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1、跨文化交际教案本博学笃行严谨创新西南科技大学教案本 2016-2017 学年 1 学期系(部)-专业英语课程跨文化交际班级英语 14 级本科任课教师-前言艺高为师,德高为。被时代誉为使学生走向科学宝库的引路人,时代模的人民教师,承担着传递人类智慧,提高全民素质的神圣使命。教育是一门科学,要求真;教育是一门事业,要奉献;教育是一门艺术,要创新。教案是课堂教学的蓝图,好的教案应该是一种创造。教案可从不同层面进行定义:定义层面:教案是根据教学容而策划的教学安排;技术层面:教案是根据教学容、教学要求而进行的结构完整、目标明确、过程清晰的教学策略;艺术层面:教案既是具有理性色彩,又具有诗意手法的教学蓝图

2、,是教学文化底蕴、个人智慧和和教学艺术的结晶。教师在备课时应做到根据培养目标的要求备学生实际、备教学大纲、备教学容、备教学方法和教具等。教师应做到:了解、分析该班学生情况;制定学年(期)教学计划;认真做教案;认真考勤;期末写出教学总结。教务处二一一年教案时间安排第周,总第 1 次课章节名称lecture 1 Introduction教学目的Learn the purpose of learning the course.Learn the notions of Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication.Learn the di

3、fferences between Chinese and Western cultures 教学重点与难点Learn the notions of Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication.教学容与过程设计I. Warm-up Cases Please discuss the cases in groups and make a comment on it. Case 1: Showing Concern In China: Xiao Li (an interpreter): You must be very tired.

4、Youre oldCatherine (an elderly American lady): Oh, Im NOT old, and Im NOT tired. Comment What the interpreter said is quite courteous in China. It means, “If you are tired, we can take a little rest, since you are getting on in years.”The interpreter gave the impression that he thought the elderly l

5、ady would collapse any minute if she doesnt rest immediately. Comment In the West, there is a value placed in being young that many people consciously, or subconsciously, are not willing to accept that they are growing old. In the West: A: How are you doing now? Would you like to rest?B: No, not a b

6、it.The way of showing concern is different. In China In the WestCase 2 First Offer A Canadian colleague and I traveled to Guilin with our admirable guide Heping Liu in very hot weather. Sightseeing is a thirsty business. We did not trust the water, and enjoyed excellent beer. We politely offered som

7、e to Heping but he refused. We said nothing and drank our beer, while poor Heping watched. On another day, Heping quickly accepted our offer of beer. Questions for discussionIn your daily life, do you often accept first offer? If yes, in what situation? CommentI. Why take Intercultural Communication

8、? The Purpose The general purpose of this course is to understand the ways in which culture interrelates with and effects communication processes. Intercultural learning involves affective and behavioral processes, as well as cognitive ones. Throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to g

9、ain knowledge, skills and attitudes that will increase your intercultural communication competence. The Objectives 1) To explore cultural self-awareness, other culture awareness and the dynamics that arise in interactions between the two. 2) To understand how communication processes differ among cul

10、tures. 3) To identify challenges that arise from these differences in intercultural interactions and learn ways to creatively address them. The ReasonsDevelopment of Science &Technology Globalization of EconomyWidespread ImmigrationDevelopment of MulticulturalismInternational CommunicationInterracia

11、l Communication Interethnic Communication or minority communicationII. What Is Culture? 1. Define cultures yourself Please write down whatever comes to your mind when you hear or think of culture. Next, try to figure out how they are related to culture.2. Definitions of Culture 1) Culture is the tot

12、al way of life that a group of people shares.2) Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning. 3) Culture is an

13、Integrated system of learned behavior patterns which are characteristic of the members of a society and which are not the result of biological inheritance.4) Culture is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles,

14、 spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving(努力,奋斗 ). 5) Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared,

15、learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.3. Elements of Culture4. Three Ingredients of Cultureartifactsconcepts (beliefs, values, world views)behavior e.g. Whereas the money is considered an artifact, then value placed on it is a concept, the actual spending

16、 and saving of the money is behavior. 5. Characteristics of Culture III. What Is Communication Can you give some examples to explain the word communication? What is communication? 1.Definition of Communication Generally speaking, communication can be defined as a dynamic, symbolic, transactional and

17、 contextual process in which people create shared meanings or messages. 2.Basic aspects to CommunicationOur individual personalityThe culture we operate inThe physical environment that surrounds us2.Model of Intercultural Communication The more similarities two cultures share, the less influence cul

18、ture will have on communication. Therefore, the less messages will be changed during communication.The less the cultures are alike, the greater the influence of culture on communication will be, and the more likely the messages will be changed. Misunderstanding in intercultural communication often a

19、rises here. 3. Barriers in Intercultural Communication Language differencesNonverbal communicationStereotypes (规,成见 ) Cultural bias on judgmentsHigh level of stressV. The Differences between Chinese and Western Cultures Western: small, intimate family, retirement home, the old are separated, childre

20、n leave early; being independent and look after themselves. Parents never interfere with their children affairs when they are old enough. western: performance oriented, little rote(死记硬背) memory, ability to solve problems; practical competence of running a business is more important. Western:, time o

21、riented relationships (work, free time), make an appointment before you go to see anyone, no appointment, no business. Law superior to friendship and kinsfolk.Colors No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as reprinting the same social reality. The worlds in which different s

22、ocieties live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels attached. Red paper bag containing money as a gift VI. Case Study VII. Summary Why take Intercultural Communication?Culture CommunicationIntercultural CommunicationThe Difference between Chinese and Western Cultures V

23、III. Exercises 1. Matching the terms with their definitions A. culture B. communication C. ethnocentrism D. intercultural communication E. business communication1.( ) The belief that your own cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverb

24、al communication, is superior. 2.( ) The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people. 3.( ) A process by which information is exchanged between i

25、ndividuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. 4.( )The communication is within business and administration, aiming at a common objective and profits for both the individuals and o

26、rganizations.5.( ) The communication between people from different cultures when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture. Exercises 2. Comprehension Check Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)._ 1. As a phenomenon, intercu

27、ltural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years._2. Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe. _3. Culture is a static entity while communication is a dynamic process._4. Culture can be seen as shared

28、knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture._5. Although cultural stereotype has its limitations (over-generalization), it still contributes to a persons cultural cognition._6. In intercultural communication, we should separate ones individual character from

29、cultural generalization. _7. Cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes. The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his or her idea while cultural mistakes can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill-feeling between individuals. _8. All people of the sam

30、e nationality will have the same culture._9. Although two cultures may share the same ideas, their meaning and significance may not be the same._10. Ones actions are totally independent of his or her culture. Exercises 3. Cultural Puzzles Read the following situations and choose the appropriate answ

31、er(s). There may be more than one possible answer for each cultural puzzle. 1. What would you do if someone told you to use his or her first name, but you felt uncomfortable doing this?a. You could continue to use the persons last name without explaining why.b. You could try to use the persons first name even though you feel uncomfortable doing this.c. You could ask the person, “Is it OK if I use your last name?”1. a) No. Ignoring others suggestion is impolite and offensive.B) Yes. When you try something new, it may be difficult at first. After a while, you wil

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