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《娃娃老板 The Boss Baby 》英中字幕.docx

1、娃娃老板 The Boss Baby 英中字幕Survival of the fittest.适者生存Its the law of the jungle.这是大自然的守则Theres always someone trying to take whats yours.你的人生中总有那么些人想要夺取属于你的东西How do I know?你问我是怎么知道的It almost happened to me.这差点就在我身上得到验证Roar!呵Hi-yah!嗨呀Tim Templeton.蒂姆 坦普尔顿Quit monkeying around.该消停会了Hot dogs are getting c

2、old.热狗要凉啦Hot dogs?热狗At least, this is how I remember it.至少我是这么记得的All right, buddy, lets eat.来吧小家伙 我们开吃吧You see, I was seven years old.你知道 当时我还是个七岁的小孩子And back then, you relied on your imagination.那时候 你信赖你的想象力When I wasnt exploring the Congo.当时我在刚果探险的时候I was a deep sea diver.我可是个深海潜水员Tim!蒂姆Our hero!我

3、们的英雄Dont worry, mom and dad.别担心爸妈I got this!小事一桩Grab on!抓紧咯Some days, I rescued my parents.有时候我拯救我的爸妈就像That way!这样Other days, they rescued me.有时 他们也会救我- Im losing control. - Tim, look out!- 我失去控制了 - 蒂姆 小心Tree!树Youre breaking up!你的飞船要散架了Slow down, Tim!慢下来 蒂姆Turn, Tim. Turn!转向 蒂姆 转向Ooh! Ow.噢 啊- Oh, ar

4、e you hurt? - Im okay.- 喔 你受伤了吗 - 我没事Show mommy your teeth.给妈看看牙齿It was just the three of us.就我们这三个组成了The templetons.坦普尔顿一家And three is the perfect number.三是个完美的数字Interesting fact.还有一个有趣的事实Did you know that the triangle你知道三角形is the strongest shape found in nature?是世上最坚固的形状吗I was the luckiest kid eve

5、r.我感觉我是最幸运的那个小孩My parents even had cool jobs.我父母还有份很酷的工作They worked for the biggest pet company in the world.他们在全球最大的宠物公司上班Puppy co.萌狗集团Yes, Mr. Francis?是的 弗朗西斯先生Puppy co needs you.萌狗集团需要你们Its go time.出发They worked in a department called Marketing.他们在一个叫市场营销的部门工作Where they got to launch new products

6、.这也是他们发布新产品的地方Even though my parents worked really hard.虽然我父母工作真的很忙They still made just enough time for me.但是他们还是挤出足够的时间来陪我Three stories, five hugs, and my special song, right?三个故事 五个抱抱 以及一首专为我而作的歌 对吧You got it!好咧Blackbird singing in the dead of night画眉鸟儿在深夜中歌唱take these broken wings and learn to fl

7、y带着它受伤的翅膀去学习飞翔all your life你的这一生you were only waiting for this moment to arise你只为了这一刻去飞翔hey, Tim. How would you like to have a baby brother?嘿 蒂姆 你想不想要个小弟弟No, thanks. Im enough.谢谢 不了 我一个就够了Life was good. Life was perfect.生活是美好的 完美的But as I drifted off to sleep.但当我渐渐入睡Something my parents said got me

8、thinking.我爸妈说的话不禁让我想着Where do babies come from?小宝宝都是从哪来的Heaven, Im in heaven天堂 我正在天堂and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak我的心跳太快 无法形容此时的心情and I seem to find the happiness I seek当我们面对面尽情欢舞时 我好像是找到了when were out together dancing, cheek to cheek那个我一直在寻觅的幸福heaven, Im in heaven天堂 我在天堂and the cares

9、 that hung around me through the week那些让我烦恼一周的琐事seem to vanish like a gamblers lucky streak像赌徒的好手气一样忽然消失无踪when were out together dancing cheek to cheek我们相拥着起舞 脸庞如此接近oh, I love to climb a mountain噢我已迫不及待想登山and to reach the highest peak攀上那最高的山峰but it doesnt thrill me half as much但那永远也比不上as dancing che

10、ek to cheek我们相拥起舞的欢愉oh, I love to go out fishing噢我喜欢去钓鱼in a river or a creek在某个小溪或河流but I dont enjoy it half as much但那永远也比不上as dancing cheek to cheek我们相拥起舞的欢愉the day I got a little brother started like any other day.我有了弟弟的那一天就像往常一样平凡But little did I know.但那时我还不知道My life would never be the same.我接下来的

11、人生将会是截然不同的Wake up, little halflings! Its 7:00 A.M.起床 小不点 现在是早上7点Wake up, little halflings!起床 小不点Morning, wizzie!早上好 巫师先生What great adventure lies in wait for you today?今天又有什么样的奇妙冒险等着你呢Hmm. Oh, yeah!嗯 哦耶My parents always said that I had an overactive imagination.我的父母总说我的想象力太过丰富了But I clearly remember

12、.但是我清晰的记得The baby was delivered in a taxi.那个宝宝是被辆的士载过来的Huh?哈What the.什么鬼Hey!嘿Tim, look whos here.蒂姆 看看谁来啦Meet your new baby brother.见见你的小弟弟Baby what?小什么Brother.弟弟I had a million questions.我有一万个问题Who is this guy? Why is he here?他是谁 他为什么在这Whats with that outfit?他这一身又是什么行头Whys he so fat? Whys he starin

13、g at me?他为什么这么胖 为什么他盯着我看Does he know karate? Whats going on?他难道会空手道 这到底是怎么一回事That way?那里- Okay. - Okay.- 好的 - 好的Right from the start, he was yelling at people.一开始 他就对着人乱哭乱叫Ordering everyone around.把人使唤来使唤去Oh, you want this?喔 你想要这个One thing was clear. He was the boss.有一点是清楚的 这个家现在他是老大He set up his of

14、fice, right smack dab in the middle of the house.他在家里正中间不偏不倚的地方架起了他的办公室He conducted meetings.他主持会议- You called? - Do you need senor squeaky?- 你找我们 - 你需要吱吱先生吗Hey!嘿Lots and lots of meetings. Whoa!他每天都会开很多很多会议 吼Even in the middle of the night.甚至在大半夜都会开会Im up! Im up!我起了 我起了Were coming! Well be right there!我们来了 我们就到If things werent done to his immediate satisfaction.如果事情没有按照他要求的马上办妥He had a fit.他就会有他的对策Argh!啊Wheres the bottle? He has to have his bottle!他的奶瓶在哪 他一定要他的奶瓶He had everyone wrapped around his chubby little fing

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