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1、自建城至今已有3000多年的历史自建城至今已有3000多年的历史。开封是我国七大古都之一.开封古称东京(亦有汴梁、汴京之称),简称汴,位于河南省东部Kaifeng is one of the seven ancient capitals in China. It has existed for 3,000 years since it was build. Kaifeng was called Dong J ing(also known as BianLiang, BianJing). And it is located in the east of Henan province . 历史文化

2、开封是中国首批公布的24座历史文化名城之一。北宋时期,开封(史称东京)为宋朝国都长达168年,人口达到150余万,是一座气势雄伟,规模宏大,富丽辉煌的都城。为中国政治、经济、文化中心和繁华的世界大都会。北宋画家张择端绘制的巨幅画卷清明上河图,生动形象地描绘了东京开封城的繁华景象。北宋也是继唐代以后科技、文化、艺术发展的又一鼎盛时期,创造了一代灿烂辉煌对后世影响深远的宋文化。Kaifeng is one of 24 seats historical and cultural cities which were first released. In the Northern Song Dynast

3、y, Kai Feng was the national capital for 168 years. The number of Population reached 1,500,000, Kai Feng which was a momentum majestic scale, richly brilliant capital was Chinas political, economic and cultural center and prosperous metropolis in the world. The Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhang Ze

4、duan,s work QingMingShangHeTu vividly portrayed the the bustling scene in Kai Feng . the Northern Song Dynasty which was a period of great prosperity in the development of science, technology, culture, art after Tang Dynasty created a generation of brilliant Song Culture and profound influence on la

5、ter generations. 风景名胜places of interestThere are many Scenic spots in my hometown.such as Memorial Temple of Lord Bao, Qingming shanghe garden and many others.Due to the time reason today I just talk about two of them as follows.Memorial Temple of Lord BaoIt is build for a officer Bao Zheng who work

6、ed in Northern Song Dynasty, Bao Zheng ( 9991062) was born in Hefei in Anhui province .For thousands of years, he is always a monument in Chinese people,s heart, he gives a person the strength to survive; Give a person with tough searchs; Give a person with imitation model.千百年来,包公一直是人们心目中的一个丰碑,他给人以生

7、存的力量;给人以坚韧的求索;给人以师法的典范。Looking at the picture,we can see a men which is made by copper sitting in the chair. It is the present of mr bao. He is one of the song dynasty in kaifeng officials, officer after incumbency enforcement special fair, fair selfless, solving like god, was awarded the privilege

8、of imperial XianZhanHouZou at that time, his existence for taking bribes WuLi and ZhangShi noble has some deterrent effect, life for the people, by the people to avenge the countless commemorating his beloved, remembered for its built in kaifeng shrine of baogong involved. It is located in kaifeng,

9、covering a hectare pack Mr. Lake to the left. Lord exhibition halls, second temple, a warrior, corridors, etc, and Damon, statues, copper Zha display of baogong involved wax, and baogong involved solving baogong involved KaiFengFu nomination, the history records written law, tablet inscription, etc.

10、 Style of primitive simplicity, solemn. 他是宋朝的一个官员,官居开封府尹,后因在职期间执法特别公正,铁面无私,断案如神,被朝廷授予先斩后奏的特权,他的存在在当时对贪赃污吏以及仗势贵族起到了一定的震慑作用,一生为百姓伸冤无数,深受百姓的爱戴,后人为了纪念他在开封为其修建了包公祠。位于开封市包公湖畔,占地一公顷左右。主展区有大殿、二殿、东西配殿、回廊、碑亭、大门、二门等,陈列包公铜像、铜铡及包公断案蜡像、包公史料典籍、开封府提名记碑、碑文等。风格古朴,庄严肃穆。Qingming shanghe garden The beautiful picture is

11、one site of Qingming shanghe garden, it is located in northern of the city, it was build according to the pictureQingMingShangHeTu made by Zhang Zeduan who was a printer in Song Dynasty. It reflects the customs of Song Dynasty位于开封城西北隅,以北宋画家张择端绘制的巨幅画卷清明上河图中所描绘的东京开封的繁华景象,是一座大型民俗风景游乐园。集中再现原图风物景观的大型宋代民俗

12、风情游乐园。WELCOME TO KAIFENGKaifeng , known previously by several names (see below), is a prefecture-level city in eastern Henan province, Peoples Republic of China. Located along the southern bank of the Yellow River, it borders the provincial capital of Zhengzhou to the west, Xinxiang to the northwest

13、, Shangqiu to the east, Zhoukou to the southeast, Xuchang to the southwest, and the province of Shandong to the northeast. Kaifeng is one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. As with Beijing, there have been many reconstructions during its history.In 364 BC during the Warring States Period, the S

14、tate of Wei founded a city called Daliang as its capital in this area. During this period, the first of many canals in the area was constructed linking a local river to the Yellow River. When the State of Wei was conquered by the State of Qin, Kaifeng was destroyed and abandoned except for a mid-siz

15、ed market town, which remained in place.Early in the 7th century, Kaifeng was transformed into a major commercial hub when it was connected to the Grand Canal as well as through the construction of a canal running to western Shandong Province.The city of Kaifeng is one ht East Henan Plain south of t

16、he Yellow River. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the place became the fief of Duke Zaung (757-701 B.C.) of the State of Zheng, who started to build a city and named it Kaifeng, meaning opening up new territory. It was also called Bianliang after the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.). Kaifeng

17、 served as capital for seven feudalist dynasties in Chinese history. Ad one of the six great capitals of China, together with Beijing, Xi an, Nanjing, Luoyang, and Hangzhou, it used to be a very prosperous city, especially during the Northern Song Dynasty (A.D. 960-1127). The grandeur and prosperity

18、 of Kaifeng is vividly presented in a classical painting, River Scene at Qingming Festival, by the well-known artist Zhang Zeduan of the Northern Song Dynasty. However, the former splendor of Kaifeng was gradually diminished by wars and Yellow River floods. Today, many cultural relics and ruins rema

19、in, and part of the city is being reconstructed to resemble old Kaifeng as it looked like in the Song Dynasty. When the work is finished, the historic old city will become an important stop on the tourists itinerary. As an old cultural center, Kaifeng is well known for its silk products and embroide

20、ry. King Yus Terrace (Yuwangtai) This terrace in southeast Kaifeng is also known as Music Terrace in memory of a blind musician, Shi Kuang, who is said to have played music here 2,600 years ago. During the Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1368 -1644), Kaifeng was repeatedly flooded when the Yellow River overflowe

21、d its banks. To commemorate King Yu, the legendary leader of the Xia Dynasty (c. twenty-second-seventeenth centuries), who devoted his wife to the taming of the flood, the people renamed the place King Yus Terrace and erected a bronze statue of King Yu on the spot. Major buildings on King Yus Terrac

22、e include the Kings Library (Yushulou), Temple of Three Saints (Sanxiansi), King Yus Temple, and the Water Virtue Temple (Shuidesi). King Yus Temple is said to have housed a statue of King Yu and some of his tools used in flood control. The Temple of Three Saints was built in memory of the three gre

23、at poets of the Tang Dynasty, Li bai, Du Fu, and Gao Shi, who cane here to compose poems while drinking wine in the spring of 744. At the back of the temple, there is a pavilion which houses a tablet bearing inscriptions of Emperor Qian Long (1736-1795) of the Qing Dynasty written on one of his insp

24、ection tours. Prime Ministers Tempel (Xiangguosi) One of the most famous temples of China stands in the center of Kaifeng. Built in 555 during the Northern QI Dynasty (550-577), it has a history of over 1,400 years. It was reconstructed and enlarged during the Tand and Song dynasties; destroyed by a

25、 Yellow River flood at the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), it was reconstructed again at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. The main structures of the temple are the Grand Hall, the Octagonal Hall, the east and west chambers, and other buildings holding Buddhist sutras. Inside the Octagonal Hal

26、l there is a wooden statue of the Goddess of Mercy with many hands and eyes which was carved during the reign of Emperor Qian Long (1736 -1795) of the Qing Dynasty and which is regarded as a masterpiece of wood carving from that era. Iron Pagoda Located in Iron Pagoda Park in the northeast part of t

27、he city, this structure was built in 1049 during the Northern Song Dynasty. With a history of more than nine hundred years, it is one of the earliest constructions made of glazed bricks and tiles in China. It got its name from the iron-gray color of its glazed bricks. The octagonal pagoda is fifty-f

28、ive meters high (with its foundation buried in silt from the Yellow River) and has thirteen levels. Although it was constructed of glazed bricks of different shapes and sizes, it looks very much like a huge wooden pillar, with carved patterns of Buddhas, flowers, human figures and legendary animals,

29、 all representing the highly developed workmanship of the Song Dynasty. The top of the pagoda affords a good view of the whole city of Kaifeng. Dragon Pavilion This splendid building in the northwest corner of the city was originally the site of the imperial palace of the Northern Song Dynasty. The

30、present building was reconstructed in 1692 during the Qing Dynasty. Standing on a thirteen-meter-high brick foundation, it is covered with golden glazed tiles and has graceful upturned eaves. On a slanting stone halfway up the seventy-two steps which lead to a raised platform in front of the buildin

31、g, there are some vague horseshoe outlines among the carved dragon patterns. According to an old legend, the horseshoe prints were left by Emperor Tai Zu, Zhao Kuangyin (727-976), of the Song Dynasty when he rode up the steps on horseback.开封年俗:开封民间称春节为“过年”。但是,过年并非单指阴历正月初一,还包括年头、年尾,从旧岁的十二月初八至新年正月初五均是

32、年日。旧时,开封流传有句俗语说:“腊八、祭灶,新年来到,姑娘要花,小子要炮。”所以,一到“腊八”,开封城乡便有“年味儿”了。 二十三、祭灶官。十二月二十三日为我国民间祭灶节,人们为了让灶王向天上玉皇大帝多说好话,家家都要摆上灶王爷的牌位,有的在牌位两边对子上写着“上天言好事,下界送吉祥”。意为灶王爷饯行。 祭灶过后,家家都忙于置买年货,打扫房子迎接新年,尤其是烟、酒、鱼、肉和走亲戚用的礼品更不能少。置办年货一直忙到腊月三十。于今开封仍流传有一首过春节的民谣:“二十三,祭灶官;二十四,扫房子;二十五,打豆腐;二十六,去割肉;二十七,杀只鸡;二十八,杀只鸭;二十九,去打酒;年三十儿,贴门旗儿。” 大年三十儿惯称除夕,家家户户都要贴春联。以往这一天,开封还有诸多旧俗。如“文官封印”、“武官封操”、“商业封门”、“说书封板”、“讨饭的封棍”等,诸如此类。而民间最重要的活动除夕之夜的祭祖和守岁。现在除夕,开封人仍沿袭以往许多好的习俗。除夕之夜虽然不再“祭祖”了。但有的互拜亲友,看电视,猜谜语,直至深夜,有的全家人团聚一堂,互相勉励,总结一年来收获,制定新的一年工作和学习计划。守岁在新时代赋予了新的内容。当午夜的钟声响过,人们争放第一挂鞭炮,这又意味着开封人开启未来的决心和干劲。 正月初一,家家即早起床,更

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