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1、建筑施工项目资金管理制度doc建筑施工项目资金管理制度1*电厂*项目管理规定(制度)资金管理制度1适用范围为规范和加强*项目资金管理工作、保证资金安全合理有效使用,提高资金使用效率,根据国家方针政策、相关经济法规、公司制度,并结合*项目特点,制定本制度。本制度适用于本项目所有的资金收支活动。2 规范性引用文件2.1 中华人民共和国会计法2.2 *资金管理办法2.3 *资金管理办法实施细则2.4 *预算管理实施办法2.5 *资金管理办法和实施细则补充规定3 职责3.1 各个部门要做好整个项目及年度的资金使用计划,在每年年底报送下一年度的用款计划,编制好资金预算,并及时上交到财务室汇总。3.2 财

2、务室是项目资金收支活动的统一归口管理部门,具体负责资金收入及时准确到位,统一编制资金使用计划,审核资金支付的正确性及合理性,并为各个部门及项目领导提供建议和意见。3.3 合同预算室负责编制工程款收入计划,负责工程合同价款的确定、工程进度款的拨付及出包费用结算(包括计件制和总价包干形式的劳务分包)。3.4 物资供应室负责组织整个项目所有物资(包括办公用品、机工具)的价款确定与结算,以及废旧物资的收入结算。3.5 综合办公室负责房屋出租收入以及超支水电费的结算。3.6 调度机具室负责机械出租承租费用的结算。3.7 其余按附件A归口分工。4 管理内容4.1 项目资金管理的任务是及时收回项目的各项收入

3、,确保工程建设的资金需要;保证各项资金支付合理合法,杜绝不合理的开支,维护项目资金安全,提高资金效率,正确处理企业利益和企业信誉的关系。4.2 资金的收支管理应当遵循公开透明、定向使用、科学管理、加强监督的原则。4.3 资金收入的管理4.3.1 资金收入必须及时、准确,以确保工程建设正常运转为基本原则。项目的所有收入必须全部纳入项目财务管理,任何部门无权截留挪用,严禁任何部门私设小金库。4.3.2 工程价款收入管理。合同预算室每月编制产值统计报表于25日前报送工程项目监理方、管理方及业主的计财部门或相关部门;财务室根据已审的统计报表编制工程价款结算表于月底前报送工程项目监理方、管理方及业主财务

4、部门,办理本月份工程价款结算,及时收回本月工程进度款。4.3.3 零星工程价款收入由合同预算室办理结算、并会同财务室收款。4.3.4 对外房屋出租必须签订出租合同,出租合同应有租金、出租期限、结算办法等条款。4.3.5 对外出租机械、仪器仪表、运输工具、专用工具等(以下称资产)必须签订出租合同,出租合同应有机械出租台班单价、结算办法,出租期限,费用承担范围等内容的条款。4.3.6 对于废旧物资销售收入,财务室收到购买方款项以后,开具浙江省统一收据入账。4.3.7 对于质量、安全保卫等罚没收入以及招标相应资料费用等,由相关部门先行代收,并及时移交财务室。4.4 资金支出的管理,资金的使用要精打细

5、算,力求节约。,对不同性质、不同数额的资金使用,确定不同签字级别,实行分级管理。需要使用资金的必须经相应权限人员签字批准后方可使用。本项目资金使用的分级审批见附件C。没有明确的签字级职的资金使用,由财务室根据有关原则请示相关领导后予以确认。4.4.3 对于已经签订的各种合同价款的支付,必须严格按照合同的规定执行,不得擅自超合同金额进行支付。对可能的实际结算价款与原合同价相差较大的,按以下原则进行调整。预计结算价超过原合同价在15及以内的,付款时不予调整,按原合同价款执行。预计结算价超过原合同价在15以上、30及以内的,由合同相对方递交变更合同价款的申请报告,经有关领导签字同意后,予以调整合同价

6、款。预计结算价超过原合同价超过30以上的,应当由原合同双方另行签订变更合同价款的正式补充合同,并经原合同双方当事人签字盖章生效后再予付款。4.5 工程、物资款支付4.5.1 对于工程开工款与备料款的支付,在签订合同时应做规定,原则上不超过合同价款的15,特殊情况经项目主要领导协商后再予解决。4.5.2 物资预付款原则上不予支付。采购部门在合同谈判时应严格控制,没有充分理由不予同意支付供货单位预付款。4.5.3 工程进度款支付原则上不超过应付价款的70,具体以相应合同为准。4.5.4 在资金充足的情况下,按照合同规定正常支付;在资金不足的情况下,应当尽量在与合同相对方协商后,按照以下原则支付:应

7、付款金额不超过5万元的,财务室在取得付款凭据(发票、拨付单、收据)以后,尽量当月付清。应付款金额超过5万元的,经各相关部门协商安排付款日期及金额,形成会议纪要后严格执行。其他规定具体以合同为准。4.6 财务资金使用流程4.6.1 工程款支付流程控制图(相关表格见附件D,附件E)4.6.2 材料、机工具款支付流程控制(相关表格见附件C )建筑施工装饰企业安全生产管理责任制及制度11安全保证计划1.0.1公司每年都要制定安全目标计划,在下达施工任务时同时下达安全目标计划。对每个施工项目提出明确的安全要求,并根据工程的特点,采取可靠的安全措施,投入必须的安全设施和资金。1.0.2项目经理部应在工程丌



10、理必须按安全事故处理的有关规定和程序及时上报和处理,并制定防止同类事故再次发生的措施。2.0.3安全员职责1落实安全设施的设置,对安全设施进行检查验收;2对施工全过程的安全进行监督,纠正违章作业;向项目经理提出奖罚的建议;3配合有关部门排除安全隐患;4组织安全教育和全员安全活动;5监督劳保用品质量和正确使用。2.0.4作业队长安全职责Now, we are i n a new historical stage of all-round constr uction of a w ell-off societ y. In perform dutie s, and carried out w ork

11、 of pr oce ss in t he, w e to put pe opl e as a g uide principles, a nd a te st standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot proble m grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place m odifie d up, n ot make nomi nal of formalism, not do grandsta ndi ng

12、 of cosmetic, t o seek ing of style, hel p masse s share, is pe ople benefit. (C) the investee pe ople i s not only an i dea, it i s a job re quirement. Philosophy thr ough to the pe ople-oriented thoug ht in t he work of the Office, must be cl ear work objectives. Party Office i n the city thi s ye

13、ar remains: Adva nce d civ il strife, local bra nd. The Co unty (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hol d hig h the banner of first to excellence, people-orie nted re quire ments, strengt hen t he constructi on a nd ma nagement of the Office t owards the w ork a hig

14、 her level. Investee 1. political partici pation based on conspiracy t o adhere to people-oriente d, will be around to pr omote coordi nationDevel opme nt events, great se archi ngs. T he 16 sessi on of the partys scie ntific Outlook on development, i s the ne w Ce ntral coll ective lea dershi p t o

15、 the devel opme nt of connotation, dev elopme nt esse ntials, furt her dee pe n the essence of development and innovation, is our partys ruling i dea a lea p. At prese nt, establi shi ng and impleme nting the scie ntific concept of development ha s be come the partys im portant work. A s the Office

16、of party Committee, w orking party should servi ce ce nter, i nitiative to claim lea dership of the decision, the curre nt focus is to focus on promoti ng com prehe nsive, coordinated and sustaina ble development with m ore suggesti ons, do more resear ch, summarized t he typical. One is drafted to

17、raise the lev el of your presentati on. our pre sentation i s the main Office of products, is t he ba sic carrier staff service, is im portant to mea sure service leve ls. T he quality of your pre sentation, mai nly de pends on how m uch we drafted a docume nt recognize d by the leadershi p, how man

18、y are l isteni ng to the pe ople i n favour of the report, how many paid dividends in t he pra ctical w ork. Im prove pre sentati on drafting level, requirement s we a ccurate gras p le d intent, General le d care of work are t o as understand, Ge neral led consi der of pr oblem are t o in-depth t h

19、inki ng; re quirement s we highlight place features, put superi or approa ch poli cy and local a ctual combi ned up, put prese ntation of theme t hrust a nd masses of by thought by wants t o combine d up; r equireme nts we seeks to streamline d clea r, wit h simple of lang uage expression de ep of t

20、 houg ht, with short of lengt h hosted ri ch of connotation. Second, the survey results more. Investigati on of the ba se, the road t o success i s somet hing, is our for the Party Committees poli cy de cisi on a g ood idea, an important part of a good staff. This yea r, to focus ar ound i ndustrial

21、 XING city, and farmers incre ase, a nd a nd manpow er devel opme nt, and seeki ng, major probl em and foster a dvantage industry, a nd adjustme nt agricult ural structure, a nd carried1向作业人员进行安全技术措施交底,组织实施安全技术措施。2对施工现场安全防护装置和实施进行验收;3对作业人员进行安全操作规程培训,提高作业人员的安全意识,避免产生安全隐患;4当发生重大或恶性工伤事故时,应保护现场,立即上报并参与事



24、育。4三级安全教育要建立档案和填写安全生产教育记录,教育人和被教育人都必须签字。3.0.2特殊工种培训教育。凡进场从事电工、焊工、架子工、起重指挥、起重司机、机械工等,都必须参加培训考试。除进行一般教育外,还必须按有关特种作业人员劳动安全管理办法执行,培训考核合格,持证上岗。Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-r ound constructi on of a well-off society. In perform duties, a nd carried out work of process i n the, we t o put p

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26、 p masse s share, is people be nefit. (C) the investee people is not only an i dea, it is a job re quirement. Philosophy through to t he pe opl e-orient ed thought in t he work of the Office, must be cle ar work obje ctives. Party Office in the city this year remai ns: Adva nce d civi l strife, loca

27、l brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices a nd units directly under the Office to hol d hig h the banner of first to excellence, people-orie nted requirements, strengthen t he constr ucti on a nd manageme nt of the Office t owards t he work a hig her level. Investee 1.political partici pati

28、on based on conspiracy t o adhere to people-oriente d, will be around to prom ote coordi nationDevel opme nt events, great sear chi ngs. T he 16 sessi on of the partys scientifi c Outl ook on development, is t he ne w Central colle ctive leadershi p to the development of connotati on, dev elopme nt

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30、i ce ce nter, i nitiative to claim lea dership of the deci sion, the curre nt focus is to focus on pr omoting compr ehe nsive, coordinate d and sustaina ble deve lopme nt with more suggesti ons, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to rai se the level of your pre sentation. our p

31、rese ntation is the main Office of products, is t he basic carri er staff service, is im portant to mea sure se rvice level s. The qualityof your presentation, mainly depe nds on how m uch we drafted a document recogni zed by t he leadershi p, how many are liste ning to t he pe opl e in favour of th

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