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1、吉林形象宣传片中英Jilin is a province of splendor and hospitality in northern China壮美而温情的中国北方疆域with 187,400 square kilometers of beautiful land穿越18.74万平方公里的美丽山川and 27 million people who have created a colorful life.穿越2700万人民共同创造的精彩生活You will find 一切你所陌生的pleasant new surprises 都会得到答案or answers 一切你熟悉的to all yo

2、u wish to know.它们将给你新的惊喜Changbai Mountain in eastern Jilin 东部的长白山is the roof of Northeast China中国东北地区的屋脊presenting one of Chinas most extraordinary land features.这个国家最为秀绝的土地之一Every winter, 每年冬天Peter Tupper, a skier from Britain 来自英国的滑雪玩家彼得塔伯would e here on schedule.都会如期来到For here, we have a lot of t

3、op ski resorts in China.因为这里汇聚着多座中国最顶级的滑雪场“Changbai Mountain is the most famous ski resort in China.长白山应该是中国最有名的滑雪的地方The view is really beautiful.风景真的很美丽Its the best feeling. ”这里有最好的滑雪体验Changbai Mountain is a treasure trove of nature.长白山是全球珍贵的绿色宝库The fantastic ginseng plants,神秘的人参endangered Siberian

4、 tigers and leopards国际濒危的东北虎豹and one of the worlds top three mineral water sources世界三大最优质的矿泉水水源地之一are right here in the vast pristine forest.在此都被广袤的原始森林悉心保藏In the wetlands in the west of the province而在西部one of the globally important wetlands has been formed 众多河流湖泊在草原之间相互连通by the numerous rivers and

5、lakes形成了全球重要的湿地that interconnected with each other across the grasslands.This is a habitat for international migrant birds 这里是国际候鸟的迁徙地including the largest population of Siberian cranes.全球大部分白鹤在此栖息Songhua river, one of the biggest seven rivers in China 中国七大河之一的松花江forms wide plains in the central Jil

6、in.冲刷出中部广阔的平原Here, you will find fertile black soil and heavy farm machineries. 大型农机在肥沃的黑土地上穿梭Located in one of the worlds three “golden corn belts”,地处世界三大“黄金玉米带”之一的Jilin is a major modity grain base with the highest crop yield in China.是中国单产量最高的重要商品粮基地Rice of the highest quality in China 中国最为优质的大米g

7、o from here onto the world market.从此走向世界With quality farmland 高标准的农田and environment-friendly mode of production,绿色的生产方式and deep processing of agricultural products,不断发展的农产品深加工Jilin is turning into reality its development vison of intensive, 正在实现集约efficient, 高效safe 安全and sustainable modern agricultur

8、e.持续的现代农业发展愿景The FAW Group一汽is the cradle of the Chinese automobile industry. 中国汽车工业的“摇篮”Jiefang, the first cars made in China 新中国第一辆国产汽车解放牌汽车have been exported to more than 80 countries and regions.现已出口80多个国家和地区Hongqi, as the symbol of national automobile industry 红旗牌汽车中国民族汽车工业的象征has always been th

9、e highest standard limousine in China.目前是中国最高规格的礼宾用车is internationalization of the development of FAW 不断迈向国际化发展的一汽and his world-leading automobile R&D and manufacture system.已经拥有当前世界顶尖的汽车研发和制造体系Benes, an automotive engineer from Europe 来自欧洲的汽车工程师Beneshas worked in FAW for eight years.已经在一汽工作八年I feel

10、 the great development of FAW.我感受到了一汽的巨大发展Both the workers and the technology are improving.工人和技术都在不断进步CRRC, Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd, 长客The “cradle” of China EMU trains and subway vehicles中国动车组和地铁车的“摇篮”is Asias largest R&D and production base for rail transportation equipment.是亚洲最大的轨道交通运

11、输设备研发和生产基地The Chinese high speed rail of “world speed”具有“世界速度”的中国高铁和优质轨道客车and quality railway vehicles are serving in 22 countries and regions of the world. 服务于全球22个国家和地区“Jilin No.1” satellite “一号”卫星is Jilins first independently developed, high resolution, 是省自主研发的remote sensing, mercial satellite.商用

12、高分辨率遥感卫星It represents a new model for industrialization of aerospace technologies.开拓了航天科技成果转化发展的新模式An industry cluster of scale is formed 国际领先的生物医药including state-of-the-art biomedical technologies, UAV, 无人机carbon fiber, 碳纤维mineral water 矿泉水and bio-manufacturing and other emerging industries.生物制造等新兴

13、产业形成规模集群There are 58 universities in Jilin 国办学规模最大as Jilin University 学科最全的大学等58所高校which is currently the largest prehensive university in China in expansion scope.Nearly 8,000 international students from 95 countries are studying here.来自95个国家的近8000名留学生在此深造There are 11 key state laboratories, 11个国家重

14、点实验室and 5 state-level research institutions, 5所国家级科研机构24 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences 24位两院院士and Chinese Academy of Engineering,nearly 800 senior experts 近800位高级专家and nearly 5,000 national talents.近5000位国家级人才All these inject new energy into Jilins scientific and technological innovati

15、on.为科技创新注入新的动能The revitalizing northeast old industrial base振兴中的东北老工业基地is integrating with the world.正与世界接轨Located at the center of Northeast Asia, 地处东北亚核心地带的Jilin is Chinas window to Northeast Asia.是中国通向东北亚地区的枢纽The province has official and business ties 已经与186个国家和地区建立了官方交往和经贸合作with 186 countries a

16、nd regionsdemonstrating its entrepreneurship and culture.传递着气质的商业精神和现代文明China-Northeast Asia Expo, 中国-东北亚博览会the World Jilin Entrepreneurs Convention, 全球吉商大会International Agriculture and Food Expo国际农业和食品博览会The province is embracing the world with all openness.正义开放的姿态面向世界With “Changchun-Manzhouli-Euro

17、pe” International Freight Service, “长满欧”国际货运班列China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor, 中蒙俄经济走廊Changchun New Area, 新区Changchun Xinglong Free Trade Zone, 兴隆综合保税区Hunchun international Cooperation Demonstration Zone, 国际合作示区Changchun-Jilin-Tumen Development and Opening-up Pilot Zone长吉图开发开放先导区Held that Ji

18、lin is being incorporated in “Belt and Road” initiative融入“一带一路”建设的and being a window for China facing the Northeast Asia economic circle,已经成为中国面向东北亚经济圈开放的门户Jilin is integrating the world economic landscape in its own unique way.并以自己的独特方式嵌入世界经济版图The auspicious land is magical, 这块吉祥之地神奇civilized, 文明an

19、d harmonious.和谐Here, folk customs have been passed down from generation to generation.薪火相传的民俗Tasty foods are various and abundant丰富多姿的美食show the local customs of Jilin to the world.让风情走向世界Changchun Film Studio, 电影制片厂its the “cradle” of the film industry of new China.是新中国的电影“摇篮”It retains the mon cul

20、tural memory of the Chinese people.保留着中国人共同的文化记忆World-class forest park, 世界级的森林公园movie wonderland and resort towns 电影乐园和度假小镇can also be found here.The enjoyable life is getting wonderful and colorful.安宁的生活因此更加奇妙多彩The gritty, 善融善创creative and hospitable people of Jilin 豪爽热情的人are looking forward to en

21、gage in the world 期待与全世界相融相通for share development.共谋发展“I appreciate Jilin very much.我非常欣赏省Jilin has a lot of advantages.省有非常多的优势The people of Jilin are also excellent.人民也非常优秀I will remend Jilin to more French people.”我会向更多的法国人推荐Past glory is prologue to a new chapter.凡是过去皆为序章A promising Jilin of vigor and vitality 一个充满活力与生机的精彩now 此刻is meeting the world.与世界相约

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