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1、最新外研版高中英语BOOK4Module6UnexplainedMysteriesoftheNaturalWorld教学设计外研版高中英语(必修4)Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World模块教材分析 (2) 本模块以Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World为话题,介绍了天池怪物,中西文化中的龙,尼斯水怪,喜玛拉雅山雪人,恐龙的灭绝等内容,旨在通过模块教学使学生进一步认识我们所处的世界,培养他们不断探索自然奥秘的精神。同时通过学习本模块内容,学习搜集和区分信息等能力,利用所学词汇,可以表达

2、描述自然现象。Introduction 部分通过四则小短文描述四种神秘的怪物,并且结合短文学习词汇,引起学生对本模块学习的兴趣。Reading and Vocabulary 部分通过课文天池怪物的学习,学会根据起始段落预测文章出处。学会提取文章主要信息,归纳文章的主旨大意。根据上下文正确理解生词含义。Speaking 部分所给的信息,要求学生能学会采访中的发问和应答。Function 部分通过四个活动,练习“可能”、“不可能”这一交际功能的表达。Speaking 部分所给的信息,要求学生能学会采访中的发问和应答。Function 部分通过四个活动,练习“可能”、“不可能”这一交际功能的表达。该

3、部分听力材料内容为“自然之迷恐龙”,目的在于训练学生判断信息正确与否的能力。everyday English 学习back in the news, throw light on something等日常英语的运用。Pronunciation复习语音中失去爆破现象。本模块进一步学习情态动词的一些用法,复习并归纳may have done /might have done 的意义和用法。Cultural corner该阅读材料介绍了龙在不同文化中的象征及其缘由,是一篇学生很感兴趣的文章。通过文章的学习,能够拓展学生的文化背景知识,提高他们对外国文化的感悟能力。Writing要求学生模仿阅读课文“

4、天池怪物”撰写一篇短文,描述想象中的一种怪物。外研版高中英语(必修4)Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World阅读课(2) 教学内容 Introduction & reading and vocabulary & function & speaking教学目标1语言目标1)重点词汇及短语 1. monster, attack, footprint, hairy, frightening, creature, grey, claw, exist, sharp, nail, journal, sighting, seal, myster

5、ious, claim, surface, horn, dive, calm, skeptical, unlikely, volcanic, cover 2. back in the news, on Changbais western peak, get a clear look at the mysterious creature, a local photographer, in another recent sighting, a group of soldiers, have a round head with 10-centimetre horns, dive into the w

6、ater, repeat the action, too far away, the low-temperature lake, 2,189 meters high, cover an area of about ten square kilometers2)重点句式1. It covers an area of about ten square kilometers.2. They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.3. It may/

7、might be a big fish.4. Its unlikely to be a dinosaur.2. 能力目标 1. 阅读中能识别新学词汇、短语并推断其意义;正确理解介绍天池水怪,阅读过程中能快速准确把握文章主线,并判断信息的正误。 2. 运用本模块所学词汇和短语介绍一个或几个不解之迷;在表达中正确使用may/ might have done 这一结构。3教学重难点 1. 理解The Monster of Lake Tianchi 这篇阅读。2. 掌握相关词汇。4教学方法 分组活动ask -and answerfast-reading and careful-readingstude

8、nt-centered vocabulary learningdiscussion, listening and retelling教学过程Step 1目标导入新课,进入自然界的未解之谜。1. 师生活动,图片展示,探讨自然界之谜,根据introduction中介绍的四幅图片,让学生猜测这四种怪物,根据文字描述找出相应的图片。2. 让学生用自己的话描述每一种怪物的特征,让其他同学猜测此类怪物。练习表达能力。谈论天池水怪,引入阅读。3. 完成51页的第二部分的词汇练习,掌握一些有关怪物的词汇。Step 2 目标阅读理解,The Monster of Lake Tianchi1. 听录音,搜取有用的

9、信息点,初步认识天池水怪,把握文章的脉络。2. 仔细阅读,摘要人们对水怪的描述 Summaries of Monster of Lake TianchiType of writingA narrationIdea of 1st para.The director of a local tourist office, Meng Fanying happened to see a monster in the “Monster of Lake Tianchi” in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province, northeast China. Idea of

10、 2nd para.In another recent sighting, a group of soldiers claim they saw an animal moving on the surface of the water.Idea of 3rd para.A third report came from Li Xiaohe, who claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water.Idea of 4th para.Being skeptical scientists say t

11、hat the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.Idea of 5th para.Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world.3. 小组活动, 组织同学讨论天池水怪的特征特点,根据文章中的三次目击水怪露面, 描述水怪的印象, 锻炼学生的描述表达能力。Step 3目标突破文章重点与难点。1. 快速阅读, 回答问题,完成书后53页习题。教师提问,学生回答。2. 讲解句式 “A third report

12、 came from Li Xiaohe”(序数词前用不定冠词a, 表 示 “又一 ” )It covers an area of about ten square kilometers. (占地多少的重要句型) 3. 学习文章中表达可能与不可能的用语,体会其含义及用法。1)They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. 2)Many people think the monster may be a distant cousin of t

13、he Loch Ness monster in Scotland.3) They also think that there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world.4. 标出文章的重点词组和短语,加强记忆。Step 4目标口语训练,描述某一种怪物或不解之谜。1. 教师提出话题,谈论我们生活中的怪物或不解之谜。可以是自己听说或经历的,目的在于锻炼学生口语表述能力。2. 小组对话练习,A学生见到某个怪物的亲身经历者, B为记者,通过采访,对话形式,练习描述某一种怪物或不解之谜。3. 组内交流,分享讨论的内容。Step

14、5 本课小结与作业1. 通过表格,能够复述本文,介绍天池水怪的特征特点。2. 布置作业和习题,完成书上和练习册的相关习题。课后反思: 本堂阅读课介绍了天池水怪,学生比较感兴趣,愿意探索这一奥秘。在阅读讲解中,我更注重学生的概括能力和比较能力。对天池水怪的描述,不同人的见闻描述是不同的,比较他们之间的区别,是阅读理解中学生应具备的能力。对于对话练习,我们都没有见过水怪,只能通过文章所给的描述去理解,还可以充分发挥他们的想象力,描述一种怪物或自然界的某个未解之谜。在教学中我注重了任务型阅读的教学方法,最大限度的挖掘学生的表达和理解能力。外研版高中英语(必修4)Module 6 Unexplaine

15、d Mysteries of the Natural World听说课(2) 教案内容 Listening and vocabulary& everyday English & pronunciation教学目的1语言目标(1)重点词汇和短语 adapt, climate, disappear, extinct, evolve, survive die out, (2)重点句式 1. If something is back in the news it is in the news again. 2. If you throw light on something you make it e

16、asier to understand. 3. If you come straight to the point you say what you want to say. 4. If something happens almost overnight it happens quickly. 5. Die out is used to speak about a whole species. 6. Id go for the meteorite means choose. 7. Thats quite something refers to something extraordinary.

17、2能力目标 1. 能够听懂关于自然界难解之谜的主要信息,并能口述其主要特征,在听的过程中能够捕捉关键信息,回答相关问题,能够正确理解may have done /might have done这一结构所表示的含义。 2. 口头表述中能正确地失去爆破。 3. 说出与自然界难解之谜有关的词汇,短语,能用自己的语言介绍我国某种神秘的生物或现象3教学重点 引导学生掌握捕捉听力中的关键信息。4教学难点 1. 听懂文章的内容,正确回答问题。 2. 复习语音中失去爆破现象。5教学方法 带领学生听懂材料,领读,跟读。听说,听读训练,小组活动。教学过程Step 1 导入复习上一课所学的阅读,找同学介绍一种怪物,

18、复习词汇。引导学生看懂听力材料。1. 听力材料理解训练,引导学生朗读55页第一题所出现的生词。讲解一些难理解的单词,为听力作好铺垫。2. 引导学生“头脑风暴”形式展开讨论 1) How much do you know about dinosaurs? 2) Have you ever seen any films or read any books about dinosaurs? 3) Why dinosaurs disappeared from the earth? 使学生了解恐龙,对其生存与发展有一定的了解,为听懂材料提供背景信息。Step 2目标听力训练。1. 听录音第一部分,完成5

19、6页的选择。激发学生求知欲好奇心,最后教师核实此项答案。2. 引导学生看图片,熟悉词汇。讲解词汇的含义。为听懂第二部分做铺垫。3. 听录音第二部分,完成判断题。4. 再听一遍,检查答案,核对正误。Step 3目标日常用语和发音练习 1. 正确地失去爆破。学生听录音,跟录音读,模仿。 2. 教师领读,学会正确吞读,把握发音规律,观察哪一个或哪几个辅音省略了。 3. 完成everyday English习题,理解他们的用法,核对答案。Step 4 作业和习题巩固1. 完成书上相关习题。2. 课下继续反复听这段材料。 教学反思 本堂听说课是听一段关于恐龙灭亡的材料,学生对恐龙的了解都是在影片,科幻读

20、物中有所了解。提高听力技能,有一定的背景知识是很重要的。对恐龙的了解,灭亡的原因正是听力中所谈到的。能够根据所给的听力材料,最大限度地挖掘信息点,把握文章的脉络,从而在整体上理解听力材料。此项听力有一定难度,但通过词汇的提前讲解,有助于学生更好的去理解。外研版高中英语(必修4)Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World语法课(2) 教案内容 Grammarmay have/ might have教学目标1语言目标: 1)重点词汇和短语 may have done /might have done 2) 重点句式 They might

21、have been killed by radiation.2能力目标:学会情态动词表示可能或不可能。3教学重点:may have done /might have done 的意义和用法。4教学难点:掌握may have done /might have done 的用法,正确运用。 教学内容Step 1 Learning about ways to talk about possibility and improbability.1. 导入利用may have done /might have done 造句,体会理解其对过去推测的含义。2. 板书呈现例句。讲解may have done

22、/might have done的用法。1) He said that they may/might have missed the plane.2) When I got to the airport, they may/might have just left home.Step 2 小组讨论,造出更多的例句。体会其表推测的不同含义。巩固熟练这一用法。1. He may have brought good luck to his wife.2. Its death and destruction might have been caused by global warming.3. The

23、y might have talked about monsters among them。4. In Chinese culture, dragons may have been closely connected to the royal family.5. The emperors robes might have had a symbol of a gold dragon with five claws.6. Other members of the royal family may have worn claws of a different color according to p

24、opular belief.7. He might have been born in the year of the dragon.8. My group leader might have had a different reputation.9. He may have told the story of a Scandinavian hero to his teacher.10. The lake monster might have been killed in the fight.Step 3目标归纳总结 情态动词+ have done 表推测的用法。分别讲解:1. may / m

25、ight + have done 对过去可能发生的动作或存在状态的不肯定的推测2. cant / couldnt + have done对过去可能发生的动作或存在状态的否定推测3. must + have done对过去可能发生的动作或存在状态的肯定推测4. 练习巩固表推测的相关习题。Step 4目标情态动词+ have done的其它用法,与表推测的区别开,突破难点。 分别讲解:1. could + have done 本来能够,本来可以2. should+ have done / ought to +have done 本来应该shouldnt+ have done / oughtnt t

26、o +have done本来不应该3. neednt+ have done 本来不必要4. 练习巩固此项练习的相关习题。Step 5目标强化训练1. 完成书上57页关于语法的习题2. 完成活动用书的相关习题。 3. 核对答案与讲解。Step 6小结与反馈。1. 总结情态动词表示可能或不可能。 2. 布置作业。教学反思本堂语法课是关于may have done /might have done 的意义和用法。对情态动词+havedone 的用法,学生易混淆。情态动词may/might+have done表示对已发生的动作或存在的状态进行不肯定的推测,might语气稍弱一点儿,只能用于肯定句和否定

27、句中,表示“过去可能做过某事或过去可能没做过某事”。学习本模块的语法主要是对这种推测的熟练运用。通过呈现情景,让学生自己体会情态动词的用法,而不是机械地去灌输,这样去教授语法会达到更好的效果。外研版高中英语(必修4)Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World写作课(2) 教案内容 Cultural corner & Writing教学目标:1语言目标 1)重点词汇和短语 1. fierce, destruction, generous, unpredictable, emperor, robe, reputation, border,

28、 positive, indicate, identity, due to, myth, fortune 2. friendly or fierce, bring good luck, cause death and destruction, talk about, for a creature, in Chinese culture, be closely connected to the royal family, the emperors robes, have a symbol of a gold dragon with five claws, wear claws, of a dif

29、ferent colour, according to popular belief, be born in the year of the dragon, a natural leader, have a different reputation, tell the story of a Scandinavian hero, across the border in Wales, the red dragon, appear on the Welsh flag, a positive symbol, indicating strength and a sense of national id

30、entity, have a different character, in different parts of the world, due to the animals, grow out of, the idea of the dragon, come from the snake, be afraid of, a shy animal, live in rivers, plenty of water, a good sign for agriculture, a bringer of good fortune2) 重点句式 1. Thats quite something. 2. T

31、he red dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a positive symbol, indicating strength and a sense of national identity. 2. 能力目标 1. 读懂Cultural corner中西文化中的龙的比较。 2. 运用本模块所学词汇和短语,完成所有书面练习,能够模仿阅读文章的结构撰写一篇介绍某个自然不解之谜的短文。3教学重点 模仿阅读课文“天池怪物”撰写一篇短文,描述想象中的一种怪物。教学过程Step 1目标复习旧知识,泛读Cultural corner,对中西两种龙文化作比较。1. 听录音,学生通读全文,回答下面的问题:1) What do Chinese think of dragon?2) What do westerners think of dragon?2. 详细讲解文中难句,标出重要短语及句型。3. 学生分组讨论下面问题:1) How are western dragons different from Chinese Dr

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