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1、英语核心词汇二1. abundant2. appear3. capture4. conduct5. He was _to the position of Export Manager for the firm. (任命) 6. The music _ a feeling of homesickness in him. (引起,激起)7. _ the value of a house 估算房子的价值 8. The deaths of the two people are _ to heart. (把归因于)9. Are you _of the time? ( 知道的,意识到的)10. busin

2、ess _ (经济繁荣) 11. We should be _ of the comfort of old people.(体谅的,体贴的)12. Cake _ of flour, sugar, and some other ingredients(由组成)61. costlya. 昂贵的,贵重的,代价高的:This fur coat is too costly.62. createvt. 创造,创作,创建:The wealth of the society is created by the laboring people. 引起,产生:They tried to create confus

3、ion. creation n. 创造,创作,创建 创造的作品,(智力、想象力的)产物 宇宙,天地万物:Are we the only thinking species in creation?creative a. 有创造力的,创造性的:A writer needs creative imagination.creature n. 人,家伙 动物,生物:The explorers didnt know whether the strange creature was human or animal. 创造物,产物:a creature of the imagination 想象力的产物cre

4、ativity : n. 创造力;创造性63. currencyn. 流通,流传,传播:The rumor soon gained currency. 通货,货币:foreign currencies 外币64. debaten. 争论,辩论:Truth develops through debate between different views. vt./vi. 讨论,辩论:The subject was hotly debated.65. declinevt./vi. 拒绝,谢绝:I offered Anne a cigarette, but she declined. 下降,(太阳)落

5、山:The day is declining.日暮 衰退,衰落:His strength slowly declined. n. 下降,减少,衰弱:Our business has gone into a decline this year.66. denyvt. 不承认否认:To deny contradiction is to deny everything. 拒绝给予,拒绝的要求:She can deny nothing to his son.67. departmentn. (政府机关、商店、学校等)部,局,科,系,部门:the Department of Defense (美国)国防

6、部68. designn. 设计(图样),构想:Everyone agreed that Jane had made a great design for the building. 图谋,企图:The house was burnt down by design. vt. 设计,构思,绘制:She designs beautiful dresses. 计划,谋划:Was this designed, or did it just happen?69. despiteprep. 尽管,任凭:Despite working very hard, he didnt finish the task.

7、70.detailn. 细节,详情:discuss the details of a plan 讨论计划的细目 枝节,琐事:There is too much detail in his speech.vt. 详述,详细说明:The boy listened breathlessly as the sailor detailed the story of the shipwreck(船难).go into detail(s) 详细叙述,逐一说明in detail 详细地:We should discuss the matter in detail. 我们应该详细地讨论这件事情。71. dict

8、atevt./vi. 口授,口述,(使)听写:The teacher dictated to a class. 命令,支配:Can they dictate how the money will be spent? n. (常用复数)命令,规定,要求:Follow the dictates of common sense.dictation n. 听写,口授,口述:We have dictation today. dictator n. 独裁者,口述者72. diligenta. 勤奋的,努力的:The diligent workers finished the project on time

9、.73. discountn. (价格、债款等)折扣:a discount of 10% 九折 贴现,贴息 vt. 给打折扣:Our shop discounts all our goods. 给(期票)贴现 不重视,低估:His rich experience is not to be discounted.74. discover vt. 发现,发觉:We have discovered that he is quite careful in his work. 暴露,显示:discover oneself 显露自己的身份discovery n. 发现,被发现的事物:make new di

10、scoveries in science 在科学上作出新发现75. discriminationn. 歧视;辨别;识别力racial discrimination 种族歧视man of discrimination 有眼光的人76. dismissvt. 让离开,打发 (from)免的职,开除,解雇:He was dismissed from his post. 解散,遣散:The leader dismissed the meeting.77. disturbvt. 打搅,妨碍:Im sorry to disturb you. 弄乱,打乱:Dont disturb my things.78.

11、 domestica. 家庭的,家里的:The police called the fight between the husband and wife a domestic matter. 本国的,国内的:domestic flight 国内航班 驯养的:domestic animals 家兽79. eagera. (for)渴望的,热切的:She is eager for success.80. economica. 经济的,经济学的:The country is in a bad economic state.81. education n. 教育,培养,训练:He has a good

12、 education.educational adj. 教育的,有教育意义的82. effectivea. 有效的,生效的,起作用的:an effective treatment for hair loss 治疗脱发的一种有效办法83. efficienta. 有效率的,效率高的:The financial analyst found efficient ways for the company to save money. 有能力的,能胜任的:He is efficient at his job.84. elect vt. 选举,推选:We elected him our monitor.

13、选择,决定:He has elected to become a teacher.election n. 选举,推举,当选:lose an election 在选举中遭到失败85. emphasisn. (emphases)强调,重点:This dictionary puts special emphasis upon grammar.86. ensurevt. 保证,确保,担保:This medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep.87. enterprisen. 事业,计划:Building the canal was a bold(英勇的)

14、enterprise. 事业心,进取心:He is a man of great enterprise. 企业(事业)单位,公司:The new enterprise will require additional staff and equipment.88. enthusiastica. 热情的,热心的:Im really very enthusiastic about that.89. entirelyadv. 整个地,全部地:I entirely agree with you. 我完全同意你的看法。90. entryn. 进入:The thieves gained entry thro

15、ugh all open kitchen window. 入口处,门口:A crowd blocked the entry. 登记,条目,词条:参赛的人(物),参赛者名单91. environmentn. 环境,周围状况,自然环境:a clean environment 清洁的环境92. estimatev. 估计,估价:I estimate that Tom will be promoted to department manager.评价,评估:He is highly estimated among his colleagues.n.估计,估价,(用复数)预算:We made an estimate of the cost of the holiday.93. evidencen.根据,证据,证物:There wasnt enough evidence to prove him guilty.形迹,迹象:The room bore evidence of a evidence可看见的,明显的,显眼的94.

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