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1、关爱野生动物汇总关爱野生动物 ,拥抱绿色生活-模块2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 的单元任务和课时任务设计单元任务:一、语言知识目标:1.了解野生动物的生存现状,濒危动物的生存现状,从而思考人和动物之间的关系,从而意识到保护野生动物的重要性和意义。2.掌握并熟练运用本单元的重要词汇与短语.3.掌握语法现在进行时的被动语法。二、语言技能目标1.能根据野生动物话题有条理地做简短发言。2.能通过速读,概括比较等阅读技能,理解文章,提出自己的观点。3.能运用所学语言写出如何保护野生动物的小短文,如一个倡议书,海报等。三:情感态度目标:1. 通过对本文的学习,能意识到野生动物保

2、护和环境保护对人类生存和发展的重要意义。2. 能热爱生命,关注自然,关注人与自然的和谐。课时任务:Period 1: Warming up and pre-reading 通过直观展示的图片和视频直接导入,讨论野生动物的生存现状和面临问题,思考如何保护野生动物。Period 2:Reading comprehension 分层次设置问题,让学生带着问题阅读,然后回答问题;分析文章结构;概括文章大意。Period 3:Language study 设置一定的语境,以层层递进的形式练习本单元的重要单词、短语以及掌握现在进行时的被动语态的规律,培养学生语言认知和自主学习的能力。Period 4:La

3、nguage use 通过听、说、读、写综合练习使学生感悟和运用语言的能力真正得到提高。Period 5: summary- Writing总结复习本单元的重要单词、短语、语法、重要句型并运用所学语言写出如何保护野生动物的倡议书或者海报,做到学以致用,呼吁人们要意识到保护野生动物的意义,以动物和人之间关系和谐的重要性。教学目标如下:语言技能: 了解“全球变暖”、“能源的种类”和“节约能源”等方面的知识, 树立“节约能源、保护环境”的主人翁意识;能用英语表达同意和不同意、责备和抱怨等日常交际用语,掌握本单元关于气候、能源和环境的词汇、短语和句型,能根据阅读材料列举信息;学会如何写海报。语言知识:

4、 学习本单元28个新单词和11条短语以及it用在强调句中的用法。情感态度: 教育学生清醒认识“全球变暖”的事实,使其树立节约能源、保护环境的意识。学习策略: 通过理解课文的组织结构(Listing)培养认知策略,通过对全球变暖问题的讨论培养交际策略和情感策略。文化意识: 理解不同文化中人们对全球环境问题、能源问题的看法和关注程度。Time arrangement:Period 1: Warming up & Pre-readingPeriod 2: Reading and comprehendingPeriod 3: Learning about languagePeriod 4: Using

5、 languagePeriod 5: Language pointsPeriod 6: WritingTeaching goals:To learn the causes and the effects of global warmingTo learn about useful words and expressions To grasp the grammarhow to use “it” for emphasis in a sentenceTo learn how to express agreement and disagreement, blame and complaint.To

6、learn how to write report about saving resources and protecting the environment.Period Two: ReadingStep I Lead in Listen to the song Earth Song by Jackson and cut some pictures from the song. Then ask them the following question:What happened to the people in the song ? Play another video -A polar b

7、ear is cutting off its fur! Then ask the students :Why? and what happened to the polar bear ?-The earth is becoming warmer and warmer -Global WrmingStep II Read the tittle and predict1.Where can you most probably read this article? A.In a novel B.In a guide book C.In a environmental magazine2.Whats

8、the main topic of the article? A.The earth B.Global warming C.Becoming warmer doesnt matterStep III ReadingFast reading 1.How many things are talked about global warming?2.What is the writing style of the article?A.expositive(说明的) B. descriptive(记叙的) C. argumentative(议论的) Carful reading1.Tell the ma

9、in idea of each part. ( Match the parts with the main ideas)Part 1(para1) A. Explain how global warming comes about. Part 2 (para2-50 B. Introduce a debate over global warmingPart3 (para 6) C.Its up to readers to think and decide whether people should do something about global warming or not. Part4

10、(para 7) D.Effects of global warming and two different attitudes among scientists towards global warming.2.What skills are used in the article? (( Match the parts with the skills )Part 1(para1) A. using a question, leaving readers to think over theissue Part 2 (para2-50 examples ,making con

11、trast (comparison) Part3 (para 6) examples ,using graphs, explanation Part4 (para 7) D.raising a question 3.Why are the two graphs used?The two graphs are used to explain points by providing _.(evidence(证据) or phenomenon(现象) Further understandingReadPart 2 Then answer 1.How has the global w

12、arming come about? Listen to Part 3 Then answer2. What are the effects of global warming?Effects: sea level to rise Severe storms , floods , droughts , famines, the spread of diseases, andthe disappearance of species.Make plants grow faster. Crops will produce more. Encourage a greater range of anim

13、als.(配以图片加以理解)3.What are the scientistsattitudes towards global warming?Discussion1.In your opinion, is global warming a catastrophe or a positive thing? Why ?2.In our daily life,what can we do to reduce the amounts of greenhouse gases? (配以图片相关视频来说明国家有关部门和个人所采取的措施)教师总结:After all ,we have only one ea

14、rth .We should care about it Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It! 拯救地球就是拯救未来!Remember- your contribution counts. 记住,你的贡献很有价值.(此处插播美丽轻音乐,展示旋转地球,配以相关字幕)Homework1.Make a poster about the measures of reducing the amounts of carbon dioxide in the air.2.Do a social survey to see if people are aware of t

15、he importance of saving energy and creating economical society and call on people to care for our home.窗体顶端正在处理您的操作,请稍候!王美秀,欢迎您! 退出我的工作室高中政治高中英语高中生物高中音乐信息技术高中语文高中物理高中地理高中体育通用技术高中数学高中化学高中美术高中历史综合实践济南市枣庄市潍坊市威海市临沂市滨州市青岛市东营市济宁市日照市德州市菏泽市 淄博市烟台市泰安市莱芜市聊城市Remember- your contribution counts. 记住,你的贡献很有价值.Unit

16、 4 Global Warming单县第一中学王美秀2009年7月23日 18:26 浏览:71 专家浏览:0 | 评论:10 专家评论:0收藏石广报于09-7-24 10:09推荐立意新颖,版面美观,值得学习. Remember- your contribution counts. 记住,你的贡献很有价值. Unit 4 Global Warming Period Four: Using language -What can we do ?教学目标:在前三节课时的基础上,继续讨论学习有关Global Warming的问题,意在引起学生思考,面对全球变暖,能源短缺等问题,作为地球的主人-人类应

17、该怎样做?我们应该采取什么措施?情感态度: 教育学生清醒认识“全球变暖”的事实,使其树立节约能源、保护环境的意识。学习策略: 通过理解课文的组织结构(Listing)培养认知策略,通过对全球变暖问题的讨论培养思考问题、解决问题的能力。Step I: Lead in呈现几副由于全球变暖带来不良后果的图片,如无处安身的北极熊、干旱、饥饿等,由第二课时的READING 内容导入,问: what can cause global warming ?. Can we deal with it ? So ,what can we do ?【设计说明】复习前文,导入下文,简洁易操作,效果好。StepII u

18、sing language What can we do ?Fast reading:1.Who wrote the letter ? 2.Whats the purpose of Ouyang Guangs letter? 【设计说明】培养学生快速扑捉文章信息的能力。Careful reading:1.What are Ouyang Guangs two concerns? 2.Does the Earth Care agree with Ouyang Guangs opinion that individuals can have no effect?3.What does Earth C

19、ares suggest ? (List the suggestions )(Turn electrical appliances off when not using them.Dont turn up the heat, put on more clothes.Walk or ride a bike, dont drive.Recycle.Buy things made from recycled materials.Buy products that use less energy.Plant trees.Talk with family and friends about global

20、 warming.)【设计说明】培养学生思考解决问题能力,列举提纲概括能力。Discussion: (In groups of four )1.What can we do to make contributions to slowing down global warming ?2.What else should our government do to slow down global warming?(呈现图片来启发学生,如 【设计说明】培养学生透过现象看本质,发散思维能力。Step III Writing-Making a poster for fighting against Gl

21、obal Warming .According to the students discussion, ask the students to make a poster to tell others how to solve the problem of global warming . Then read to the whole class.【设计说明】学有所获,学以致用。Step IV Summary关爱地球,才能拥抱绿色生活!人人参与,才能共建绿色和谐家园!Do remember- your contribution counts. 记住,你的贡献很有价值.(此处插播美丽轻音乐,展示

22、旋转地球,配以相关字幕)HomeworkExchange your poster with your deskmate and correct the mistakes ,and then put up the best one in our campus. 学案导学,学有所获,学以致用- Unit 4 Global WarmingPeriod 3:Learning about language教学目标:归纳拓展本单元的重点单词和短语;学习总结IT强调句;学生能够运用所学短语和词汇写一段文字。教学方法:师生互动,讲练结合.StepI.重点短语归纳:(听写)1依靠 depend on2偶然遇见

23、come across3与相比 compare with5计达 add up to6价; 上涨 go up7致; 引起 result in 8集结 build up9.上不 落后 keep up with10.定;未决定 in the air11.由于的结果 as a result of 12.经历;遭受 go through13.许多的;大量的 amounts of 14.使某物变热,变暖 warm up15.对有影响 have effect on17.有影响 ;很重要 make a difference18.忍受 put up with 19.只要 as long as20.扑灭 put

24、out StepII重点单词和短语归纳拓展:(讲练结合)1comparewith 把.与.相比,表示两者相比较。 可表示把谋物比作.,表示比喻意义不可用with。 (1)._ with the size of the whole earth, the bigger ocean doest see big at all. B.when comparing C.comparing D.when compared2大量的 (1)可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词 a lot of=lots ofa quantity of =quantities ofa mess o

25、f=messes of (2) 只修饰可数名词时用 many; a great / large number (numbers) of A good many(后面没有of)many a ( 后接单数名词,其谓语动词也用单数形式) (3)只修饰不可数名词时用 a great /large amount (amounts) of ; a great /good deal of ./much3.renewable adj 能再生的可再生的renew v 更新,恢复,重新开始 Tips 1 re-是一个动词前缀,表示“新”“再” e.g. : recycle 回收 rewrite 改写 reform

26、 改革 refine 精练 retell 复述 recover 恢复 2 able-是一个 形容词后缀表示“可的”“能的” acceptable 可接受的,可理解的 respectable 值得尊敬的4. destruction n. U破坏,毁坏,毁灭 destroy vt. 毁灭,毁坏destructive adj. 毁灭性的;有害 区别:destroy 指十分彻底的“破坏”,常含“很难或不能修复”之意。 damage 损坏”,意味着损坏后价值或效率低,一般是部分性的练习巩固:完成句子(1).I_(我今天踢足球时把鞋弄坏了).(damaged my shoes in playing foo

27、tball today)(2).The building _ (被大火彻底烧毁了)。(was destroyed by fire )单项填空 (3).His house escaped_in the big fire. A. destructions B. damagesC. destruction D. destructive5.concern n. 关系;关心; 营业;事物;忧虑,担心; vt. 与有关系,关心;担心归纳拓展concern oneself with/in/about 忙于,从事,关心,关切be concerned about 担忧 as concerns 关于As far

28、as Im concerned我认为,就我来说concerned adj. 焦虑的,担心的concerning prep. 关于 练习巩固:单项填空(1). Dont trouble things that dont_ you. A. concern B. matter C. mind D. refer (2)He heard nothing_ this matter. A. concerned B. concerning C. relating D. connecting (3).He is said to have been_ in the crime. A. concerning B.

29、concerned C. relater D. involving6. consequence n. 后果,影响;重要性 consequent adj. 跟随发生的;由而起的 consequently adv. 结果;因此;所以 归纳拓展 in consequence(of) 结果;因而 as a consequence of 由于 的结果 be of much/any/no consequence 有很大(任何,无)重要性完成句子(1). If you behave so foolishly ,you must be ready_(自食其果).(to take the consequence

30、s)(2). He may be_ (在他自己的村中是 一个重要人物),but he is nobody here.(a man of much consequence in his own village )句型转换(3). As a result of his laziness ,he was fired. As_ his laziness, he was dismissed.(a consequence of )(4).We hasnt enough money to pay our bus fare ,and as a result we had to walk. We hadnt enough money to pay our bus fare , and_.we had

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