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1、6A1单元 Unit 1 Public signs教材分析:本单元主要围绕“公共标志”这个话题展开各项活动,所涉及到的日常交际项目有介绍,询问,忠告和建议等,其中以询问公共标志含义及其应答为重点内容。学生们在日常生活中对公共标志并不陌生,但作为一个话题来谈论会有一定的困难。为了便于学生更好地掌握本单元的学习内容,教师在教学过程中要考虑学生的年龄特点,充分利用多媒体课件,图片,幻灯,简笔画等手段,运用形象化的语言和动作,使教学内容更贴近学生的生活,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生参与语言活动的积极性。一、教学内容1. 语音:字母组合ea在单词中的读音2.词汇:always, a question,

2、ask, mean, must, should, shouldnt take a walk, pick3.日常交际用语及句型:There are a lot of signs here. They mean different things. Keep off the grass. Be quiet. No smoking. No littering. No parking. No eating or drinking. Danger. Do not touch.4. 四会句型:What does it/this/that mean? It means you /we must/ should

3、/ shouldnt.5.歌曲:The signs in the park.二、教学目标1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词always, a question, ask, mean, must, should, shouldnt, take a walk, pick2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What does it/this/that mean? It means you /we must/ should/ shouldnt. 3.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语There are a lot of signs here. They mean different things. K

4、eep off the grass. Be quiet. No smoking. No littering. No parking. No eating or drinking. Danger. Do not touch.4.了解字母组合ea在单词中的读音5.会唱歌曲The signs in the park.三、教学重点与难点1.重点掌握本单元的四会词句2.能熟练运用所学词汇句型交流公共标志四、课时安排四至五教时内完成本单元教学内容六,过程方法 第一课时一、 教学目标:1. 教学内容 Part A&B2. 知识目标: a 能听懂,会说,会读各种标志的表达 No smoking No litt

5、ering No parking Do not touch Danger! No eating or drinking Keep off the grass Be quiet! b 能听懂,会说,会写,会读以下句型What does this sign/it mean?It means you shouldnt3. 能力目标:能运用以上的词汇句型交流公共标志。4.情感目标:培养学生认识公共标志,做文明小市民。二、教学重点与难点: 运用以上词汇句型交流公共标志。三、 教学准备:教学图片,多媒体四、 教学过程:Step1. Free talk1. How many days are there i

6、n a week? What are they? 2. What day is it today ?3. I like English. What subject do you like?4. I can sing. What can you do?Step2Presentation and practice:1. T: Miss Chen is 33 years old.How old are you ? What about Jack? Listen to the tape. 学生自读短文 新授cousin, always ,带读短文 Say something about Jack 看动

7、画回答问题:1. Where is Jack now?2. What does Jack see?3. What is Jack doing now? T: Jack is asking some questions about the public signs.Lets have a look. Can you read? 出示No smoking No littering NO parking No eating or drinking 让学生自己总结规律 NO + ing2T: (Point to a sign)What does this sign mean?板书: What does

8、 this sign mean?讲解mean的意思及其中ea的发音。强调助动词用does及其语法意义。T: It means “No smoking”.板书: No smoking. 学习这句话。让学生回答smoking 的动词原形,smoke,并再次复习它的变化规则。T: What does this sign mean?S: It means “No smoking.”.同上让学生练习所有的标志再出示NO smokingT: It means you shouldnt smoke.板示:It means you shouldnt smoke.讲解 shouldnt=should not ,

9、should为情态动词,意思为应该,后跟动词原形。Should ( not ) + do ( 原型 )3练习 (书8)It means you should ( not ).4.同桌用What does it mean? It means .来问答,以巩固所 学内容。5. 出示标志 Danger Keep off the grass Be quietT: What do they mean?Look at the cartoons .Step3Look and say:1. 让学生分组讨论标志的含义。2学生同桌操练,根据图意用What does it mean? It means you sh

10、ouldnt 进行问答。Step4 课堂作业完成C 部分的六幅图。Step5 Homework: 1. 抄写单词句子2遍2.预习A部分的对话 3.收集其他Public signs 第二课时一、教学内容:Part A二、教学目标:1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make,mean2能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:a cousin,always,a question,a cage,make noise.3能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that meam? It means you /we should/must/shouldnt 三、教学重点:1能听

11、懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make,mean3 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that meam? It means you /we should/must/shouldnt 三、教学过程:Step 1 Free talk1. What day is it today ?2. What subject do you like?3. What do you usually do at the weekends?4. Where are you from?5. I live in Nantong. Where do you live?Step 2R

12、eview:Who can read the short passage and answer my three questions?(学生朗读前言,回答问题)Where is Jack now?What does Jack see?What is Jack doing now?出示public signs,带读、齐读What does it mean?It means you should/shouldnt Step 3Presentation and practise:Here are 8 public signs. They mean different things. 板书 They

13、mean different things带读PPT呈现课文中的场景的标志。T: Theres a sign on the wall. What does it mean? It means Danger.It means we should stay away from the building.同样处理 Keep off the grass 和Be quiet. T: Whats on the grass?S: Theres a sign on the grass.T: What does it mean?S: It means we should keep off the grass.T

14、: Yes. It means we shouldnt walk on the grass. 板书新授: walk on the grass.T: Look , whats this? Its a birds cage. 板书新授: cage.T: The sign on the birdscage is interesting. What does it mean?S: It means Keep quiet”!T: Yes. It means we shouldnt make noise here. 板书新授: make noise.Step 4. Read the dialogue 带读

15、、跟读、学生分角色朗读。 划出三会词组和句子: public signs, stay away from the Building Keep off the grass, make noise 四会词组和句:He always has a lot of questions. What does it mean? It means we shouldnt walk on the grass.Step3 课堂练习1. Fill in blanksDo you like the park,Jack?Yes,I do. Now I know a lot about_ _in the park.They

16、_ different things. We _ walk on the grass.We should_ _ near the birds cage.The signon the building in the park meansdanger.We must_ _ from it.2. 抄写三会、四会词组二遍Step4Homework1. 抄写P.77四会单词四遍,自默一遍。2每天跟读课文15分钟,练习背诵。 第三课时1、教学内容:Part A,C,D&E二、教学目标:1通过复习要求学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的所学的公共标志类词汇。2能熟练地在情景中熟练运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。3

17、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和词组:take a walk, look around, pick up, come up to, point to, He sees something on the grass. Fine 10 yuan.三、教学重点:1.通过复习要求学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的所学的公共标志类词汇。2.能熟练地在情景中熟练的运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。四、教学过程:Step1 Free talk1. How many days are there in a week? What are they? 2. What day is it today ?3. I like

18、 English. What subject do you like?4. Can you speak English? Revision:1.What does it mean?It means you/we should/shouldnt/must 出示图片让学生进行问答,复习公共标志类词汇。2. 利用PPT,学生复习A部分对话。3复习c部分的内容,学生相互问答。Step2Ask and answer:1. 教师准备一只时钟,将其拨至不同的时间,询问学生Whats the time?Can you ?引导学生根据具体时间考虑该做什么,提出建议You/We should 2同桌看图练习相互问

19、答,两人一组。Step3 Read and match:1. 看图阅读短文,理解对话内容。学习单词和词组:take a walk, look around, pick up, come up to, point to suddenly,something, fine.2.将短文的序号填入相应的括号内。3.看本段文章的flash动画。然后让学生练习看动画描述情景。4 学生看动画描述。Step4. Exercises(课堂练习)一、 英汉互译1禁止吸烟_ 2 禁止停车_3禁止触摸_ 4 请勿践踏擦草坪。_5No littering._ 6 No eating or drinking._7 Be q

20、uiet!_ 8 Danger!_二、句型转换1 It means “Be quite”.(对划线提问)_2 Can I go to the zoo?(作否定回答)_3 Does your brother often watch football?(作否定回答)_Step5 Homework:1. 抄写本课的四会单词和句型并默写。2. 熟读课文对话并试着背诵。 第四课时1、教学内容:Part F G H,复习所学知识点2、教学目标:1 通过复习熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。2 了解字母组合er 在单词中的发音。3 会唱歌曲The signs in the park二、教学重点:1 过复习熟练

21、掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。2 了解字母组合er 在单词中的发音。三、教学过程:Step1 FreetalkWhat time is it?Can I ?Give to What does this sign mean?Step2 Revision1. 几对学生有关公共标志类的对话表演。2. 复习句型:What does it mean? It means 并完成练习册中11页上的内容。3. 复习课本 C部分内容,生生相互问答。4. 看课本E部分的flash动画,。Step3Sing a song:1. 学读歌词,注意生词rubbish, bin.2. 学生听录音学唱。3. 学生齐唱,并请几个学生来表演唱。Step4Draw and guess1. 教师在黑板上画简笔画,让学生猜出公共标志。2. 学生分组来做这个游戏,充分发挥学生的想象力同时复习所学 内容。Step5Listen and repeat:1. 让学生读单词, 了解er在单词中的读音。2. 齐读单词和句子。Step6Homework:1. 背诵课文对话。2. 总结本单元所学的词组,并抄写2遍。教学反思:

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