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1、牛津版九年级上英语U4尖子班同步讲义第四讲1复习 Unit4的重点词汇、句型等基础知识2语法学习:形式主语it的使用3提高听说读写技能一、学习导航 改错题:下面每题中都有一个地方是错误的,请找出来并更正。1He said he had no time doing his homework yesterday.2He looked at the result in surprised.3But his warnings seemed to fall in deaf ears. 4We wont give up our plan, instead, we must stick for it.5Th

2、at is important for us to do sports every day.二、课文精点1In this unit, you will learn about natural disasters. 在本单元中,您将了解自然灾害。【考点】learn about = know about了解;得知【考点】natural disasters 自然灾害2Last week in Geography class, we learnt that if all the ice in the North and South Poles melted, sea level around the

3、world would rise, and many cities would be flooded and disappear. 上周在地理课上,我们得知,如果南极和北极所有的冰融化,全球海平面将上升,许多城市将被淹没并且消失。【考点】we learnt that中,that 引导宾语从句,而在宾语从句中,又包含了if引导的条件状语从句。在这种宾语从句中又含有另一个从句的情况中,引导词that通常不能省略。 本句中的if条件状语从句,主句部分使用would +动词原形,从句部分使用一般过去时melted,这是虚拟语气的用法,表示与现在事实相反的情况。3Would anyone remain

4、alive? 还会有人活着吗?【考点】remain alive 仍然活着remain + adj. 保持(系动词后接形容词作表语)4Last night, I dreamt about a great flood. 昨晚,我梦见了一场大洪水。【考点】dream about = dream of做的梦;梦到5My bedroom floor was a pool of water. 我卧室的地板已经被水淹没。【考点】a pool of 一池;一滩 a pool of water 一池水a pool of blood 一滩血【Ex.1】完成句子:当我发现他的时候,他躺在血泊之中。When I sa

5、w him, he was in _ _ _ _.所有的鱼都死了,池塘成了一潭死水。The pond became _ _ _ _ _ when all the fishes died.6. I looked out of the window. 我从窗朝外看。【考点】look out of = look through 从往外看 look out of the window = look through the window从窗户往外看 look out = be careful 小心;当心 look out = be careful = watch out 小心;当心 look out f

6、or sth. = be careful of sth. 小心;当心【Ex.2】 完成句子:不要老是往窗外看。你必须认真听老师讲课。Dont always _ _ _the window. You must listen to the teacher carefully.你呆在那里时要小心窃贼。_ _ _ thieves when you stay there.7Large objects, such as coaches and boats, passes by my window.大的物体,例如长途客车和船,都从我的窗前漂过。【考点】pass by 通过;经过8Its important

7、to stick with it. 坚持做完它是很重要的。【考点】stick with 持续;坚持9I cant afford to sit around and worry about the flood. 我可不能闲坐着担心洪水。【考点】afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事;能够做某事【考点】sit around 无所事事地消磨时间;闲坐10My friend replied, “I have no time to think about the flood. Im playing computer games”我的朋友回复说:“我没有时间考虑洪水。我正在玩电脑游戏”【考点】

8、have no time to do sth. 不愿为花时间;没有时间做11But my cries fell on deaf ears. 但他们对我的呼喊充耳不闻。 The government asked people to leave for higher ground, but this fell on deaf ears. 政府要求人们前往更高的地方,但他们置若罔闻。【考点】fall on deaf ears 不被理睬;不被注意【考点】leave for = set out for = set off for +目的地 前往某地;出发去某地12In offices and homes

9、, people just sat and stared at their computer screens. 在办公室和家里,人们只是坐着盯着他们的电脑屏幕。【考点】stare at 盯着看;凝视;注视 辨析look at, stare at和glare at 的用法:短语词义用法look at看一看;注视;看着一般的看,强调短暂的动作过程。stare at盯着看;凝视;注视特别表示“睁大眼睛凝视”,并含有“惊奇”、“傲慢”或“茫然”的意思。glare at怒视;怒目而视表示“凶狠而且带有威胁性地瞪眼睛”。【Ex.3】根据句意选择用look at, stare at或 glare at的适当

10、形式完成下列句子:Please _ the flowers! How beautiful they are! The man _her because she broke his glasses, and she felt frightened. Mrs Liu _ the stranger for a few seconds, it seemed that she didnt know him. 13It seemed that they did not want to leave. 他们似乎不想离开。【考点】It seemed that 似乎;看来 本句中的it是形式主语,that引导的句

11、子是真正的主语,叫做主语从句。 【Ex.4】完成句子:看来他丢了什么东西。_ _ _ he lost something.好像以前你读过这本小说。_ _ _ you had read this novel.14In surprise, people finally started to notice the flood, but it was too late.人们终于惊讶地注意到洪水,但是太晚了。【考点】in surprise= surprisedly 惊讶地15Then I awoke. There was no water. I was safe for now.然后我醒了。(周围)没有

12、水。我是安全的 暂时。【考点】awake awoke awoken v. (使醒来)be/stay awake adj. 醒着的;警惕的【考点】for now = for the time being 暂时16It made my hair stand on end. 这使我毛骨悚然。【考点】make ones hair stand on end使人害怕;使人毛骨悚然17Join us and help them rebuild their homes. 加入我们,帮助他们重建家园。【考点】rebuild ones home 重建家园18Barry suggested putting food

13、, water and medicine in a disaster survival kit. 巴里建议在灾难救生包里放置食品,水和药品。【考点】suggest doing sth. 【考点】survival kit 救生包19However, this was not ordinary rain it turned to ice as it fell through the cold air. 然而,这不是一场普通的雨 当它穿过寒冷的空气时都结成了冰。【考点】turn to sth. 转变为某物 turn to sb. 转向某人;向某人求助【Ex.5】完成句子:我担心她处境很危险,所以现在

14、我向你求助。Im afraid she is in danger, so now I _ _ you.当动物死了很多年后,它们的骨头化成了粉末。Many years later, the animals bones _ _ powder after they died.20It rained for six days, and as much as ten centimeters of ice collected on roads, trees and power lines. 这场雨下了六天,道路上,树上和电线上都结了十厘米厚的冰。【考点】as much as ten centimeters

15、多达十公分 21The roads were covered in ice, so it was very dangerous to walk or drive anywhere. 道路被冰雪覆盖,所以走路或开车去任何地方都很危险。【考点】be covered in 被所覆盖;布满了be covered with 被覆盖/掩盖(被动语态, 表状态)cover with 用覆盖/掩盖(主动语态, 表动作)be covered by被覆盖/掩盖(被动语态,引出动作的逻辑主语,表动作)22Families had to stay inside and burn wood to keep warm.

16、家家户户不得不都呆在家里烧柴取暖。【考点】keep warm 保暖,取暖keep + 形容词 保持keep doing sth. 保持做23They expected the power to come back on at any time. 他们希望电力供应随时都能恢复。【考点】expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事【考点】at any time 随时;在任何时候24The huge amount of ice made the whole area very dangerous. 大量的冰使得整个地区很危险。【考点】the huge amount of 大量的 + 不

17、可数名词 (the表特指) a huge amount of 大量的 + 不可数名词【Ex.6】完成句子:我们需要大量的食物。We need _ _ _ _ food. 那些大量的垃圾发出臭味。_ _ _ _ rubbish gave out a bad smell.25By the third day, many families had no food to eat. It was a difficult time. 到了第三天,许多家庭没有食物吃。这是一个艰难的时期。【考点】a difficult time 艰难的时期;艰难的时光(time 指时期;时光)time 时间(不可数名词) t

18、ime 时期;时光;时代;次数(可数名词) have a good time 过得愉快;玩得开心(time 指时光) have no time to do sth. 没有时间做(time 指时间)It的用法归纳一、it 作人称代词的用法1指事物:作为人称代词,it 可以除人以外的一切事物或动物。如:I dropped a cup and it broke. 我把杯子掉在地上,它摔坏了。Its hard work, but I enjoy it. 工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干。-Where is my bag? 我的包在哪? -Its in the bedroom. 在卧室里。2指人:it 指人主要

19、用于指示性别不明的婴儿或用于确认某人的身份。如:Is it a boy or a girl? 是男孩还是女孩?There is a knock on the door. It must be the postman. 有人在敲门,一定是邮递员。【注意】在答语中,常用来指本人,如: -Who is that? -Its me。3代替某些代词:代词 it 还可用于代替指示代词this, that 以及复合不定代词something, anything, nothing等。如:-Whats this? -这是什么?-Its a new machine. -是一种新机器。Nothing is wron

20、g, is it? 没出什么问题,是吗?二、it 作非人称代词的用法it作非人称代词的用法,主要用于指时间、距离、价值、天气、气候、季节及温度等自然现象。如:Its too late to go there now. 现在去那儿已经太迟了。It rained all day yesterday. 昨天下了一天的雨。It can get very hot here. 这里有时会很热。三、it用作形式主语1当不定式、动名词、从句等复杂成分用作句子主语时,为保持句子平衡,通常把真正的主语放在句末,而在句首使用形式主语it。如:Its very important to remember this.

21、记住这一点很重要。Its hard work climbing mountains. 爬山是费劲的事。Its unknown when he will come. 他什么时候来还不知道。2it作形式主语的常用句型:Its time for sth. 该做某事了。Its time to do sth. 该做某事的时候了。Its time for sb to do sth. 某人该干某事了。Its + adj. + for/ of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事【注意】介词 of 与 for 的区别是:of 用于指某人的性格、属性、品德、心智能力、特征等,所用形容词如good, kind

22、, nice, clever, foolish, right等。for表示对象,意为“对来说”,所用形容词如easy, hard, difficult, interesting, impossible等 Its/It has been + 时间段 + since-从句. 自从有一段时间了。It seems/ appears that -从句. 似乎Its first (second) time + that-从句. 某人第几次干某事。(从句谓语用现在完成时)It + be+名词短语+ to do sth. 做某事It takes sb. some time to do sth. 四、it用作形

23、式宾语当不定式、动名词、从句等复杂成分用作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时,通常会在宾语补足语前使用形式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末。其基本结构为“动词+ it + 宾语补足语+不定式/动名词/从句”。如:I find it difficult to do the job well. 我发现做好这件事不容易。I think it best that you should stay here. 我认为你最好住这儿。We think it no use complaining. 我们认为抱怨是没有用的。【Ex.7】用for 或of 填空:Look out! Its dangerous _ a child

24、 to across a busy street.Its honest _ you to tell the truth to your parents.Its very hard _ him to study two languages.Its very nice _ you to help me.It was foolish _ her to say such a thing. 【Ex.8】完成句子:要花多年的时间才能掌握一门新的语言。_ _ years _ master a new language. 他打电话时我碰巧不在家。_ _ that I was out when he calle

25、d. 有必要把这一切都告诉他父亲吗?Is _ _ _ _ his father everything? 熬夜没有好处。_ _ _ sitting up too late. 很显然,他读过这本书。_ _ quite_ _ he has read the book. 【Ex.9】单项选择:( ) Is _ difficult for him to complete the task by himself? Ahe Bthat Cwhat Dit( ) _ must be something wrong with the machine.AThis BIt CThere DThat ( ) _ is

26、 nearly twenty years since he worked here.AIt BWhich CAs DThat( ) _ is difficult to persuade her to stay here. AIt BWhat CHe DThat( ) _ is difficult is to persuade her to stay here.AIt BWhat CHe DThatCan we have our teacher back?Once a superintendent of schools was visiting a three-room school. One

27、room was very noisy, so the man grabbed a tall boy who had been standing up talking. He took the boy into another room and stood him in the corner. Five minutes later, a small boy came out of the first room and said, “When can we have our teacher back?”能让我们的老师回去吗?有一次, 一位督学去视察一个只有三间教室的学校。一间教室非常吵闹,因此督

28、学抓住其中一个正在站着说话的人, 把他带进另一间教室, 并让他站在墙角。五分钟以后,一个小男孩从第一间教室走进来, 问道, “您什么时候能让我们的老师回去呢?”一、口语训练(一)朗读Last week in Geography class, we learnt that if all the ice in the North and South Poles melted, sea level around the world would rise, and many cities would be flooded and disappear.It started to worry me. Wh

29、at would happen if our city was badly flooded? Would anyone remain alive?Last night, I dreamt about a great flood:It was nine oclock in the morning. My bedroom floor was a pool of water. I looked out of the window. Water was everywhere. It covered roads, parks and small houses. Large objects, such as coaches and boats, passes by my wind

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