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M 12U 2教案doc.docx

1、M 12 U 2 教案doc庆云四中学科教案 年级八年级学科英语日期2012/12/16课型New课题M12 U2主备人张杰执教人张杰使用时间教学目标知识与技能目标Key points: shake hands with, for the first time, speak to, notbut, be different from, hear sb. doing sth.,each other, on time, get married过程与方法目标突破途径1、 分解难点,将must 和can的用法重新整合。2、利用生动有趣的活动,来代替枯燥的语法演绎。情感、态度与价值观目标引导学生了解并尊

2、重其他国家的传统习俗和生活方式,培养世界意识。教学重点 用英语交流有关规则与习俗教学难点(1)情态动词的正确使用。(2)能够用地道的英语表达某地的风俗习惯或规章制度课标要求Writing advice for foreign guests to a Chinese family教学方法以小组合作为基础,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。以多媒体为辅助,增加课堂容量,提高课堂学习的有效性。知识链接外国的风俗习惯与规章制度 课时分配Two periods.教 学 过 程 第一课时(早自习) Unit 2Key points: shake hands with, for the first time, spe

3、ak to, notbut, be different from, hear sb. doing sth.,each other, on time, get marriedDifficult sentences: 1. You must say Mr and Mrs when you speak to older people, but you can use first names with your friends.2. You mustnt talk too loudly.3. In some trains you cant even use your mobile phones.Ste

4、p 1. Learn the new words of the Module 11 Unit 2.【教学活动】: 1. Ask the students to read the new words by themselves, and underline the difficult words with the red pen. 2. Talk about how to pronounce these words in small groups.3. Listen to the tape and follow it to read loudly.4. Now they have overcom

5、e the pronunciation of the difficult words, then remember the difficult words that they have selected before. Step2: Learn the important phrases of this unit. 【教学活动】:Firstly, let ss to read all the phrases.Secondly, choose these difficult ones.Thirdly, find out answers in their notebooks or their bo

6、oks; Fourthly, they can discuss the most difficult one in groups.At last, try to remember all the phrases and check in pairs.第二课时Step 1:Leading inRead the following table and say which manners are good and which are bad.【教学活动】: Ask some of ss to answer my questions. (NO.3 in each group.)【设计意图】:通过课前小

7、对话,增进师生间的感情,以此来激发学生用英语思考的积极性,导入本课.(由学生自己组建对话。)Step 2 :课前检测根据汉语提示或首字母完成单词。 1Did you enjoy your _ (逗留) in England ? 2. Dont place your hand on my _ (肩膀) .3. They made much _(噪音) at night , so their neighbour couldnt sleep .4. I heard them _(喊叫) at each other .5. He _ (抓住)the glass as it fell .6. Stop

8、_ (扔)the stone at the window ! 【教学活动】: Ask ss to finish them individually and then choose some ss to write down their answers on the Bb. At last, try to explain the usage 让学生讲出原因,会翻译【设计意图】:通过该题,检查学生单词的运用情况.Step3: Reading parts:一Pre-reading.(读前)(Complete the passage).1.When do people have a tea party

9、 in England?2. Do the passengers talk loudly in buses or trains?3.What must you say when you speak to older people?4.Can the man and the woman see each other the night before the wedding in England?5. Who will be next to get married?二Fast reading (指导读法:When you do this kind exercise, you should find

10、 the key words 关键词。) Read and match the headings from Paragraph2 to 5.A. greeting people Para- 4 B. having a tea party Para- 2 C. making noise Para- 3 D. wedding Para- 5【教学活动】: Ask ss to read the text to get the main idea of the passage. They can check their answers in their groups. At last, try to

11、read the six cities of the USA.【设计意图】:通过快速阅读文章,让学生初步了解文章大意;见PPTCareful reading How do people greet others in England? Now, please1. Read paragraph 2 and answer: You can use first name with older people. ( Yes / No ) You _ ( can / cant ) just say hello when you meet others the second time in the UK.【

12、教学活动】: Ask ss to read the text as quickly as possible, and then ask them to answer them one by one . They can check their answers in their groups.【设计意图】:通过快速阅读,让学生进一步了解文章大意,培养学生是非判断能力。2. Read paragraph 3 and fill in the chart:In England mustmustnt / cant canfood and drinks for guests3. Listen to par

13、agraph 4 and complete: In buses or trains, the other passengers are very quiet, and you _ talk too loudly. Its very _ from China! In some trains you _ even use your mobile phones! And you dont often hear people shouting in the street.Well done, another present. Who can answer them? Who can, who can?

14、 Wonderful! Do you like weddings? 4. Read the rest and answer:1 In a wedding, the woman must arrive at the church _. A. a few minutes late B. the same time as the man What does the woman do at the party after the wedding? _. Careful-reading. According to the passage and fill in the table. (细读)In Eng

15、landmustmustntgreeting people having a tea partymakingnoiseweddingsIn Englandmustmustnt【教学活动】: Ask ss to read the passage carefully and to get some detailed information . They can finish them in 7 minutes.【设计意图】:分层阅读课文回答问题,更加深入了解课文三. Post-reading. (读后 ).Speaking : Give advice & reasons【设计意图】:此部分是在充分

16、理解课文的基础上,对文章进一步升华,要求学生能够提炼文章重要信息,为后面的写作做铺垫。点拨作文写作要点Step 4 : Language points:1. But I noticed so many different traditions. 但是我注意到如此多不同的传统。so是副词,意为“如此,这样”,可以修饰形容词和副词。so 与 such的区别是:1) such 是形容词,用来修饰名词;so 是副词,用来修饰形容词和副词。 He is such a (big) fool.他是个(大)傻瓜。He is so foolish (a man). 他是如此愚蠢(的一个人) 2) 单数名词前有不

17、定冠词与形容词时, so 和such位置不同。前者为“so + 形容词 + 冠词 + 名词”,后者为“such + 冠词 + 形容词 + 名词”。He is such a clever boy.= He is so clever a boy.他是如此聪明的一个男孩。3) so后即使有形容词,也不能修饰复数 名词或不可数名词;such则可以。They are such useful books.This is such clean water.它们是如此有用的书。4) 名词前有表示“多,少”意义的many, much, little, few 修饰时,用so不用such.There are so

18、 many books in the library.2. Tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm. 在下午大约4点钟,茶不仅仅是一种饮 料并且是清淡的饭。not but 意思是“不是而是”The book is not Tonys but Bettys.这本书不是托尼的而是贝蒂的。around “大约”, 相当于about.3. And you dont often hear people shouting in the street. 你不常听到人们在街上大喊。hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事he

19、ar sb do sth听到某人做了某事类似用法: see, watch, notice, feel, listen to等。【教学活动】: 该部分包含三个知识点,先让学生通过回忆,独立完成;把难点筛出来,然后在小组内讨论疑难点,最后汇总-即把实在解决不了的问题汇报给老师,老师在进行适当的点拨。能够让学生做到自己举例。课堂测试:. 单项选择( 见课件 )1. Its going to rain. Youd better take _ umbrella with you. A. a B. / C. an D. the2. Theres _ rain in summer in my hometow

20、n. A. much too B. too many C. too much D. a lot3. The weather is pleasant, but bring a sweater _ it is cold in the evening. A. because B. so C. for D. but 4. The nearest bookstore is about _ A. 2 kilometres far B. 2 kilometres far away C. 2 kilometres D. 2 kilometres away5. Though he is poor, he sav

21、es his money to help these children go to school _. A. from time to time B. always C. usually D. never【教学活动】: Ask ss to finish them by themselves and at the same time ask them to circle the key words. At last, explain No.2 to students. 【设计意图】:通过单选题的形式来检测学生对重点单词的掌握情况。、写作训练. (Write a letter to tell yo

22、ur town to Daming .) Your letter is about:1.where to visit 2. when to come 3.What about the weather 4. what to bring5.what to do here 6.How is he going to feel? Dear, Daming! Welcome to Qingyun. I want to tell something about my town. The best time to visit The best time to visit Qingyun is in _.Bec

23、ause there is a lot to do and see. .When you come here its a good idea to _, because you may want to _. You might_, because _, but _ _, so _. . I wish you to have a good time. 【教学活动】: Ask ss to finish them by themselves, then ask some of them to write on the Bb, if time is enough. 方法指导:通读英文提示要求,确定文章时态。教师通过PPT向学生提示一些关于庆云的景点及历史等背景知识。 检查句子结构及所用连接词,组织句子。最后在检查一遍,确定答案。点拨很有必要

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