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1、农村学生受益营养改善计划农村学生受益“营养改善计划”More than 34 million rural students have benefited from the Chinese governments rural nutrition program since 2011, according to the Ministry of Education.教育部称,中国政府自2011年起实施的农村营养改善计划使3400多万农村学生受益。The program was launched on a pilot basis to address malnutrition in rural are

2、as, and the government began to allocate three yuan (0.43 U.S. dollars) a day per student to supplement their diets with nutritious meals. This was increased to four yuan from 2015.该计划最早在农村地区试点进行以改善学生营养不良,政府每天补贴每名学生3元(0.43美元),为伙食补充营养。2015年起该标准提高到了4元每天。The program has been expanded to cover 1,502 cou

3、nties in 29 out of the Chinesemainlands 31 provincial regions, according to the ministry.教育部表示,营养改善计划的覆盖范围扩大到了中国大陆31个省份中29个省的1502个县。Prevalence of anemia among the students dropped by 8.9 percentage points from 2012 to 2015, data from the National Institute of Nutrition and Health under the Chinese C

4、enter for Disease Control and Prevention show.中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康研究所数据显示,自2012年至2015年,农村学生的贫血率降低了8.9个百分点。The students physical fitness has improved and their academic performance also been enhanced along with their nutrition, the ministry said.教育部称,营养加强后,这些学生的身体素质明显提升,学习成绩也有所提高。Education Minister Chen B

5、aosheng said the government aims to expand the program to cover all poverty-stricken counties.教育部长陈宝生称,政府的目标是将营养改善计划覆盖所有的贫困县。Beijing white-collar workers were more satisfied with their work and life than their counterparts in other large Chinese cities in 2016, despite facing limited promotion oppor

6、tunities, intense competition and choking smog, according to a new report.根据一份新报告,尽管面临有限的晋升机会、激烈的竞争和令人窒息的雾霾,2016年北京白领对工作和生活的满意度仍然比中国其他大城市的同行高。The 2016 year-end report, published by the Chinese human resources website Z, said the average score for job satisfaction given by 2,247 white-collar workers

7、in the capital was 2.45 out of 5higher than the national average.中国人力资源网招聘网发布的2016年年终报告称,首都2247名白领工作者的工作满意度平均分为2.45,满分5分高于全国平均水平。Though its less than half the possible full score, the score for Beijings workers was higher than those given by their counterparts in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Gu

8、angzhou workers gave a score of 2.16, the lowest of the four cities.虽然还未达到满分的一半,但北京白领的得分高于上海、深圳和广州的同行。广州工人得分为2.16,是四个城市中的最低分。The satisfaction with promotions in Beijing, at an average of 1.98, rated the lowest in the five surveyed categories but was slightly higher than last year. The other categori

9、es were salary, welfare, training and learning opportunities, and interpersonal relationships.北京的晋升满意度平均为1.98,在五个调查的类别中排名最低,但略高于去年。其他类别是薪金、福利、培训和学习机会、以及人际关系。Beijing workers said they were most satisfied with their interpersonal relationships, which scored 3.05.北京白领说,他们对他们的人际关系最满意,得分为3.05。Three-fifth

10、s of the surveyed workers said they had no promotion opportunities in 2016.More than 37 percent thought the management system in their companies was the most important factor for promotion, while 11.6 percent thought their own efforts mattered more.五分之三的受访白领表示他们在2016年没有晋升机会。超过37的人认为他们公司的管理体系是影响晋升的最重

11、要因素,而11.6的人认为自己的努力更重要。The report said dissatisfaction with promotional opportunities was an important factor that triggered many to quit their job.报告说,对晋升机会的不满是引发很多人辞职的一个重要因素。White-collar workers with higher salaries were more satisfied with their work and life, the report concluded.报告总结说,工资较高的白领对他们

12、的工作和生活更满意。The average monthly salary in Beijing was 9,835 yuan ($1,415), followed by Shanghai, with 9,720 yuan, it said.北京的平均月工资为9835元(1415美元),其次是上海,为9720元。China on Sunday launched its first freight train to London, the China Railway Corporation said.周日,中国铁路公司称,启动了中国至伦敦的首列货运列车。Departing from Yiwu We

13、st Railway Station in eastern Zhejiang Province, the train will travel for about 18 days and more than 12,000 kilometers before reaching its destination in Britain.该列车从浙江省东部的义乌西火车站出发,历时18天并且行程超过12000公里,才抵达目的地英国。Yiwu is known for producing small commodities, and the train mainly carried such goods, i

14、ncluding household items, garments, cloth, bags and suitcases. It will pass through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Belgium and France before arriving in London.义乌以生产小商品而闻名,该火车主要运载诸如家居用品、服装、布,袋和手提箱。在到达伦敦以前,该货车将通过哈萨克斯坦,俄罗斯,白俄罗斯,波兰,德国,比利时和法国。London is the 15th city in Europe added to Chi

15、na-Europe freight train services.伦敦是欧洲第15个加入中欧货运列车服务的国家。The service will improve China-Britain trade ties, strengthen connectivity with western Europe, while better serving Chinas Belt and Road Initiative, an infrastructure and trade network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along ancient trade

16、 routes, the China Railway Corporation said.中国铁路总公司称,该项服务将改善中英贸易关系,加强与西欧的联系,同时更好地服务于中国“一带一路”倡议(该倡议是连接亚洲与欧洲和非洲的基础设施和贸易网络)。Slovenia visually is reminiscent of fairy tales: a little-known land of castles on hilltops and tall Christmas trees. As Slovenians see it, Melania Trump is putting their country

17、on the map. “Slovenia, what is Slovenia? Is that a food? Is that a car? Nobody knows thats a country. Nobody knows thats a nation and nobody knows that Melania is from Slovenia. So this is a big opportunity that our two million-nation basically gets its place in Europe, in the world.斯洛文尼亚让人想起童话故事:一片

18、被高高的圣诞树包围、山顶上矗立着城堡的神秘土地。在斯洛文尼亚人眼中,是梅拉尼娅特朗普让世界知道了这个国家。斯洛文尼亚?斯洛文尼亚是什么?是食物名称?还是汽车牌子?没有人知道这是一个国家。没有人知道梅拉尼娅来自斯洛文尼亚。所以这是个巨大的机会,让我们这个拥有200万人口的国家在欧洲乃至世界都受到关注。Stane Jerko was the photographer who discovered Melania as a quiet teenager at a fashion show. “She was tall and slim, long hair and long legs, and th

19、ats why I found her suitable to be a photo model. I noticed not just her good looks but also - even though it may sound strange - her inner energy.摄影师斯塔内耶尔克在一场时装秀上发现了安静腼腆的少女梅拉尼娅。她身材高挑,长发飘逸,双腿修长,这也就是为什么我觉得她适合当平面模特。虽然听起来可能有点奇怪,但我注意到她,不光因为她的美貌,还因为她有股内在的力量。That energy took her to the top. And Jerko sees

20、 his work as a small contribution to American history. “I found it very interesting that shes becoming the First Lady. First of all, because I discovered her, so she got going with the photos I took.这股力量让她登上顶峰。耶尔克认为,他的工作为美国历史做了一个小小的贡献。她要成为第一夫人了,我觉得非常有意思。首先,我发掘了她,有了我拍的照片,她才有了进一步的发展。As First Lady, Mel

21、ania wants to work on combating cyber bullying. It was at this high school in what are difficult years for any teenager girl that Melania showed strength and poise in dealing with bullies.作为第一夫人,梅拉尼娅希望针对网络欺凌问题做些事。当时正值高中时期,也就是对每一个青少年女孩来说最为艰难的时期,梅拉尼娅表现出了应对欺凌者的勇气与沉着。A friend and classmate remembers, Be

22、cause she was beautiful. She was a model, a lot of girls talked about this and they were also jealous. But she didnt react to this, and I think this is something strong inside her, because she knew that she is good. If you know that you are good, you dont need to prove this with words.梅拉尼娅的朋友、高中同学这样

23、回忆道:因为她很漂亮。又是模特,很多女孩子就拿这个说事儿,她们也很是嫉妒。但是梅拉尼娅并没有反击,我觉得这是她内心有股强大的力量,因为她知道自己是优秀的。如果你认为自己是优秀的,你就不需要用言语去证明。Communism - and Yugoslavia - were on the verge of collapse and in this schoolyard, Melania dreamed of the wide world that was opening up. We talked about studying, about how to see the world, and she

24、 like(s) (being) a model, she knew that Slovenia was too small for her.当时,共产主义以及南斯拉夫濒临崩溃边缘,而在这个学校操场上,梅拉尼娅梦想的是一个不断敞开的广阔天地。我们谈论学习,谈论世界,她喜欢模特这个职业,她知道斯洛文尼亚这个舞台太小。准第一夫人梅拉尼娅特朗普It was first to Milan, then Paris, and finally New York where Melania Trump met the future U.S. President.梅拉尼娅先到米兰、然后巴黎、最后到了纽约,并在那

25、里遇见了未来的美国总统。Back in her hometown of Sevnica, family friends say there is definitely something about her father, car salesman Viktor Knavs, that she would have seen in Donald Trump: ambition, and a nose for business.在她的家乡塞夫尼卡,家庭友人说,梅拉尼娅一定是在唐纳德特朗普那里看到了自己父亲汽车销售员维克多科纳夫斯的影子:充满雄心壮志、善于嗅到商机。Viktor always li

26、ked to do it whether with old cars or with some things in which he could earn an additional buck. He always had this and was also hanging out with this sort of people. So this additional business besides his regular job made it possible for him to have a bit more and a bit better. Melania definitely

27、 noticed his good nose for business. It was impossible not to notice that, a child has to see it. This is an evident parallel to Donald just that it is on a scale of one to a thousand. Viktor sniffs out a small thing that he can repair today and sell tomorrow for a bit more money, while Donald trade

28、s two or three skyscrapers in Florida for two new ones in San Francisco.维克多总是想着怎么可以多赚钱,不管是用旧车还是其它东西。他总是有这种想法,也总是和志趣相投的人交往。在平常工作之外的这份额外的生意能让他赚更多钱,生活得更好。梅拉尼娅肯定是看到了父亲这种对商机的灵敏嗅觉。不可能看不到,作为他的孩子,她肯定会看到。这和唐纳德是一样的,只是规模不同。维克多捕捉到一个小商机,就是他今天修个东西,明天可以卖更好的价钱;而唐纳德则是用两三栋佛罗里达的摩天大楼换旧金山的两栋新楼。Until now, many Americans

29、have never heard of Slovenia. For many Slovenians, having one of their own in the White House means the image of America shines brighter than ever.直到现在,还有很多美国人压根儿没听说过斯洛文尼亚。对于许多斯洛文尼亚人来说,有一位自己人入主白宫,意味着美国的形象更加光鲜闪耀。It expresses the message that America is sending from past years, which is that America i

30、s a land of opportunities, so anybody that lives (in) and comes to America can achieve great things.它所传达出的就是美国过去多年来所发出的讯息:美国是一片充满机遇的土地。任何人到美国都有可能成就大事业。And that, for many Slovenians, merits a toast.对于许多斯洛文尼亚人来说,这值得举杯相庆。我们能否从艺术作品中发现失智症以及其它退化性疾病的迹象?研究人员详尽分析了多名曾患神经疾病的艺术家的作画笔法。从一系列有趣的线索中可以看出,在艺术家们表现出明显的症

31、状之前,其脑部就已经产生了变化。科学家对这些作品进行了“分形分析”,这种数学方法探讨的是在数学界和自然界中反复出现的固定模式。请听 Dominic Hughes 的报道。Researchers use a complex method called fractal analysis as a way of looking at recurring patterns in both maths and in nature. They include the recurring patterns of our brainwaves and heartbeats as well as the bru

32、shstrokes of artists, which are as distinct as individual handwriting.A psychologist, Alex Forsythe from the University of Liverpool, carried out a fractal analysis of more than two thousand works by seven famous artists. Among those who developed dementia or Parkinsons disease, such as Willem de Kooning and Salvador Dali, there was a significant change in the tiny patterns left by their brushstrokes decades before any obvious symptoms.But for artists such as Picasso or Monet,

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