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沪教牛津版八上 unit1 练习及解答.docx

1、沪教牛津版八上 unit1 练习及解答词义配对1. ability A. 包括 2. human B. 没有人3. however C. 人的4. nobody D. 能力5. include E. 然而6. born F. 突然7. intelligence G. 发明8. suddenly H. 出生9. invention I. 获胜10. win J.智慧Key: DCEBA HJFGI单项选择1. Chairman Mao _ in the countryside. A. bears B. born C. is born D. was born2. Do you know how d

2、id dinosaurs die _? A. off B. out C. away D. down3. Robots can help people _ a lot of work. A. do B. does C. did D. doing4. The apples are cheap. _, nobody wants to buy them. A. But B. And C. So D. However5. My brother dreams to be a _ in the future, because he loves music very much. A. musician B.

3、scientist C. inventor D. painter6. All the shops are closed, _ Seven- Eleven. A. include B. including C. included D. includes7. If Tom _ the game, well give him a surprise. A. win B. wins C. won D. winningKey: DBADA BB根据句子意思和根据所给的首字母提示,在横线上填一个合适的词,使句子完整。1.Monysgrandparentsliveinthec_.2.LeonardodaVin

4、ciwasafamousI_painter,inventor,musicianandscientist.3.WhenJohnnywasfiveyearsold,heshowedhisa_inpainting.4.His job i_ cleaning the floor, washing the clothes and watering the flowers.5.E_Tomfeelslikejoiningourparty. Whatasurprise!Key: countryside Italian ability includes Even三、完成句子。6.林峰在1979年12月8日出生。

5、LinFeng_December8th,1979.7.她从小就想当演员。Shewantedtobeanactress_8.老师发现这个小男孩有音乐天赋。Theteacherfindsthelittleboy_.9.我的父母喜欢住乡下,可是我喜欢住大城市。Myparentslikestolive_,butIliketoliveinabigcity.10.我过去常常在旅游时带着一个笔记本。Iusedto_whenIwenttravelling.Key: was born on; from an early age; has a musical ability; in the countryside

6、; keep a notebook语法专练1. There isnt _ in the classroom.A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. any people2. Listen! Someone _ singing in the next room. A. be B. is C. are D. were3. Mom, we dont have _ bread in the fridge. A. one B. no C. some D. any4. Would you like _ to drink? Coffee is OK. A. something B

7、. anything C. nothing D. everything5. Do you have _ oranges? Yes, we have _ oranges. A. some; some B. any; some C. any; any D. some; any6. I didnt find _ on my table. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything7. Jack, is there _ in todays newspaper? No, nothing. A. anything important B. somet

8、hing important C. important anything D. important something 8. Our teacher always tried to teach us _ from the book. A. different something B. different anything C. something different D. anything different9. Lily has nothing to do in the morning. Let me give her _ to do. A. something B. anything C.

9、 nothing D. everything10. There _ somebody knocking at the door. Please go and see who it is. A. be B. am C. are D. is Key: BBDAB BACAD用括号内的词填空1. It is difficult to live without _ money. (some/ any) 2. We have _ bread, but we dont have _ milk in the fridge. (some/ any)3. Doesnt _ know the answer to

10、this question? (someone/ anyone)4. We are going to do _cleaning in the morning. (some/ any)5. Is there _ I can do for you, Sir? (something/ anything)6.Would you like _ coffee? (some/ any) Yes, please.7.Is there _ apple juice at home? Yes, there is _. (some/any)8. I cant find my socks _. (somewhere/

11、anywhere)9. I didnt see _ in the house. (someone/ anyone)10. The boy didnt say _ in the meeting. (something/ anything)Key: 1. any 2.some; any 3. anyone 4.some 5. anything 6. some 7. any; some 8. Anywhere 9. anyone 10. anything完型填空Television plays an important part in our daily life. Children enjoy w

12、atching TV. Some _1_ are happy about that because it stops their children from playing with dangerous things. Watching TV can help your children _2_ about lots of things, such as music, other countries, and many other things. They will learn much more about the outside world. However, its _3_ to say

13、 that watching TV doesnt do harm to children. You cant let them watch TV as _4_ as they want. Watching TV takes up a lot of time. Children need to _5_ the world by themselves, not just from TV. Besides, children need to move around and do lots of _6_. Sitting on the chairs and watching TV too much w

14、ill make children become fatter. It is _7_ worse when the TV programs are _8_ of violent scenes (暴力场景). These things are bad for children. As parents, you should choose the right programs for them, and shouldnt leave the TV on all day. Turn it off right after their programs _9_. Never put a TV in yo

15、ur childrens _10_.1. A. parents B. schools C. teachers D. students2. A. look B. forget C. think D. learn3. A. wrong B. friendly C. right D. careful4. A. much B. many C. little D. few5. A. look B. invent C. know D. watch6. A. sports B. homework C. parties D. programs7. A. very B. so C. too D. even8.

16、A. fond B. full C. proud D. afraid9. A. go B. come C. begin D. end10. A. school B. room C. classroom D. homeKey: ADAAC ADBDB阅读理解Shane is a man from space. He thinks the people and things on the earth are very strange. He is now writing a letter to his friend at home. Here is part of his letter. Read

17、 it and answer the questions. Now I am in a strange world. It is very nice. There are many new things here. There are many earth monsters here, too. The earth monsters look very funny. They have just one head, two arms and two legs. They have thin black strings(线) on their heads. Some earth monsters

18、 have brown or yellow strings. The earth monsters have a hole in their face. Every day, they put nice things and balls from the trees into the hole. They put water into the hole, too. The earth monsters do not walk very fast. They move from place to place in tin boxes. At night, the earth monsters l

19、ike to look at a square window box. This box has very small earth monsters in it.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1. Shane thinks the people and things on the earth are very _ .A. strange B. nice C. different D. beautiful2. Shane thinks man on the earth is _. A. a monkey B. an earth monsterC. a tin box D. a strange wo

20、rld3. The earth monster doesnt have _ .A. heads, arms or legs B. brown or yellow strings on its headC. a hole on its face D. a swing on its body4. The earth monsters dont put _ on their holes.A. nice things B. balls C. fire D. water5. The square window box is _.A. a car or a bus B. a very small eart

21、h monsterC. a TV set D. a radioKey: BBDDCAlmost every Chinese person can recite(背诵) the two lines of the famous poem, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work”. But sadly, many of us dont actually get the real meaning of these lines: Dont waste food. A CCTV program reported that the food Chine

22、se people throw away every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year. Do we have too much food? Absolutely not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2011, especially in developing countries. Six million children die of hunger eve

23、ry year. Chinese people are well known for being friendly and generous(慷慨的). Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table. Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. What should we do in our daily lives to stop wasting food? 1.

24、 Dont order(点菜) too much in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you order, take the rest of it home.2. Dont leave any food in your bowls while having meals.3. Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Dont buy too much, especially for vegetables and f

25、ruit.1. Whats the real meaning of the underlined sentence? A. 春种一粒粟,秋收万颗籽 B.谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦 C. 吏禄三百石,岁晏有余粮 D. 足蒸暑土气,背灼炎天光2. According to the UN report, how many hungry people were there in 2011? A. 6 million B. 925 million C. 200 million D. 725 million3. What should we do to stop wasting food? A. Order

26、more food in a restaurant. B. Every time you eat, leave some food in your bowls. C. Take all the food you order home. D. Dont buy too much food like vegetables and fruit.4. Which of the following is NOT true? A. A number of people have realized the importance of saving food. B. The food Chinese peop

27、le throw away every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year. C. 200 million children die of hunger every year. D. Many Chinese feel that they lose face if guests have eaten all the food on the table.5. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Dont waste food. B. Chinese people are friend

28、ly and generous. C. We cant die of hunger. D. Every grain is grown by farmers.Key: BBDCA单元达标检测一、单项选择 1. I have to make breakfast for six people, _ myself. A. include B. included C. including D. to include 2. Morning, class. Is _ here? No. sir. Tom is not here.A. anybody B. everybody C. nobody D. som

29、ebody3. Smoking is a bad habit. _, it is still very popular. A. So B. But C. And D. However4. Little Tom likes making new things. So he wants to be a(n) _ in the future. A. musician B. inventor C. artist D. scientist5. Nobody _ the answer to this question. A. know B. knows C. to know D. knowing6. Liang Xiao _ the first place in the match. A. ran B. born C. went D. won7. What else would you like? _

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