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1、ModernFamilyS01E18我最喜欢的放松方式是什么 Whats my favorite way to relax?戴上我的无线耳机 Throw on my wireless headphones沉浸在自然频道的节目中 and disappear into the Nature Channel.年幼的平背海龟在海底搜寻着食物 The young flatback turtle searches for food on the ocean floor.然而这只平背海龟却 This flatback, however-自然的美妙之处在于 The fascinating thing abou

2、t nature.在眨眼之间 is how, in the blink of an eye,可以从绝对的宁静美 it can go from a scene of total tranquil beauty.变到原始的暴力场景 to raw, primal violence.你带着这玩意儿真的听不到我说话吗 Can you seriously not hear me with those things on?这是消除外界杂音的技术 你来试试 Its noise-canceling technology. Give it a spin. Its got-亲爱的 专注 -妈 - Sweetie,

3、focus, now. - Mom,你为什么对每个人都一惊一乍的 why are you freaking out on everyone?因为你表现的很不负责任 你们全都是 Because you are acting very irresponsibly- all of you.听着 亲爱的 Listen, honey.卢克有个大型的课题研究要做 明天就得交 Luke has a giant project due tomorrow for school但他到现在都没开始 that he hasnt even started,而海莉刚通知我 and Haley just informed

4、me她要为学校的募捐会准备40个纸杯蛋糕 she needs 40 cupcakes for her school fund-raiser,也是明天要 also due tomorrow.我想指出一下 Id like to point out我独立按时地完成了全部学校作业 I completed all my assignments on my own and on time.-不是得瑟的时候 艾丽克斯 -听着 - Not now, Alex. -Ok, look,我来做纸杯蛋糕 你去做课题研究 I will take the cupcakes. You do the project.-主题是

5、文森特梵高 -成交 - Its on Vincent Van Gogh. - Done!好的 我需要你好好监督他 Ok, I need you to really stay on him.让他保持专注 Keep him focused.好吧 我打算采用一种不同的教育方法 All right. Im actually gonna take a different approach, but-我强烈要求你别那么做 Actually gonna insist that you dont.克莱尔 我知道你有你的方法 Claire, I know youve got your methods,但我也有我

6、的方法 but so do I.我很抱歉 但我不喜欢事必躬亲 And Im sorry, but Im not a micromanager.相信我 我可以向卢克提供 Trust me, I can provide Luke他所需的工具和指导 with the tools and guidance he needs.同时又不会管得太死 without, uh, smothering him.你觉得我把孩子管得太死吗 You think I smother our child?那不是你的错 亲爱的 Its not your fault, honey.爱管教是母亲的天性 Mother Is par

7、t of the word.你没听说过父亲的天性是爱管教吧 You never hear of anyone being Sfathered to death.我知道卢克的问题在哪里 I know what Lukes problem is.他患有注意力缺陷过动症 Hes got A.D.H.D.-不 -不 我才没有呢 - No. - No, I dont!-那是什么 -我可以告诉你 - What is it? - Id tell you,但我肯定话没说完 你就走神了 but youd wander off before I got to the H.答应我你会好好监督他 Just promi

8、se me that you will stay on him直到他完成任务 until this project is done.我会的 但你得对他多点信心 I will, but you might have a little more confidence in him.哇 哇 大家都听不见我说话 Wah! Wah! No one can hear me now.众人皆蠢我独聪 Everybody is stupid except me.哈 哈 我好搞笑啊 Ha, ha, ha. I am funny.摩登家庭 第一季第十八集这真是我见过的最有爱的事了 Is this the cutes

9、t thing Ive ever seen?你拿着你的小望远镜站在路边 You out here on the curb with your little telescope,等着你爸 waiting for your dad.那不叫有爱 那叫科学 Its not cute. Its-lts science.今晚是壮观的天琴座流星雨 Tonight is the magnificent Lyrid meteor shower.就是奇客星球穿过书呆子路 Its where the planet Geek passes through the Nerdy Way. It-你知道我私心以为很美好的

10、Oh, you know I think its sweet.每隔几年 米奇尔和他的爸爸就会 Every couple years, Mitchell and his father go out一起去看流星雨 and enjoy one of these showers together.我 我觉得你那样说是不合适的 Oh, I- I wouldnt necessarily put it that way.我是说 是的 我和我父亲很喜欢那个 I mean, yes, me and my father enjoy it,因为我们其实没什么共同兴趣爱好 because we dont share

11、a lot of the same interests.比如 我从来不跟他一起去看体育比赛 Like, um, I-I never went to sports games with him.或许是因为你称之为体育比赛 Probably because you call em Sports games.-略掉体育 -直接说比赛就好了 - Just lose the Sports. - Just- Just games.噢 你的沐雨伙伴来了 Oh, here comes your shower partner.别闹了 Stop it.我开玩笑的 和你爸玩得开心 好吗 Im kidding. Ha

12、ve fun with your dad, okay?好的 晚点见 All right. See you later.-别担心我 -我才不担心 - Dont worry about me. - Im not.我只是假设你或许会担心 Im just saying, if you were.副驾驶座已占 衰仔 Shotgun, sucka!确保你的座位已经调到你想要的位置 Make sure your seat is exactly the way you want it,你可以随便按上面这些控制按钮 and feel free to play with any of these controls

13、 up here.其实我也不知道各个功能是什么 I have no idea what they do.但我希望我的车就是你的车 But I want mi car to be su car.卡梅隆 你还好吧 你似乎很紧张 Cameron, are you okay? You seem nervous.紧张 怎么可能 我才不紧张呢 Uh, nervous? No. Im not nervous.我确实很紧张 I was nervous.我是说 当米奇和他爸计划好出去之后 I mean, when Mitchell made plans with his father,我就想 为何不和歌洛莉亚出

14、去玩一晚呢 I figured, why not spend the evening with Gloria?我一直都想和她做闺蜜的 Ive always wanted to be good friends with her.理论上说 我们注定是好闺蜜的 On paper, we should be good friends.瞧瞧我们 一个火辣 身材曲线玲珑的歌后 Look at us. One spicy, curvy diva-和歌洛莉亚 And Gloria.问题是 我造成了一点小隔阂 The problem is, I had a little minor setback是几周前的事了

15、 我们必须得克服才行 that we had to overcome from a couple weeks ago.我真受不了和他常青藤的朋友们一起玩 I cannot stand hanging out with his lvy League friends.-他们最差劲了 -他们也没那么差劲啦 - Oh, theyre the worst. - Theyre not that bad.-他们是最差劲的 -开什么玩笑 - They are the worst! - Are you kidding me?要黛比两分钟内 Debbie cant go two minutes不谈哥伦比亚大学都不

16、行 without talking about Columbia University.还有那个哈佛毕业的弱视小矮子 And the little guy with the lazy eye from Harvard.是布朗大学 Brown.管他呢 Whatever.老实说 我希望那个骚货可以滚回哥伦比亚 Honestly, I wish that tart would go back to Columbia.把她古怪的棕色小朋友也带走 and take her weird little Brown friend with her.小卡 你得放松 你已经解释过了 Cam, you need t

17、o relax. You explained.越解释越糟 Not very well.你知道出现尴尬的事情时 我变得多失控 You know how awkward I get when things get awkward.当我说棕色的人布朗大学学生 So when I said Brown people,我不是在说你们这些棕色皮肤的人 I wasnt talking about your, uh, brown people.我是在说那些布朗大学的学生 I was talking about people who go to a university.不是你们这种人 Um, not your

18、 people.不是说你们这种人不能上大学 N-Not that your people couldnt go to college.好吧 我听到我自己 Okay, now Im hearing myself说了太多的你们这种人 say Your people a lot, so-我只是很兴奋 因为这是. Um, just very excited because this is, um-这是我们第一次一起出去过夜生活 you know, this is our first night out together,算是我们的小约会吧 so its our little date.我们这是要去哪儿

19、 Where are we going?先确保你的安全带牢牢系上了 Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.以及你的小餐桌直立收起 and your tray tables are in the upright position.因为我们要去帕莱索餐厅啦 because I got us into Palaiseau!-好高级啊 -我知道 - Ah! Fancy! -I know.通常要提前4周预约 Its normally a four-week wait,但那个领班是我在普拉提课上的好基友 but the matre d is an ol

20、d Pilates brother of mine,所以只要打个电话就行了 so just one phone call.好吧 Okay.帕莱索 Palaiseau!那个 卡梅隆 其实 Ay, Cameron, you know what?我觉得我好像没心情去那么高档的地方 I dont know if Im in the mood for something so fancy.我们能不能去个 比较简单点的地方 Can we just go somewhere, like, more simple?噢 好的 当然了 Oh, uh, yes. Yes, of course.我们可以.你想去哪里啊

21、 We can- What were- What did you have in mind?我不知道 I dont know.去我以前常去的一个拉丁小餐馆怎么样 How bout a little Latin place that I always used to go?-听上去很棒 -好吧 - That sounds fantastic. - Okay.我很想看看你们那种人的饮食文化 I would love to see how your people eat.你们那种人 Your people?我是哪根筋搭错了啊 What is wrong with me?听好 现在是打鸡蛋时间了 Ok

22、ay. Its egg-crackin time.来 妈来传授你一个打鸡蛋的窍门 Now, I find the key to cracking an egg properly-妈 我不是孩子了 我会的 Mom, Im not a child. I can do it.-好吧 -好吧 - Okay. - Okay.好吧 Okay.我妈可不傻 My moms not dumb.你不能直接开口让她帮你做事 You cant just ask her to do something for you.你一定要摆好龙门阵 坐等她上钩 You have to very carefully put the

23、cheese in the trap.糟糕 我弄了一点蛋壳进碗里了 Oh. Oops. I got a little shell in the bowl.发生那种事的是时候 我觉得我会. When that happens, I find that I like to.-别那样做 -我抓到了 没事 - Do not do that. - I got it. Its okay.-好恶心啊 -好吧 放着 我来吧 - Oh, thats- thats really gross. - Okay. Im gonna- Ill do this.你擦擦手走人吧 You just mop up.成功 And

24、snap.我为她感到悲哀是不是不该啊 Is it bad that I feel sorry for her?-我该如何开始呢 -你觉得呢 - So how do I start? -What do you think?我不知道 通常都是妈妈告诉我怎么做 I dont know. Mom usually tells me what to do.彼此彼此 我开玩笑的 我爱你妈 Join the club. Im kidding. I love your mom.我们今天换个新的学习方法 We are going to try a new approach this time.听好 你的目标是要创

25、建一个 Now, your goal is to create a display关于梵高的生平和作品的展板 对吧 about the life and art of Van Gogh, right?-是啊 -好的 你的展示板在此 - Yeah. - Okay. You got your poster board right here.现在 就假装你是在叙述他的生平 So, pretend youre telling the story of his life.而听众是从未听说过他的人 to someone who has never heard of him.你会在展板上放些什么 What

26、do you put on that board?我看见你的脑筋在转动 创意的火花 I see the wheels spinning. A spark of crea-他们是怎么把铅锌放进铅笔里的 How do they get the lead in pencils?好了 别跑题 Ok, Lets try to stay on topic.嘿 杰 瞧瞧谁认为 Hey, Jay. Look who thinks水星是太阳系中密度最大的行星 Mercury is the densest planet in the solar system.从你嘲笑的语气中 我就知道我说错了 I take it

27、 from your mocking tone that I am incorrect.密度最大的行星是地球 Densest planet is Earth.那你就是密度最大的星球上最愚钝的人 Which makes you the densest guy on the densest planet.-中枪 -好吧 - Zing! -Fine.当天早些时候你确定米奇尔不建议我跟着去吗 You sure Mitchell wont mind me tagging along?开什么玩笑 他很爱你的 Are you kidding? He loves ya.你在担心什么 What are you

28、worried about?我以前从来没有过兄弟 Ive never had a brother before.我和他一起相处的时间也不多 We never really hung out that much.孩子 你想太多了 Kiddo, you are overthinking this.我只是不想说错话 I just dont wanna say the wrong thing.不会的 那正是有兄弟的好处 You cant. Thats the beauty of having a brother.我和我弟弟总是相互抨击 Me and my brother were zinging ea

29、ch other all the time.比如 什么情况啊 肥仔 You know, like, Whats going on, fat boy?没什么 蠢蛋 Nothing much, jackass.就像那样互相出糗 You know, things of that nature.那是兄弟间表达爱的方式 Its- Its how brothers express love.副驾驶位已占 衰仔 Shotgun, sucka!哈哈 真有你的 Yeah. Thats good.我去欣赏一下风景 Im gonna see the sights.别让风景先看到你哦 Not if they see

30、you first!刚刚那玩笑没有笑点 孩子 Kind of missed with that one, kid.好了 All right.你想知道的信息都在上面 This is all you need to know right here.显然 铅笔杆一开始是分开的 Apparently, the pencils in two pieces,然后才将铅锌放中间粘合到一起 and they glue em together on the lead.我们把关于他生平的材料放这边 What if we put all the stuff about his life on this side.关

31、于他画作的材料放那边怎么样 and all the stuff about his paintings on this side?卢克 小老弟 那太棒了 Luke, buddy, thats fantastic!最棒的是 这个主意是你自己想出来的 And the best part is, you came up with that by yourself.只需要一点专注就做到了 All it took was a little bit of focus and, uh-这玩意儿真松了 This thing is really loose.我去拿把螺丝起子 你继续弄这个 Im gonna go grab a screwdriver. But you run with this.各就各位 预备开始 小梵高 On your mark, get set, Van Gogh.嘿 爸 他长得有点像米奇尔舅舅 Hey, Dad. He kind of looks like Uncle Mitchell,如果米奇尔舅舅

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