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1、基础英语1学案unit10平江职校高一英语学案Unit10 How can improve my English?Period (activity 1-2)一、课前预习(翻译下列单词)1forget_过去式_过去分词_2.understand_3. pass_4.exam_5.difficult_ 6. shy_7.foreigner_8. pronunciation_二、学习语言点1.forget 与forget about的区别:forget通常指忘记具体的东西(如名字、号码、地址等),forget about后者通常指忘记一件事情(如开会、学习、吃饭、锁门等)。比较:填空: I _her

2、 name. Dont _your study. 注意: forget to do 与forget doing的区别:forget to do sth忘记要去做某事forget doing sth 忘记以前曾经做过某事翻译:对不起,我忘了带书了。Sorry,I _ the book.我忘记曾经向你借过书这件事I_a book from you.2. be able to do sth 能够做某事,强调通过努力而获得的能力,而can则强调自身已具有的能力。She can sing the song in English._.He will be able to sing this song in

3、 English in a few minutes, too._3. I find it +adj. to do sth .“我感觉(觉得/ 发现)做很”eg 我觉得学习英语很有意思。_4. be poor at sth/doingsth _ be good at sth/doing sth _ 否定_三、回答问题1.What do you think of your English?2.Do you want to improve your English? 3.How can you improve your English?四、完成P143,Activity 1-2Period (act

4、ivity 3-6)一、 课前预习(翻译下列单词及短语)1.improve_2.lady_ office lady_3.letter_复数 groups_7.try_8.listen to_9.good idea_10.mention_二.阅读对话A,回答问题.1.What question does Zhang Wei ask Steve?2.What can Zhang Wei do? 3.How can Wang Yang improve his English?三.学习语言点 good at sth/doing sth 擅长

5、做某事 反义短语_翻译: 我哥哥擅长数学._.Tom 不擅长打篮球._.2.remember vt.记忆; 想起, 回忆起,记住,牢记, 铭记遗赠, 酬劳, 送礼致意, 问候,纪念, 记录a. Please remember me to your parents. _.b. Remember to write us when you get there._.c. Please remember the taxi driver._.注意: remember to do 记得去做某事 (未做) remember doing 记得做过某事 (已做)a.记着放学后去趟邮局。_to the post o

6、ffice after school.b.你不记得以前见过那个人吗?Dont you_ the man before?3. had better表示”最好做”,后接动词原形,它的否定式是在它后面加not:例如:You had better go now你最好现在就走Hed(=He had) better do it now_她最好别哭 groups 按组,分组eg Students work in groups of four. _4. Dont mention it. 不必客气。eg Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 _.不必客气。四.再阅读对话,完成P144

7、, 听力activity3-4,activity 6.Period (activity 7-12)一. 课前预习(翻译下列单词及短语)1.caller_2.advice_3.professor_缩写形式_4.introduce_5.Chinese dish_6.notebook_7.notebook_8.steward stju:d; stju:wd_ stewardess_9.passenger_10.repeat_二.阅读对话,判断正误.T或F1.Li Dong wants to introduce Western dishes to foreign guests.( )2.Li Dong

8、 is poor at memorizing new words.( )3.Yang Fan is a steward.( )4. Yang Fan needs to serve many foreign passengers on the train.( )三.学习语言点1.advice 建议(不可数名词) 翻译:一些建议_take ones advice_我们老师给了我们许多学习方面的建议。_advise v. advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事他建议我去休息一会。_建议某人不要做某事_2. ask sb to do sth“ 让/请某人做某事”eg The teach

9、er asks the students to read the text every morning. _警察请司机停车。_3. .introduce vt.介绍,引进,采用,提出,提倡,放入Introduce sb to sb介绍某人给某人认识Eg: She introduced me to her friend.翻译:_Introduce into_Introduce oneself_4.repeat v.重复,复述 He repeated her statement word for word._四.再读对话,完成活动7,8,10小组讨论P146活动11Everyday English

10、: Whats the matter? Whats up?Dont mention it.Period (activity13-17)一. 课前预习,翻译下列单词和短语.1.opinion_2.traffic policeman_3.more and well in_5.direction_问路_6.try to do_7.point_important point_8.have to do_9.finally_10.practice_二.学习语言点1. more and more .“越来越”eg a. Computer is becoming more and more

11、 popular. _ b. 越来越多的人开始学英语了。 _start to learn English. c. 天气变得越来越冷了。 Its becoming _2. do well in “ 在方面(做得/ 学得)好”eg a. Tom does well in computer. _. b. 我口语不太好。I cant _3. try doing/to do try to do 努力,企图做某事。 try doing 试验,试着做某事,试试看能不能成功,有没有效果,能不能用,行的通行不通。eg a. I tried _(garden) but didnt succeed. b.You m

12、ust try _(be) more careful. 4.practice=practise(英) +doing sth 练习做某事他每天练习讲英语._5. Its . to . do“做怎样”eg a. Its important to learn English. _ b. 学习新单词很难。 _6. have to“必须”,“不得不”eg a. I have to get up early every day. _ b. 我们不得不告诉他这个消息。 _三.补充翻译活动16Learning 教授,我是一名_。在我的工作中英语变_了。现在我正在努力_我的英语水平,但我_。工作中我会遇到许多外

13、国人,他们大都不会说汉语,他们用英语_,但我有时听不懂他们说话,我该怎么办?学习英语不是件容易的事,但我这里有_。首先,你应该_抓住_,你不必每个词都要听懂。其次,你可以请他们再_一遍,这没什么不好意思的。_,你可以听听英文歌,你可以在_你英语的同时_。四.完成书上P146-147Period (activity18-20)一 课前预习,翻译下列单词和短语.1.take an umbrella_2.dictionary_3.see a doctor_4.tired_5.key_6.noisy_7.reception_reception desk_8.repeat_9.take a rest_p

14、lete_11.score_12.practice_13.flu_14.medicine_take some medicine_15.tourist map_二.复习语法:情态动词(may,might,must,should,had better等)1.定义: 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,但它不能单独作谓语,它后面必须跟动词原形。 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。.2. 1情态动词的语法特征:1)情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计某事的发生。2)情态动词除ought和have外,后面只能接不带to的不定式。3)情态动词没有人称,数的变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加-s。

15、4)情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式,分词,等形式。3.结构:情态动词+do否定形式:情态动词+not+do一般疑问句:情态动词+主语+do.?肯定回答:Yes,主语+情态动词 否定回答: No, 主语+情态动词+not特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?例如: I can play football.否定句_一般疑问句_肯定回答_ 否定回答_特殊疑问句_may 和might1.表示许可.表示请求、允许时,might 比may的语气更委婉一些,否定回答时要用mustnt,表示“不可以” 、“禁止”之意.例如: a.You_drive the car. b.-_I drive your ne

16、w car? -No, you _.2.表示推测、可能(疑问句不能用于此意).例如:He _ be very busy now.注意:当might在表示推测时,不表示时态,只是might 说明的可能性比may要小一些.例如:He _ be our new classmate.1. may用于祈使句中表示祝愿.例如:_you succeed!Must表示必须、必要.例如:You must come on time._注意:回答must引出的问句时,不能用mustnt,而要用neednt或dont have to.例如:-Must I hand in our exercise books toda

17、y?-Yes, you_./No, you_.Should作为情态动词时,意为“应该”,表示劝告、建议、命令.例如:1. You should go to class right now.2. You shouldnt drink coffee in the evening.had better 相当于一个助动词,后跟动词原形.它只有一种形式,没有has/have be这种表达.前面提到,不再重复. 见Period (activity 3-6) 学习语言点3注意:在表示要求、命令时,语气由should, had better到must 逐渐加强。情态动词练习1 May I stop my ca

18、r here?No, you_.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. dont have to2. Must we clean the house now?No, you _.A. neednt B. may not C. mustnt D. cant3. John his father_ about his failure in the exam.A. dares not tell B. dares not tellingC. dare not tell D. dares not to tell4. You _return the book now. You can

19、keep it next week if you like.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. may not5. Johnny, you _play with the knife, you _hurt yourself.A. wont.cant B. mustnt.mayC. shouldnt, must D. cant.shouldnt6. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _get out.A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to7.

20、 Would you go out for a walk with me?No, I _. My girl friend is coming.A. wouldnt B. shall not C. wont D. shouldnt8. Man _die without water.A. will B. can C. need D. shall9. If he started at 9 0clock, he _be there by now.A. need B. shall C. ought to D. mustPeriod (activity21-23)一. 课前预习,翻译下列单词和短语.1.理

21、解问题_2.阅读句子_3.写下单词_4.忘记意思_5.寻求帮助_6.重复句子_7.听清问题_8.skill_9.guess the meaning_10.give advice_完成书上P149-150 Period LIFE AND CULTURETop Tongue一. 课前预习,翻译下列单词和短语.1.dream_2.grammar_3.simple_4.language_5.form_6.depend on_7.status_8.formally_9.however_10.preposition_11.advantage_disavantage_12.vocabulary_13.for

22、 least_16.drunk_17.adjective_18.describe_19.and so on_二 阅读文章,回答问题。1. Why is English the world “dream” language?2. How many forms of “you” does English have?3. Are prepositions a great help in our life?二、 学习语言点1. dream n.梦; v.做梦dream of/about 梦到,梦想翻译:她梦想成为电影明星。_2. depend on依靠;信赖You can depend on him. _3.however连接词 conj. 然而,可是,不过I feel a bit tired. However, I can hold on. _

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