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1、长篇阅读Directions:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked wi

2、th a letter.长篇阅读How to Make Attractive and Effective PowerPoint PresentationsA) Microsoft PowerPoint has dramatically changed the way in which academic and business presentations are made. This article outlines few tips on making more effective and attractive PowerPoint presentations.The TextB) Keep

3、 the wording clear and simple. Use active, visual language. Cut unnecessary wordsa good rule of thumb is to cut paragraphs down to sentences, sentences into phrases, and phrases into key words. Limit the number of words and lines per slide. Try the Rule of Five-five words per line, five lines per sl

4、ide. If too much text appears on one slide, use the AutoFit feature to split it between two slides. Click within the placeholder to display the AutoFit Options button (its symbol is two horizontal lines with arrows above and below), then click on the button and choose Split Text between Two Slides f

5、rom the submenu.C) Font size for titles should be at least 36 to 40, while the text body should not be smaller than 24. Use only two font styles per slideone for the title and the other for the text. Choose two fonts that visually contrast with each other. Garamond Medium Condensed and Impact are go

6、od for titles, while Garamond or Tempus Sans can be used for the text body.D) Embed the fonts in your presentation, if you are not sure whether the fonts used in the presentation are present in the computer that will be used for the presentation. To embed the fonts: (1) On the File menu, click Save

7、As. (2) On thetoolbar, click Tools, click Save Options, select the Embed TrueType Fonts check box, and then select Embed characters in use only.E) Use colors sparingly; two to three at most. You may use one color for all the titles and another for the text body. Be consistent from slide to slide. Ch

8、oose a font color that contrasts well with the background.F) Capitalizing the first letter of each word is good for the title of slides and suggests a more formal situation than having just the first letter of the first word capitalized. In bullet point lines, capitalize the first word and no other

9、words unless they normally appear capped. Upper and lower case lettering is more readable than all capital letters. Moreover, current styles indicate that using all capital letters means you are shouting. If you have text that is in the wrong case, select the text, and then click Shift+F3 until it c

10、hanges to the case style that you like. Clicking Shift+F3 toggles the text case between ALL CAPS, lower case, and Initial Capital styles.G) Use bold or italic typeface for emphasis. Avoid underlining, it clutters up the presentation.Dont center bulleted lists or text. It is confusing to read. Leftal

11、ignunless you have a good reason not to. Run “spell check”on your show when finished.The BackgroundH) Keep the background consistent. Simple, light textured backgrounds work well. Complicated textures make the content hard to read. If you are planning to use many clips in your slides, select a white

12、 background. If the venue of your presentation is not adequately light-proof, select a dark-colored background and use any light color for text. Minimize the use of “bells and whistles”such as sound effects, “flying words” and multiple transitions. Dont use red in any fonts or backgrounds. It is an

13、emotionally overwhelming color that is difficult to see and read.The ClipsI) Animations are best used subtly; too much flash andmotioncan distract and annoy viewers. Do not rely too heavily on those images that were originally loaded on your computer with the rest of Office. You can easily find appr

14、opriate clips on any topic through Google Images. While searching for images, do not use long search phrases as is usually done while searching the web-use specific words.J) When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than two megabytes and are in a .jpg format. Larger files can slow do

15、wn your show. Keep graphs, charts and diagrams simple, if possible. Use bar graphs and pie charts instead of tables of data. The audience can then immediately pick up the relationships.The PresentationK) If you want your presentation to directly open in the slide show view, save it as a slide show f

16、ile using the following steps. Open the presentation you want to save as a slide show. On the File menu, click Save As. In the Save as type list, click PowerPoint Show. Your slide show file will be saved with a ppt file extension. When you double-click on this file, it will automatically start your

17、presentation in slide show view. When youre done, PowerPoint automatically closes and you return to the desktop. If you want to edit the slide show file, you can always open it from PowerPoint by clicking Open on the File menu.L) Look at the audience, not at the slides, whenever possible. If using a

18、 laser pointer, dont move it too fast. For example, if circling a number on the slide, do it slowly. Never point the laser at the audience. Black out the screen (use “B”on the keyboard) after the point has been made, to put the focus on you. Press the key again to continue your presentation.M) You c

19、an use the shortcut command CtrlP to access the Pen tool during a slide show. Click with your mouse and drag to use the Pen tool to draw during your slide show. Toeraseeverything youve drawn, press the E key. To turn off the Pen tool, press Esc once.MiscellaneousN) Master Slide Set-Up: The “master s

20、lide”will allow you to make changes that are reflected on every slide in your presentation. You can change fonts, colors, backgrounds, headers, and footers at the “master slide”level. First, go to the “View” menu. Pull down the “Master”menu. Select the “slide master”menu. You may now make changes at

21、 this level that meet your presentation needs.对应题目:1. The ways in which academic and business presentations are made have been changed by Microsoft PowerPoint.2. When making the PowerPoint, the wording of the text should not be complicated.3. In each slide, the font styles for the title and the text

22、 should contrast with each other.4. A more formal situation is capitalizing the first letter of the first word.5. Centering bulleted lists or text can not help to read.6. Sound effects should be used as less frequently as possible.7. When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than two

23、megabytes.8. When making the presentation, you should look at the audience as possible as you can.9. Pressing the E key can help you to erase everything youve drawn.10. In order to meet your presentation needs, you can make changes at the “slide master”level.答案参考:1. A A段讲到了微软的PowerPoint对学术及商业陈述形式的改变

24、,可以直接定位到文章的首段。2. B 根据题干中的信息词wording of the text定位到第一个小标题下的第一段。3. C 根据题干中的信息词the font styles for the title and the text定位到C段。4. F 根据题干中的信息词more formal situation和capitalizing定位到第一个小标题下的F段。5. G 根据题干中的信息词Centering bulleted lists or text定位到第一个小标题下的G段。6. H 根据题干中的信息词Sound effects定位到第二个小标题下的H段,Minimize the

25、use of “bells and whistles”such as sound effects。7. J 根据题干中的信息词importing和two megabytes定位到第三个小标题下的J段。8. L 根据题干中的信息词look at the audience定位到第四个小标题下的L段。9. M 根据题干中的信息词Pressing the E key定位到第四个小标题下的M段。10. N 根据题干中的信息词make changes at the “slide master”level定位到文章的最后一段可得答案。二A: What do we mean by being talented

26、 or gifted? The most obvious way is to look at the work someone does and if they are capable of significant success, label them as talented. The purely quantitative route percentage definition looks not at individuals, but at simple percentages, such as the top five percent of the population, and la

27、bels them by definition as gifted. This definition has fallen from favor, eclipsed by the advent of IQ tests, favored by luminaries such as Professor Hans Eysenck, where a series of written or verbal tests of general intelligence leads to a score of intelligence.B: The IQ test has been eclipsed in t

28、urn. Most people studying intelligence and creativity in the new millennium now prefer a broader definition, using a multifaceted approach where talents in many areas are recognized rather than purely concentrating on academic achievement. If we are therefore assuming that talented, creative or gift

29、ed individuals may need to be assessed across a range of abilities, does this mean intelligence can run in families as genetic or inherited tendency? Mental dysfunction such as schizophrenia can, so is an efficient mental capacity passed on from parent to child?C: Animal experiments throw some light

30、 on this question, and on the whole area of whether it is genetics, the environment or a combination of the two that allows for intelligence and creative ability. Different strains of rats show great differences in intelligence or rat reasoning. If these are brought up in normal conditions and then

31、run through a maze to reach a food goal, the bright-strain make far fewer wrong turns that the dull-ones. But if the environment is made dull and boring the number of errors becomes equal. Return the rats to an exciting maze and the discrepancy returns as before but is much smaller. In other words,

32、a dull rat in a stimulating environment will almost do as well as bright rat who is bored in a normal one. This principle applies to humans too someone may be born with innate intelligence, but their environment probably has the final say over whether they become creative or even a genius.D: Evidence now exists that most young children, if given enough opportunities and encouragement, are able to achieve significant and sustainable levels of academic or sporting prowess. Bright or creative children are often physically very active at the same time, and

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