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1、最新环境工程与科学专业英语Unit 2The objective of this book is to introduce engineering and science students to the interdisciplinary study of environmental problems: their causes, why they are of concern, and how we can control them.这本书的目的是使理工科的学生了解跨学科间的研究环境问题:它们的起因,为什么它们受到关注,以及我们怎样控制它们。Pollution can be defined

2、as an undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the air, water, or land that can harmfully affect the health,survival,or activities of humans or other living organisms.污染可以被定义为有害影响健康,生存,活动的人或其它生物体的空气,水,或土地的物理,化学或生物特性的不应该有的变化。A current example is the acid rain pro

3、blem stemming from the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases into the atmosphere from the stacks of generating stations, smelters, and automobile exhausts.目前的一个例子是酸雨问题,根源是许多发电站,冶炼,汽车排出的废气中进入大气的二氧化硫和氮氧化物气体。These gases are then transported by air currents over wide regions, Rainfall “was

4、hes them out”, creating acid rain which is harmful to aquatic life, forests, and agricultural crops.然后这些气体被气流运送到广阔的区域。雨水“将它们洗去”,产生了对水生生物,森林和农作物有害的酸雨。Both phenomena, urbanization and industrialization, were and are fundamental cause of water and air pollution which the cities of that time were unable

5、 to handle. 城市化和工业化的现象,在过去和现在都是引起水和空气污染的根本原因,这在当时的城市还不能够处理。This led to a dramatic decrease in the incidence of waterborne diseases. Note that all wastes discharge into environment, and thus pollute our water, air, and land system. 这导致水传染疾病的发生率大量地减少。注意,所有的废物排放到环境中都会污染我们的水、空气和土地系统。Unit 8Air pollution

6、is normally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentrations to harm humans, other animals, vegetation or materials.空气污染通常是指那种包含一种或多种化学物质富集到高浓度并足以伤害人类、其他动物、植物或材料的空气。By themselves, measured concentrations tell us nothing about the danger caused by pollutants, because t

7、hreshold levels, synergy, and biological magnification are also determining factors.通过测出的浓度自身并不能告知我们有关污染物所带来的危险的信息,因为临界浓度、协同作用还有生物放大效应都是决定因素。Unit 10The concept of using microorganisms for the removal of environmentally undesirable compounds by biodegradation has been well established in the area of

8、wastewater treatment for several decades.这种利用微生物的生物降解作用去除环境中非期望的化合物的观念在数十年前已经非常好地建立在废水处理方面。Moreover, while bioremediation techniques are now being applied successfully for the treatment of soil and groundwater contaminated by synthetic organics, at present there is very little practical experience w

9、ith biological systems for the control of air contaminants among environmental professionals in the US.而且,尽管生物治理技术在处理被人工合成化合物污染的土壤和地下水得到了成功的应用,现在,在美国环保专业人员中,生物学系统在控制大气污染物方面只有很少的实践经验。The principal reasons why biofiltration is not presently well recognized in the US, and has been applied in only a few

10、 cases, appear to be a lack of regulatory programs, little governmental support for research and development, and lack of descriptions written in the English language. 对于那些为什么生物过滤法如今在美国还不是很好地被认识和只应用于仅仅很少的一些情况的主要原因,可以认为是缺少控制的计划、来自政府对此技术研究和发展支持,更是缺少用英语写成的有关这些技术的文献。The major objective of the present pa

11、per is to provide a comprehensive review of important aspects of biofiltration in order to more widely disseminate about this innovative APC technology, and to encourage its implementation where appropriate in the US.现在这篇论文的主要目的是提供一个关于生物过滤的重要方面的全面综述来更广泛传播这种APC创新技术,并且鼓励它在美国适合的地方的实施。Their work include

12、d the successful installation of several soil filters at a wastewater treatment plant near Seattle and demonstrated that biodegradation rather than sorption accounted for the odor removal.他们的工作包括在西雅图附近的废水处理工厂中成功地安装几个固体过滤器并证明了生物降解对气味的去除作用比吸附作用更优越。While soil beds have been shown to control certain typ

13、es of odors and VOC efficiently and at fairly low capital and operating cost, their use in the US has been limited by the low biodegradation capacity of soils and the correspondingly large space requirements for the beds. 虽然已经证实土壤床可用相当低的投资和操作费用来有效的控制某些类型的臭味和挥发性有机化合物,但是,土壤的低生物降解能力和相对大的占地要求限制了土壤床在美国的应

14、用。Unit 11All of the examples identify local, observable, or measurable impacts, because it is very difficult to develop direct relationships between specific pollutants and effects for exposures over the longer term or at great distances.这部分例子被认为是局部的,可见的或可测量的影响,因为去建立特定污染物及其长期、大面积的暴露所造成的影响之间的直接关系是很困难

15、的。Damage to vegetation due to chronic exposure to atmospheric pollutants may be one of the more apparent precursor symptoms leading to identification of chronic air pollution.长期暴露于大气污染物中的植被所遭受的破坏也许是用以识别空气长期污染的一种较明显的前兆。While the specific pollutant or groups of pollutants generating the observed effec

16、ts frequently could not be identified, there was sufficient information to implicate certain pollutants as significant contributors.当这种特定的污染物或多种污染物产生的被频繁观测到的影响不能被确认时,就有足够的证据表明这些污染物是重要的促成因素。Fluorine also has an effect at even lower concentrations when it is taken up by shrubs, trees, or grass which i

17、s subsequently eaten by cattle or other animals.即使氟的浓度很低,被灌木,树木或草吸收,随后被牛或其他牲畜进食,也会对这些动物造成影响。The animals act as concentrators of the fluorine, resulting in poor animal health and associated lower animal value or survival capability.这些动物作为氟的集中者,会导致动物健康的变坏,以及动物自身价值和生存能力的降低。Sulfur and nitrogen oxides re

18、act in the atmosphere to form acidic compounds which attack metal surfaces, a problem which has been particularly acute for the communications, switchgear, and computer industries.硫和氮氧化物反应,在大气中形成酸性化合物攻击金属表面,这个问题特别严重的影响通信,开关,和计算机产业。Unit 12However, preservation of water resources, protection of fishin

19、g areas, and maintenance of recreational waters are additional concerns today. Water pollution problems intensified following World War II when dramatic increases in urban density and industrialization occurred. Concern over water pollution reached a peak in the mid-seventies.但是,保存水资源、保护渔业水域以及维护娱乐休闲

20、用水现在引起额外的关注。二次世界大战,伴随着工业化和城市密度大幅度增加,加剧了水污染问题。在七十年代中期对水污染的关注达到了一个高峰。Pollution of our water resources can occur directly from sewer outfalls or industrial discharges (point sources)or indirectly from air pollution or agricultural or urban runoff(nonpoint sources).水资源的污染可能直接来自于下水道排水口或工业污水排放(点源)或者间接的来自空

21、气污染或者农业以及城市径流(非点源)。Most of these microorganisms in wastewater are harmless and can be employed in biological processes to convert organic matter to stable end products. However, sewage may also contain pathogens from the excreta of people with infectious diseases that can be transmitted by contamina

22、ted water.这些废水中的微生物大部分是没有什么害处的,能应用在生物处理过程当中,把有机物质转化成稳定的终端产品。然而,污水也可能含有病原体,这些病原体来自具有传染病人群的粪便,最后通过被污染的水传播开来。To further categorize the residues, they are held at 550 for 15 minutes. The ash remaining is considered to represent inorganic solids and the loss of volatile matter to be a measure of the orga

23、nic content.对悬浮固体(残渣)进一步分类,把它们放在550下灼烧15分钟。残留的灰分代表无机固体,挥发掉的物质的量可以表示有机物含量。VSS can be an indicator of the organic content of raw wastes and can also provide a measure of the active microbial population in biological processes.挥发性悬浮固体可以指示未处理废水中有机物浓度,也能测量生物过程中微生物种群的活性。In addition to these chemical const

24、ituents, the concentration of dissolved gases, especially oxygen, and the hydrogen ion concentration expressed as pH are other parameters of interest in wastewater.除了这些化学成分,溶解气体特别是氧气的浓度,以及氢离子的浓度也就是pH,是其他的衡量废水的指标。The sources of these biodegradable contaminants include excreta and urine from humans; f

25、ood wastes from sinks; soil and dirt from bathing, washing, and laundering; plus various soaps, detergents, and other cleaning products.这类可生物降解的污染物主要来源于人类的粪便和尿液,水池中食品废物,沐浴以及洗衣服时产生的脏物,再加上各类香皂,洗涤剂,其他洗涤产品。TOC is determined by measuring the amount of CO2 produced when the organic carbon in the sample is

26、 oxidized by a strong oxidizer and comparing it with the amount in a standard of known TOC.总有机碳是这样测定的:把样品中的有机碳用强氧化剂氧化,测定产生的二氧化碳的量,并将它与已知TOC的标准样品进行比较和对照。Most of the other common methods are based on the amount of oxygen required to convert the oxidizable material to stable end products.其它常见方法是基于把可氧化物

27、质转化成稳定的终端产品所需要的氧气的量。The COD, or chemical oxygen demand, of the wastewater the measured amount of oxygen needed to chemically oxidize the organics present; the BOD, or biochemical oxygen demand, is the measured amount of oxygen required by acclimated microorganisms to biologically degrade the organic

28、 matter in the wastewater.COD即化学需氧量,废水中有机物的化学氧化反应所需要的氧量。BOD,生化需氧量,指驯化的微生物分解水中有机物所需要的氧量。BOD is the most important parameter in water pollution control. It is used as a measure of organic pollution, as a basis for estimating the oxygen needed for biological processes, and as an indicator of process pe

29、rformance.BOD在水污染控制中是最重要的参数。可以用来衡量有机污染,可以作为估计生物过程所需氧量的基础,以及过程性能的一个指标。The oxygen consumed, or biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), is proportional to the organic matter converted, and therefore BOD is a relative measure of the biologically degradable organic matter present in the system.消耗的氧气或者叫生化需氧量,和要转

30、化的有机物质是成正比例的,因此,BOD可以间接的测量系统中可生物降解的物质。Unit 14One possibility is somehow to make these small particles join together to become larger ones, which can then be treated as suspended matter.一种可能的方法是让这些小的颗粒结合在一起变成一个大的整体,这样可以像处理悬浮物质那样除去。The combined piping is cheaper and is adequate in dry weather, but dur

31、ing a storm the total volume is apt to exceed the capacity of the treatment plant, so some is allowed to overflow and pass directly into the receiving stream or river.雨污合流的管道比较便宜,而且在干旱的天气时也足够使用,但是当下暴雨的时候,水的总体积容易超过污水处理厂的处理能力,这样就容许一部分污水溢流,直接排到受纳的小溪和河流中。The next stage is a series of settling chambers d

32、esigned to remove first the heavy grit, such as sand that rainwater brings in from road surfaces, and then, more slowly, any other suspended solids, including organic nutrients that can settle out in an hour or so.接下来是一组沉淀池,首先可以去除大的沙砾,比如路面上被雨水冲刷下来的路面的沙子。然后,更慢的是其他的悬浮固体包括有机营养物在一个小时左右沉淀下来。The next series of steps is designed to reduce greatly the dissolved or finely suspended organic matter by some form of accelerated biological action. What is needed for such decomposition is oxygen and organisms and an environment in which both have ready

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