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1、第四单元Earthquake导学案Earthquakes学案班级:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】掌握词汇,做到记住,会默写。【学习重难点】本单元重点词汇在语境中的运用【学法指导】读、写、记重点词汇,能独立完成相关练习;疑难之处在小组中讨论解决。【学习过程】Task 1. Copy the new words from earthquake to a great number of three times.(方法导引:说一千,道一万,记住单词是关键!先听录音,再跟读,自己读,小组按音标正确读,能花10分钟把本单元的重点单词和词组在课本中查出来并写上吗?相信自己能够做到!查完了别忘了读一读记一记哦) (

2、A级) _ _ Task 2. 1. 根据所给单词的首字母及中文释义写出各单词的完整形式(方法导引: 先默写,然后核对答案,错误之处用红笔标出,写出正确答案并巩固,在10分钟内完成。) (B级)e_地震 e_ 事件;大事 e_ 电;电学 e_极度的r_ 废墟;毁灭 r_ 援救;营救s_ 震惊;震动 s_ 掩蔽;掩蔽处s_ 苦难;痛苦 m_ 百万m_ 矿;矿山 u_ 无用的;无效的d_ 泥土 d_ 破坏;毁坏d_ 灾难;灾祸 b_ 爆裂;爆发b_ 埋葬;掩埋 b_ 砖;砖块n_ 民族;国 t_ 使陷入困境w_ 井2. 高频短语1_立刻;马上 2_ 好像;仿佛3_ 结束;终结 4_ 严重受损;破败

3、不堪5_ 掘出;发现 6_ 许多;大量的7_ 刮走 8_ 代替;而不是9_ 陷入 10_ 埋头于Task 3. 巩固与检测(B级测评)(高楼大厦平地起,你能很踏实的学习基础知识,很好!请在15分钟内完成)一、单词拼写。(请根据所给的汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式) 1. We were _(震惊)when we heard of the news that the ship had sunk .2. He is very nervous. I noticed his hand _.(颤抖)3. The pipes had b_ and the house was under two fee

4、t of water.4. The storm _(毁坏) the farms.5. The firemen r_ five people from the burning building.6. The house was d_ in the big fire.7. The boy fell off the tree and i _his legs.8. Without _(电) , modern life would be very different.9. The government is trying to provide _ (掩蔽处)for the homeless people

5、.10. The average temperature has r_ by 2 degrees this year.happen to , right away , too to , run out of , look for , as usual , at an end, lie in , blow away , fall down, dig out , burst out 二、短语填空。用方框中所给的短语的适当形式填空(不一定都填)。1. Toms hat _ by the wind.2. It is not easy _ the past.3. All their hopes _ hi

6、m.4._, I got up late that Sunday morning.5. I _ see Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday.6. We will get our new books_.7. He is _ young _ go to school.8. I must warn you my patience is almost _.9. What shall we do if we _ our water?10. He _ _ laughing. 三、重点词汇综合练习根据短文内容和汉语提示、挑选本单元所学的词汇并用其适当的形式

7、完成下面短文。(C级)(你很了不起!能够选择做C级测评题,因为这是一部分拔高题。如果能够在10分钟之内完成就更好了!)Before the _1_(地震), dirty water rose in _2_(水井), _3_ (池塘) and canals. But no one judged it and got prepared. Suddenly, everything _4_(震动). Thousands of _5_(砖块) houses and a lot of dams were _6_(毁坏). The supply of water and _7_ (电) was cut of

8、f! _8_(大量的)people got _9_(损伤); some even were _10_(掩埋) under the _11_(废墟)! Luckily, the government called in the army and _12_(组织) lots of people to _13_(拯救)the survivors buried in the ruins, and they sent the jnjured to hospital.Though the _14_(灾难)causes huge _15_(损失), but after a storm comes a cal

9、m, everything here is now returning to normal, the government are preparing something to predict earthquake.必修1第四单元Earthquakes导学案Period 2 Reading编写人: 叶华桃 审题人: 2012-10-16班级:_ 组别:_ 组名:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】1. 学会通过快速阅读提高获取信息和文章主旨的能力。2. 学会通过精读掌握阅读题目的完成技巧。3. 初步了解和体验用30词概括文章大意的高考题型。4. 分层目标:A层:能充分理解文章,通过独学能完成导学案。 B层

10、:能理解文章,把握写作思路,通过独学、群学和质疑对抗基本上能完成导学案。 C层:能完成识记问题;能把握文章大意;能勾画疑难;准备质疑。【学习重难点】1、感知关于自然灾难的话题词汇。2、获取文章主旨。3、获取文章详细信息。4、用30词概括文章大意。【学法指导】1.自学:先快读课文1遍,整体把握文章的大意,完成TASK I。 再读课文1遍,注意文章细节,完成 Task II。2.分层目标:A层完成以下内容后,根据线索复述短文。B层可结合课本82-83句子分析来理解课文。C层要理解文章大意。 3.课本要求:1)学案上出现的短语和句子要在课文中划出,重点理解。2)课文中的生词要超出意思,红笔标注。3)

11、难于理解的句子要结合课后注释做好理解,仍未解决的要用问号标注出来,等待课堂质疑解决。【背景链接】The Tangshan Earthquake was a natural disaster that occured on Wednesday, July 28, 1976. It is believed to be the largest earthquake of the 20th century. The epicenter(震中) of the earthquake was near Tangshan, an industrial city with about one million p

12、eople. It brought about the deaths of around 240,000 to 255,000. A further 164,000 people were severely injured. The earthquake, 7.8 on the richter magnitude scale (里氏地震震级), hit in the early morning, at 03:42 July 28,1976, and lasted 23 seconds. Immediately after the earthquake, the city was complet

13、ely rebuilt. Today Tangshan City is home to nearly three million people and is known as “Brave City of China.” 【学习过程】Task 1: skimming&scanning(方法导引:略读或浏览阅读(skimming):忽略不懂的句子和生词,快速阅读全文。目的只是为了了解阅读材料的大意,不求甚解。浏览之后,总结出文章大意。) .What does the passage mainly talk about? When and where did the earthquake happ

14、en? (A级)_. 快速阅读,找出每段的中心句及其具体位置。(B级)paragraphMain idea of each paragraghTopic sentencePosition in paragraphPara _Strange things happened before the earthquake.Para _The earthquake destroyed the city of TangshanPara _The army came to help the survivors. True or False? (C级)Quickly look through the text

15、 and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).(方法导引:采用扫描式阅读,进行有选择有目的的阅读,寻找某些资料或信息。)1. People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didnt go to bed that night.2. People in Beijing also felt the earthquake.3. More than 400,000 people were killed in the quake.4. Many rescue worke

16、rs and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock.5. People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan.Task 2. Detailed Reading(方法导引:根据前面的阅读,对文章已经有了总体上的理解,现在让我们带着问题回归到文章相应的段落或句子,仔细阅读,认真思考,做出选择,这是细节题,人人可以做到,不信试试看啊,试着在10分钟之内完成,你就很棒了!).1.完成下列表格 (A级)Main ideaDetailsSigns

17、beforethe earthquake(Para.1)(1)_ things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei.The water in the wells (2)_ and (3)_.A (4)_ gas came out of the cracks.The chickens and even the pigs were too (5)_ to (6)_.Mice (7)_ out of the fields looking for places to hide.Fish about (8)_ out of their

18、 bowls and ponds.At about (9)_ a.m. on July 28,1976,people saw (10)_ in the sky.Damage caused byearthquake(Paras.23)At (11)_ a.m.,the (12)_ earthquake of the 20th century began.(13)_ burst from holes in the ground.Hard hills of rock became rivers of (14)_.(15)_ covered the ground like red autumn lea

19、ves.Two (16)_ and most of the bridges fell.The railway tracks were now (17)_ pieces of (18)_.(19)_ now filled the wells instead of water.Water,food,and (20)_ were hard to get.2.填入正确的数据 (B级) (1)_ of the nation felt the earthquake. (2)A huge crack that was _ kilometres long and _ metres wide cut acros

20、s houses,roads and canals. (3)In _ terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. (4)_ of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. (5)The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than _. (6)All of the citys hospitals,_ of its factories and buildings and _ of its homes were

21、 gone.Task 3. 与同桌讨论、理解下列长难句并尝试翻译成汉语1.Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide. 翻译:_ (B级) 句子结构分析:现在分词短语looking for places to hide在句中表_,作_状语。2.It seemed as if the world was at an end! 翻译:_ (A级)句子结构分析:It seemed as if是固定句型结构,意为“_”。3.Water, food,and electricity were hard to get. 翻译:_(A级)句子结构

22、分析:本句的结构是:主语 do,其中to do用_形式表示_含义。4.并不是所有的希望都破灭了。 原文翻译:_(A级) 句子结构分析: all 与not 连用表示_否定。 Task 4.根据下列提示复述课文(C级)(这题是拔高题,考你的记忆能力、理解能力,试着在8分钟之内读完课文然后根据线索复述课文,挑战一下自我啊!) signdamagerescue | before.during.after. 【当堂检测】阅读理解(根据Reading内容选择答案)1. The title “A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN”T SLEEP” means _.A. the ear

23、th was wide awake all night long B. people on the earth couldnt fall asleep that night C. a terrible earthquake happened in Tangshan, China D. animals on the earth would not sleep that night2. All the following unusual things happened in the countryside before the earthquake except that _.A. the wat

24、er in the village wells rose and fellB. the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat C. tens of thousands of cows would never give milk again D. fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds 3.People in the city went to bed as usual that night because _.A. they thought it was not strange for wa

25、ter pipes to crack and burstB. they thought it was easy to experience an earthquake C. they thought sleeping was the most important thing no matter what would happen D. they could never imagine there would be an earthquake.4. According to the authors description , which of the following statements a

26、bout the earthquake is NOT right?A. The whole nation felt it.B. Buildings were badly destroyed during it C. A large number of people lost their lives.D. The earthquake left many children orphans .( 孤儿) 5.What can we infer from the text?A. It was the greatest earthquake of the 20th century.B.Both the countryside and the city were badly destroyed by the earthquake.C.The city of Tangshan was shaken twice on July 28, 1976.D.The whole nation united to help Tangshan.【小结反思】你在这一课学到了_ 不熟悉的_ 完全不懂的_

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