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1、中考译林版牛津英语第一轮复习教学案7下Unit7Abilities中考译林版牛津英语第一轮复习教学案7下-Unit-7-Abilities7下 Unit 7 Abilities一、 词汇A) 易错词 believe(拼写), 相信 raise(区别rise) 募集,even(区别ever) 甚至,hurt (区别hunt)受伤的,violin(拼写) 小提琴 B) 重点词汇及其用法1. ability n. 能力 (复数abilities )Different people have different _ (ability).2. believe vt. 相信 (believed-belie

2、ved)believe ones words 相信某人的话 believe somebody 相信某人believe in somebody信任某人 believe in something 相信某事物的存在Believe it or not! 信不信由你 Its believed that 是可信的。Though I dont _ you, I believe_ this time.虽然我不信任你,但是这次我相信你所说的话。He asked me or not. 他问我是否相信鬼。3. even adv. 甚至 用法: even靠近它所强调的词语和短语.用在比较级前,加强语气,表示程度。具有

3、still,yet, much的意义,汉语意思为“(比)更,还要”. 例句Some families pay for pens and notebooks. (甚至不能)This dictionary is even _ (use) than that one.这本词典比那本更为有用。4. able adj. 能,能够 固定搭配 be able to to do 能够做某事。可用于多种时态。can/could只用于一般现在时或过去时。Could是can的过去式。He (将能够)communicate with each other in English next term.He _(不能够)f

4、ind a right place to place his piano yesterday.5. pay vi.&vt. 付费 (paid-paid)sb. pay money for sth. 某人为某物付了多少钱。pay sb. to do sth 付钱请某人去做某事。I _ $ 200 for this bike.= I spent $200 _ this bike. We had no time to clean the house, so we had to _.(付钱请一个清洁工打扫它)6. raise vt. 募集;举起,升起 (raise-raised , raising )

5、 raise for 为募集The reward has _ (raise) to 5,000 yuan already,.We can _ (raise) some money for them _ (buy) these books.We got up early to watch the _ of the national flag.7. brave adj.勇敢的 (braver-bravest) bravely adv.勇敢地 bravery n. 勇敢It is _(brave) of him _ (enter) the burning house.He rushed into t

6、he burning house _ (brave) and carried the baby out to safety.8. smoke n.烟,烟雾;vi.&vt.吸烟,抽烟There is no _ without fire. (无风不起浪)Can I _ (smoke) here? No. Cant you see the sign “no _ (smoke)”?Stop _ (smoke), its bad for your health.9. badly adv. 严重地,厉害地 bad adj. 坏的(worse-worst)同义词seriouslyHe was _ (bad)

7、 wounded. 10. hurt adj. 受伤的 vt.&vi使受伤,伤害,疼(hurt-hurt, hurts, hurting)I cant walk fast now because my feet _(hurt) seriously.He fell from a tall tree and _ (hurt) badly last week.11. protect vt. 保护 protect sb. from sth. 保护某人避免受到伤害 protection n. 保护He raised his arm _(protect) his eyes.Winter is coming

8、, we should take action _ (protect) the plants from the cold.Under the _ (protect) of the policemen, the victims were carried to safety.12. burn vt.&vi 烧伤;烧 (burned/burnt-burned/burnt, burns, burning)The fire _ (burn) Lin Taos arms, neck and face.The boy was very careless and got his fingers _(burn)

9、.The house _ (burn) to ground, he lost everything.13. nod vi.&vt. 点头 (nodding, nods, nodded-nodded) n. 点头,打盹nod to sb. in greeting 想某人点头打招呼 sit nodding in a chair 坐在椅子上打瞌睡 give sb. a nod 向某人点头 14. careful adj. 仔细的,认真的,小心的 care-careful-carefully-careless-carelesslybe careful with.小心We should be _ wit

10、h fire. It is dangerous as well as helpful.He drove so _(care) that he crashed into a big tree and hurt his legs.15. news n. 新闻,消息 (不可数,类似有information,advice, 可用 some/a piece of 等修饰)_ good news it is that we can go abroad for further study together! (感叹句)No news _(be) good news. There _ (be) two pie

11、ces of news for you. One is bad, _ (另一个) is good.16. match n. 火柴, 比赛,相配的东西;v. 比赛,和相配Dont play with _ (match). There is a box of _ (match).His watch and he chain are a good _. (相配)The suit doesnt _ (相配) the tie.17. hard adv.努力地;费力地 adj. 硬的,艰苦的 (区别hardly 几乎不)work hard on th. 在方面努力Through _ work, Spud

12、Webb proved that nothing is impossible in the world.Suzy loves Maths and she _ (在这门功课上很努力).18. show vt. 教;演示;展示;把拿给某人看 (showed-showed/shown)show sb. how to do sth. 向某人展示如何做某事 show sb. around带领某人参观show sth. to sb. =show sb. sth. 把某物拿给某人看 show off 炫耀 on show 展览can you show me _ (怎样弹钢琴)?Tales of Old Be

13、ijing is now _ (show) at Olympic Cinema on Olympic Road.19. need n.(食物、钱等的)短缺,缺乏; 需要,必需;v. 需要,必需;有必要(作情态动词)Our house needs _ (repair).It seems that the new robot satisfies Mr Jiangs _ (需求).You _(没有必要)tell him the news._ he go? No, he neednt.We should do what we can to help the poor children _ .(在需要中

14、的)20. lose vt. 迷失;丢失(lost-lost, lost adj.丢失的, loss n. 丢失)lose ones way/get lost/be lost 迷路 lose oneself in 沉迷于lose heart 失去信心 lose ones heart to sb. 爱上某人Take a map with you, or you will _ (迷路) in the big city.Because of the _(lose) of their living areas, wolves have no place to live.Because of _ (lo

15、se) the last chance, he cried terribly, lying on the ground.I am sorry I _ (lose) my wallet, I havent found it yet.Dont _ (沉迷于) online games, its bad for your health.二、重点短语。1. believe it or not 信不信由你 2. look out 当心 =take care/be careful 区别look out ofat 向外面看 take care of 照顾 be careful with 小心e.g. Lis

16、ten to me carefully, dont look out _ the window _ the birds.3. give a seat to someone on the bus 给公共汽车上的某人让座位4. collect things for Project Hope 为希望工程募集东西 5. clean up the park 清理公园 =clean the park up 注意 clean it up6. visit an old peoples home 拜访老年公寓7. the children in poor areas 在贫困地区的孩子们8. raise some

17、 money for them 为他们募集一些钱区别 donate sth. to sb. 把某物捐赠给某人 donate sth. for sth. 捐赠某物用于某事You can donate your pocket money _ the poor children. He has decided to donate his body _ the medical research.9. hear somebody shouting 听到有人正在喊 区别hear sb. do听见某人做了某事Every day I hear the girl next door _ (play) piano

18、 in her room.10. pour water over his clothes 把水倒在他的衣服上11. rush into the kitchen冲进厨房 rush into冲进 rush out of 冲出12. put out the fire 扑灭火 =put the fire out 注意 put it out13. be in hospital 住院 区别 in a/the hospital 在一家/这家医院里After graduating from college, he worked _.(在一家医院).14. be careful with fireworks 小

19、心烟火15. stop sth. from burning 阻止燃烧 stop sb.(from) doing = prevent sb. (from) doing 注意 from 主动可以省略,被动不可以省略keep sb. doing 和keep sb. from doing 意思相反People must _(被阻止扔)rubbish into the river.16. play with matches玩火柴 play with sb 和某人一起玩 play with sth. 玩弄某物17. put something hot into the rubbish bin 把热的东西放

20、到垃圾桶里 注意:形容词,不定式,else修饰不定代词放在其后,如something new/important something to do/to say something elseI have _ (没有别的重要的什么要说)Is there _ with your computer?(你的电脑有问题吗?)18. keep your hair away from fire 使你的头发远离火 keep sth. + 宾补(形容词、介词短语、副词、动词现在分词) The teacher was so angry that he kept the naughty boy _(stand) fo

21、r a whole class.19. work hard on the subject 努力学习这门功课。20. get into the school team 进入学习对get into the car 进入小汽车 get out of the car 出小汽车 get into trouble 陷入麻烦21. take part in activities 参加活动=join in activities 三、重点句型1. He was brave enough to save his neighbor from a fire.enough 修饰名词放在名词之前,修饰形容词或副词通常放在

22、其后。常用句型be adj.+enough to do sth.e.g. He is not _(足够大到上学).2. He went in and found his neighbor, the 79-year-old Mrs Sun in the kitchen.A five-year-old boy lost his way and was crying in the street.这两句中用年龄数字做定语修饰人,注意其中的冠词和连词符号。例如 an eight-year-old boyLily is a 12-year-old girl.同义句 Lily is 12 years old

23、 .作表语时不能用连词符号,名词year要注意单复数。3. Were you afraid at that moment? Yes, a that moment 可用于过去进行时中。 a little 可用于修饰形容词原级或比较级。 e.g. My family _ (have) dinner at that moment, it was a little noisy. So we couldnt hear your telephone.4. I find out that his neighbors bathroom was on fire.find out 查明,弄清楚

24、 e.g. You cant _ the answer until the end.(直到结束你才能弄清答案)on fire 着火 e.g. He hurried to get home and _ (发现) his house was _(着火)5. I didnt have time to think about it. Mrs Sun needed my help.have time to do sth. 有时间做某事 e.g. we have _ ( 没有时间玩耍)have a good time doing sth. 做某事玩得开心 e.g. we have a good time

25、_ (chat) with each other.need +名词 时need是实意动词 e.g. we _ (not need) any tents now, thanks.need to do sth. 结构否定句有两种形式, 一是用助动词dont或doesnt 二是把need当作情态动词,用neednt+do 表示。 e.g. You dont need to worry about your English.= You _worry about your English.6. I started to play the violin at the age of six.Start to

26、 do =start doing 但是如果start用进行时时只能用start to doe.g. We are starting _ (have) the birthday party.Play the piano 乐器名词前用冠词。 e.g. Could you play _ violin for us?at the age of six转化成从句When he was six. e.g. He took his first flight at the age of six=when he was six.7. I would like to recommend Daniel for th

27、is years Yong Star Award.Would like to do sth. 想要做某事=want to do sth.Recommend sb. for sth. 推荐某人获得某物e.g. We would like to _(推荐王兵获得最佳学生奖)8. He can use computers well./He plans everything well. / Im happy that he is well now.Well 在英语里作为副词时修饰动词指“做得好“,作为形容词时指“身体好”e.g. You are not _ enough to go to school

28、, youd better stay in bed for another day. _ done. You win the first prize. Congratulations. 9. He is a member of Project Hope group.He has been a member of the Project Hope group for one year. (同义句)=He _ the member of the Project Hope group one year ago.=It is _ since he _ the Project Hope group.=

29、one year _ since he _ the Project Hope group.10. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Look forward to doing/ devote to doing/make a contribution to doing/be used to doing 其中to 为介词。e.g. He used to living in the countryside, but now he has been used to _ (live) the city.Hear from sb. = receive a letter from sb. His parents _ (hear) from him for a month.四、语法复习A情态动词的用法1.

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