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1、中考英语知识点复习阅读理解2019-2020年中考英语知识点复习-阅读理解通过近几年全国各省市中考英语试题来看,我们发现“阅读理解”题呈现出这样几个特点:题材新颖,原汁原味,趣味性强;贴近生活实际,极具可读性;反映社会热点,富于时代气息;题目设计巧妙,匠心独运;考查能力综合化;选材广泛,信息量大。所涉及内容包罗万象,不仅涉及生活百科,自然科学,而且也触及天文地理,寓言故事、异域风情等。A、阅读理解题目类型及解题方法。1. 细节理解题。*此类题主要考察学生对相关信息的识别能力, 答案一般在原文中能找到。*出题中所设的干扰项一般与文中的观点截然相反,要么不符,要么未涉及,相对容易排除。常常是无中生

2、有,张冠李戴,以偏概全,扩大内容。2. 文章(段落)主旨大意题。Which is the best title of the passage? The writer thinks_.The writer wants to tell us_. The main idea of the passage is_.*切忌以点代面,以偏概全。文章的首尾句及各段的首尾句往往是探察全文内容的窗口,阅读时要学会找出文章的中心句。*在阅读过程中,可通过略读来快速把握文章的中心,阅读时视阈要宽,紧抓对主题句的搜索,按意群进行阅读,避免阅读中的出声、指读、复视、或停顿。3、推理判断题。 此类题需要透过文章信息进行深

3、入的分析、综合、归纳等推断,需根据上下文及其内在联系对篇章进行深入的分析。如From the second paragraph we know_. *在把握全篇的基础上,细读这一段。4、是非判断题 Which of the following is (NOT) true? Which of the following descriptions about is right?*干扰项常常是无中生有,张冠李戴,以偏概全,扩大内容5.词意句意题 What does the word “” mean in paragraph 3? What does the sentence “” really me

4、an?In the last paragraph, “” means_. What does the underlined word mean?*学会猜词(1)根据构词法猜词义前缀或后缀-ful(形容词后缀), -less(无,没有,构成形容词), -ly(副词后缀), un-(不,非,未),dis-(相反,否定)re-(重新)appear disappear, agree disagree, tie untie, happy unhappy, careful, careless, hope hopeless, comfortable uncomfortable(2)根据上下文猜词义它和前后文

5、有着必然的联系,只有把握作者的脉搏,理清逻辑链条,才能锁定生词的含义。(3)旧词新义现象。 如:Australians put their shirt “tails” on the clothes line after washing, because they usually put them into their trousers. “tails” 一词原意为“尾巴”,而在此处的意思为衬衫的“_”。(4)依解释。 Microscope is an instrument(工具)that makes small near objects seems larger. Microscope mea

6、ns_. *有时我们能从生词的前后找到解释性的文字。B、解答阅读理解题的基本步骤。1、首先快速通读全文(包括标题,图),了解文章大意。2、阅读问题,应特别注意审题。3、带着问题细读文章,寻找重要的解题信息。叙述文重要信息包括人物(who),事件(what),时间(when),地点(where),起因(why),经过(how),结果(what)等。*遇到个别词、句不明白,应大胆跳过向下读。4、 据初步获得的信息,综合运用所学英语知识和有关文章的各种背景知识进行信息处理,还应特别注意文章各部分之间内在的联系和字面隐含的意思。5、 分析的基础上选定答案。6、 如果时间够用,可复读文章,验证答案。C、

7、阅读技巧。1.略读法:快速阅读,了解大意,综合主题句,找出全文的主题思想。主题句的位置一般在句首或句末,也有在句中的。2.查读法:顾名思义是为查找某一特定信息而进行的阅读。3、借助跳读找细节,借助掠读找中心。4、全文中心体现的是各段之和。段落中心常与该段首句尾句相关。5、干扰项或是远离文章内容,或是以偏概全。 常见的干扰项:无中生有,张冠李戴,以偏概全,扩大内容。6、 猜测词义时,一定要回到原文中,因为没有上下文就没有词义。7、 推理判断题注意从文章作者立场出发,从短文中找答案,而不是问你作为中学生的看法。8、 做题的关键是看清题目的要求,读准的关键是分清句子的结构和确认词性词义。9、注意表逻

8、辑关系词:起承上启下的作用,表明前后文间的联系 (1)表示先后顺序的词有:first, second, third, finally等。(2) 表示转折意义的词有:but, yet, though, however等。(3) 表示先因果关系的词有:because, for,so that等。(4) for example10、分析长句长句中通常含并列、复合、倒装等结构,要分清主干,先找出句子的主谓宾,再找修饰语。1) She said the secret is to never put things off until tomorrow. 主句 宾语从句2) Environment club

9、s ask students to bring their their lunches in bags that can be used again.这句主干是 Environment clubs ask students to bring their their lunches in bags. that can be used again是定语从句,修饰bags。全句可翻译为:环保俱乐部要求学生用可再次使用的袋子来带午饭。3) I didnt quite understand how they got the books back so quickly until I picked up

10、a book Grandma had left one day.本句的主干是I didnt quite understand until I picked up a book(直到我捡到一本书我才明白)主干是:主句+ until引导的时间状语从句。how they got the books back so quicky是宾语从句,作understand的宾语。(that) Grandma had left one day是定语从句,修饰a book。整句可翻译为:直到有一天我捡到一本奶奶落下的一本书,我才明白他们是如何这么快地把书拿回。 ADo you know why different

11、animals or pests (昆虫) have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.Some birds like eating locusts (蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops. When crops are green,

12、locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.If you study the animal life, youll fin

13、d the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters (猎人). This is because they have the colors much like the trees.Have you ever noticed an even stranger act? A kind of fish in the sea can send out a

14、kind of very black liquid (液体)when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads over (散开), its enemies (敌人)cannot find it. And it immediately swims away. So it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all.1.From the passage we learn that locusts_.A. are small animals B. are easily found by birdsC

15、. are dangerous to their enemies D. change their colors to protect themselves2.How can pests with different colors from plants keep out of danger?A. They run away quickly.B. They have the colors much like their enemies.C. They hide themselves by day and appear at night.D. They have to move quietly.3

16、.Bears and lions can keep safe because _.A. they have the colors much like the trees B. they move quietlyC. they like brown and gray colors D. they live in forests4.Why can the kind of fish live up to now?A. Because it is very and strong. B. Because the liquid it sends out can help it escape from it

17、s enemies.C. Because the liquid it sends out can kill its enemies.D. Because it swims faster than any other fish.5.Which is the best title for this passage?A. The Change of Colors for Animals and PestsB. Colors of Different Animals and PestsC. The Main Use of Colors for Animals and PestsD. Some Anim

18、als and Pests【解题思路点拨】这是一篇科技小品文。其主要内容是:许多昆虫的颜色十分奇特,其主要用途是用来保护自己。蝗虫身体的颜色随庄稼颜色的改变而做相应变化,这样就不易被捕食它们的鸟儿发现。有的动物与周围的植物颜色差别很明显,容易被捕食者察觉,只好夜间出来活动。更奇特的是,有一种鱼,在遇到危险时,会喷射出黑色液体,以掩护自己逃走。BIts important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a 5R rule for us:1. ReduceIf you want to reduce waste, you sho

19、uld use things wisely (明智地). A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses a little paper carelessly and throw it out, soon we would not have any trees left. Other things are also being wasted, and people dont know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necess

20、ary to reduce the waste. 2.ReuseYou should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your clothes you do not use or the ones which too small to the poor. In a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters.3.RecycleBottles, cans (罐子) and paper can

21、easily be recycled. By doing so we save lots of time and money. For example, coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat (压平) and melted (融化) and the metal things are made for new coke cans.4.RecoverWhen you buy a box of apples, there may be few rotten (腐烂的) apples, you have two cho

22、ices: one is to throw the whole apples away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and use the good parts. In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food.5.RepairIf one of the begs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to s

23、ell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a “throw-away” society, but the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment. Every one of us should try our best.1.The “Reduce” rule mainly re

24、quires (要求) us _.A. to use things wisely B. to cut down many treesC. to use a lot of paper D. to throw away your old clothes2.Whats the right order (顺序) of recycling coke cans?a. collect the used cans b. melt them c. smash them flat d. send them to a factoryA. a b c d B. a d c b C. d b c a D. c a b

25、d3.The “Recover” rule mainly requires us _.A. to throw waste things away B. to cover waste things with earthC. to get back the useful parts D. to throw the whole things away5.Which is the best way to do with your broken tables?A. Throwing them away. B. Requiring them.C. Selling them. D. Putting them

26、 away.【解题思路点拨】对生存在地球上的人类来说,保护环境是非常重要的。这篇短文贴近生活,富有时代气息。全文详细介绍了“5R”方法的具体内容和做法。对增强青少年学生的环保意识具有十分重要的意义。CGood evening, ladies and gentlemen, Im Roy , and this is my show. This is a television show for all families, and I know youll enjoy it. Lets start with a story. Once there was a proud pig on a farm .

27、 He thought he was the most important of all the animals on the farm. But it was not enough that he himself thought this: he had to be sure that other animals thought it, too. So he went up to a chicken and asked, “ Who is the most important animal on the farm?” The chicken answered, “ You are, Mr.

28、Pig .” Then he asked a dog, and he got the same reply. Next, he asked a cow. When the cow seemed uncertained of the right answer, the pig looked angry, and showed his teeth, “ Oh, you are, of course, Mr. Pig.” said the cow. “ Of course, ” the pig said, “ there is no doubt about it. ” At last the pig

29、 asked a big horse the same question. The horse lifted one foot, rolled the pig over and placed his foot on the pigs head. “ I think you know the answer now. ” said the horse.1. The Roy show is _ . A. a family show on TV B. for kids only C. a sports show2. When the pig asked a dog, the dog _ .A. sai

30、d nothing B. said the pig was the most important C. said the pig was as important as the horse3. The horse thought _ was the most important on the farm. A. he himself B. the pig C. the cow4. The word “ uncertained ” means _ . A. 相同的 B. 未确认的 C. 令人满意的5. Whats the best title of this passage?_ .A. A pig

31、 and a cow B. A farm C. The most important animalDOne afternoon Mrs. Greens husband wanted to catch the 3:30 flight to London to have an important meeting. She was very surprised when he telephoned her at 5 oclock and said that he was still at the airport. “What happened to you?” asked Mrs. Green. “Well,” said Mr. Green, “Everything was going fine. I got my ticket, checked my luggage and waited in line at the gate. I walked across the runway to the airplane and I saw my friend Jack Scott, who was an airplane

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