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1、新视野3+unit+7教案大学英语3级 课程教案课次1课时2 课 型理论课 教学内容Unit 3 Section A: Bill Gates (Introduction and text structure analysis)教学目标1. To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns 2. To be familiar with the writing skills of the text and make use of it in writing3. To improve student

2、s reading skills by studying section A 4. To respond and cooperate with classmates willingly5. To participate actively6. To read sentences and texts with proper intonation7. To write smoothly and legibly教学重点:1. Divide the whole text into parts and work out the gist of each part2. Train students oral

3、 English during their discussion教学难点: Grasp the writing pattern applied in certain paragraphs of the text教 学 基 本 内 容方法及手段I. Pre-reading activities(20mins)1. Where does Gates success come from? His personality : intelligent , energetic and competitive (Para 2)2. What distinguishes the Gates style? Hi

4、s time management skills. (Para 3)3. What are the three major methods that Gates uses to run his company? Sends out a hundred e-mail messages or more a day (and night); meets with the top managers about every month; holds two or three small review meetings a day with teams of people who work hard cr

5、eating the companys various products (Para. 6)4. Who is the co-founder of Microsoft? How does the writer describe him?Paul Allen , a dreamy visionary (para. 8)5. What does Gates plan for the future? He hopes to be running Microsoft for another 10 years and then promises to focus intensely on his fam

6、ily and give his money away. (para. 12)II. Text structure analysis and introduction of the writing pattern: a general statement supported by an example (25mins)III. Explain new words and phrases in the passage of Section A (40mins)IV. Assignments(5mins)Group discussionOral practiceExplanation作业、讨论题、

7、思考题: Preview language points in Section A and read the text参考资料(含参考书、文献等):新视野大学英语读写教程第三册教师用书教学反思:Students oral English is not good, and they cant express themselves freely. Students analysis ability needs more practice.Students language using ability needs more practice.Session 1 (90mins):Section A:

8、 Bill GatesI. Pre-reading activities (20mins)Step 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2 Review1. Ask students some questions to review the last lesson(show them on the screen).2. Check the homework(made a list of celebrities whose achievements have great impact on the world by surfing the

9、 Internet or asking for help from other people).Step 3 Topics for discussion1. The definition of a role model 2. The extraordinary personality about Bill Gates Step 4 Pre-reading listening:First listening: Listen to a talk about a case brought against Microsoft.Second listening: Listen to the passag

10、e again and answer the following questions according to what you hear.1. Why has the federal government brought a case against Microsoft?2. Why are Microsofts competitors complaining?3. Do you believe that Microsoft uses unfair business practices to gain advantage around the world?II. Text structure

11、 analysis and introduction of the writing pattern: a general statement supported by an example. (25mins) Step 1: Text structure analysisDivide the text into parts and work out the general idea of each part.This passage is a third-person narrative about the richest businessman in the world Bill Gates

12、. The whole passage is made up of four parts. General particular details and time sequence are two major writing techniques that distinguish the writing style.Part one (para.1) is a general introduction about Bill Gates. Hes the most famous businessman and the richest man in the world without a doub

13、t, Bill Gates is one of the greatest minds to ever change the world.Part Two (para. 2-6), dealing with Gates personal traits as an explanation as to why he succeeded. This part is typical of the writing technique from a general statement to particular details.Part Three(para. 7-11) , dealing with hi

14、s personal development.Part Four (para. 12) , the conclusion of the passage. Gates hopes to be running Microsoft for another 10 years and then promises to focus intensely on his family and giving his money away. But one can only wonder what he will do in the near future.Step 2: Introduction of the w

15、riting pattern: a general statement supported by an exampleIII. Explain new words and phrases in the passage of Section A (40mins)1) turn out : happen to be , or prove to be The enemys proposal turned out to be a fraud.敌人的建议原来是个骗局。As it turned out, it is not necessary for us to worry about them to s

16、uch a terribledegree.后来证明让我们担心到那种地步是没有必要的。2)understate: say that something is less important ,serious than it really is In the report , the lecturer understates the seriousness of environmental pollution. 在报告中,演讲者并没有充分体现环境污染的严重性。 To our surprise, the once famous actors performance is understated in

17、the film. 令人惊讶的是,这位曾经很知名的演员在这部戏中的表演大打折扣。3) stem from: be caused by something or develop as a result of something The accident stems from carelessness. 事故起因是粗心大意。 The inspiration stems from his travels. 他的灵感来自旅行。4)at times: sometimes At times I wonder if its worthwhile to repeat lectures that I atten

18、ded before. 有时我想,再去听我听过的讲座是否值得。 He went on listening to her, at times impatient and at times fascinated. 他继续听她说,有时有点不耐烦,有时又听得入迷。5)conservation: n. U the careful use of energy, time, or other resources Conservation of fuel 节约燃料 The government hopes that the public will realize the importance of under

19、waterconservation. 政府希望公众意识到节约地下水的重要性。U the protection of somethingTheir main concern is wildlife conservation.他们关心的主要是野生动物保护。6)hallmark: n. C a quality that is typical of a particular person or thingNon-violence and simplicity were the hallmarks of his philosophy.非暴力和简朴是她的哲学特点。Their performance bor

20、e all the hallmarks of European champions.他们的表现具备了欧洲冠军的所有特征。7)maximum: a. the largest in amount or numberWe want the maximum number of people to attend to help us cover our cost.我们希望尽可能多的人参与,帮我们分担费用。They hope to get the maximum profit.他们希望得到最大的利润。8)on the subject of : in talking about Now that you a

21、re on the subject of love, dont you think that you are too pessimistic about the true love? 既然你谈到了爱情,难道你不觉得你对爱情的看法太悲观了吗? He is not interested in anything except on the subject of music. 他对任何东西都不感兴趣,除了对音乐。9)in high gear: do something with great effort or energy Our manager is a person who is in high

22、gear all the time. 我们的经理一直以来都是一个很努力的人。 The student is always in high gear in both study and work. 这个学生对工作和学习都十分努力和认真。10)claw ones way: try very hard to reach a place or position, using a lot of effort and determination In the following years, he clawed his way up the ladder until he was promoted as

23、a president of the chemistry department . 在接下来的几年中,他努力地往上爬,直到当上了院长。11)bat out: produce or do something quickly They would bat out these tasks in the whole day. 他们将要在一天之内完成这三个任务。 He has a high working efficiency, and he can give a reply to many readers in a very short period of time. 他的工作效率很高,他可以在很短的

24、时间内回复许多读者的来信。12) vague: a. not clear or definite He was rather vague about the reasons why he never finished school. 他为什么没有毕业,对此他说得很含糊。 I can remember nothing of them, but I have a vague feeling of having been well cared for. 我不记得他们了,但我模糊地感觉到我得到了细心的关照。IV. Assignments (5mins)Preview language points i

25、n Section A and read the text. 大学英语3级 课程教案课次2课时2 课 型理论课 教学内容:Unit 3 Section A: Bill Gates (Detailed Study of Text A and Reading Skills)教学目标:1. Students know and talk about Bill Gates 2. Students remember the meaning of new phrases and expressions 3. Students learn how to structure a passage with a g

26、eneral statement supported by an example4. Students grasp the reading skill of making predictions教学重点:1. Illustrate the meaning of new phrases and expressions2. Train students reading skill of make predictions 教学难点: Grasp the usage of certain expressions used in the text 教 学 基 本 内 容方法及手段I. Detailed

27、study of text A (50mins)Analyze the difficult sentences of text A. Paraphrase them one by one, if necessary give several examples.II. Check the exercises of text A (25mins)Check the exercises of vocabulary, sentence structure and translation.III. Explain reading skill: make predictions (12mins)Predi

28、ct the general direction of the writers thinking.Answer the questions inserted in the text B. Check answers and explain. IV. Assignments (3mins)Group discussionExplanationPractice 作业、讨论题、思考题: Write a composition on the topic which starts with a general statement supported by an example参考资料(含参考书、文献等)

29、:新视野大学英语读写教程第三册教师用书教学反思:Students dont know how to paraphrase a sentence, so they need to learn how to express the same meaning with different phrases. Students reading skills needs more practice.Some students did not do the exercises in advance. The teacher needs to inspire and motivate them.Session

30、 2 (90mins):Section A : Bill GatesI. Detailed study of text A (50mins)Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen. During the reading, there is an explanation for the following points:Language Points: 1.Without a doubt, Bill Gates belongs i

31、n the same class as Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and other great minds who changed the world. (para 1)Meaning: undoubtedly, Bill Gates is one of greatest men , such as Thomas Edison and Elexander Graham Bell, who changed the world.belong in : be in the proper position or place .The old mans attitude toward the money doesnt belong in the modern world.那个老人对金钱的看法和现代社会格格不入。2. Gates success stems from his personality: unbelievable and at times frightening blend of high-voltage brilliance, drive and competitiveness. (para 2)Meaning: Gates

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