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语法填空 2.docx

1、语法填空 2语法填空题的特点与解题指导一、命题特点1. 考查篇章理解。语法填空是以短文为载体,考查语法的同时,也考查了考生对语篇的理解。2. 考查基础语法。所填词语既要意思连贯和逻辑正确(符合语境), 又要语法正确。重点考查动词、代词、介词、冠词、词类转换等基础知识。3. 填词分两种类型。(1) 填实义词用括号里所给词的适当形式填空,包括动词的时态、语态、非谓语动词,形容词和副词的比较等级,名词的单复数,以及词类或词义的转换等。(2) 填功能词空后没给词,要求考生根据文意、上下连贯性和行文逻辑,填入一个恰当的词,包括代词、介词、限定词 (冠词、物主代词、指示代词等)、连词、时间及地点副词等。二

2、、解题技巧1. 把握篇章理解。用约一分钟浏览全文,明确大意及整个语境,明确人称和主体时态,此乃做语法填空题的前提。2. 处理好两类词的填空。填实义词时,先要根据该词在句中的语法成份,确定好词性(名词、动词、形容词、副词等),再考虑其词形。根据前后意思,还可能填所给词的反义词。填功能词时,要根据上下文之间的联系、空格前后词语的支配关系、词语搭配,以及句子结构的要求,填上所需的功能词。语法填空的考查范围: 1 语境(上下文); 2 语法: 动词(时态、语态、主谓一致、非谓语形式)、名词、代词、冠词、介词、固定搭配、情态动词、复合句、形容词和副词的比较级最高级及构词法、倒装等。 语法填空的能力要求:

3、 1.阅读/理解语篇的能力 2.分析句子结构的能力 3.熟练运用语法的能力 4.单词拼写能力句子的类型 简单句:1 2 3 4 5 并列句:并列连词 复合句: 名词性从句 1主语从句 2宾语从句3表语从句4同位语从句 定语从句 1限制性定语从句 2非限制性定语从句 状语从句1转折2因果3联合 4选择5时间6地点7原因8目的9结果10条件11方式12让步 一、动词(谓语/非谓语) 给出动词的原形,根据句子结构的需要给出其适当的形式。填动词形式,首先抓住主谓结构,确定主句,剩下的部分,如有连词,则是句子,仍然有主谓结构,否则就用非谓语;是谓语就思考时态,语态,主谓一致,是非谓语就看主动被动,有否先

4、后关系。二、代词 挖掉代词,句子的结构受到破坏,句子间出现不连贯。三、定语从句的引导词 必须根据定语从句的信息和先行词进行推断,从而补出引导词,这本身就是考查逻辑思维能力。 四、连词(从属连词/并列连词) A) 引导各种从句的连词叫从属连词。如名词性从句的引导词what, who, which, when, where, whatever, whoever, whichever, whether;状语从句引导词where, wherever, when, if , how, unless, until B) 并列句的各种关联词叫并列连词。如and, but, or, though, altho

5、ugh, so 挖掉关联词,要想补上连词,思路必须与作者思路相吻合。 五、挖掉表示起承转合的副词或副词性短语 此功能于关联词相似。只是这种副词(短语)在用法上更加灵活多变。典型的有though, however, also, therefore, still, besides, in addition, instead, or ,otherwise,first, second, then, finally, in a word等等。六、特殊句型(或固定短语) 考查对固定结构(短语)的熟悉掌握程度。属于字词层面考查语法。七、冠词八、介词或数词九、形容词/副词十、词形变化或者词性变化 给出单词的原

6、形,通过句子分析,缺少什么成分,再用正确的单词形式补充完整。这属于比较基础的单词拼写方面的能力要求。1. Ms Chen _(teach) me English since Junior 1, and to show my appreciation I decided to get her a present. (广州一模) 2. I was certain she would like it because I _(tell) by my classmates that she loved hot food. (广州一模) 3. The exam, which was originally

7、to be held in our classroom, _ (change) to the library at the last minute. .(广州二模) 4. I had to leave work to take him to the hospital because he _ (break) his finger. (深二模) 5. The child, Nicole Hobson, _(take) by her mother to Childrens Memorial Hospital about 11 p.m., Wednesday to check (汕头二模) 6. A

8、 transit spokesman said the driver should _(make) radio call to the control center for help. (汕头二模) 7. An official from the Ministry of Education said that China follows an educational policy that _(encourage) students to study abroad. (茂名二模) 8. One of them was a visitor, saying he wouldnt have been

9、 there if he _ (watch)the weather forecast the day before. (梅州二模)9. We must also consider the reaction of the person _(receive) the gift. (广州一模)10. With the problem _(solve), I felt proud of my achievement. (广州二模)11. I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left_ (complete) the rest. .(广州二模)12. The

10、re, _(place) neatly beside the empty dish ,were two nickels and five penniesher tip! (深一模)13. _( compare) with the previous year, the number of students who went abroad for study was increased by 15 ,000, or a rise of 13%. (茂名二模)14. Storms swept along New Mexicos border with Texas on Friday, _(destr

11、oy) homes and other buildings and injuring(梅州二模)15We must practise speaking and _ (write) the language whenever we can. 16but it is not enough only_ (memorize) rules from a grammar book. (佛山一模)17. The television viewer makes no choice and no judgment. He is completely passive and has everything _ (p

12、resent) to him without any effort on his part. (东莞一模)18. I patiently walked to the library, took my seat and did some deep breathing to help relax _ . (广州二模)19. The little boy pulled_ right hand out of the pocket and studied a number of coins in it. (深一模)20. the driver did _ to help and even stopped

13、 once to pick up more passengers.(汕头二模)21. If you give your children that they can never do anything quite right, then they will regard _as unfit or unable persons. (深圳罗湖)22. Some 134,000 Chinese students went to study abroad, and 120,000 of _were self-funded students,(茂名二模)23. Firstly, we must unde

14、rstand the language when we hear_ spoken.(佛山一模)24. The exam, _was originally to be held in our classroom, was changed to the library at the last minute.(广州二模)25. Then I went to the department store_ I worked part-time and bought her an expensive gift box of Sichuan beef. (广州一模)26. It was a poem abou

15、t me, _ included the time (深二模)27. At the same time, there had been a growing number of overseas students _came back to China after study. (茂名二模)28. More and more Chinese students go abroad for study, _is supported by the Chinese government. (茂名二模)29. Many things must be considered such as _ the per

16、son is interested in and how old he is. (广州一模)30.My face turned red on hearing _my mother said. (惠州一模)31. she would point out _ they had mastered and declared firmly they could learn what they had missed. (深圳罗湖)32The American Academy of Pediatrics (儿科) says_ children really need for health developme

17、nt is more good, old-fashioned playtime.(四校联考)33. I almost started to yell his name _ I suddenly remembered he was in bed asleep. (深二模)34._children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent.35. Statistics show that _ China carried out the opening - up policy, a total of on

18、e million students have gone abroad for study. (茂名二模)36_we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. (佛山一模)37. Some people, however, maintain that this is precisely _ the danger lies.38. I had no idea how to do it. I tried to stay positive and pe

19、rsevered _I finally found the solution. (广州二模)39. I asked my classmates about her interest _ I made my final decision. (广州一模)40.Tom, an 8yearold boy, entered a hotel coffee shop _sat at a table.(深一模)41. It is difficult for parents of nearly every family to teach their children to be responsible for

20、housework, _with one of the following suggestions, you really can get your children to help at home. (深圳罗湖)42This, _ , didnt bother me because maths had always been my strongest subject. (广州二模)43. Dont always scold and give lots of praise _. (深圳罗湖)44. It was not long _Tess came back and then she beg

21、an to widown the table.45. _after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldnt eat MSG! (广州一模)46. So careless was I _ I had forgotten all about that. (深二模)47. as a matter of _one well and made great achievement(惠州一模)48When Carettson, 29, a passenger, was trying to bring _Nicoles life(汕头二模)49.

22、The child was stricken about a mile away _ the hospital. (汕头二模)50. But my mood quickly changed when I saw_ first question. (广州二模)51. Then I went to the department store and bought her _expensive gift box of Sichuan beef. .(广州一模)52. Tom, _ 8yearold boy, entered a hotel coffee shop. (深一模)53He talked a

23、bout how I wrestled with him in the evenings and _ good many other things. (深二模)54. I told the bus driver that my baby had just had heart operation and that she was having _ heart failure. (汕头二模)55.Television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also _ comparatively cheap one.(东莞一模)

24、56.Mr Chen has taught me English since Junior 1, and to show my _ (appreciate) I decided to get her a present. (广州一模)57. _ (fortunate), I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes to complete the rest. (广州二模) 58. Some people were now waiting for her service and the waitress grew a bit _ (patience). (深

25、一模)59. “Thirty-five cents,” she said _ (rude). (深一模)60. I dont know if he placed the poem next to the failing grade to _ (soft) the blow, but it work. (深二模)61. I must know how to care for others and try not to _ (understand) them. (惠州一模)62. you have done well and made great achievement in the _ (ent

26、ertain) field. (惠一模)63. These people have made great _ (contribute) to China with their work.(茂名二模)64. to check her _ (recent) inserted (插入) pacemaker. (汕头二模)65The tornadoes damaged several_(new) built buildings,(梅州二模)66Numerous studies have shown that free play is very _ (benefit). It can help chil

27、dren become creative(四校联考)67.they can see plays, films, operas, and shows of every kind, not to mention the latest _ (excite) football match. (东莞一模)68.I was always told that the three Ps,were a sure path_ success. (广州二模)69Dont be always particular _ your present work and income. (惠州一模)70. It began t

28、o make sense to me that I could include praise along _ constructive criticism. (深二模)71. He showed the public a limited edition four-wheel drive car, which is especially made _his personal taste. (梅州一模)72. Five were in critical condition_ head trauma(外伤, 损伤), said Liz Crouch, the centers chief operat

29、ing officer. (梅州二模)73There is no easy way to success _ language learning.74. It was his _ (nine ) year of school. (深二模)75. One of the _(bad) gift choices I ever made was for my high school English teacher, Ms Chen. (广州一模)76. I put the paper aside and turned to the _ one, at the top of which(深二模)77.

30、Many other actors are _ (badly)off than me at present,(惠州一模)78. In 2006, over 40,000 overseas students came back, with 33,000 of them being self-fund students, 20% _ than the year before. (茂名二模) 语法填空专练一 In the small towns of the United States in the 1 (nineteen) century, the general store was 2 everyone bought the things he couldnt make 3 grow at home. What the stores sold 4 (tell) a great deal about

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