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学年高中英语译林版必修4江苏专版Unit 1 S.docx

1、学年高中英语译林版必修4江苏专版Unit 1 S.单词拼写1Her latest purchase (购买的东西) was a long black coat.2Within the last 10 years, both sales and profits have multiplied (成倍增加)3Can you update (向提供最新信息) me on whats been happening?4This chapter will consider several important aspects (方面) of the teaching process.5He was reco

2、mmended (推荐) for the post by his college.6I think he will come but its only a fancy (空想) of mine.7There are no bargains (便宜货) in the clothes shops at the moment.8People who stay more than two years in the job receive a special bonus (额外津贴).拓展词汇9amazed adj.大为惊奇amazing adj.令人惊诧的amaze vt.使大为惊奇amazement

3、 n吃惊10senior adj.(高中或大学)毕业年级的;级别(或地位)高的n.高年级学生,毕业班学生;上司;年纪较长的人;级别较高的人junior adj.初级的,资历较浅的n.资历较浅的人11design vt.&n.设计designer n设计者,设计师12publisher n出版社,出版机构;出版人,发行人publishing n出版(业)publish vt.出版 巧记单词例词规律派生词amazementamazementv.mentn.designerdesignerv.ern.补全短语1be tired of对厌烦2on sale 出售;减价出售3be popular wit

4、h 受欢迎4in the face of 面对5come across 偶然遇见6be satisfied with 对感到满意7make good use of 充分利用8in order to 为了,以便9be optimistic about 对感到乐观10think twice 重新考虑11up to (数量、程度等)达到12be bored with 对感到厌倦1教材原句Also important are the sales targets the amount which they think they will sell in a future period.销售目标,也就是他

5、们认为在未来一段时期内的销售量,也是重要的。句型点拨倒装句。佳句赏析Equally important are the problems China seems to be running into at home.同样严峻的问题是中国似乎在国内碰到的问题。2教材原句Four times as many people used our product last year. 去年有4倍之多的人使用了我们的产品。句型点拨倍数表达法:倍数asadj./adv.原级as。佳句赏析The students majoring in science are four times as many as tho

6、se who major in the Arts.专业是理科的学生是专业为文科的学生的四倍。3教材原句That is why we are considering designing a new package for our chocolate bar as well. 那就是我们正在考虑也要为我们的巧克力棒设计一款新包装的原因。句型点拨why引导的表语从句。佳句赏析Thats why scientists are often related to the kind of projects they work on.这也是为什么科学家们和研究项目密不可分的原因。1(教材P9)You will

7、 be amazed by his unique way of thinking and skilful writing.你会对他独特的思考方式和娴熟的写作手法感到惊讶。 amazed adj.大为惊奇的be amazedThe first time I got to the island, I was amazed at/by its beauty.我第一次来到这个岛屿的时候,我就对它的美丽感到惊讶。She was_amazed_to_learn that many people still risk traveling without insurance.她惊异地发现许多人仍然不办保险就冒

8、险旅行。Word familyIt amazed us to hear that you were leaving.听说你要走,我们都很吃惊。To_my_amazement,_he has worked out the math problem that our math teacher couldnt do.令我诧异的是,他已经做出了那道连数学老师都不会做的数学题。名师点津amazed“对感到惊讶的”,指人的感受,常用来修饰人;amazing指事物本身的特点、性质令人惊奇的,常用来修饰物。2(教材P9)Yesterday I came across an interesting new bo

9、ok, which I would like to recommend here.昨天我偶然发现了一本非常有趣的新书,在这儿我想推荐这本书。 recommend vt.推荐;建议,劝告;介绍recommend sb. sth.recommend sb.向某人推荐某物recommend sb.for sth. 推荐某人做某事recommend sth. 推荐某人担任某职位recommend do sth. 建议某人做某事recommend doing sth. 建议做某事recommend that . 建议She was recommended for t

10、he post by a colleague.她获得一个同事推荐,得到了这个岗位。I recommend you to think carefully before you do anything foolish.我建议你在做任何蠢事之前先仔细考虑一下。The doctor recommended forming_a_good_habit_of diet.医生建议养成良好的饮食习惯。名师点津recommend作“建议,劝告”讲,后接宾语从句时,从句应用虚拟语气,即从句谓语形式为“(should)动词原形”。Eye doctors recommend that a childs first ey

11、e exam (should)_be (be) at the age of six months old.眼科医生建议孩子的第一次眼睛检查应该在六个月的时候(进行)。3(教材P9)I believe Voyage to an Amazing Kingdom would be a good choice for senior high students.我认为对于高中生来说,令人惊叹的王国之旅是一个不错的选择。 senior adj.(高中或大学)毕业年级的;级别(或地位)高的n.高年级学生,毕业班学生,上司;年纪较长的人be senior to sb. 比某人年长;比某人地位高be . yea

12、rs ones senior 比某人年长岁She is senior to me, because she joined the firm before me.她比我资格老,因为她加入公司比我早。My brother is_three_years_my_senior.My brother is my senior by three years.我哥哥比我大三岁。名师点津senior无比较级,表示比某人年长或地位高时,与介词to搭配使用,而不能用than。Though she is ten years senior to me, we are best friends.尽管她比我年长十岁,但我们

13、是最好的朋友。4(教材P9)I recommend that we should purchase 10 copies for the library.我建议我们为图书馆购买十册书。 purchase vt.购买,采购n.U采购;C购买的东西(1)purchase sth. from sb. 从某人那购买某物purchase sth. for some money 以价格购买某物(2)for the purchase of 为了购买 make a purchase of sth. 购买某物We purchased some books from the bookstore.我们从书店里买了一些

14、书。 He purchased the land for two hundred thousand dollars.他以20万美元买了这块地。He promised that he would make a purchase of a house at the end of the year.他答应今年年底买房子。名师点津purchase 和buy都是“购买”的意思。但buy更为常用一些,purchase较为正式。5(教材P13)That is why we are considering designing a new package for our chocolate bar as wel

15、l.那就是我们正在考虑也要为我们的巧克力棒设计一款新包装的原因。 design vt. & n设计;意欲be designed to do . 目的是做be designed for 专为设计be designed as 被设计成by design 故意地The Hope Project is designed to help those children who drop out of school because of poverty.希望工程旨在帮助那些因为贫困而辍学的孩子。This dictionary is_designed_for college students.这本辞典是供大学

16、生使用的。This course is designed as an introduction to the subject.这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而设计的。6(教材P16)It allows you to take photographs without a break for up to 6 hours.这就使你能够不间断地拍照长达6个小时之久。 up to(数量、程度等)多达;直到;能胜任;正在做;从事着(尤指坏事);由决定一词多义写出下列句中加黑词语的意思The threeyearold boy counted up to a hundred.直到I see what youre

17、 up to.从事着(尤指坏事)Its up to you whether we accept the present or not.由决定We all agree that he is up to the position.能胜任7(教材P17)Our sandwiches are a bargain at only ¥5 each.我们的三明治很便宜,仅卖5元钱一个。 bargain nC便宜货;协议vi.讨价还价make a bargain with sb.与某人做交易;与某人讨价还价bargain with sb. over/about sth. 与某人就某物讨价还价He made a

18、 satisfactory bargain with them.他和他们做了一笔满意的交易。The salesman refused to_bargain_over/about the price.推销员拒绝讨价还价。In the market dealers were bargaining with growers over the price of coffee.在市场上商人正和种植者就咖啡的价格进行商谈。8(教材P17)A pair of Wild & Fancy jeans costs only ¥40, available in all Wild & Fancy shops now.

19、一条狂野幻想品牌的裤子仅花费40元钱,现在在所有该品牌店均可买到。 fancy adj.精致的;绚丽的;奢华的n.空想,幻想;爱好,迷恋vt.想象;猜想;喜欢 We stayed at some fancy hotel in the centre of London.我们住在伦敦市中心的某家豪华饭店里。Did I really hear a voice or was it only my fancy?我是真的听到了声音还是这只是我的幻觉?fancy doing sth.想/想象/设想做某事fancy that . 想象Do you fancy_going_out for a picnic wi

20、th me this weekend?周末你想不想和我一起外出野餐?I fancy_that the couple are pretty happy.我想这一对过得很幸福。9Also important are the sales targets the amount which they think they will sell in a future period.销售目标,也就是他们认为在未来一段时期内的销售量,也是重要的。(1)当表语(形容词、分词、副词或介词短语)放在句首,且主语是名词时,句子常用完全倒装结构。句式为:表语系动词主语(必须是名词)。Present at the con

21、ference were those who had made great contributions to the project.出席会议的是那些对此项计划作出巨大贡献的人。Crowded_was_the_bus in the front of which were sitting quite a few children.公共汽车坐满了人,前面坐着许多孩子。(2)表示方向、地点和时间的副词或介词短语位于句首时,若主语是名词而不是代词,则用完全倒装。Ahead sat an old man.前面坐着一位老人。Behind_the_building_stands an artificial

22、hill with many small trees on it.这栋楼后有一座假山,上面有许多小树。10Four times as many people used our product last year.去年有四倍之多的人使用了我们的产品。句中使用了倍数表达法。表示倍数的常用句型有:Your room is three times as big as mine.你的房间是我房间的三倍大。A plane runs at least five_times_faster than a train.飞机的速度至少比火车快五倍。This river is four_times_the_lengt

23、h_of that one.这条河流是那条河流的四倍长。The width of this road is twice/double_what it was three years ago.这条路是三年前的两倍宽。名师点津在表示倍数的句型中,倍数是两倍时,用twice或double;三倍或三倍以上用“序数词times”。11That is why we are considering designing a new package for our chocolate bar as well.那就是我们正在考虑也要为我们的巧克力棒设计一款新包装的原因。(1)That/This is why .表

24、示“那/这就是的原因(强调结果)”,why在此句型中引导表语从句。She doesnt feel well; this is why she wouldnt like to go out today.她觉得不舒服,这就是她今天不想出去的原因。He is ill. Thats_why he isnt here.他生病了,那就是他不在这儿的原因。(2)其他相关句型:He was late, and thats_because he met with a traffic jam.他迟到了,那是因为他遇到了交通堵塞。The only reason why I went was that I wante

25、d to meet your friends.我去的唯一的理由是想见见你的朋友们。.单项填空1Whether by accident or _, he arrived too late to help us.ApurposeBaimCdesign Dchance解析:选C句意:不管他是偶然的还是故意的,他来得太晚没能帮到我们。by design“有意,故意”,符合句意。 by chance by accident“偶然的”。2My sister is senior _ me by five years, but she looks younger.Athan BtoCwith Don解析:选B

26、句意:我姐姐比我大五岁,但她看起来更年轻。senior“年长的”,表示比较之意时,不用than而用to。3They bargained _ the manager _ the level of wages.Ato; over Bto; withCwith; over Dwith; with解析:选Cbargain with sb. over sth. 是固定搭配,意为“就某物与某人讨价还价”。4Where did you come across our chemistry teacher?It was in the supermarket where I _ mooncakes.Achased

27、 BpursuedCpurchased Dexchanged解析:选C考查动词辨析。句意:“你在哪儿遇见我们化学老师的?”“在我买月饼的那个超市里。”purchase“购买”,符合题意。chase“追逐,追求”;pursue“追求,继续从事”;exchange“交换”。5Fancy _ you here! Its three years since we met last time.Ato meet BmeetCmeeting Dhaving been met解析:选C句意:真没想到在这儿遇到你!我们已经三年没见面了。fancy 后接动名词作宾语而不接不定式。6The hospital was

28、 originally _ to take 1,000 patients, but now has 2,500.Adesigned BpreparedCdecorated Dattempted解析:选A句意:这家医院最初设计接收1 000名病人,但是现在已经接收了2 500名。be designed to do sth.“打算做某事”;prepare“准备”;decorate“装饰”;attempt“企图,尝试”。7His _ expression suggested that it was an _ thing.Aamazing; amazed Bamazed; amazingCamazin

29、g; amazement Damazed; amazed解析:选B句意:他吃惊的表情表明这是件令人吃惊的事情。amazed“吃惊的”,常用来修饰人或人的表情、声音等;amazing“令人吃惊的”,常用来修饰物。8If you want to visit the museum, I recommend _ there by underground.Ayou would go BgoingCyou went Dto going解析:选Brecommend doing sth.“建议做某事”。若选A,would应改为should,或把would改为to。9What a large park!So i

30、t is. It is _ the one we visited last year.Athree times big asBthree times the bigCthree times bigger thanDthree times as bigger as 解析:选C考查倍数表达法。“三倍之大”可用three times as big as, three times the size of或three times bigger than,所以只有C项结构正确。10Ms. Zero was preparing food. Under one of the apple trees in the garden _, smoking and looking at the harvest with a smile.

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