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1、摩登家庭 第2季第1集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语Honey, do you need me to move the car? 亲爱的 要我把车开出去吗No, its nothing. Im alright 不 不用 我能行Oh no! Iron cross, shes going down 不 铁十字给我力量 它要栽了Oh no! Iron cross, shes going down 铁十字 纳粹德军勋章Oh god! Phil. 当心 菲尔- You okay? - Yes. I am. -你没事吧 -没事I am okay. 我没事Honey, why do we keep this

2、 car? 亲爱的 我们为什么要留着这辆车Its a classic! 这车老经典了No, it just sits here. 不 它只是空占地方And the seatbelts dont work. 安全带也坏了The doors stick. It leaks fluids. 门也卡 还漏油We havent put fluids in it in 10 years. 我们也十年没给它加过油了Well, Im gonna fix all that anyway. 我会把这些毛病都修好And then, uh, its gonna be Haleys car. 然后 送给海莉Oh, we

3、re not giving this car to Haley. 我才不要给海莉Its way too easy to fit a mattress in the back. 车后座都宽得可以放床垫了Remember? 当年这车可是我们的洞房啊Oh, no. Were selling it. 要命了 这车必须卖What?! 什么Unless you dont think you can. 除非你觉得你卖不出- Really? - Yeah. -此话当真 -是的- Seriously? - You cant. -确定当真 -绝对当真You honestly think thats gonna w

4、ork? 你确定我卖不掉You cant sell it. 就是卖不掉You know what? 话说You can insult a lot of things about me. 你怎么羞辱我都可以My hair, my voice, my balance-board exercises. 发型啊 声音啊 平衡板游戏啥的But dont insult my selling. 就是不要羞辱我强大的销售能力That crosses a line. 过分了哈What line? Oh, you dont see it? 过在哪里 你瞧不见?Thats cause I just sold it.

5、 因为我以光速给它卖了Thats cause I just sold it. 摩登家庭第二季第一集While the spray-tanned starlet claims 当这个美黑小星星声称to be six weeks sober, sources down under say: 自己有六个星期没嗑药时 知情者爆料道She has been bar-hopping 她就像一个嗑药过量的袋鼠一样like a coked-up kangaroo. 蹦啊跳啊混迹于酒吧Ah, whats daddy reading to you? 爹地给你读什么呢If I have to read the ve

6、ry hungry caterpillar 如果还要我再读一次One more time, I will snap. 饥肠辘辘的毛毛虫 我会抓狂的- oh, its not that bad. - I will snap! -哪有那么差劲啊 -别逼人家So, um, I laid the toolbox outside, 那啥 我把工具箱拿到外面了And all the supplies are ready, 所有的材料也都准备好了And I think we are good to go! 可以开工了Terrific. 好极了Arent you gonna change into a wor

7、king mans outfit? 你不打算换身工人套装吗No, Im good, 不用了And I dont think workmen really call them outfits. 况且我不觉得工人管它叫套装We are building a princess castle for Lily. 我们要给莉莉建一座公主城堡Uh, its something every father wants to be able to do for his daughter. 这是每个父亲都想给他女儿建的You know, and I fancy myself 并且 我把自己幻想成as a bit

8、of a castle designer. 这个城堡的设计师I have done a few sketches. 我画了一些草图Which we have archived so we can use the kit. 那些以备后用 这样我们就能用组装套件- Mm, yeah. - The kit. -对 -套件Uh, the kit. Which, uh, were gonna do together. 套件 我们夫妇一条心一起做I am petrified to do this with Mitchell. 要跟米奇尔一起做这个还不如杀了我He built a couple of the

9、ater sets in college or something, 他大学的时候做过几个戏剧的布景什么的And now he thinks he knows everything about building. 就以为自己是建筑帝了Well, he doesnt. 但他根本不搭边Every home-improvement project that weve undertaken. 每次我们家要做改造Has been a near-death experience. 都让人好想死好想死Make the appetizers. And then well be. 做开胃菜 然后.If an a

10、ccident does happen, I hope he kills me. 如果真出了啥意外 我希望他一下解决了我Because I dont think I would be a very inspiring disabled person. 因为我觉得我不会是个乐观向上的残障人士Honey, relax. 亲爱滴 放亲松Shes not here yet. 她还没来You might want to play it a little cooler. 你最好蛋定一下 别猴急猴急的You dont want to scare off your girlfriend. 要不会把你女朋友吓跑

11、的Shes not my girlfriend! 她才不是我女朋友Shes just coming over to study the life cycle of silkworms. 她只是过来跟我一起研究蚕的生命周期Oh. Shes here. 嗷 她到了Shes here! okay, hows my hair? 她到了 那啥 我头发不乱吧I thought it was just a friend. 是谁说只是朋友来着I heard that. 我可听到了I wasnt whispering. 我故意的Manny, open the door. Make her feel welcom

12、e. 曼尼去开门 让她感受什么叫宾至如归Kelly! Good morning. 凯莉 早上好Uh, Im glad youre here. 欢迎你来我家Um, this is my Mom. 这是我妈Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你哦In my culture, 在我们的文化里mothers are very clingy to their sons. 母亲都灰常粘儿子In fact, the leading cause of death among Colombian women 其实呢 哥伦比亚妇女死亡的首要原因is when their sons get married

13、. 就是她们的儿子要结婚But Im not like that. 但是我不会这样I just want my Manny to be happy. 我只要曼尼高兴就好哩Manny, why dont you give your friend Kelly an empanada? 曼尼 叫你的朋友凯莉吃肉卷馅饼Oh, no, thank you. 不了 谢谢I try to stay away from trans fats. 我尽量避免摄入反式脂肪Oh, Im sure one wont make a difference. 哎呀呀 就吃一个没啥滴啦Theyre Mannys favorit

14、e! 这是曼尼的最爱哟I. think Im going to stop eating trans fats, too. 我 我也不要吃反式脂肪了Mom? When was this from? 妈 这是在哪拍的Oh. Thats the year your dad and I went to the rose bowl. 这是我跟你爸去看玫瑰杯的时候拍的Oh. Thats the year your dad and I went to the rose bowl. 玫瑰杯 于加州举行的美式足球赛- Incredible game. - Yeah. -那场老精彩了 -是啊Mom, you lo

15、ok really pretty. 妈 你看起来真美Thank you, sweetheart. 谢谢你 宝贝儿So, what happened? 那后来怎么回事Well, Lukey, everyone gets older. 小卢克 人人都会变老嘛Just cause parts of your mom arent what they used to be, 即便你妈的风采不再it doesnt meam. 也不代表.I mean, what happened in the game? 我是想问比赛后来怎么样了We got our butts kicked by Penn state.

16、我们输给了宾州队The parade was awesome, though. 但是游行非常棒Angela Lansbury was the grand marshal. 是安吉拉兰斯伯里担任司仪Angela Lansbury was the grand marshal. 著名女演员Good time, she wrote. 美好的记忆 她写道Okay, come on, guys. Lets get back to it. 行了 继续收拾No ones gonna buy this heap looking this way. 堆着这么多东西没人会买的Hey, mom, which one

17、is the garbage can? 恶 妈妈 垃圾丢哪边Um, it. 丢.Honey, you cant throw that away. 乖乖 这个不能丢Its blankety. 这是小毯毯Its disgusting. 可它有够恶心No, sweetie, you loved blankety. 怎么会 亲爱的 你以前可喜欢它了You wouldnt go anywhere without him. 你上哪儿都要带着它Yeah, until Luke threw up on it. 哈 直到卢克吐在上面Yeah. 哈哈I used to throw up all the time.

18、 我年轻的时候老吐Remember buckety? 还记得呕吐桶桶吗Oh, look at this. 看这个What is that? 这是什么We went to the beach one day, 那天咱们去海边and Luke had such a good time. 卢克玩得很开心That he wanted to being home a jar of sunshine. 所以他要带一罐阳光回家So he could always remember it. 这样他就能永远记着了Do you remember, honey? 还记得吗 亲爱的Oh, no. no, no, do

19、nt. dont open it. 不 不不 别 别打开You really think you trapped sunshine in there? 你真以为你把阳光收进罐子里了Im just letting you know now, 我现在通知你们Im not taking care of him when you guys die. 你们死了之后我绝对不会管他的Stop. Its sweet. 别说了 这样做很可爱的Still feels hot. 还热热的好吧Hey! Its that guy who came by earlier. 刚看车那家伙来电话了He was really

20、interested. 貌似很想买What was his name? Shoot! 他叫啥来着 快告诉我Well, you cant be in sales and not remember peoples names. 做销售千万不能忘记客户姓名Thats why I like to use what they call minimonic devices. 所以我用迷你联想来帮助记忆Theyre little tricks to help you remember. 这是帮助记忆的小诀窍Um, like the other day, I met this guy named Carl.

21、就像那天 我认识了个家伙叫卡尔Now, I might forget that name, 现在我或许忘了他的名字But he was wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt. 但我记得她穿着一件Grateful Dead的汗衫But he was wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt. Grateful Dead 美国摇滚乐队Whats a band like the Grateful Dead? 有什么乐队像Grateful DeadPhish. Where do fish live? Phish 鱼生活在哪里跟鱼读音相近 Phish同为美

22、国摇滚乐队The ocean. 海洋What else lives in the ocean? 什么东西生长在海洋Coral. 珊瑚Hello, Coral. 你好 卡罗他本想卖弄 却记错了 Coral 意译珊瑚 音译卡罗 与卡尔音似I think its mnemonic. 我记得这是助记口诀I. I think Id remember. 啊 我觉得我没记错Okay. 行吧You can do it, dad. 老爸 你一定行的Okay. 好吧He looked like the drummer from foreigner. 他看起来像是个外国鼓手Now, foreigners from

23、France. 这个外国人来自法国France rhymes with ants. 法国和蚂蚁押韵英文单词读音Ants ruin a picnic. 蚂蚁破坏了野餐Whats up, Nick? 哈啰 Nick和野餐后缀音同Really? 是吗Really? 真的吗Well, thats great. 那太好了Yeah, no, swing by anytime. Were here all day. 随时欢迎 我们一整天都在Thanks. 谢谢Guess what? 你猜怎么着You said I couldnt sell this? 谁说哥卖不出去Well, youre gonna be

24、eating a humble pie. 你自打嘴巴了吧Stuffed with crow and a big side of sorry, 高兴不起来了吧 真对不住了嘿cause I just did. 我给它卖了In your face, girl with the negative tattoo! 当你的面卖出去了 叫你老否定咱爷们Honey. 亲爱的Wait. 等等No! 不Whoa. Someone doesnt like to lose. 有人输不起了Honey. 宝贝Honey! 宝贝儿Im sorry. 对不起Im sorry. 对不起When I woke up this m

25、orning, I hated that car, 今早一睁眼 我还很烦那辆车and even thinking about it made me mad. 就连想起它都让我抓狂But then when we were going through it, 但是我们一起经历了这么多and blankety. 还有那个可爱的小毯毯all that stuff. I just. 所有这一切 我只是The thought of that whole part of our life driving away. 一想到那些美丽的日子就这样随车而逝了We can keep blankety. 我们可以留

26、着小毯毯嘛I dont want. 但我不想.Look at them. 看看他们Come on. A minute ago, they were babies. 好像昨天他们还都只是小宝宝And now theyre driving. 今天呢 连车都会开了And soon well all be dead. 然后我们也不久于人世了Whoa! Youre leaving out a few great minutes there. 打住 你咋能忽略掉死前的美好时光呢Retirement, old age. 退休啊 颐养天年啊Cool chair that goes up the stairs.

27、 超级酷的爬楼梯自动椅子啊Yeah. Im sorry. 是啊 对不起Im. being ridiculous. 我不该胡思乱想Dont apologize. I love you when youre human. 不用道歉 我就喜欢你充满着人情味Listen. 听着Hey! listen! 听我说We dont have to sell the car. 车不卖了Oh, sweetie, of course we do. 亲爱的 当然要卖It doesnt make any sense to keep it. 没理由要留着它Well, what can I do to make you f

28、eel better? 那我该怎么做才能让你感觉好点Nothing. 什么也不用做Unless you can build me a time machine. 除非你给我造一台时光机Honey. 亲爱的Until someone can figure out how to keep a wormhole 除非有人能想办法Until someone can figure out how to keep a wormhole 虫洞 宇宙时间和空间壁上的洞from collapsing in on itself. 阻止虫洞的倒塌Thats just a pipe dream. 否则就是痴人说梦Su

29、re. 是啊Phil! come on back, phil. 菲尔 想都别想 菲尔Well, I found the. 我找到了.I found the nail gun. 我找到了射钉枪Oh. Yay. 噢 太好了The weirdest thing. it was wrapped in an old towel 奇怪的是 它给裹在一条旧毛巾里stuffed in a box on the top shelf of the closet. 塞在盒子里 在壁橱最顶上Well, just set it down on the counter. 赶紧把它放在柜台上Heads up! 小心Oh,

30、dad, what are you doing here? 老爸 你来这干嘛Im, uh, just, uh, returning that crockpot that Gloria borrowed. 我只是来还歌洛莉亚借的电锅Oh, yeah, I forgot you had that crockpot, Jay. 我都忘了这码事了 杰Well, were just getting ready to build Lily a princess castle 我们正准备给莉莉建造一座公主城堡if you. 如果你.- Want to help? - Yeah, sure. -想帮忙 -当然

31、 没问题Oh. Well, if its okay with you, Mitchell. 只要你不介意的话 米奇尔Oh, yeah! oh, no, dad. 好啊 我没问题 老爸Oh, remember how much fun we had 还记得当初我们一起做书架的时候吗when we built that bookshelf together? 多美好的回忆呀That was my vietnam. 那简直就像打了场越战And I was in vietnam. 我确实参加过越战Oh! Look at us! 看看我们哦Three construction dudes! 我们就是工匠三兄弟Dad, I

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