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1、ing分词用法归纳ing分词用法归纳-ing分词用法归纳1. -ing分词概述-ing分词的基本形式是由动词加-ing 构成,与动词的现在分词形式一致。 -ing分词的主要变化形式有一般式和完成式;一般式和完成式中又分别有主动形式及被动形式。详见下表: 主动形式 被动形式一般式 doing being done完成式 having done having been done2. -ing分词的意义(1) -ing分词所表示的动作常与谓语动词的动作同时发生。如:He used to stand there thinking. 他过去常站在那儿思考。They held activities cel

2、ebrating their culture. 他们举行活动来庆祝他们的文化。(2) -ing分词若在suggest, insist等动词后或作结果状语时,表示的动作常发生在谓语动词的动作之后;He suggested us practicing English every day. 他建议我们每天练习英语。He insists on going with us together. 他坚持要跟我们一起去。Her mother went away alone, leaving her crying there. 她母亲一个人走了,让她一个人在那儿哭。(3) -ing分词若在forget, reg

3、ret, remember等动词后或作时间状语时,表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前。如:Can you still remember living there? 你还能记得在那里的生活情况吗?I dont regret helping him, though he is unkind to us. 尽管他对我们不友好,我对帮助他还是不后悔。(4) -ing分词若在介词before, after之后,动作的先后依介词before, after的意义而定。如:I often read some newspaper before getting to sleep. 我在入睡前常要看一看报纸。(5)

4、-ing分词表泛指意义的动作或状态时,没有时间意义。如:Keeping on doing morning exercises is a good It is useless remembering words only. 只记单词是没有用的。(2) 作宾语-ing分词既可做某些动词的宾语,也可做介词的宾语。a. -ing分词并不是做所有及物动词的宾语,而是只能做某些及物动词的宾语,如:admit, advise, allow, avoid, consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, fancy, forbid, imagi

5、ne, mind, miss, keep, pardon, permit, postpone, practice, prevent, resist, risk, suggest, stop及下列短语动词的宾语: carry on, cant help, feel like, give up, keep on, put off, set about, object to, insist on, prevent from, pay attention to, stick to, refer to, get down to, look forwards to, devoteto, be / get

6、used to, lead to。如:I dislike playing cards. 我不喜欢打牌。He enjoys reading stories. 她喜欢读故事。He got down to working as soon as he got to the office. 他一进入办公室就开始工作。b. 下列动词或形容词: want, require, need, deserve, worth带-ing分词作宾语时,主动形式表被动意义。如:The book is worth reading. 这本书值得读。The house requires repairing at once. 这座

7、房子需要马上维修。c. 介词除besides, but, except接不定式外,一般都须接-ing分词作宾语。如:You must finish your work before going to the concert. 你必须在去听音乐演唱会之前必须把工作完成。On seeing her mother, the little girl began to cry out. 这个小女孩一看见她的母亲就大哭了起来。(3) 作表语-ing分词作表语时,有两种情况,一方面,当-ing分词具有名词性质时,-ing分词短语说明主语的内容;另一方面,当-ing分词具有形容词性质时,-ing分词说明主语的

8、性质或特征。如:His job is teaching English. 他的工作是教英语。(说明工作的内容) His job is interesting. 他的工作很有趣。(说明工作的特征) 注意:当-ing分词的动作是主语所发出的时,句子不是系表结构,而是动词现在进行时。如:He is teaching Japanese at that school. 他在那所学校教日语。(现在进行时) (4) 作宾语的补足语下列动词可接-ing分词作宾语的补足语。a. 感、知觉动词:feel, hear, look at, listen to, notice, observe, sense, see,

9、 watch 可接-ing分词作宾语的补足语。如:I heard her singing in the next door。我听见她在隔壁唱歌。I watched them playing volleyball on the playing ground. 我观看他们在操场上打排球。b. 动词find, get, have, keep, leave, send,suggest可接-ing分词作宾语的补足语。如:I found the missing boy playing by the river. 我发现那个失踪的男孩在河边玩。Dont have your guest standing th

10、ere and ask him to sit down. 不要让客人站在那里, 请他入坐。(5) 作定语-ing分词作定语时,分两种情况。a. 单个的动词ing 形式作定语时,它总是位于被修饰的名词之前,说明被修饰名词的目的、用途或特征。如:China is a developing country. 中国是一个发展中国家。Would you please give me some writing paper? 请给一些书写纸好吗?b. -ing分词接名词、代词或副词构成的短语作定语时,总是位于所修饰的名词之后,说明名词所处的状态或进行的动作。如:The boy studying in the

11、 classroom is Li Lei. 在教室里学习的那个男孩是李雷。Dont trouble the dog sleeping over there. 不要惹事生非。(6) 作同位语-ing分词作同位语时,位于同位的名词之后,且跟前面的名词用逗号隔开,表示前面名词的内容。如:His idea, helping farmers get in their crops, interested us very much. 他那帮助农民收割庄稼的想法使我们很感兴趣。The goal, making two thousand cars this month, excites the workers.

12、 本月生产两千辆小汽车的目标使工人们很兴奋。(7) 作状语-ing分词在句子中做状语,表示谓语动词所发生的时间、原因、条件、让步、方式、伴随、目的、程度和结果。如:a. 作时间状语Having cleaned the house, she went on to help her mother pick apples. 把房子打扫后,她又继续帮助母亲摘苹果。Having had his breakfast, he began to look for work again. 吃过早餐后,他又开始去寻找工作。b. 作原因状语Not knowing English, they found it ver

13、y difficult to communicate with the people in America. 由于不懂英语,他发现在美国跟人们交流很困难。Getting up late, he missed his early train. 由于起床晚了,他没有赶上早班火车。c. 作条件状语Living in a polluted environment, people may fall ill easily. 如果生活在受污染的环境中,人们很容易生病。Loving others, you will be loved by others. 如果你爱他人,你就会得到他人的爱。d. 作让步状语Be

14、ing at school or at home, she is a good girl. 不管是在学校还是在家,她都是个好姑娘。Talking or acting, he is very honest. 无论是说话还是做事,他都很诚实。e. 作方式状语He went there riding his bike. 他骑单车去那里。They make money selling fruits. 他们靠卖水果挣钱。f. 作伴随状语He used to sit there thinking. 过去他常坐在那里思考。He walked along the river singing in a low

15、voice. 他一边沿着河边走一边低声唱着歌儿。g. 作目的状语。作目的状语的-ing分词一般是表示所从事的活动方面的动词,如:boating, climbing, fishing, hunting, riding, sailing, shopping, shooting, skating, skiing, swimming, walking, washing等。I often go shopping with mother on Sundays. 星期天我常跟妈妈买东西。Will you please go skating with me this afternoon? 今天下午跟我去滑冰好吗?h. 作程度状语。作程度状语时,常用来修饰形容词或副词。如:He was caught in the heavy rain and got his clothes soaking wet. 他淋了一场大雨,把衣服全部弄湿了。He wore his thin coat in freezing cold days and fell ill soon. 他在冰冷的天还穿着单薄的大衣,不久就病倒了。i. 作结果状语He cut down the trees in front of his house, having its roof blown off by strong

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