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本文(高中英语备课《Module 3 Music》课堂45分钟课时针对性精练 外研版必修2.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语备课《Module 3 Music》课堂45分钟课时针对性精练 外研版必修2.docx

1、高中英语备课Module 3 Music课堂45分钟课时针对性精练 外研版必修22019-2020年高中英语备课Module 3 Music课堂45分钟课时针对性精练 外研版必修2基础操练. 单词拼写1. The programme is said to have a(n) of over two million.2. Just before sunset the p stop laboring in the fields.3. The famous singer is on a five day t in Europe.4. I dont know the words of this son

2、g but I remember its t .5. Peter was so gifted that he has a quick understanding of the most (复杂)problems.6. A lot of artists were (天才) in many fields, such as Leonardo da Vinci.7. To our surprise, that child began to (作曲)at the age of five.8. Every day our school plays a song with a(n) (悦耳的,易记的) tu

3、ne to relax the students during playtime.9. The bagpipe(风笛) is a(n) (音乐的) instrument.10. Some people like to listen to (古典的)music; others like popular music.用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空A. all the time/of all time/at a time/in no time/at one time1. Dont ask questions all . One by one, please.2. America was a c

4、olony(殖民地) of Britain.3. Its easy to learn to dance. You can learn it .4. He is a kind businessman .5. Maybe Liu Xiang is the greatest 110-hurdle player in China.B. tour/trip/journey/travel/voyage1. The president of that country is now making a two-week in the small countries in Africa.2. Mark Polo

5、wrote stories according to his in China, which attracted many Europeans.3. During the one month holiday we are to make a long train .4. Due to the terrible waves on the sea, he got ill on his long to New Zealand.5. It was just a round-the-city . It was not that exciting.翻译句子1. Joseph Haydn(17321809)

6、was an Austrian poser and is known as “the father of the symphony”. 2. Wolfgang had musical talent from a very early age. 3. However,it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna 4. As he grew older,he began to go deaf .根据课文内容,用适当的单词填空Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn,Germany.He showed

7、 musical 1 when he was still very young,and learned to play the violin and 2 from his father,a singer.Mozart met Beethoven and was deeply 3 by him.“He will give something wonderful to the world,”he said.Beethoven met Haydn but was not impressed 4 the older man. After they had 5 each other for many y

8、ears,Beethoven said,“He is a good poser, 6 he has taught me nothing.”However,it was Haydn 7 encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.Beethoven became very 8 in the Austrian capital and stayed there for the rest of his life.As he grew older,he began to go 9 , and he became pletely deaf during the last

9、years of his life,but he continued 10 .1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 提升练习.语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Are you going to offer to work over the weekend? !I intend to watch the Football World Cup Final on TV then.A. No problemB. Not possibleC. No chanceD. No way2. It is well-known that many

10、 famous football stars in Brazil showed talent football at their early age.A. of B. for C. with D. in3. swimming in the river, villagers fixed a board saying “No Swimming”.A. To ban B. Being banned C. Banning D. Banned4. It was raining hard we reached the station, so we had to stay in a hotel near t

11、he station for one night.A. as B. until C. while D. when5. Who are you donating for?A schoolmate with a deadly disease.A. affected B. effectedC. influenced D. suffered6. Mr Wang, as well as his students, experiments day and night to finish the task.A. do B. doing C. is doing D. are doing7. I couldn

12、t believe that John and Mary who had fallen in love with each other at first sight last week.A. divided up B. turned upC. split up D. held up8. For me, an ideal travel experience would begin in Beijing, as the capital of China.A. knowing B. knownC. being known D. to be known9. She spent four weeks w

13、hich she could afford around the country, promoting her new album.A. to tour B. had touredC. touring D. having toured10. red paint with blue paint, you will get another beautiful paint of different colours.A. Mixed B. Mixing C. Mix D. To mix. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Many young people

14、want to bee pop-stars! It is their great dream in life.They think: pop-stars earn a lot of money;they lead interesting and exciting lives;thousands of fans love them;they bee famous.Yes,but first they must bee stars.Most performers start life with a group.This is the pattern nowadays.But there are m

15、any groups and petition(竞争)is hard.Groups appear and disappear almost overnight.Only a small number survive. Almost without exception they have to work very hard before they reach the top.And very few reach the top-and stay there.In England there are perhaps thirty or so groups at the top. Most of t

16、hese do not earn so much money:perhaps 500 pounds each time they perform.Whats more,they have quite a lot of expenses.They have to pay a manager,for example.He is the key person in their lives and he takes about 20% of their earnings-perhaps more.Then there are their clothes,their instruments and th

17、eir van(covering truck for moving goods).Sometimes they are still playing for the last two items.And dont forget,they have to travel a great deal-sometimes 2,000 miles in one week.At times they even sleep in their van instead of a hotel just to save money.So now,what do you think? Are pop-stars so r

18、ich? And do they have such exciting lives?1. Why is the groups manager well-paid?A. Because he runs this group.B. Because he looks after them.C. Because he is important to them.D. Because he buys them clothes and instruments.2. How do pop-groups spend the money they earn?A. They pay a manager 20% of

19、 their earnings or more.B. They have to pay for clothes, instruments and their van.C. They often make trips.D. All of the above.3. The writer makes us believe .A. it is pleasant to bee a pop-starB. if you work hard in pop groups,you will reach the topC. pop stars are neither too rich nor too happyD.

20、 ordinary people had better not dream of pop-stars. 阅读表达阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。Music is an art that almost everyone enjoys.Everyone can make sounds by singing,banging a stick,plucking(拨)a tight string or blowing through a pipe. All over the world,many kinds of music have developed as people

21、 found out how to make sounds in different ways.There are so many kinds of music to hear that you can soon find a kind that you like.People can get all kinds of feelings while hearing music, and this is why music is so popular. Music can make you march or dance, and can make you feel happy or sad.Mo

22、re than other arts,music can affect your moods and feelings. Every country has its own kind of music. In France many people like dance music played on the accordion(手风琴),and many Americans enjoy banjo(班卓琴) music.Spain is famous for its guitar music,and India for the twanging sound of the sitar(锡塔琴).

23、Many people like music in their own national style.But there are also people who enjoy classical music and pop music, which have spread throughout the world with the help of the record player and radio.However,there are still great differences between the music of the West and of the East.Many of th

24、e instruments are very different.The guitar and the sitar are both instruments in which strings are plucked by fingers,but they dont sound alike.The musical differences between the East and the West are not only in the instruments, but also in the ways the notes are put together.1. Whats the main id

25、ea of this passage?(within 10 words) 2. Please fill in the blank with just ONE word to plete the sentence in the fifth paragraph. 3. Which sentence in this passage can be replaced by the following sentence?Music is liked by all people because people can get all kinds of feelings by hearing it. 4. In

26、 which country will you be popular among people if you are good at playing guitar?(within 5 words) 5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese. 基础操练. 1. audience 2. peasants 3. tour 4. tone 5. plex 6. geniuses 7. pose 8. catchy 9. musical 10. classical.A. 1. at a time 2.

27、at one time 3. in no time 4. all the time 5. of all timeB. 1.tour 2. travel 3. journey 4. voyage 5. trip. 1.约瑟夫海顿(17321809)是奥地利的一位作曲家,以“交响曲之父”著称。2.沃尔夫冈很小便显露出音乐天赋。3.然而,正是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。4.随着年龄的增长,他开始变聋了。.1.talent 2.piano 3.impressed 5.known 6. but 7. who/that8. popular 9.deaf 10posing提升练习.1.

28、解析:选D。考查交际用语。从答语“我打算那时看电视上的世界杯决赛”可知,对“offer to work over the weekend”的回答应是“别想,门都没有,我才不干呢!”。no problem 没问题,与句意相反;not possible 不可能的,语气较弱,一般说“Its impossible”;no chance 没有机会,故答案为D。2. 解析:选B。考查介词。表示“在方面表现出天赋”,要用介词for。故答案为B。3. 解析:选A。考查动词不定式作目的状语的用法。句意为:为了禁止在这条河里游泳,村民们安了一个“禁止游泳”的公告牌。故答案为A。4. 解析:选D。考查时间状语从句的

29、连词选择。句意为:当我们到达车站时,正下着大雨。因此我们只好在附近的宾馆里住了一夜。as意为“当之时”,不指先后,而指同时发生,尤指瞬间动作或事件同时发生;until意为“到为止;直到才”;while意为“当的时候”,叙述两个事情同时进行。when意为“当的时候”,既可以表示在某一时间点的时候,又可表示在某一段时间内,主句与从句的动作或事情可以同时发生,也可以先后发生。故答案为D。5. 解析:选A。句意为:你在为谁捐款?一位患有严重疾病的校友。affect 感染; effect 产生,引起,是名词;influence影响; suffer常与from 搭配。6. 解析:选C。考查主谓一致。as

30、well as是介词词组,意为“也,和”。当主语后面跟有as well as 短语时,谓语动词要跟它前面的主语保持人称和数的一致,故答案为C。7. 解析:选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:我不能相信一见钟情的玛丽和约翰上周分手了。divide up 分开,分散,指把事物分割成小块;turn up 出现;split up 断绝关系,分手;hold up 支持住,承受住。根据句意,答案为C。8. 解析:选B。考查分词作定语。Beijing和know是逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词作定语,相当于非限制性定语从句which is known as the capital of China。故答案为B。9

31、. 解析:选C。考查固定结构。spend time(in) doing sth.花(时间)做某事。“spent four weeks touring around the country”表示“花了四周的时间在全国巡回演出”。故答案为C。10. 解析:选B。考查非谓语动词。主语是you,与动词mix是逻辑上的主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语。故答案为B。.1.解析:选C。由第三段倒数第三句“He is the key person in their lives .”可知,key相当于important,意为“重要的”。2.解析:选D。从第三段后半部分及第四段介绍可知,这些乐团要付给经理们报酬,还要支付日常开销;有时经常去各地演出,故D项正确。3.解析:选C。文章主要讲述成为明星所面临的压力、付出的艰辛努力及偏低的酬劳,旨在表明人们对于明星的观点不正确,故选C项。.1. Different people like different music.2. that3. People can get all kinds of feelings while hearing music, and this is why music is so popular.4. In (the country of) Spain.5. 东西方音乐的不同不但在于使用的乐器上,而且在于音符的排列方式上。

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