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1、七月份六级考试题汇总2020七月份六级考试题Part I Writing (30 minutes)【试题】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.【参考范文】While we all desire to lead an

2、 ideal lifestyle some day, most of us tend to do no more than create a blueprint for, or even daydream about, it. Some may excuse themselves by claiming they are not ready to get started. Actually, they have yet to realize the truth of that saying: The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your bes

3、t today.Tomorrow is utterly unpredictable, whereas only today can be under control. This undisputed fact implies that attaining any goal requires us to seize the day and live it to the fullest. If we want to, for example, improve our physical fitness, just begin by going jogging this evening, rather

4、 than waste time making workout plans for the following weeks. It does not mean planning is of little value. The point is that many people are prone to an illusory sense of satisfaction during this process, hindering them from taking immediate action.It is very tough indeed overcoming our inertia. B

5、ut only by acting now and working hard can we move a step closer to success. Those who put off until tomorrow what really matters to them will end up achieving nothing.Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)(暂缺干扰项) Section A Conversation One【听力原文】M: Tonight, we have a very special guest. Mrs. A

6、nna Sanchez is a three time Olympic champion and author of the new book To the Edge. Mrs Sanchez, thank you for joining us.W: Thank you for having me.M: Lets start with your book. What does the title To the Edge mean? What are you referring to?W: The book is about how science and technology has help

7、ed push humans to the edge of their physical abilities. I argue that in the past 20 years we have had the best athletes the world has ever seen.M: But is this a fair comparison? How do you know, how, say, a football player from 50 years ago would compare to one today?W: Well, you are right. That com

8、parison would be perhaps impossible to make. But the point is more about our knowledge today of human biochemistry, nutrition and mechanics. I believe that while our bodies have not changed in thousands of years, what has changed is the scientific knowledge. This has allowed athletes to push the lim

9、its of what was previously thought possible.M: Thats interesting. Please tell us more about these perceived limits.W: The world has seen sports records being broken that could only be broken with the aid of technology, whether this be the speed of a tennis serve or the fastest time in 100 meter dash

10、 or 200 meter swimming race.M: Is there any concern that technology is giving some athletes an unfair advantage over others?W: That is an interesting question and one that has to be considered very carefully. Skis, for example, went from being made of wood to a metal alloy, which allows for better c

11、ontrol and faster speed. There is no stopping technological progress. But, as I said, each situation should be considered carefully on a case by case basis.【题目】1.What do we learn about Anna Sanchez?2.What is the womans book mainly about?3.What has changed in the past thousands of years?4.What is the

12、 mans concern about the use of technology in sports competitions?【参考答案】1.A) She is a great athlete.2.D) How technology has helped athletes to scale new heights.3.B) Our scientific knowledge.4.C) It may give an unfair advantage to some athletes.Conversation Two【听力原文】W: Ive worked in international tra

13、de all my life. My father did so too before me. So I guess you could say it runs in the family.M: What products have you worked with?W: All sorts, really. Ive imported textiles, machinery, toys, solar panels, all kinds of things over the years. Trends and demand come and go. So one needs to be very

14、flexible to succeed in this industry.M: I see. What goods are you trading now?W: I now import furniture from China into Italy and foods from Italy into China. I even use the same container. Its a very efficient way of conducting trade.M: The same container? You mean you own a 40-foot cargo container

15、?W: Yeah, thats right. I have a warehouse in Genoa, Italy and another in Shanghai. I source mid-century modern furniture from different factories in China. Its very good value for money. I collect it all in my warehouse and then dispatch it to my other warehouse in Italy. Over there I do the same, b

16、ut with Italian foods instead of furniture, things like pasta, cheese, wine, chocolates. And I send all that to my warehouse in China in the same freight container I use for the furniture.M: So I presume you sell both lines of products wholesale in each respective country.W: Of course. I possess a n

17、etwork of clients and partners in both countries. Thats the main benefit of having done this for so long. Ive made great business contacts over time.M: How many times do you ship?W: I did 12 shipments last year, 18 this year, and I hope to grow to around 25 next year. Thats both ways, there and back

18、 again. Demand for authentic Italian food in China is growing rapidly. And similarly, sales of affordable, yet stylish wooden furniture are also increasing in Italy. Furniture is marginally more profitable, mostly because it enjoys lower customs duties.【题目】Q5: What does the woman think is required t

19、o be successful in international trade? Q6: What does the woman say is special about her way of doing trade?Q7: What does the woman have in both Italy and China?Q8: What does the woman say makes furniture marginally more profitable?【参考答案】5.B) Flexibility.6.D) Using the same container back and forth.

20、7.A) Warehouses.8.C) Lower import duties.Section B Passage One【听力原文】“Too many people view their jobs as a five-day prison from which they are paroled every Friday,” says Joel Goodman, founder of the Humour Project, a humour consulting group in Saratoga Springs, New York. Humour unlocks the office pr

21、ison because it lets adults bring some of their childlike spirit to the job.According to Howard Pollio, professor of psychology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, an office with humour breaks is an office with satisfied and productive employees. Pollio conducted a study that proved humour ca

22、n help workers excel at routine production tasks. Employees perform better when they have fun.In large corporations with a hierarchy of power, there is often no outlet for stress. “Every company needs underground ways of poking fun at the organization,” says Lynn . Mark, a speaker on workplace humou

23、r for St. Marys Health Centre in St. Louis.Kodaks Rochester, New York branch discovered a way for its 20000 employees to uncork their bottled-up resentments. Their 1000-square-foot Humour Room features a toy store. Among the rooms many stress-reducing gadgets, the main attraction is a boss doll with

24、 detachable arms and legs. Employees can take the doll apart as long as they put its arms and legs back in place.Sandy Cohen, owner of a graphic print production business, created the Quote Board to document the bizarre phrases people say when under strict deadlines. “When youre under stress, you sa

25、y stupid things,” says Cohen. “Now we just look at each other and say, thats one for the Quote Board.”【题目】9.What does the passage say about humour in the workplace?10.What does the study by Howard Pollio show?11.What can Kodaks employees do in the Humour Room?【参考答案】9.A) It helps employees to reduce

26、their stress.10.D) Humour can help workers excel at routine tasks.11.B) Take the boss doll apart as long as they can assemble it.Passage Two【听力原文】Public interest was aroused by the latest discovery of a changed gene in obese mice. The news was made known by Rockefeller University geneticist Jeffrey

27、Friedman. The researchers believe this gene influences development of a hormone that tells the organism how fat or full it is.Those with the changed gene may not sense when they have eaten enough or if they have sufficient fatty tissue, and thus cant tell when to stop eating.The researchers also rep

28、orted finding a gene nearly identical to the mouse obesity gene in humans. The operation of this gene in humans has not yet been demonstrated, however. Still, professionals like University of Vermont psychologist Esther Rothblum reacted enthusiastically: “This research indicates that people really a

29、re born with a tendency to have a certain weight, just as they are to have a particular skin color or height.”Actually, behavioral geneticists believe that less than half of total weight variation is programmed in the genes, while height is almost entirely genetically determined.Whatever role genes

30、play, Americans are getting fatter. A survey by the Center for Disease Control found that obesity has increased greatly over the last 10 years. Such rapid change underlines the role of environmental factors, like the abundance of rich foods, in Americans overeating.The Center for Disease Control has

31、 also found that teens are far less physically active than they were even a decade ago. Accepting that weight is predetermined can relieve guilt for overweight people. But peoples belief that they cannot control their weight can itself contribute to obesity.【题目】Q12: What does the speaker say has aro

32、used public interest? Q13: What do we learn about the changed gene?Q14: What does University of Vermont psychologist Esther Rothblum say?Q15: What accounts for Americans obesity according to a survey by the Center for Disease Control?【参考答案】12.A) The recent finding of a changed gene in obese mice.13.D) It renders mice unable to sense when to stop eating.14.C) People are born with a tendency to have a certain weight.15.B) The abundant provision of rich foods.Section C Recording One【听力原文】Qualities

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