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1、科技英语阅读考试试题Unit 12(2).There is an increasing amount of evidence that successful organizations put people first. Why? 越来越多的例子证明,成功的组织都是以人为本的。为什么?3.Astute(adj.敏锐的,精明的) managers have come to learn that their organizations employees are its only true competitive advantage.因为精明的经理人们已经认识到他们企业的员工才是它们唯一真正的竞争

2、优势。5.But whats far more difficult to emulate(v.仿真,竞争,努力赶上,赶超=imitate)is a workforce made up of highly knowledgeable and motivated people.但却很难效仿的是拥有一支由专业素质高和工作动机强的人组成的劳动力队伍。6.The characteristic that differentiates successful companies from their less successful counterparts in almost every industry i

3、s the quality of the people theyre able to get and keep. 几乎在所有的行业,那些成功的公司之所以超越它们的对手们,主要的区别就在于他们所能够得到和留住想要的人。12.(4) People-first organizations empower(v.使能够)their employees. They push authority and responsibility down to the lowest levels. 第四,以人为本的公司将权力下放给员工。它们将权力和义务下放到公司的最底层。13(4).Organizations that

4、 put people first have a more dedicated(adj.奉献的,忠诚的=devoted) and committed(adj.=devoted尽忠的,坚定地)workforce. 那些奉行以人为本的组织拥有一支更敬业、更忠诚的工作团队。15.These employees are willing to put forth(拿出,发挥) the extra effort to do whatever is necessary to see that their jobs are done properly and completely.这些员工会愿意做出更大的努力

5、为了准确彻底地完成他们的工作,他们会全力以赴。25.It is a total coffee experience which encompasse(v.=constitute=have=include包含,包括)everything from the decor of the retail locations and the music played within to the attitude of the Starbucks employees (known as “partners”), and even to the companys desire to give back to t

6、he communities it serves. 而是一种完整的咖啡经验,包括零售站的装潢、背景音乐的播放、星巴克员工的态度、以及公司渴望对它所服务的社会做出的回馈。26(8).Since itsinception(n.=beginning开始,建立之初), it has been the Starbucks employees who have helped drive the success of the company.从公司创建伊始到现在,星巴克的员工一直都是公司成功的主要推动者。27.But it was probably Howard Schultz who started th

7、e ignition(n.点发,开启 v.点火,激发,触发). 然而,是霍华德舒尔茨,真正地开启了它。29.As director of retail operations and marketing he was influential in the move to provide Starbucks coffee to fine restaurants and espresso(n.浓咖啡)bars throughout Seattle. 作为零售及市场总监,他开始向西雅图的餐馆和咖啡店销售星巴克咖啡,他的这一决定意义重大。30(9)A year after he joined the c

8、ompany a visit to Milan, Italy inspired(v.给启发) Schultz to bring the Italian coffee-bar concept back to Seattle and put it into action(=put sth into practice 实施施行)in a new Starbucks location. 舒尔茨加入公司一年后去米兰出差。意大利给了舒尔茨以启发,他将意大利咖啡吧的概念带回西雅图,并付诸实践开了一家新的咖啡店。31.It was a new foray(n.开创性的尝试,冒险) for the compan

9、y which previously had only provided freshly roasted beans for sale.这对于之前只销售新鲜的烘焙咖啡豆的公司来说是一个新的冲击。32.However, the overwhelming success of the espresso bar concept led Schultz to found Il Giornale, an espresso bar which offered brewed(v.泡,煮) coffee and espresso beverages made using Starbucks coffee be

10、ans. 然而,舒尔茨的咖啡吧理念大获成功,他建立了每日咖啡厅,专门经营用星巴克咖啡豆煮出的咖啡和浓缩咖啡。38(12).At the store level, Starbucks has been successful in bucking(v.=resist oppose抵制,反抗)the norm at most retail service environments where employeeturnover(n.营业额,人员流动) is high and competence(=ability n.工作能力)or enthusiasm (n.热情)is waning. (wane

11、v. 减少)在店面层次,星巴克成功地抑制了在多数零售店普遍存在的员工流动率高、工作能力低或工作热情弱等问题。41.“Were fortunate that the turnover of managers and hourly employees is probably one of the best in the industry,” explained Richards. “非常幸运,我们的管理人员和钟点工的流动量可能是业内最好的,”理查德解释道。45(16).New store-level partners are welcomed into the Starbucks communit

12、y with a week-long indoctrination(n.教导,教化) into the cultural aspects of the company. 新店面的店员会被送到星巴克社区接受为期一周的有关公司企业文化方面的教育。46.The technical aspects of the job those that relate to beverage preparation, for instance are covered. From there, it is the managers responsibility to follow up with in-store m

13、odules(n.模块) for ongoing training in specific areas. 包括工作技术方面的知识,例如,饮品的准备。接着,各个区域的经理再根据店面的模式情况对其进行不间断的后续培训。47(17).All full-and part-time partners who work at least 20 hours a week are offered a full slate(n.候选人名单)of generous benefits. 所有的全职或兼职合作伙伴,只要一周工作满20 小时,就可以享受一整套优厚的福利待遇.49.Loyalty and a sense

14、of belonging are further emphasized in open forums where employees,regardless of(=in spite of 不顾,不管)position, are encouraged to bring their suggestions or concerns to the attention of corporate management. 员工对公司的忠诚度和归属感通过公开论坛得到了进一步加强,在论坛中员工无论职位高低都可以发表他们各自对公司管理的建议和关注。50.Often it is the barista who is

15、 the impetus(n.动力,促进)for a change simply because he or she is the one on the front line dealing with customers on a daily basis. 通常咖啡师都是创新的主力军,因为他/她每天在第一线与顾客们打交道。54.Starbucks also distributes annual Bean Stock reports to all partners and the company publishes Pinnacle, a newsletter that spotlights c

16、ompany performance as well as the activities of individual partners company wide. 星巴克还将每年的咖啡豆股票报告发给所有的合伙人,并出版一本名为尖峰的新闻通讯,它会对公司的运营和业绩以及全公司每一个合伙人的表现进行特别报导.55.Starbucks is also taking advantage of videos and teleconferencing to reach out to(=give help to帮助)its partners.星巴克现在还利用视频和电话会议的形式与它的合伙人们进行联络。56(

17、19).Being on the front line requires communication, be it communication in training employees to perform their job properly, or communication with customers.沟通对于销售第一线来说非常必要,正是沟通才使员工通过培训后能够准确无误地完成他们的工作,或者是与顾客的沟通。57.“Starbucks partners are always on the go(非常繁忙或活跃). Customer flow is quite steady, and

18、they have to perform tasks requiring a bit of knowledge,” Richards explained“星巴克的合作伙伴一直都是忙忙碌碌。顾客流动量非常稳定,他们要完成一些任务,必须要具备一定的知识,”理查德解释道,58.“Because of the way the service line is set up,partners must interact with (=communicate with )each other to complete a task, creating a sense of teamwork.“因为服务台设计的

19、方式,这些合作伙伴必须相互合作才能完成一个任务,这样就会形成一种团队合作感.59.Customers shift from station to station, coming into contact with(与接触,联系) several employees during one transaction(n.交易,业务).顾客从一个台子到另一个台子,在消费过程中他们会接触几位员工。65.Although plant managers and supervisors are responsible for the initial organization of the teams, par

20、tners are encouraged to take over(接管)the day-to-day workings of the teams including decision-making.尽管烘焙厂的经理和总监们会负责最初工作团队的组建,但他们会鼓励合伙人负责团队的日常工作,包括决策在内。68.The result is a superior(adj.较高的,较好的)product,coupled with(外加,加上)customer service that is truly caring and responsive. 结果是上乘的产品,加上真正体贴入微、有求必应的顾客服务。

21、69.The icing on the cake is sales growth of 65 percent a year over the last years while net income skyrockets(v.飞涨猛升) by 70 to 100 percent a year.令人欣慰的是,它的年销售量每年增加百分之六十五,净收入每年增涨百分之七十到百分之百。70(22).All in all(总之), Starbucks offers an amazingly diverse range of opportunities and benefits to its partners

22、.总之,星巴克为它的合作伙伴提供各种不同的机会和福利。71. Its little wonder that new stores continue to open at the rate of(以的速度/比例)three to five every week, and employees are making careers at Starbucks instead of dropping out(离开,退出,掉出).难怪新的店面继续以每周3 至5 个的速度不断涌现,同时它的员工也选择在星巴克成就他们的事业而不是离开。Unit31(1).A recent simulation(n.演习,仿真,

23、模仿=imitation)of a devastating (致命的)cyberattack on America was crying for(迫切需要=in great need) a Bruce Willis lead: A series of mysterious attacks crippled(s使.变残疾=damage=destroy) much of the national infrastructure, including air traffic, financial markets and even basic email. 最近一场模拟美国遭受毁灭性网络攻击的演习急需布

24、鲁斯威利斯(曾在小电脑客马特福斯特的专业帮助下,打破了一个异国客天衣无缝的电脑系统入侵计划)这样的一个具有高精尖电脑技术的人的帮助:由于一系列神秘的攻击,国家基础设施陷入瘫痪,包括航空运输,金融市场,甚至是基本的电子通信。2.If this was not bad enough, an unrelated electricity outage(停电)took down (拆掉,拆除)whatever remained of the already unplugged(v.电力中断,断电)East Coast.如果这还不够糟糕,那么一段与神秘攻击毫不相干的电力断供期的出现,让已经无电力供应的东部

25、沿海地区停止运转。4.The American government appeared incompetent(不胜任的), indecisive(犹豫不决的) and confused (past government officials, including former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff and former Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, were recruited to play this glamorous(有魅力的,吸引人的)role on TV)

26、. “The U.S. is unprepared for cyberwar,” the simulations organizers grimly concluded. 美国政府显得不够胜任,不够关注并且有些管理混乱。(历来的政府官员,包括前任国家安全部秘书迈克儿舍特奥夫,前任州政府秘书代理人乃格尔包特都加入模拟实战通过电视宣传它的重要作用)模拟的组织者们坚定地下了这样的结论:美国尚未做好网络之战的准备。5(3).The past few months have been packed with(=be filled with挤满着,充满着)cyber-jingoism from forme

27、r and current national security officials.这几个月以来,到处充斥着来自前任和现任国家安全官员的网络主战论。8. Speaking in late April, Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta said that “the next Pearl Harbor is likely to be a cyberattacking going after our grid(n.电网).”四月,中央情报局理事里奥番奈特说道:“下一个网络攻击的“珍珠港”事件很可能会进入我们的领地。”9(4).The mur

28、ky(模糊的,不清楚的=gloomy)nature of recent attacks on Googlein which someone tricked(teicksb into sth/doing sth用计诱使用某人做某事) a Google employee into opening a malicious(adj恶意的=hostile敌对的) link that eventually allowed intruders to access parts of Googles password-managing software, has only added to public fea

29、rs. 近期对于谷歌的隐形侵袭过程只能加重公众的担忧。因为,在侵袭途中有人欺骗谷歌员工打开了未经允许的链接使得入侵者们进入了谷歌密码运行软件的部分区域。10.If the worlds most innovative(adj创新的) technology company cannot protect its computers from(使免受,保护)such digital aggression, what can we expect from the bureaucratic chimera that is the Department of Homeland Security? 如果连世

30、界上最具创新性的技术公司都无法保护计算机免受诸如此类的网络侵略,我们还期望从本国安全部门,这个官僚政治的巨头那里得到什么?11(5).Google should be applauded for(=be praised for为鼓掌庆祝) going on the record about the cyber-attacks; most companies prefer to keep quiet about such incidents. 谷歌应该为其声称自己受到网络攻击的行为得到掌声,而大多数公司面对这些事件时倾向于保持沉默。12.But do hundredsor even thousa

31、ndsof such incidents that target both the private and the public sector add up to the imminent(adj即将到来的=impending) threat of a “cyberwar” that is worthy of such hype? 但是成百上千甚至更多的这些以私人和公共部门为目标的攻击事件加起来就等于即将来临的危险这个值得广泛宣传的网络战吗?13.The evidence so far looks too shaky.(adj不可靠,不令人信服的=unreliable=doubtful)证据显

32、得如此不可靠。16.A March report from consulting firm Market Research Media estimates that the governments total spending on cybersecurity between now and 2015 is set to(可能=be likely to)hit $55 billion, with strong growth predicted in areas such as Internet-traffic surveillance and monitoring. 另一份于3 月出自顾问公司Market Research Media 的报告估计从今年起到2015 年政府用于网络安全的总费用将直逼550 亿美元,其中预计诸如网络传输监控和追踪等领域增长尤为迅速。17(7).Given the previous history of excessively tight connections between our government and many of

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