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1、就划线部分提问精讲多练就划线部分提问精讲多练精讲多练对划线部分进行提问对划线部分进行提问分三步。第一步,分析划线部分的内容,能用那个疑问词来代替。(what when how where who which whose等) 第二步,写下疑问词后,找句子中是否有be动词,有be动词的做相应的变化,没有be动词,用助动词do/does(已给句子是一般现在时),然后找句子中的主语,主语写下来后,找动词,注意必须用动词的原形,接着剩下部分照抄。第三步,划线部分不能照抄,注意标点。 例句1:I have a pen pal. 1)分析划线部分,是名词,选疑问词what2)写下what,找句中是否有be动

2、词,没有be动词,选择助动词do/does;主语是I,选择助动词do, 主语I 改成you,动词have用原形 3)注意标点,句号变成问号。 4)问句:What do you have? 二 常见的对划线部分进行提问的题型 1 对主语提问 对主语提问时,只需找出一个恰当的疑问词代替划线部分;句子的语序不变。 (1)主语是人,用who代替。 1)Miss Zhang teaches us English . Who teaches you English ? 2)Jim is a teacher Who is a teacher ? (2)主语是物用what 代替 1)My bike is un

3、der the tree. What is under the tree .? 2)The apple is red. What is red ? 3)There is a book in the bag. What is in the bag ? (特殊事例 一般不用what is there 或what are there) 2 对谓语提问(或谓语和宾语提问) 1 一般现在时例1 He eats an apple.(1)do代替eat what代替an apple (2)写下疑问词,主语是he,无be动词,选用助动词does,动词原形用do (3)问句:What does he do?例2

4、 She does her homework.(1)do代替does what代替 homework (2)写下疑问词,主语是she,无be动词,选用助动词does,动词原形用do (3)问句:What does she do? 规则:在一般现在时中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词;宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What do/does-do? 2 现在进行时例1 He is eating an apple . (1)doing代替eating what代替an apple (2)疑问词what,有be动词,写下is,主语是he,划线部分用doing来代替(3)写下句子:What is h

5、e doing? 规则: 在现在进行中,对动词提问,用doing代替划线动词; 宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What is/are-doing? 3 一般将来时 例1 He is going to eat an apple .(1)do代替eat what代替an apple (2)疑问词what写下,有be动词is, 主语he,照抄,be going to是短语继续写,动词eat原形是do (3)写下句子:What is he going to do? 规则:在一般将来中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词; 口诀: 对物、人名、职业进行提问用what 对地点提问用where 对关系提问用

6、who 对价格进行提问用how much。 对几点几分进行提问用what time。 对不是表示几点几分的时间状语进行提问用when。 对年龄进行提问用how old。 对颜色进行提问用what color。 对身体状况进行提问用 how 。 对人进行提问用who(主格)或whom(宾格)。 对出行方式状语提问用how。 对星期提问用。what day。 对日期提问用what date。 对天气提问用what is the weather like-?或how 对相貌特征提问用what-be-like? 对四季提问用which weather。地点He is in the USA now._

7、_he now?【答案】Where is归属Kates bike was stolen last week. _ _was stolen last week?【答案】Whose bike人物Mr. Wang is our English teacher. _ _your English teacher?【答案】Who is事物或事件1问事情 It is a book in English. _ _this in English?【答案】What is2. 发生何事 She has a cold these days._ _with her? / _ _ _ with her?【答案】Whats

8、 wrong; Whats the matter3. 问事件 I like playing football best. _ _you like best?【答案】What do4. 哪一个 The girl wearing a skirtis my sister._ _ is your sister?【答案】Which girl长度1. 时间长度 He has worked in this factory for five years._ _has she worked in this factory?【答案】How long2. 空间长度 The Great Wall is over 5,

9、000 kilometres long._ _ is the Great Wall?【答案】How long时间1. 几点 They go to work at seven in the morning._ do they go to work?【答案】When2.星期 Its Monday today. _ _ is it today?【答案】What day3.何时 Their boss will visit China next month._ _ their boss visit China?【答案】When will4.日期 It was December 10th yesterda

10、y. _ _ _ _yesterday?【答案】What was the date5. 将来时间 He will come back to Beijing in ten days. _ _ will he come back to Beijinig?【答案】How soon6. 时间频率 I go to the cinema twice a month. _ _do you go to the cinema?【答案】How often年龄Li Lei is sixteen years old now._ _ is Li Lei now? /_ _ Li Leis age now?【答案】How

11、 old; What is天气It was sunny yesterday._ _ the weather like yesterday?/ _ _ the weather yesterday?【答案】What is; How is原因Jim was late for school this afternoon because he had an accident._ _ Jim late for school this afternoon?【答案】Why was颜色The coat is red. _ _ is this coat?【答案】What color1. I spent 10 do

12、llars on it. _ _ _ you spend on it?【答案】How much did2. My ruler is 3 yuan. _ _is your ruler? / _ _ _ does your ruler cost? /_ _the price of your ruler?【答案】How much; How much money; What is多少1. 可数 There are five people in his family._ _ people are there in his family?【答案】How many2. 不可数 I want a lot of

13、 meat _ _ meat do you want?【答案】How much距离 Luqiao is about 12 kilometers away from Xinqiao._ _ (away) is Luqiao from Xinqiao? / How many kilometers is it from Xinqiao to Luqiao?【答案】How far重量 This big desk is about 50 kilos heavy. _ _ is this big desk?【答案】How heavy身高John is almost 2 meters tall. _ _ i

14、s John?【答案】How tall职业 Peters father is a doctor. _ _ does Peters father do? / _ _ Peters father?【答案】What job; What is高度The mountain is over 2000 meters high. _ _ is the mountain?【答案】How high身体状况Her mother is fine today. _ _ her mother today?【答案】How is厚度The wall is about 10 cm thick. _ _ is the wall?

15、【答案】How thick宽度 The classroom is eight meters wide. _ _ is the classroom?【答案】How wide尺寸I wear Size L. _ _do you wear?【答案】Which size交通工具 We go to school by bike. _ _ you go to school?【答案】How do看法I think this movie is very interesting._ do you_ the movie? / _ do you_ _ the movie?【答案】How like; What thi

16、nk of次数 I have been to Hangzhou three times. _ _ times have you been to Hangzhou?【答案】How many(time作为“次数”是可数的)1. He has been a top fashion designer since 2002._ _ has he been a top fashion designer?2. They will move into the new school in a month._ _ will they move into the new school?3. It took me h

17、alf an hour to go to the Peoples Square by underground._ _ did it take you to go to the Peoples Square by underground?4. I go to school at 7 oclock every day._ _ you go to school every day?5. They go swimming twice a month._ _ do they go swimming?6. It is five miles from my home to the museum._ _ is

18、 it from my home to the museum?7. I have studied at this school for nearly seven years._ _ _ you _ at this school?8. Peter will be 180 centimeters tall._ _ will Peter be?9. The new bike cost me 400 yuan._ _ _ the new bike _ you?10. Jack had to look after his younger sister._ _ Jack _ to look after?1

19、1. This is Kitty and Snoops room._ _ is this?12. The lady in red is my English teacher._ lady is _ English teacher?13. My parents asked me to play the piano at weekends._ _ your parents _ you _ _?14. She works hard in order to get good marks._ _ she _ hard?15. Lucy asked him to turn down the radio._

20、 _ Lucy ask him to _ ?16. The Yellow river is 5,464 kilometers long._ _ is the Yellow River?17. The little boys played football on the playground yesterday._ _ the little boys _ football yesterday?18. The twin brothers get on very well._ _ the twin brothers get on?19. My foreign friends will arrive

21、in half an hour._ _ will your foreign friends arrive?20. At the age of five, Martin weighed 25 kilos._ _ did Martin weigh at the age of five?21. This sign means cars and buses mustnt turn right here._ _ this sign mean?22. London held the first World Expo in 1851._ did London _ the first World Expo?2

22、3. The students projects will be on show in three days._ _ will the students projects be on show?24. I paid 30 yuan for the book and 40 yuan for the magazine._ _ did you pay for the book and the magazine?1. How long2. How soon3. How long4. When do5. How often6. How far7. How long have learnt8. How t

23、all9. How much money cost10.Whom did have11. Whose room12. Which your13. What did ask to play14. Why does work15. What did do16. How long17. Where did play18. How do19. How soon20. How much21. What does22. When hold23. How soon24. How much1. He has been a top fashion designer since 2002._ _ has he b

24、een a top fashion designer?2. They will move into the new school in a month._ _ will they move into the new school?3. It took me half an hour to go to the Peoples Square by underground._ _ did it take you to go to the Peoples Square by underground?4. I go to school at 7 oclock every day._ _ you go t

25、o school every day?5. They go swimming twice a month._ _ do they go swimming?6. It is five miles from my home to the museum._ _ is it from my home to the museum?7. I have studied at this school for nearly seven years._ _ _ you _ at this school?8. Peter will be 180 centimeters tall._ _ will Peter be?

26、9. The new bike cost me 400 yuan._ _ _ the new bike _ you?10. Jack had to look after his younger sister._ _ Jack _ to look after?11. This is Kitty and Snoops room._ _ is this?12. The lady in red is my English teacher._ lady is _ English teacher?13. My parents asked me to play the piano at weekends._

27、 _ your parents _ you _ _?14. She works hard in order to get good marks._ _ she _ hard?15. Lucy asked him to turn down the radio._ _ Lucy ask him to _ ?16. The Yellow river is 5,464 kilometers long._ _ is the Yellow River?17. The little boys played football on the playground yesterday._ _ the little boys _ football yesterday?18. The twin brothers get on very well._ _ the twin brothers get on?19. My foreign friends will arrive in half an hour._ _ will your foreign friends arrive?20. At the age of five, Martin weighed 25 kilos._

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