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1、原创高一必修1第三单元英语导学案Unit 3 Travel JournalPeriod 1 Words and expressions 姓名:_ 班级:_ 完成日期:_学习目标学习和掌握本单元新学词汇和短语。要点难点能够学习并掌握一些短语与句型的用法,并会区别其用法。做法指导在做题过程中多思考,提高易错题的辨别能力,学会做题中进一步加深对知识点的掌握。使用说明及学法指导 1. 5分钟完成课前预习案 2. 25分钟合作学习,完成课内探究案 3. 10分钟完成当堂检测部分。 4. 5分钟反刍消化。学习过程课前预习案预习指导请同学们认真预习单词从journal到give in。根据句意及首字母提示,

2、完成下列句子。1. After g_ from college, he was sent to the west.2. Have a good rest! After a long j_ , you must be tired.3. The plane can fly at an a_ of more than 10,000 feet. 4. He is sure to come. Ive p_ him to attend our party. 5. Its no use arguing with him. He wont change his mind for he is very s_.

3、课内探究案1. prefer vt. 更喜欢;选择某事(而不选择其他事物)-pt._ pp._(不用于进行时)1). prefer A to B . _; 2). prefer doing A to doing B = prefer to do A rather than do B. _;3). prefer to do /doing sth. _;4). 当prefer 后跟从句时,通常要用(should) + 动词原形结构下面用以上所列句型翻译句子:1 我更喜欢英语。1)I prefer English. 2)_. 3)_.2与数学相比,我更喜欢英语。1) I prefer English

4、 to maths. 2)_.3)_.4)I prefer that we _ more time on English.2. persuade vt.说服; 劝服; vi.被说服persuade sb. sb. of sth. sb. that clausepersuade sb. to do sth = persuade sb into doing sth. persuade sb. not to do sth = persuade sb out of doing sth.e.g. 我已说服他做这件事. _.Attention:如果“劝说”不服, 不能直接用persuade, 而应用try

5、 to persuade或advise, 或者用persuade的否定式。e.g. Some of us advised him to change his mind but no one could persuade him to do so.1). I _ him not to smoke, but he didnt think it necessary. A. persuadedB. advised C. hoped D. suggested2). While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something the

6、y dont really need.A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded 3. care about =be concerned about _e.g. He doesnt care much about what happens to me.想一想 : 你能列举出由care构成的其它短语吗? _辨析词义:1) Would you care for a drink? _2) He cares for her deeply. _3) Who will care for your child if you

7、are out? _4. determine v._; adj._ 坚决地,有决心的 +n. 决(确)定某事+to do sth. 决心做某事+sb. to do sth. 使某人下决心做某事+疑问词+to do 决定+从句 决心(定)be determined to do sth. 决心做e.g. She was determined to go to university.5. give in (to sb./sth.) 屈服于, 让步, 递交e.g. He would rather die than give in. _.He had to give in to my views. _.

8、Its time you gave in your papers._.Addition: give up_ give out _ give away _1) After the long trip, both the men and the horses _.2) Because of his small salary, he had to _ his dream trip to Europe.3) He _ most of his fortune to the poor.4) Please keep the secret, dont _ it _.6. attitude: (n) 态度,看法

9、形近单词的辨析 altitude: (n) 海拔高度;高处 1) attitude to/ towards sb./ sth. _e.g.是你的态度 而不是你的能力,决定了你的高度。It is your _ but not your ability that determines your _ 2) at an altitude of = at a height of._e.g. The plane is flying at a height /altitude of 10,000 在此处表 “在处/时, 以”后接年龄, 速度, 长宽深高, 价格, 费用等at the age

10、of 在岁时at a high / low price 以高(低)价at the cost of 以 为代价;牺牲at a distance of 在距离上当堂检测Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.1. As neither of them would_, no decision was taken that way.(give in/give up)2. I _the first flat we saw_ because it was larger.(likebetter/preferto)3. The

11、 task was difficult, but Helens_ expression let me know that she would not give up.(stubborn/determined)4. “How I wish I could make a _ into space and see the stars up close!” cried Ann.(journey/travel)5. She had only one_: she was very stubborn.(disadvantage/shortcoming)小结与反思: _ Unit 3 Travel journ

12、al五河二中高一年级英语导学案 主备:宗跃芝 审核: 高一英语组 日期:2011/9/2班级 姓名: Period 2 Reading学习目标1、初步理解、掌握课文中关于旅游方面的词语,学习分析课文中的长难句子,初步感知课文中出现的的本单元要学的语法现象。2、形成分析篇章结构的能力,提升逻辑思维能力3、通过图片和标题预测文章内容;运用略读和找读策略迅速获取信息,并能够精读文章获取信息和分析信息。要点难点形成分析篇章结构的能力,提升逻辑思维能力学法指导1、通过图片和标题预测文章内容;运用略读和找读策略迅速获取信息,并能够精读文章获取信息和分析信息。 2、能利用上下文猜测生词词义学习过程课前预习案

13、 翻译下列短语1.下决心 2. 梦想做某事 3.惦念 ,关心 4. 穿过,通过 5.坚持做 6. 像往常一样 7.改变主意 8. 从.毕业 9.喜欢,喜爱 10. 在午夜 11从那以后 12 屈服;投降;让步 课内探究案1. skim the text to decide which is the main idea of the passageA. The author and his sisters plan about their winter holiday.B. The experience during the author and his sisters trip in Qing

14、hai.C. The author and his sisters plan and preparations for their trip.D. anecdotes(轶事)that happened during their trip.2 Read and find the main idea of each paragraph: Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: 3. Read the text carefully and answer the following questionsParagraph 1Q1:Who are Wang Kun a

15、nd Wang Wei? Q2:What is their dream? Q3:Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang? Paragraph 2Q1:Did she give me a determined look when I told her that the source of the Mekong is in Qinghai? Q2:Is Wang Wei a stubborn girl? Why? Paragraph 3: Preparation :What can you see along the Mekong? 当堂检测Read the passage car

16、efully and find the details in the correct boxes.Route of MekongIn ChinaOut of ChinaBegins in a _1_ on a Tibetan passes through _5_travling across Yunnan Province.Enters wide _8_。As it enters Southeast Asia, its pace is_10_.At last, the river delta enters the _12_.The river is _2_ and th

17、e water is _3_and _4_.It begins to move _6_.It becomes _7_.The river becomes _9_.The Mekong becomes _11_.【设计意图】让学生归纳每段段意,提供具体信息,旨在帮助学生把握课文要点,学会总结和归纳课文内容。让学生在完全掌握课文内容和结构的基础上,可以顺利进行下一步的研读。 课后作业Part A night in the mountains1. Task One: 从课本中找出下面的短语并背诵。feel likechildren dressed in long wool coatsin the s

18、etting sunas usualseem to do able to do sth.find sb. doing sth.change A for Bput up a tentstay awakefor companycan hardly wait to do sth.2. Task Two: 从课文中找出下面的句子,并熟读。(1)一路上,一些穿着羊毛大衣的孩子们停下来看着我们。(2)上山很艰难,但是当我们环顾四周,眼前的景色让我们感到惊奇。(3)我们似乎能看到几百里以外的地方。在某个时刻,我们发现自己置身高处,仿佛骑车穿越云层。(4)几乎没有风-只有篝火的火焰与我们作伴。(

19、5)我们迫不及待要见到他们! 3.根据课文内容判断正误。 1.When they arrived in Tibet,it was winter then. ( ) 2.Wang Wei was behind me as usual. ( ) 3.When we reached a valley,it became warmer. ( ) 4.After supper,we started to make camp. ( ) 5.Wang Kun went to sleep and Wang Wei stayed awake. ( ) 6.There was almost no wind on

20、that night. ( )教学反思Unit 3 Travel JournalGrammarTeaching aims:1. To learn to use the future indefinite tense.2. To learn to use the present continuous tense to express future actions.使用说明及学法指导 1.5分钟完成课前预习案 2.25分钟合作学习,完成课内探究案 3.10分钟当堂检测 4.5分钟思考总结,进一步拓展。Teaching procedures:【课 前 预 习 案】表示将来的动作或状态,可用以下几种形

21、式: will / shall动词原形 I shall be seventeen years old next month. be going to动词原形:表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。 We are going to have a meeting today.注意: There be 句型中的be going to 结构为:There is / are going to be . (注意be不能改为have) ,常用来表示将有某事发生。如:正 There is going to be a football match next Saturday in our school. 误 The

22、re is going to have a football match next Saturday in our school. be to动词原形:表示按计划要发生的事或征求对方意见。 Are we to go on with this work? be about to动词原形,表示即将发生的动作,不与表示将来的时间状语连用。 I was about to go swimming when my guide shouted at me and told me not to do so.我正要去游泳, 这时向导大声叫我不要去。比较 be going to do sth. 与be about

23、 to do sth. 和will do sth. 的区别:1. be about to do sth.侧重于表达最近的将来,意为“即将,就要” ( = be on the point of doing do sth. . 或be going to do sth. 加上just),且be about to do sth. 后不接时间状语,be going to do sth.可以接时间状语。如:误 I am about to go next week. 正 I am about to go.2. will没有“计划,准备”的意思,且在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用be going to, 而多用

24、will。如:If any beast comes at you, Ill stay with you and help you. be 动词的ing形式:表示按计划或安排要发生的事, 含义是 “预定要” 这一结构常用趋向动词 go, arrive, come, leave, start, stay , return 和 play, do, have, work, wear, spend, see, meet等 。 - When are you going off for your holiday? 你什么时候动身去度假?- My plane is taking off at 9:20, so

25、 I must be at the airport by 8:30. 我乘坐的飞机将于9:20分起飞, 所以我必须在8:30之前赶到机场。注意: 英语中一些表 “状态和感官”的动词通常不用于进行时:用法和单词例句表存在或位置: be, lie, standJapan lies to the east of China.表所属: have, own, possess, belong to, fit, suitTaiwan belongs to China.Who owns this land?表知觉: see, hear, smell, taste, sound, look, feel, see

26、m, appearI smell the dinner cooking.He seems quite happy.表认识、信仰、意见、怀疑、猜测、希望: know, think, understand, doubt, suppose, hope, wishHe doubts whether you will find your lost pen again.表喜欢、反对、仇恨、厌恶: love, like, prefer, mind, hate, want, dislike, envyWe love our motherland deeply.They envy her good fortune. 一般现在时表示将来时(1) 按规定预计要发生的未来动作,仅限于动词come, go, leave, move, start, return, arrive, begin, stay等动词. The plane takes off at 10:10. That is, its leaving in ten minutes.(2) 用在状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时。 If you do that again, Ill hit you.(3) 用在I bet 和I hope后面, 常用一般现在时表将来。

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