beings beyond that associated with the fall of satellites and other space objects normally, if we can use that word. Specifically

11、, there was enough of a risk for the president to be quite concerned about human life, and on that basis, he asks us to reviewour options.What is this satellite?Since it is a spy satellite, this isnt public information. But it is likely to be USA 193, which, according to news reports, was launched a

12、t the end of 2006 for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and which was lost to ground-based controllers upon reaching orbit. At the time, amateur sky watchers noticed that its orbit was slightly off and wasnt being corrected. Based on the slight losses in altitude, they had predicted an eventu

13、al crash this spring, McDowell says.If the dying satellite is indeed USA 193, its specifications can be better defined. USA 193 was launched on a Boeing Delta 2 rocket, which limits the size of the satellite to between two and four tonnes and five or six meters in length about the size of a minivan,

14、 McDowell says. This satellite is now at an altitude of 250 kilometers and is falling a kilometer per day. It orbits in the mid-latitudes, between 58 degrees north and south. Where it will fall within that range is impossible to know now, so McDowell says the chance of landing in the United States,

15、for example, is 2%, based on area. Better estimates should be available a day before landing. Is the “minivan-sized” satellite a big one?Nowhere near as big as a satellite that fell uncontrollably in 1979: the more-than-70-tonne US Skylab I crashed through the atmosphere and scattered debris across

16、the Indian Ocean and Western Australia.What will happen to this one on entry?The atmosphere will tear up the satellite. Aluminium parts and outer layers will burn. Twisted chunks of heavier pieces, like the fuel tank, could survive. McDowell says that the satellite could contain as much as a tonne o

17、f hydrazine, a highly toxic propellant (燃料) which could be hazardous to be near but not dangerous when dispersed in the atmosphere.Have bits of satellites survived re-entry intact before?Yes. The NASA Orbital Debris Program Office hosts some pictures of pretty big chunks, including: a 250-kilogram s

18、teel fuel tank and a 30-kilogram titanium (钛) tank of a launch vehicle that both landed in Texas in 1997, and a 70-kilogram titanium rocket motor casing that landed in Saudi Arabia in 2001. One noteworthy ill-fated satellite actually crash landed through the roof of a workshop supporting its launch

19、in 2006, having fallen from a botched (拙劣的) take-off.How many things are there that could potentially fall out of orbit?The NASA Orbital Debris Program Office says there are some 11,000 objects bigger than 10 centimeters tracked by the US Space Surveillance Network. Of course, the biggest man-made o

20、bject in the sky, by far, is the International Space Station. Nearly 45 meters long and more than 200 tonnes heavy, the concern about the ISS is in protecting it from debris, rather than worrying about it becoming debris itself. If it lands in the middle of nowhere, does it matter?While the impact i

21、s likely to be a nonevent, the falling satellite does serve as a reminder that the NRO the United States “eyes and ears in space” is having a bad time of things. In 2005, the NRO cancelled a next-generation reconnaissance(侦察) technology project, called Future Imagery Architecture, after Boeing had s

22、pent more than 4 billion on it, according to the New York Times. “The NRO has had a bad decade,” says Jeffrey Lewis, a space policy analyst at the New America Foundation in Washington DC. “We knew this satellite has been dead for a long time. But it reminds us of how much trouble theyve had.”1. When

23、 will the disabled US spy satellite crash to Earth?A) Sometime in next March. B) Perhaps in next February.C) On the first day of February. D) Maybe in early March.2. McDowell says that most of the heaviest uncontrolled debris crashing to Earth _.A) are satellites which have deorbitedB) are then disc

24、arded in three weeksC) come from rocket launchingsD) still have power to use3. Why does Johndroe say that the coming crash of the spy satellite is different?A) It will bring very little damage.B) It may release much toxic gas.C) It may land in a populated area.D) It has bothered the president.4. How

25、 would McDowell like the idea that people should be warned of the coming crash?A) It is a good idea.B) It is reasonable.C) It is useless.D) It is unnecessary.5. Who had predicted the crash of USA 193 before the government uncovered it?A) Amateur sky watchers.B) Jonathan McDowell.C) Gordon Johndroe.D

26、) Ground-based controllers.6. What do we know about the satellite USA 193?A) It is five or six meters long.B) It is of the same shape of a small van.C) It is very likely to land in America.D) It is more than 70 tonnes.7. Which part of the dying satellite could survive atmospheric re-entry?A) The Alu

27、minium parts.B) The propellant container.C) The outer layers.D) The 250-kilogram steel fuel tank.8. According to McDowell, the propellant of USA 193 satellite could lose its toxicity when it is .9. To protect the ISS, the US Space Surveillance Network should try to keep it from .10. The dead and fal

28、ling US spy satellite reminds people that the NRO is in big now.Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your cho

29、ices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.What is it about America

30、ns and food? We love to eat, but we feel47 about it afterward. We say we want only the best, but we strangely enjoy junk food. Were48 with health and weight loss but face an unprecedented epidemic of obesity(肥胖). Perhaps the49 to this ambivalence(矛盾情结) lies in our history. The first Europeans came t

31、o this continent searching for new spices but went in vain. The first cash crop(经济作物) wasnt eaten but smoked. Then there was Prohibition, intended to prohibit drinking but actually encouraging more50 ways of doing it. The immigrant experience, too, has been one of inharmony. Do as Romans do means ea

32、ting what “real Americans” eat, but our nations food has come to be51 by importspizza, say, or hot dogs. And some of the countrys most treasured cooking comes from people who arrived here in shackles. Perhaps it should come as no surprise then that food has been a medium for the nations defining struggles, whether at the Boston Tea Party or the sitins at southern lunch counters. It is integral to our concepts of health and even morality whether one refrains from alcohol

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