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本文(新课标高考英语二轮 专题限时集训16 完形填空之记叙文Ⅰ.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新课标高考英语二轮 专题限时集训16 完形填空之记叙文Ⅰ.docx

1、新课标高考英语二轮 专题限时集训16 完形填空之记叙文专题限时集训(十六)完形填空之记叙文()A (2019武昌区调研考试)Very few of us become fluent in another language by studying it in high school.I made an effort to keep up the little bit of French that I learned in school,but eventually realized that this was 1 I was well aware that new languages are b

2、est learned when 2 ,and that our abilities in that regard decline with age. 3 ,just before my 50th birthday,I 4 for French classes.After I was 5 to see which group I belonged in,I was 6 at almost the introductory level.I found that it really was true that certain linguistic(语言的) abilities 7 with age

3、.While Id always thought of myself as a(n) 8 learner,that was no longer the case.I absorbed new vocabulary very 9 What I learned one week ago seemed to 10 as soon as I learned the next skill.Now,a couple of years later,I can listen to the news in French and 11 90 percent of it on the first try and r

4、ead a novel if its not too difficult.Who knows what I might still 12 ?Ive learned so much 13 grammar and vocabulary.Ive met people from around the world and all walks of life who have the 14 to make fools of themselves in order to 15 something new.Ive been taught by patient and inspirational teacher

5、s from many 16 of the world,including France,Eastern Europe,the Caribbean and Africa.Listening to the news as it is 17 to the people of France,I have a renewed 18 of how something can look completely different from another 19 Ive learned that a language is not just a set of words,but a way of 20 But

6、 most of all,Ive learned that it really is never too late to learn something new.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。本文通过作者学习法语的经历告诉我们要活到老,学到老。1Aunbelievable BpointlessCunbearable DvaluelessB根据空格所在句的内容可知,“我”想努力保留在学校学的那一点法语,但最终意识到是无意义的(pointless)。2Aenergetic BcuriousCyoung DoldC根据后半句中的our abilities in that regard decline

7、 with age并结合常识可知,年轻的(young)时候学习新语言的效果是最好的,故选C。3AHowever BThereforeCBesides DMeanwhileA根据语境可知,在50岁生日之前,“我”注册(register)了法语课,并结合上文提到的“年轻的时候学习新语言的效果是最好的”可知,此处表示转折关系,故选A。4Asought BregisteredCfought DpreparedB参见上题解析。5Ainterviewed BchallengedCasked DtestedD根据空后的to see which group I belonged in并结合语境可知,经过测试(

8、test)来看“我”属于哪一个团体之后,“我”被归(place)为几乎是初级水平,故选D。6Arestricted BwithdrawnCappointed DplacedD参见上题解析。7Afade BremainCdisappear DimproveA根据第一段中的our abilities in that regard decline with age并结合常识可推知,某些语言的能力会随着年龄的增加而逐渐消失(fadegradually disappear)。8Aautonomous BaverageCquick DdullC根据语境可推知,作者一直认为自己是一个敏锐的(quick)学习

9、者,但却不再是这样了,故选C。9Aeasily BslowlyCsteadily DrapidlyB结合语境及上题解析可推知,作者掌握新词汇的速度很慢,故选B。10Acrowd in Bmake senseCslip away Dbuild upC根据语境可知,“我”一学习下一个技能,一个星期前学的就消失(slip away)了,故选C。11Acatch BreciteCshare DrepeatA根据语境可推知,“我”第一遍听法语新闻时能够理解(catch)90%的内容。12Acomplete BoverlookCperform DaccomplishD根据语境可知,谁知道“我”仍可能实现(

10、accomplish)什么呢?故选D。13Aexcept BbeyondCthrough DincludingB根据下文的内容可知,作者认为自己学到的不仅仅是法语的语法和词汇,故选B。beyond意为“除之外”。14Aconfidence BabilityCpatience DcourageD根据空后的make fools of themselves in order to something new可知,此处表示作者遇到了来自世界各行各业的人,他们有勇气(courage)使自己(看起来)愚蠢以学(learn) 一些新的东西,故选D。15Alearn BexperienceCexplore D

11、possessA参见上题解析。16Aorganizations BcornersCclasses DracesB根据下文的including France, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and Africa可知,这些老师来自世界的许多地方(corner)。17Aupdated BspreadCpresented DconveyedC根据语境可知,听着播放给法国人的新闻,“我”有了一个全新的理解,故选C。present“上演,播出”。18Aunderstanding BattitudeCknowledge DjudgmentA根据语境可知,“我”对一些东西是如何从

12、不同角度(angle)看起来完全不同有了全新的理解(understanding),故选A。19Amanner BaspectCangle DdirectionC参见上题解析。20Astudying BworkingCliving DthinkingD根据语境并结合常识可知,一门语言不仅仅是一组单词,也是一种思维(thinking)方式。B (2019江西省五校协作体模拟)One day a man was asked to paint a boat by the owner of the boat.He brought with him paint and 21 and began to pa

13、int the boat bright red,as the owner asked him.While painting,he 22 there was a hole in the boat and decided to 23 it.When he finished painting,he received his 24 and left.The next day,the owner of the boat came to the painter and 25 him with a nice check,much 26 than the payment for painting,the pa

14、inter was 27 “Youve already paid me for painting the boat!”he said.“But this is not for the paint 28 Its for having repaired the hole in the boat.”“But it was such a(n) 29 service.Certainly its not worth 30 me such a high amount for something so unimportant!”“My dear friend,you do not 31 Now let me

15、tell you what 32 When I asked you to paint the boat,I 33 to mention about the hole.When the boat dried,my kids took the boat and 34 a fishing trip.They did not know that there was a 35 in the boat.I was not at home at that time.When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat,I was 36 because I r

16、emembered that the boat had a hole.Imagine my 37 and joy when I saw them returning from fishing.“Then,I 38 the boat and found that you had repaired the hole!You see,now,what you did?You 39 my children!I do not have enough money to pay your small good deed.”So,no matter who,when or how,just 40 repair

17、 all the “leaks” you find.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。一位油漆工在油漆船时顺便将船上的一个洞补了起来,为此收到了船主的一大笔酬金,因为他的小小的善举挽救了船主孩子们的生命。21Achains BbrushesCbeliefs DpensB根据空格所在的句子可知,他带了油漆和刷子(brush),开始按照船主的要求把船漆成鲜红色。22Aconsulted BremindedCfound DconfirmedC根据该句中的there was a hole in the boat可知,当他在油漆时,发现(find)船上有一个洞。23Arepair BwipeChide Dm

18、easureA根据该句中的there was a hole in the boat以及下文的内容可推知,他发现船上有一个洞并决定修补(repair)这个洞。24Abenefit BbaggageCkey DmoneyD根据该句中的When he finished painting并结合常识可知,当他结束了油漆工作之后,收到了钱(money)便离开了。25Aadmired BtreatedCpresented DcomfortedC根据上文可知,在油漆时,他发现船上有一个洞,便将洞修补好了;结合该句中的with a nice check以及下文的内容可推知,为了感谢这位油漆工,船主过来给他赠送(

19、present)了一张支票。26Ahigher BlessCquicker DwealthierA根据该句的内容可知,船主送来的支票远高于(higher)他刷油漆应得的报酬。27Aamused BexcitedCmoved DsurprisedD根据上文可知,船主过来给他赠送了一张支票,远高于他油漆应得的报酬;结合常识可推知,这让油漆工感到很惊讶(surprise)。28Aaward BkindnessCjob DskillC根据下文Its for having repaired the hole in the boat,并结合该句中的But this is not for the paint

20、可知,这张支票不是针对油漆工作(job)的。29Acheap BsmallCvaluable DadditionalB根据下文中的something so unimportant可知,油漆工认为这只是小的(small)事情。30Alending BsellingCborrowing DpayingD根据上文可知,这位油漆工收到了船主的一张支票;结合该句可知,他认为给他支付(pay)这么多钱是不值当的。31Ascream BbowCforgive DunderstandD根据下文可知,船主向他解释送支票给他的原因;结合该句可推知,船主认为他不理解(understand)自己此举的原因。32Aha

21、ppened BexistedCcrashed DcirculatedA根据该句可知,船主说,让我告诉你发生(happen)了什么吧。33Adecided BhatedCforgot DrememberedC根据上文可知,油漆工油漆船时,他无意间发现了船上的洞;结合该句可知,船主让他漆船时,忘记(forget)提醒他这个洞了。34Awent through Bwent onCdreamed about Dturned toB根据该句并结合常识可知,空处与took the boat为顺承关系,表示船上的油漆干了之后,孩子们乘船进行了捕鱼之旅(went on a fishing trip)。35A

22、hole BsignCrule DdangerA根据该段第三句中的the hole,结合该句可知,他们并不知道船上有一个洞(hole)。36Aangry BdesperateCembarrassed DclumsyB根据上文内容以及该句中的because I remembered that the boat had a hole可知,当孩子们出发捕鱼后,船主才想起船上有一个洞。据此可推知,此处表示船主非常绝望(desperate)。37Asorrow BsituationCpatience DreliefD根据该句中的and joy when I saw them returning from

23、 fishing,结合常识可知,当船主看到孩子们回来时,他非常欣慰(relief)、高兴。38Apulled BspottedCexamined DdestroyedC根据该句可知,随后船主检查(examine)了船,发现油漆工已经将洞修补好了。39Asaved BtaughtCinstructed DtreasuredA根据上文可知,油漆工将船上的洞修补好,避免了船主的孩子们出海捕鱼时发生意外;结合该句可知,油漆工的行为救了(save)孩子们的命。40Apossibly BcarefullyCactually DfinallyB根据上文可知,油漆工在油漆船时发现了船上的洞,并将洞修补好,挽救

24、了孩子们的生命;结合该句可知,无论是谁,无论何时,无论如何,只要看到“漏洞”,就应该仔细地(carefully)将它们修补好。C (2019长沙四校模拟)“Love is caring,”Grandma told me as I sat at her bedside.She was in bed and receiving hospice care(临终关怀护理)As immigrants,Grandmas families were 41 First,they started a sausagemaking business.Then,they ran a grocery store.As

25、the Depression(经济大萧条) raised its 42 head in 1929,many families couldnt 43 groceries.Her father insisted on helping by extending credit to them.But,his selfless help led to financial disaster 44 large numbers of the credit extensions went 45 Disaster didnt stop there.After her parents deaths two year

26、s later,Grandma 46 the debts,lost the business and 47 her brothers,looking after and protecting them.She fell sick from sadness,feeling hopeless and helpless. 48 ,she finally pulled herself together.She 49 creditors to give her time to repay them.She found a job in a candy shop. 50 ,all of her famil

27、ys debts were repaid.Her 51 kept the family from bankruptcy(破产)Through her many 52 ,Grandma found the strength to give and be 53 for the smallest things.She never made complaints about the families that 54 to repay her even after their hardships ended.I remembered the 55 she had told us many times.H

28、er sister Olivia was 56 hard times.She only had two dollars in cash to get herself through the week then.But after struggling,she 57 slipped her very last two dollars into an envelope 58 to Olivia.“Be appreciative of everything,Lauren.And love others.Love is caring,”Grandma 59 Looking at the courage

29、 of a woman facing 60 made me realize I had so much to learn.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在祖母临终前探视她时,对她坚强、富有爱心的一生作了追忆,并告诉我们“爱就是关怀”这一人生真理。 41Aunited BadventurousCreliable DcautiousB根据其后两句可知,作者的祖母一家作为移民,他们先后开办了香肠制作店和食品杂货店,这说明他们很有冒险精神(adventurous)。42Arigid BbigCugly DheavyC根据空格所在句可知,此处应用ugly来形容经济大萧条,暗含了人们对大萧条

30、的痛恨之情。43Amanage BdemandCafford DsupplyC由于经济大萧条,人们买不起(afford)食品杂货。44Aalthough BunlessCbefore DwhenD根据空格前一句及本句中空格前的部分可知,在经济大萧条的形势下,作者祖母的父亲坚持为人们提供信贷服务。但是当人们不能偿还信贷时,他无私的关爱给他的家庭带来经济灾难。when“当的时候”,符合语境。45Aunpaid BunconfirmedCunknown DunnoticedA参见上题解析。下文中的repay them亦是提示。unpaid“未偿还的”,符合语境。46Atook over Bturned overCpicked up Dmade upA根据上文中的After her parents deaths two years later和下文中的She found a job.repaid it.可知,祖母的父母去世后,她承担(take over)了那些债

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