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1、深圳市龙岗区建文中学高三年级综合能力测试题一深圳市龙岗区建文中学高三年级综合能力测试题(一)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ATranslation As A CareerThe Open University has 50 years experience of delivering flexible learning and 170,000 students are studying with us right now. This free and college- le

2、vel course, Translation As A Career, explores what being a professional translator is like. You can start the course anytime and anywhere if you have access to the Internet.During the course you will meet professional translators discussing their works, such as the translation of a foreign novel, an

3、d reflect on what they say. You will find out how translators maintain their language skills. You will also engage in (参加) a short translation activity which benefits you in the translation qualification exam.Part One the four sections of the courseTranslation as a profession: this section provides

4、an overview of the skills and knowledge needed to be a translator and what is meant by translation competence (能力).A day in the life of a translator: in this section, some translators will tell you about their works and about giving back.*Your language skills: in spite of working daily with their la

5、nguages, translators usually devote some time during their week to keeping up their language skills; in this section, you are going to find out more about how to improve your language skills.*Translation theory and practice: explore the notion of equivalence (对等概念) by volunteering in a short transla

6、tion activity.Part TwoAfter studying this course, you should be able to:*Understand the skills required to become a professional translator and what is meant by translation competence.*Have an awareness of what it means to be a professional translator.*Undertake an independent research activity.*Eva

7、luate personal language skills.*Undertake a translation activity.1. What do we know about the course?A. It is targeted at high school students.B. It focuses on English speech skills.C. It has many foreign teachers.D. It is an online course.2. In which section can you learn about the basic requiremen

8、ts for a translator?A. Translation as a profession. B. A day in the life of a translator.C. Your language skills. D. Translation theory and practice.3. What does Part Two mainly focus on?A. Suggestions on improving language skills.B. The branches of the Open University.C. The learning outcomes of th

9、e course.D. Requirements for taking the course.BI was once told a story like this: A person, called John, was always the life of the party telling jokes, talking about his travels, and generally amusing people with stories. While others laughed and sometimes liked to listen to John, he wasnt anyones

10、 favorite party-goer to hang out with.One of his friends, Maxine, suggested that at the next party, John should make a change. Dont talk a lot. Dont tell stories just go around and listen to what everyone has to say. John did this, and after the event, Maxine told him that many people had come up to

11、 her to say what a “great conversationalist” they found John to be! This story reminds us that everyone has a central focus in life, called me.Whether we like to admit it or not, our world revolves around what we know, what weve learned, what we care about, and whether other people seem to care abou

12、t us.In my full-time job, I always hear people talk about how to present effectively, how to grab the attention of a room, and so on. But one of the key areas that often gets neglected is the art of active listening. In a fast-paced world, we are trying hard to keep up with everything coming in that

13、 we need to process. Meanwhile, we are becoming more and more indifferent to the art of focusing on another person, listening to what they have to say, and giving them our full attention which takes emotional and physical energy.There is no greater gift you can give to another person than staying fo

14、cused on them, working to understand them, and actually putting aside what youd like to say and do, to instead listen to every word they are saying. If you want to be perceived as a great communicator, a wonderful friend, an esteemed colleague, and a person that others want to be around, start impro

15、ving your own listening skills.4. How did the author bring up the topic of the text?A. By showing his experience.B. By making comparisons.C. By listing an example.D. By making up a story.5. Which of the following can best describe John according to Paragraph 1?A. Sociable. B. Generous.C. Considerate

16、. D. Conservative.6 .What does the underlined part “gets neglected” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Goes popular. B. Goes important.C. Becomes noticeable. D. Becomes overlooked.7. What is this text mainly about?A. Suggestions on getting along with colleagues.B. The art of active listening in communication.C.

17、 The importance of having a focus in life.D. Approaches to effective listening skills.CDecreasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has already been proposed as a potential means for the 20 C climate target, namely limiting global warming to the internationally agreed threshold (阀、界) of 2OC above

18、preindustrial temperature. A team from Cornell College, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory has now identified another potential way to achieve this by using waste products from the production of soft drinks.In a study published in the journal Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, the team demonstrate

19、d how some of the vast amounts of waste generated by the soft drink industry can be changed. They used a simple procedure to change it into a porous (多孔渗水的) material that is capable of absorbing carbon dioxide the most abundant greenhouse gas. Much of this waste comes from drinks that have expired (

20、期满、失效) or the production process itself.Craig Teague, lead author of the study from Cornell, said in a statement. “We looked at waste soft drinks and wondered if we could possibly find a way to take in carbon by doing something simple in the lab.”In the study, the researchers focused on four ordinar

21、y soft drinks, including Coca-Cola and Diet Pepsi, and used a simple procedure to reduce the beverages into a soda powder. This material contains tiny holes that have been proved to be particularly skilled at trapping carbon dioxide.“So far, soda powders have been proved to take in more gas than alm

22、ost any material they have ever measured,” Caitlin Stieber, a materials scientist, said, “One of the measurements examined how much carbon dioxide would bind to the material, and the powder is the second highest measurement we have ever recorded.”Usually, to create microporous materials of this kind

23、, unique chemicals need to be used, but the new process does not require these, the researchers say. Nevertheless, this technique is far from ready to be used in real life situations, much like many other methods being developed by scientists to remove carbon from waste streams. “Researchers around

24、the world are pursuing several different approaches because we dont know which one might be best for certain applications,” Teague said.8. Whats the significance of the study?A. Increasing the shelf life of soft drinks.B. Improving the production process of soft drinks.C. Helping the soft drink indu

25、stry gain more profits.D. Turning waste material from soft drinks into something of value.9. What can we know about the soda powder?A. It possesses a hole less surface.B. It is made from four beverages.C. It makes soft drinks much tastier.D. It is effective in absorbing carbon dioxide.10. What is Ca

26、itlin Stiebers attitude towards the material?A. Concerned. B. Ambiguous. C. Hopeful. D. Doubtful.11. What can be inferred about the new technique from the last paragraph?A. It will replace other approaches.B. It is still in the experimental stages.C. It can function well in real life situations.D. I

27、t is dependent on some special chemicals.DThe loss of indigenous (土著的) languages around the world is a growing concern. The Rosetta Project, which gathers a network of language experts and native speakers, has suggested that one language is being lost every three months and the trend that 92 percent

28、 of the worlds languages are spoken by fewer than ten people each still continues. UNESCO, meanwhile, has previously suggested that a language is becoming extinct every two weeks. The situation is getting worse and worse and thats why the Rosetta Project is established.David Crystal, a member of the

29、 International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, has explained that language extinction occurs when the last person who speaks it dies. He states that while there is nothing unusual about a single language dying, we are witnessing language extinction on a large scale. This is

30、 due to the languages no longer being taught to emerging generations. In Crystals words, this is an issue; those speaking a language are a living monument to what the community once was, which is a respon-sibility Crystal feels the next generation should carry.The globalization of English has also p

31、layed a key role in a languages extinction. About 360 million people are currently estimated to be considering English as their first-language across almost 100 countries worldwide. Its use in many fields has aided this spread. Patricia Ryan, an English teacher, explains that while it is the undoubt

32、ed global language, English does not translate every view and every term used by its local counterparts(对应的物).Campaigners such as those at the Rosetta Project are asking whether more languages should hold official status, such as Welsh. In Wales, both English and Welsh were made official languages in 1993 under the Welsh Language Act, the goal being for both tongues to carry the same importance and be widely used across the country extinction prohibited by legislation (立法). UNESCO is hoping this

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