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1、ACM杯比赛往年试题集锦参赛资格与报名:1、参赛者的范围包括:各高校在校本科生、硕士生、博士生,以及被北京大学预录取的应届高三保送生。其他人员如欲报名,请先询组委会。2、竞赛以组队形式进行,每支队伍一名、两名或三名队员,设队长一名。3、参赛队在截止时间前下载报名表并提交,组委会在收到报名后会给予回复。4、外校参赛队如有需要,可向组委会申请提供邀请函。5、本次竞赛不收取报名费。竞赛流程与规则:1、参赛者应当在竞赛的前一天查看竞赛网站,或检查报名时所留的邮箱,以了解第二天竞赛细节方面可能的变动,并阅读最新通知。2、参赛者须携带以下证件进入考场: * 校园卡或学生证(北京大学在校生) * 学生证,和

2、有效身份证件(其它高校在校生) * 学生证、北京大学预录取通知书,和有效身份证件(应届高三保送生) 有效身份证件,是指以下证件之一:身份证、护照、往来港澳通行证,或户口簿(仅适用于未满16周岁的参赛者)。3、参赛者可以携带书、手册、英语词典、程序清单等纸质参考资料;但不得携带任何电子媒质的资料,例如移动硬盘、U盘、光盘、电子词典等。4、每支队伍只能使用一台计算机,所有队伍使用计算机的规格配置均相同。5、竞赛时可能会提供打印服务,参赛者可向赛场工作人员提出。6、竞赛当天提供饮用水、巧克力(或其它食品),无需自备午餐。评奖:1、参赛队正确解答试题的数量,是评奖的依据。2、如果多支队伍解题数量相同,

3、则根据总用时加上惩罚时间进行排名。总用时和惩罚时间由每道解答正确的试题的用时加上惩罚时间组成。每道试题用时将从竞赛开始到试题解答被判定为正确为止,期间每一次错误的提交将被加罚20分钟时间,未正确解答的试题不计时。3、竞赛设一、二、三等奖,具体数量由组委会在竞赛结束后,根据结果决定。4、竞赛设最佳女生奖,颁给排名最高的女生队。所谓女生队,是指所有队员均为女生的参赛队。硬件平台: CPU 3.0GHz(HT) RAM 1GB 硬盘 80GB 显示器 17英寸 键盘 国际标准键盘 鼠标 光电鼠标软件平台: Windows 2000 Professional 或 Windows XP Microsof

4、t Visual C+ 6.0 Eclipse 3.2 Dev-C+ AreaTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 6845Accepted: 1856DescriptionYou are going to compute the area of a special kind of polygon. One vertex of the polygon is the origin of the orthogonal coordinate system. From this vertex, you may

5、go step by step to the following vertexes of the polygon until back to the initial vertex. For each step you may go North, West, South or East with step length of 1 unit, or go Northwest, Northeast, Southwest or Southeast with step length of square root of 2. For example, this is a legal polygon to

6、be computed and its area is 2.5: InputThe first line of input is an integer t (1 = t = 20), the number of the test polygons. Each of the following lines contains a string composed of digits 1-9 describing how the polygon is formed by walking from the origin. Here 8, 2, 6 and 4 represent North, South

7、, East and West, while 9, 7, 3 and 1 denote Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest respectively. Number 5 only appears at the end of the sequence indicating the stop of walking. You may assume that the input polygon is valid which means that the endpoint is always the start point and the side

8、s of the polygon are not cross to each other.Each line may contain up to 1000000 digits.OutputFor each polygon, print its area on a single line.Sample Input4582567256244865Sample Output000.52SourcePOJ Monthly-2004.05.15 Liu RujiaPOJSubmit Go Back Status Discuss Home Page Go BackTo topAll Rights Rese

9、rved 2003-2007 Ying Fuchen,Xu Pengcheng,Xie DiAny problem, Please Contact Balancing ActTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 4447Accepted: 1756DescriptionConsider a tree T with N (1 = N = 20,000) nodes numbered 1.N. Deleting any node from the tree yields a forest: a collection of

10、one or more trees. Define the balance of a node to be the size of the largest tree in the forest T created by deleting that node from T. For example, consider the tree: Deleting node 4 yields two trees whose member nodes are 5 and 1,2,3,6,7. The larger of these two trees has five nodes, thus the bal

11、ance of node 4 is five. Deleting node 1 yields a forest of three trees of equal size: 2,6, 3,7, and 4,5. Each of these trees has two nodes, so the balance of node 1 is two. For each input tree, calculate the node that has the minimum balance. If multiple nodes have equal balance, output the one with

12、 the lowest number. InputThe first line of input contains a single integer t (1 = t = 20), the number of test cases. The first line of each test case contains an integer N (1 = N = 20,000), the number of congruence. The next N-1 lines each contains two space-separated node numbers that are the endpo

13、ints of an edge in the tree. No edge will be listed twice, and all edges will be listed.OutputFor each test case, print a line containing two integers, the number of the node with minimum balance and the balance of that node.Sample Input172 61 21 44 53 73 1Sample Output1 2SourcePOJ Monthly-2004.05.1

14、5 IOI 2003 sample taskSubmit Go Back Status Discuss Home Page Go BackTo topAll Rights Reserved 2003-2007 Ying Fuchen,Xu Pengcheng,Xie DiAny prCounting BlackTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 6990Accepted: 4448DescriptionThere is a board with 100 * 100 grids as shown below. The

15、left-top gird is denoted as (1, 1) and the right-bottom grid is (100, 100). We may apply three commands to the board: 1. WHITE x, y, L / Paint a white square on the board, / the square is defined by left-top grid (x, y) / and right-bottom grid (x+L-1, y+L-1)2. BLACK x, y, L / Paint a black square on

16、 the board, / the square is defined by left-top grid (x, y) / and right-bottom grid (x+L-1, y+L-1)3. TEST x, y, L / Ask for the number of black grids / in the square (x, y)- (x+L-1, y+L-1) In the beginning, all the grids on the board are white. We apply a series of commands to the board. Your task i

17、s to write a program to give the numbers of black grids within a required region when a TEST command is applied. InputThe first line of the input is an integer t (1 = t = 100), representing the number of commands. In each of the following lines, there is a command. Assume all the commands are legal

18、which means that they wont try to paint/test the grids outside the board.OutputFor each TEST command, print a line with the number of black grids in the required region.Sample Input5BLACK 1 1 2BLACK 2 2 2TEST 1 1 3WHITE 2 1 1TEST 1 1 3Sample Output76SourcePOJ Monthly-2004.05.15 Liu RujiaPOJSubmit Go

19、 Back Status Discuss Home Page Go BackTo topAll Rights Reserved 2003-2007 Ying Fuchen,Xu Pengcheng,Xie DiAny problem, Please Distance on ChessboardTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 16356Accepted: 5719Description国际象棋的棋盘是黑白相间的8 * 8的方格,棋子放在格子中间。如下图所示: 王、后、车、象的走子规则如下: 王:横、直、斜都可以走,

20、但每步限走一格。 后:横、直、斜都可以走,每步格数不受限制。 车:横、竖均可以走,不能斜走,格数不限。 象:只能斜走,格数不限。写一个程序,给定起始位置和目标位置,计算王、后、车、象从起始位置走到目标位置所需的最少步数。 Input第一行是测试数据的组数t(0 = t = 20)。以下每行是一组测试数据,每组包括棋盘上的两个位置,第一个是起始位置,第二个是目标位置。位置用字母-数字的形式表示,字母从a到h,数字从1到8。 Output对输入的每组测试数据,输出王、后、车、象所需的最少步数。如果无法到达,就输出Inf.Sample Input2a1 c3f5 f8Sample Output2 1

21、 2 13 1 1 InfSourcePOJ Monthly-2004.05.15 Liu RujiaPOJSubmit Go Back Status Discuss Home Page Go BackTo topAll Rights Reserved 2003-2007 Ying Fuchen,Xu Pengcheng,Xie DiAny problem, Please Contact Evas ProblemTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 12313Accepted: 7497DescriptionEva的家

22、庭作业里有很多数列填空练习。填空练习的要求是:已知数列的前四项,填出第五项。因为已经知道这些数列只可能是等差或等比数列,她决定写一个程序来完成这些练习。Input第一行是数列的数目t(0 = t = 20)。以下每行均包含四个整数,表示数列的前四项。约定数列的前五项均为不大于105的自然数,等比数列的比值也是自然数。Output对输入的每个数列,输出它的前五项。Sample Input21 2 3 41 2 4 8Sample Output1 2 3 4 51 2 4 8 16SourcePOJ Monthly-2004.05.15 NullSubmit Go Back Status Disc

23、uss Home Page Go BackTo topAll Rights Reserved 2003-2007 Ying Fuchen,Xu Pengcheng,Xie DiAny problem, Please Contact Frogs NeighborhoodTime Limit: 5000MSMemory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 2985Accepted: 1242Special JudgeDescription未名湖附近共有N个大小湖泊L1, L2, ., Ln(其中包括未名湖),每个湖泊Li里住着一只青蛙Fi(1 i N)。如果湖泊Li和L

24、j之间有水路相连,则青蛙Fi和Fj互称为邻居。现在已知每只青蛙的邻居数目x1, x2, ., xn,请你给出每两个湖泊之间的相连关系。Input第一行是测试数据的组数T(0 T 20)。每组数据包括两行,第一行是整数N(2 N 10),第二行是N个整数,x1, x2,., xn(0 xi N)。Output对输入的每组测试数据,如果不存在可能的相连关系,输出NO。否则输出YES,并用NN的矩阵表示湖泊间的相邻关系,即如果湖泊i与湖泊j之间有水路相连,则第i行的第j个数字为1,否则为0。每两个数字之间输出一个空格。如果存在多种可能,只需给出一种符合条件的情形。相邻两组测试数据之间输出一个空行。S

25、ample Input374 3 1 5 4 2 1 64 3 1 4 2 0 62 3 1 1 2 1 Sample OutputYES0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOYES0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 SourcePOJ Monthly-2004.05.15 AlcyonepkuSubmit Go Back St

26、atus Discuss Home Page Go BackTo topAll Rights Reserved 2003-2007 Ying Fuchen,Xu Pengcheng,Xie DiPrincess FroGTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 1115Accepted: 464DescriptionLong, long ago there was a monster lived in Adventure Castle of Magic. One day he saw that the prince Inf

27、ante Concord and his wife Princess Charm were living so sweet a life. Couldnt help becoming jealous, he used his powerful magic to turn the prince to an ugly frog. The brave and smart princess made up her mind to rescue her husband. After overcomed thousands of difficulties and challenges, she final

28、ly arrived at the Adventure Castle of Magic. When she saw her dearest handsome husband had become an ugly and awful frog by the curse of the monster, her heart almost broken. The monster gave her a very hard puzzle as a condition to exchange the prince. The princess was required to choose the right

29、ones from some given ropes. A right rope means that the rope wouldnt make a knot by pulling up its two ends. If the princess chose all the right ones, the curse would disappear and the price would be rescued, otherwise he would be strangled to death. In order to rescue her husband, without hesitatio

30、n, the princess accepted the challenge. Here are two example ropes. Figure_1 is a right rope while Figure_2 is not a right rope: Figure_1InputThe first line of the input is an integer t (1 = t = 20), representing the number of ropes. Each of the following lines describes a rope. We describe the rope by pointing out the cr

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