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1、租船合同英文缩写租船合同英文缩写【篇一:租船合同英文缩写】相关热词搜索:篇一:租船协议中英文对照fixture noteit is mutually between the charterer and owner of the following:(租船人与船东协议如下)经友好协商双方打成如下条款:1.charterer(租船人):2.owers(船东):3.vsl (船舶)4.cargo(货物):5. part cargo acceptable(可以接受的部分货物):6.cargo to be loaded/disched by ro-ro only.n ows option to load

2、 cgo on weather deck (货物只是通过滚装来装卸,还是船东自由把货物放在露天甲板上,)7.l/port(装运港):8.d/port(卸货港):9.laycan:(受载期)10.loading/discharging rate(装卸率): cqd bends按港口习惯速度尽快装卸11.freight(运费):usd /cbm flt basis 1/1( 美元/立方,)12.payment:100pct of frt to be paid to owners nominated bank account w/i 3 banking days upon completion of

3、 loading and sr bl marked “frt payable as per cp”but always bbb.full freight to be deemed as earned with discountless and non-returnable on cargoes lost or not lost. 付款方式:全部运费在装完货和签发预付运费提单后3个银行工作日内付至船东指定账户.所有运费在装完货后即视为已赚取,不得扣减,无须返还,无论船舶和/或货物灭失与否。13. bs/l: owners form to be used,owners/master to auth

4、orize l/port agent to sign/release bs/l in accordance with mates to be signed/released marked “freight prepaid”upon full freight has been duly received by owners nominated bank.使用船东指定的提单样式,船东授权港口代理签发或发放与大副收据一致的提单,在由船东所指定的银行收到全部运费后,要在提单上注明“运费预付”。(14. detention: usd pdpr at both ends()滞留损

5、失:每天*美金或不足一天按比例计算15.l/s/d any chtr acct.绑扎/固定/垫料如果需要由租家负责16. ows agt bends两边港口由船东指定代理17. any taxes/dues/wharfage due to cargo to be for chtrs a/c,same on vsl to be for owners a/c. (货物所有的税/码头费用由租船人支付,船舶停靠费用由船东支付)18.if any war risk to be for charters a/c(如果要买战争险由租船人支付)19.arbitration in hk,english law

6、to be applied(应用英国法律,仲裁地在香港)20.otherwise asp gencon 94.其余细节条款参照94年金康合同.on and behalf of owneron and behalf of charterer(船东代表人) (租船代表人)篇二:常用的航运和租船英文缩写常用航运和租船英语缩写a always afloat 永远漂浮aar against all risks 针对所有风险abt about 大约acc acceptance/accepted 接受accdg according to 根据acct account 帐,因为acol after compl

7、etion of loading 装货结束后addcom address commission 回扣佣金adv advise 告知aflws as follows 如下agt agent 代理人agw all goes well 一切顺利ahps arrival harbor pilot station 到达港口引航站anch anchorage 锚地ans answer 回答a/o and / or 和/或aoh after office hours 工作时间外ap additional premium 附加保险费aps arrival pilot station 到达引航站arr arri

8、ve 到达asap as soon as possible 尽可能快的asps arrival sea pilot station到达海区引航站ata actual time of arrival 实际到达时间atd actual time of departure 实际开航时间atdnshinc any time,day,night,sunday and holodays included 包括任何时间,白天 黑夜星期六和节假日atdnshexany time,day,night,sunday and holodays excepted 任何时间,白天,夜间星期六和节假日除外ats all

9、time saved 所有节省时间atsbe all time saved both ends 所有两港节省时间atsdo all time saved discharging only 所有卸货港节省时间atslo all time saved loading only 所有装货港节省时间awts all working time saved 所有节省的工作时间awtsbe all working time saved both ends 所有两港节省的时间awtsdo all working time saved discharging only 所有卸货港节省的时间 awtslo all

10、 working time saved loading only 所有装货港节省的时间bb ballast bonus 空航奖金(空放补贴)bbb before breaking bulk 卸货前b/d breakdown 故障bends both ends 两端(装港和卸港)bimco baltic international maritime conference 波罗的海国际航运公会biz business 业务b/lbill of lading提单blrboiler 锅炉blt built 建造bod bunker of delivery 交燃油bor burker of redeli

11、very 接燃油b/s bill of sale 买契bss basis 基础btberth terms 泊位条款cap capacity 容量,能力capt captain 船长cbf cubic feet 立方英尺cbm cubic meters 立方米cfm confirm 确认cgocargo 货物chopt charterer s option 租方选择chtrs charterers 租船人coa contract of affreightment 包运合同comm commission 佣金cons consumption 消耗cot cargo oil tanks 货油舱cow

12、 crude oil washing原油洗舱c/p charter party 租船合同/租约cpd charerter pays dues租船人付税cpp clean petroleum products 清洁石油产品cqd customary quick despatch 按港口习惯速度ctl constructive total loss 推定全损 crain capacity in cubic feet 立方英尺散装容积 capacity in cubic meters 立方米散装/包装容积dbe(w)ats despatch payab

13、le both ends on(working) all time saved 支付两港所有节省(工作)时间的速遣费 detention clause 滞留条款d/cl. deviation clause 绕航条款d/d dry docking 进干船坞ddo despatch discharging only卸货港速遣dely delivery交付dem demurrage 滞期废dep departure 离开,开航des despatch 速遣费dev deviation绕航df dead freight 空舱费dhd desptch half demurrage 速遣费是滞期费

14、的一半disch discharge 卸货disport discharge port 卸货港dlosp dropping last outward sea pilot 最后出港海区引航员下船do diesel oil 柴油dop dropping outward pilot 出港引航员下船dosp dropping outward sea pilot 出港海区引航员下船dpp dirty petoleum products 不洁石油产品dt deep tank深舱dtg distance to go 还要行驶的距离dtls details 细节dwcc deadweight cargo ca

15、pacity 货物载重吨容量dwt deatweight tons 载重吨erloadexpected ready to load预计准备装货etaexpected time of arrival 预计到达时间etbexpected time of berth预计靠泊时间etcd expected time of completion discharge 预计卸货完成时间etr espected time of readlivery 预计还船时间fac as fast as the vessel can receive or deliver 以船舶能接受或交付的尽快的速度faccop as f

16、ast as the ship can load/discharge accord-ing to custom of port 根据港口习惯以船舶尽快的装/卸货fcc first class charterers 一流的租船人fd freight,dispatch and demurrage运费和滞期费fdnd freight,dispatch and demurrage defence运费,速遣费和滞期保护 fhex friday and holidays excluded 星期五和节假日除外fhinc friday and holiday included包括星期五和节假日副fi free

17、 in租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费filo free in liner out 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费filtd free in liner terms discharge 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费 fio free in and out 租船人承担装/卸货费fios free in and out and stowed租船人承担装货、卸货和堆装费fiost free in and out and stowed and trimmed租船人承担装货、卸货和堆装和平舱 fiot free in and out and trimmed 租船人承担装货、卸货和平舱flwg fo

18、llowing 下达 下列fm from 从,自fo fuel oil /free out 燃料油/租船人承担卸货费船东承担装货foc flag of convenience 方便旗fonasba the federation of national associations of shipbrokers and agents 全国船舶经纪人和代理人协会联盟frt freight 运费fw fresh water 淡水fwd forward 向前fyg for your guidance供你指导fyi for your information给你提供信息fyr for your referen

19、ce 供你参考g/a general average共同海损gless gearless 无装卸设备gmt greenwich mean time格林威治时间grt gross registered tonnage 毛登记吨ha/ho hatches/holds 舱口/舱hc hatch coaming舱口围hfo heavy fuel oil 重燃油hrs hours 小时hsd high speed diesel 高速柴油hss heavy grain ,soyas ,sorghum 重粮,黄豆,高粱h/stmg harbor steaming港内航行iac including addre

20、ss commission包括回扣佣金ifo intermediate fuel oil1000秒燃油igsinert gas system惰性气体系统imm immediately 立即imo international maritime organization 国际海事组织kts konts 节/海里lash lighter aboard ship 子母船lat latitude 纬度laycan laydays and cancellong date 船舶受载期和解约期l/d loading and discharging 装/卸货ldg loading 装货lifo liner in

21、 free out 船东承担装货费,租家承担卸货费lng liquified natural gas 液化天然气loa length overall 全长loi letter of indemnity 保函long longitude 经度ltbends liner terms both ends 船东承担装货和卸货费luboil lubrication oil 润滑油mdo medium diesel oil 混合柴油med meditterranean 地中海mia marine insurance act 海上保险法molco more or less charterer s optio

22、n 租家选择或多或少moloo more or less owner s option 船东选择或多或少mos months 月mt metric ton 公吨mv motor vessel 柴油机船na not applicable 不适用nk nippon kaiji kyokai(japanese ship class-ification society)日本船籍社nor notice of readiness 准备就绪通知书nora notice of readiness accepted 接受装卸准备就绪通知书nort notice of readiness tendered 递交装

23、卸准备就绪通知书nort a notice of readiness tendered and accepted 递交和接受装卸准备就绪通知书nrt net registered tonnage净登记吨oa overage 超龄oaaoop on attival at or off the port 到达港内或港外obo oil/bulk/ore carrier 石油,散货,矿石三用船onrs owners 船东o/t overtime 加班p.a. per annum 每年p/a particular average单独海损p i protection and indemity 保障和赔偿p

24、c part cargo 部分货物pct percent 百分之pdpr per day por rata 每天按比例pm premium 保险费pmt per metric ton 每公吨ppt prompt 即刻,即期rcvd received 收到rd running days 连续日re refer to /regarding 有关recap recapitulation 概括redel redelivery 交还ref reference 参考rgds regards 问候roro roll on-roll off 滚装船rob remaining on board 遗留船上roc

25、refer to our cable 参阅我们的电报rot refer to our telex 参阅我们的电传rvt revert 回复ryc refer to your cable 参阅你们的电报ryt refer to your telex 参阅你们的电传sb safe berth 安全泊位sbt segregated ballast tank分隔压载舱schdl schdeule 时间表sf stowage factor积载因素shex sundays and holidays excepted 周日和节假日除外shexeiu sundays and holidays excepted

26、 even if used 即使使用,周日和节假日亦除外shexuu sundays and holidays excepted unless used 除非使用,周日和节假日除外 shinc sundays and holidays included 包括周日和节假日shipt shipment 货载sld sailed 开航sol shipowners liability 船东负责solas safety of life at sea 海上人命安全sp safe port 安全港spd speed 航速sshex saturdays sundays and holidays excepte

27、d 周六、周日和节假日除外篇三:海运常用英文缩写a*a* always afloat 永远漂浮a*f* advanced freight 预付运费a*f*b air freight bill 空运运单a*h* after hatch 后舱a*m* above mentioned 上述的a*n* arrival notice 到达通知a.v ad valorem 从价费率a/r all rlsks agai t all risks 一切险、承保一切风险a/s after sight/a 见票后船边abt about 大约,关于acct account 账目,账户acpt acceptance 接

28、受adcom addre commis 订舱佣金,租船佣金adft aft draft 艉吃水adv advance 提前adv.advise 通知afmt after fixing main terms 主要(租船)条款确认以后agrd agreed 同意agrt agreement 协议agt agent 代理agw all going well (取决于)一切顺利am morning 上午amt amount 金额、数额a r a roximate 大约a rox a roximate 大约asap as s00n as po ible 尽,决、尽速asf as follows 如下a

29、t a istant 助理,援助atl actual total lo 实际全损attn attention 由?收阅auto automatic 自动的avg average 平均,海损ac account current 账户ac account 计算ap additiona pri 额外保险费老船加保费b.o.buyer s option 买方选择b.rgds best regards 致敬,致意(电传尾常用结束语)b.t.berth terms/liner terms 班轮条款b/e bill of exchangebill of entry 汇票进口书b/p bills payabl

30、e 应付票据b/r bills receivable 应收票据b/s bill of salebill of store 抵押证券船上用品免税单ba bale capacity 包装容积bal balance 平衡、余额、差额below bridges 桥楼以下(容积) bd banking days 银行工作日 bdi both dates inclusive 包括首尾两日 bdl bundle 捆 beam breadth of the ve el 船宽 bends both ends 装卸港 bfi baltic freight index 波罗的海运价指数 bg bags 袋 bimc

31、o baltic international maritime conference 波罗的海国际航运公会 biz busine 业务 bl blading bill of lading 提单 blft bale feet 包装尺码(容积) blk bulk 散装 blkr bulker 散装船 blt built (船舶)建造(年月) bm beam 横梁(船舶型宽) boc bank of china 中国银行 l bills of lading 提单(复) butc baltime uniform time charter 统一定期租船,“波尔的摩”期祖合同 bd bar draught (河口)沙洲吃水 bg bonded goods 保税货物 bh bill of health 健康证明书 bl bill of lading 提单 bst bill of sight 临时起岸报关单,见票即付汇票

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