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1、考研英语二新题型考前密押模拟题2019考研英语二新题型考前密押模拟题 Passage 1 Directions: You are going to read a list of headings and a about a park naturalist. Choose the most suitable heading from the list AF for each numbered paragraph (4145). The first and last paragraphs of the are not numbered. There is one extra heading whi

2、ch you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET l. (10 points) ABecoming a naturalist BSeeing wonder in the ordinary CA changing role DDisgusting and embarrassing moments EWhat does a park naturalist do? FWhat does it take to be a park naturalist? I have the best job in the Wisconsin St

3、ate Park System. As a park naturalist at Peninsula State Park, I am busy writing reports, creating brochures about trees or flowers, and sometimes visiting schools.And, of course, I make sure Peninsulas feathered friends are well fed. 41. _ As a park naturalist I am a writer, a teacher, a historian

4、and, if not a social worker, at least a mentor to young people interested in the environment. I love the diversity of my job. Every day is different. Most tasks require creativity. Now that I am an experienced naturalist, I have the freedom to plan my own day and make decisions about the types of pr

5、ograms that we offer at Peninsula. 42. _ In my first naturalist job, I spent four out of five days leading school field trips and visiting classrooms. As a state park naturalist I still work with students, but more often lead programs like bird walks, nature crafts, outdoor skills, and trail hikes.

6、I also find myself increasingly involved in management decisions. For example, sometimes the park naturalist is the person who knows where rare orchids grow or where ravens nest. When decisions are made about cutting trees, building trails, or creating more campsites. naturalists are asked to give t

7、he “ecological perspective.” 43. _ Perhaps the grossest thing Ive done as a naturalist is to boil animal skulls. Visitors like seeing bones and skinsat least after they have been cleaned up! Once, our nature center needed more skulls. A trapper gave me muskrat, raccoon and fox skulls but I had to cl

8、ean them. First, I boiled the skin and meat off. Boy, did that stink! Then I used dissecting tools and old toothbrushes to clean out the eyeballs. Finally, I soaked the skulls in a bleach solution. Ive had some embarrassing experiences, too. On my first hike as Peninsulas new naturalist, I was so ex

9、cited that I identified a white pine tree as a red pine tree! Thats quite a mistake since the trees are so easy to tell apart. White pine needles are in bundles of five and red pine needles are in bundles of two. 44. _ Not all state parks are as busy or as big as Peninsula. Not all park naturalists

10、spend the seasons as I do. Nevertheless, park naturalists share certain common interests and responsibilities: A park naturalist might notice that branches of a red maple growing in a field reach out to the side while those of a red maple in a thick forest reach up, and wonder why the trees look dif

11、ferent. A naturalist makes things happen. It might be working with workers to clean up part of a river. Park naturalists share knowledge in different ways, but all of them communicate with people. A love of learning-from other people, from plants and animals, from books, and moreis an essential qual

12、ity. Most naturalists dont work in places of rare beauty. Many work in city parks or in places that show “wear and tear.” If you can wonder about an inchworm, a juniper bush, or a robin and cause others to wonder, too, then you are ready to become a park naturalist. 45. _ If you think you want to be

13、come a park naturalist, do the following: Explore your home landscape. Knowing how people have shaped the land where you live-and how the land has shaped them-will lend a comparison that will serve you well. Start a field sketch book.Sketch what you see, where and when. The reason is not to practice

14、 art skills (though you may discover you have a talent) but, rather, to practice observation skills. Go to college. You will need a 4-year degree. There are several academic routes that lead to the naturalists road. I have found ornithology, plant taxonomy and human growth and development to be amon

15、g my most helpful courses. Listen and learn. A college degree is like a ticket. It lets you board the plane but is only the beginning of the journey. Look and listen to those who have already traveled the road for ideas, knowledge and inspiration. Passage 2 Directions: Reading the following and answ

16、er questions by finding a subtitle for each of the marked parts or paragraphs. There are two extra items in the subtitle. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET . (10 points) A. The consequence of losing bones B. A better lab than on earth C. Two different cases D. Multiple effects form weightlessness E.

17、How to overcome weightlessness F. Factors that are not so sure During weightlessness, the forces within the body undergo dramatic change. Because the spine is no longer compressed, people grow taller. The lungs, heart and other organs within the chest have no weight, and as a result, the rib cage an

18、d chest relax and expand. Similarly, the weights of the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels disappear. One astronaut said after his flight: “You feel your guts floating up. I found myself tightening my belly, sort of pushing things back。” 41. Meanwhile muscles and bones come to be used in different w

19、ays. Our muscles are designed to support us when stand or sit upright and to move body parts. But in space, muscles used for support on the ground are no longer needed for that purpose; moreover, the muscles used for movement around a capsule differ from those used for walking down a hall. Consequen

20、tly, some muscles rapidly weaken. This doesnt present a problem to space travelers as long as they perform only light work. But preventing the loss of muscle tissue required for heavy work during space walks and preserving muscle for safe return to Earth are the subject of many current experiments。

21、Studies have shown that astronauts lose bone mass from the lower spine, hips and upper leg at a rate of about 1 percent per month for the entire duration of their time in space. Some sites, such as the heel, lose calcium faster than others. Studies of animals taken into space suggest that bone forma

22、tion also declines。 42. Needless to say, these data are indeed cause for concern. During space flight, the loss of bone elevates calcium levels in the body, potentially causing kidney stones and calcium crystals to form in other tissues. Back on the ground, the loss of bone calcium stops within one

23、month, but scientists do not yet know whether the bone recovers completely: too few people have flown in space for long periods. Some bone loss may be permanent, in which case ex-astronauts will always be more prone to broken bones。 43. These questions mirror those in our understanding of how the bo

24、dy works here on Earth. For example, elderly women are prone to a loss of bone mass. Scientists understand that many different factors can be involved in this loss, but they do not yet know how the factors act and interact; this makes it difficult to develop an appropriate treatment. So it is with b

25、one loss in space, where the right prescription still awaits discovery。 44. Many other body systems are affected directly and indirectly. One example is the lung. Scientists have studied the lung in space and learned much they could not have learned in laboratories on earth. On the ground the top an

26、d bottom parts of the lung have different patterns of air flow and blood flow. But are these patterns the result only of gravity, or also of the nature of the lung itself? Only recently have studies in space provided clear evidence for the latter. Even in the absence of gravity, different parts of t

27、he lung have different levels of air flow and blood flow。 45. Not everything that affects the body during space flight is related solely to weightlessness. Also affected, for example, are the immune system and the multiple systems responsible for the amount and quality of sleep(light levels and work

28、 schedules disrupt the bodys normal rhythms). Looking out the spacecraft window just before going to sleep(an action difficult to resist, considering the view) can let enough bright light into the eye to trigger just the wrong brain response, leading to poor sleep. As time goes on, the sleep debt ac

29、cumulates。 For long space voyages, travelers must also face being confined in a tight volume, unable to escape, isolated from the normal life of Earth, living with a small, fixed group of companions who often come from different cultures. These challenges can lead to anxiety, depression, crew tensio

30、n and other social issues, which affect astronauts just as much as weightlessnessperhaps even more. Because these factors operate at the same time the body is adapting to other environmental changes, it may not be clear which physiological changes result from which factors. Much work remains to be d

31、one. Passage 3 Directions: you are going to read a list of headings and a about what personal qualities a teacher should have. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph (41-45). There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Mark your answer on ANSWER S

32、HEET 1. (10 points) A) Its the teachers obligation to be upright. B) Good characteristics are important. C) Teachers should show endurance. D) Teachers can make quick adjustment. E) Teachers should never stop learning. F) Teachers should identify with students. G) Teachers duties are given by government. Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualitie

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