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剑桥雅思词汇Word List22.docx

1、剑桥雅思词汇Word List22智课网IELTS备考资料剑桥雅思词汇:Word List22 摘要: 小马过河雅思频道为了考生能够更加方便的备考,特意为大家整理了剑桥雅思词汇:Word List22,希望对于考生们来说,能够起到帮助作用,如您还有其它问题,可点击咨询雅思在线专家,我们会一一为您解答! The only practicable ways to resolve this problem in the longer term are economic pricing in conjunction with conservation measures. 从长远来看,解决这个问题最实际

2、的方法是实现经济定价与保守措施的并轨。 resolve n.决心,决定 v.决定;解决 【释】 to solve or end a problem or difficulty 【派】 n. resolution 【用】 resolve that; resolve against; resolve to 【例】 Have you resolved the problem of traffic congestion yet?你已经解决交通堵塞这个问题了吗? Other side-effects are dizziness or headaches, and indigestion or stoma

3、chache. 其他副作用是头晕、头痛、消化不良及胃疼。 side-effect n.副作用 【释】 an unpleasant effect of a drug that happens in addition to the main effect 【例】 This medicine has no side-effect. 这种药没有副作用。 dizziness n.头昏眼花 【释】 feeling as if everything is spinning round and being unable to balance and about to fall down 【派】 a. dizz

4、ying / dizzy; ad. dizzily 【例】 He had a sensation of dizziness. 他有一种晕眩的感觉。 indigestion n.消化不良 【释】 pain caused by difficulty in digesting food 【派】 n. indigestibility; a. indigestible 【例】 Jim was suffering from a slight case of indigestion. 吉姆得了轻度消化不良症。 The language barrier presents itself in stark for

5、m to firms who wish to market their products in other countries. 语言障碍给那些希望在国外销售产品的公司提出了一个难题。 stark a.严酷的,严格的 【释】 unpleasant; yeal and impossible to avoid 【派】 ad. starkly; n. starkness 【例】 The young man is faced with a stark choice. 这位年轻人面临着严峻的抉择。 It was moved to and fro by steam blowing out from sma

6、ll exhaust ports at either end. 蒸汽从两端的小排气口喷出,使其来回移动。 to and fro ad.来来回回地 【释】 backwards and forwards 【例】 Trucks and cars were shuttling to and fro on the expressways. 高速公路上卡车和汽车正来回穿梭。 steam n.蒸汽 v.蒸发 【释】 the hot gas that is produced when water boils 【派】 a. steamy / steaming; n. steamer 【用】 steam sth.

7、 up 【例】 Who invented the steam engine? 谁发明了蒸汽机? exhaust n.排气;排气装置;出口 v.用尽,耗尽;使精疲力尽 【释】 to make someone extremely tired; device through which waste gases come out 【派】 a. exhausted / exhausting / exhaustive; n. exhaustion; ad. exhaustively 【例】 My father is completely exhausted. 我父亲精疲力竭了。 On 1 April 19

8、93, it became independent of the local authority and adopted its new title. 1993年4月1日,它从地方当局独立出来,更换了新名称。 authority n.权力,权威;当局 【释】 the power you have because of your official position 【派】 v. authorize; a. authorized 【用】 in authority; authority over; authority to do sth. 【例】 The government is the high

9、est authority in the country. 政府是国家的最高权力机构。 adopt v.采用,接受;收养 【释】 to take someone elses child into your home and legally become its parent 【派】 n. adoption 【例】 One should disregard shortcomings and adopt good points. 人们应该取长补短。 There will be now hope of liberation from the shadows of cancer, heart dise

10、ase, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid. 现在把人们从癌症、心脏病以及风湿病等自身免疫疾病的阴影中解放出来是有希望的。 autoimmune a.自身免疫的 【释】 relating to a condition in which someones antibodies attack substances that are naturally found in the body 【例】 It is a chronic autoimmune disease with inflammation of the joints and marked def

11、ormities.这是一种慢性自身免疫疾病,会导致关节发炎及明显的身体畸形。 rheumatoid a.患风湿病的 【释】 a disease that continues for many years and makes your joints painful and stiff, and often makes them lose their proper shape 【例】 Inflammation: Local reaction of living tissues to injury or illness, including bums, pneumonia, leprosy, tub

12、erculosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. 炎症:泛指活组织对损伤的局部反应,包括烧伤、肺炎、麻风病、结核和风湿性关节炎。 Social activities include a welcome buffet and a half-day excursion round Bingham. 社交活动包括一个欢迎宴会和一个半天的环比哈姆短途旅行。 buffet n.自助餐 v.打击,连续猛击 【释】 a meal at a party or other occasions, in which people serve themselves at a table and

13、 then move away to eat 【用】 buffet reakfast / lunch / supper 【例】 This buffet offers you a easeful enjoyment. 本自助餐厅为您提供无拘无束的享受。 excursion n.远足,短途旅行 【释】 a short journey arranged so that a group of people can visit a place, especially while they are on holiday 【用】 excursion to 【例】 The excursion was roun

14、ded off with a short visit to the school.集体游览在简单参观学校后圆满结束。 These bacteria make their living by converting the dissolved ions of metallic elements from one electrical state to another. 这些细菌通过将金属离子的一种电离状态转换到另一种状态而生存。 convert v.使转变;倒置;使改变信仰 【释】 to cause something or someone to change in form, character

15、 or opinion 【用】 convert sth. to / into sth. 【例】 The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy. 太阳能电池能把太阳能转化为电能。 dissolve v.溶解;解散 【释】 to cause to pass into solution; to reduce solid matter to liquid form 【例】 This substance does not dissolve in water whether it is heated or no

16、t. 这种物质不论加热与否,都不溶于水。 We take a cooperative approach to the assessment of your work and encourage you to contribute to discussion. 我们采取合作的方法来评估你的工作并且鼓励你勇于参与讨论。 cooperative a.合作的 n.合作社 【释】 willing to act or work together for a particular purpose, or to help or do what people ask 【派】 v. cooperate; n. c

17、ooperation; ad. cooperatively 【例】 Ive asked them not to play their music so loudly, but theyre not being very cooperative. 我让他们别这么大声地演奏音乐,他们不是很配合。 assessment n.估价,评估 【释】 to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something 【派】 v. assess 【用】 assess at; assess on / upon 【例】 She mad

18、e a careful assessment of the situation. 她对形势做了细致的评估。 All corpora always need to be supplemented by data derived from the intuitions of native speakers of the language, through either introspection or experimentation. 所有语料库都需要把通过实验和观察获得的反映讲母语的人的直觉反应的数据补充进来。 corpus n.全集;汇编;语料 【释】 the collection of a

19、single writers work or of writing about a particular subject, or a large amount of written and sometimes spoken material collected to show the state of a language 【派】 n. corpora (pl. ) 【例】 This paper aims at analysing a corpus of spoken dialect. 本文旨在分析口语方言的汇集资料。 supplement n.补充物,增刊 v.补充,增补 【释】 somet

20、hing that is added to something else in order to improve it or complete it; something extra 【派】 a. supplementary 【用】 supplement to 【例】 The story first appeared in the Peoples Literary Supplement.这篇小说最初发表在人民文学副刊上。 intuition n.直觉;直觉的知识 【释】 the ability to know sth. by using your feelings rather than co

21、nsidering the facts 【派】 a. intuitive; ad. intuitively 【用】 intuition that 【例】 God creates by intuition; man creates by inspiration, strengthened by observation. Elbert Hubbard. 上帝凭着直觉创造,人类凭着由观察而增强的灵感创造。雨果 introspection n.内省,反省 【释】 examination and consideration of your own ideas, thoughts and feelings

22、 【例】 He thus typified the constant introspection wherewith he tortured, but could not purify himself. 他就这样不断地自省,其实只是在自我折磨,丝毫得不到自我净化。 For example, the dull weather of winter drastically cuts down the amount of sunlight that is experienced, which strong affects some people. 比如,冬天阳光的稀缺会严重影响人们的生活。 drast

23、ically ad.深刻地;激烈地;彻底地 【释】 especially of actions severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects 【派】 a. drastic 【例】 Chinese luxury goods like silks, teas and porcelains were in great demand and transformed their way of life drastically. 中国的奢侈品,例如丝调、茶和瓷器大受欢迎,也深刻地改变了一些西方人的生活方式。 At the same time, sa

24、nd was dredged from the waters and piled on top of the layer of stiff clay that the massive dredging had laid bare. 人们从水中捞取沙子,堆积在坚硬的粘土的最高层,大量的捞取物都毫无遮掩地堆在那里。 dredge n.挖泥机 v.用挖泥机疏浚;捞取 【释】 to remove unwanted things from the bottom of a river, lake, etc. using a sucking or other devices 【派】 n.dredger 【用

25、】 dredge up / away / out; dredge for 【例】 To dredge the moon out from the bottom of the water effort in vain. 水底捞月徒劳无功。 Stiff a.坚硬的;严厉的;呆板的 ad.僵硬地; 【释】 firm or hard, not easily bent or moved 【用】 stiff with 【例】 I am too stiff to move. 我身体僵硬,不能动。 Originally the exterior was covered in highly polished l

26、imestone slabs, all of which have been stolen over the years. 起初外表铺设的是光滑的石灰石隔板,但在这几年中几乎都被盗了。 exterior n.外部,表面,外型 a.外部的,外在的,表面的 【释】 outer; on or from the outside 【例】 The exterior of the building needs painting and renovating.建筑的外观需要粉刷和重新装修一下。 polish n.光泽;优雅,精良 v.擦亮,磨光;推敲 【释】 to rub something using a

27、piece of cloth or brush to clean it and make it shine 【派】 a. polished 【用】 polish up 【例】 She polished his glasses with a handkerchief before lecture. 在演讲之前,她用手帕擦拭了一下眼镜。 limestone n.石灰石 【释】 a white or light grey rock which is used as a building material and in the making of cement slab n.平板;厚的切片 v.切成厚

28、板;以平板盖上 【释】 a thick flat piece of a solid substance, such as stone, wood, metal, food, etc., which is usually square or rectangular 【用】 slab of 【例】 The tomb is corered with a marble slab. 墓穴上盖着一块大理石板。 Based on a professional experience as a teacher, here comes highlight, a small and simple piece of

29、software that allows you to put an invisible drawing. 基于一个教师专业方面的经验,创作了这一最精彩的部分:这个软件小巧、便捷,可以生成无形图像。 highlight v.加亮;强调 n.要闻,要点;加亮区 【释】 to make a problem or subject easy to notice so that people pay attention to it 【例】 Without doubt the 2008 Olympics are the highlight of this year. 毫无疑问,2008年奥运会是今年最精彩

30、的一幕。 invisible a.看不见的,无形的 【释】 something that is invisible cannot be seen, impossible to see 【派】 n. invisibility; ad. invisibly 【用】 invisible to 【例】 God the Invisible King. 上帝无形的国王。 Glass as instant curtains is available now, but the cost is exorbitant. 现在我们已经可以用玻璃做瞬间拉开的幕布,但其价格却异常高昂。 instant n.立即,瞬间

31、a.立即的,即时的 【释】 an extremely short period of time; a moment; happening or produced immediately 【派】 ad. instantly 【用】 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 【例】 Achieve immediate victory; win instant success. 马到成功。 exorbitant a.过高的,高昂的 【释】 an exorbitant price, amount of money etc. is much higher than is reasonable or usu

32、al 【派】 ad. exorbitantly 【例】 The practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest, especially at an exorbitant or illegally high rate must be forbidden. 借给他人钱并要求偿还很高的利息,尤其是利息高的离谱或者非法的做法必须被禁止。 The challenge to management is how to motivate employees under such retrenchment conditions. 管理者所面临的挑战是在这种开支紧缩状况下如何调动员工的积极性。 motiv

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