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1、The changing role ofgovernments in corporate socialresponsibility:drivers andresponsesLauraAlbareda,JosepM.Lozano,AntonioTencati,AtleMidttunandFrancescoPerrininThe aim of this article is to contribute to understanding the changing role of government in promotingcorporate social responsibility(CSR).O

2、ver the last decade,governments have joined otherstakeholders in assuming a relevant role as drivers of CSR,working together with intergovernmentalorganizations and recognizing that public policies are key in encouraging a greater sense of CSR.Thispaper focuses on the analysis of the new strategies

3、adopted by governments in order to promote,andencourage businesses to adopt,CSR values and strategies.The research is based on the analysis of anexplanatory framework,related to the development of a relational analytical framework,which tries toanalyze the vision,values,strategies and roles adopted

4、by governments,and the integration of newpartnerships that governments establish in the CSR area with the private sector and socialorganizations.The research compares CSR initiatives and public policies in three European countries:Italy,Norway and the United Kingdom,and focuses on governmental drive

5、rs and responses.Thepreliminary results demonstrate that governments are incorporating a common statement and discourseon CSR,working in partnership with the private and social sectors.For governments,CSR implies theneed to manage a complex set of relationships in order to develop a winwin situation

6、 between businessand social organizations.However,the research also focuses on the differences between the threegovernments when applying CSR public policies.These divergences are based on the previous culturaland political framework,such as the welfare state typology,the organizational structures a

7、nd thebusiness and social and cultural background in each country.IntroductionAlthough there is broad consensus that corporatesocial responsibility(CSR)has a business-drivenapproach and that the main focus of CSR develop-ment is the business sector,attention must also bepaid to the development and a

8、pplication of CSRwithin the framework of other stakeholders,suchas governments,from a relational perspective.nRespectively,Researcher at the Institute for Social Innovation atESADE Business School,University RamonLlull(URL),Barcelona,Spain;Professor in the Department of Social Sciencesat ESADE Busin

9、ess School,University Ramon Llull (URL),Barcelona,Spain;Assistant Professor at SPACE EuropeanResearch Centre on Risk,Security,Occupational Health and Safety,Environment and Crisis Management,Bocconi University,Milan,Italy;Professor,Director of the Centre for Corporate Citizenshipand Co-Director of t

10、he Centre for Energy and Environment at theNorwegianSchoolofManagement,Sandvika,Norway;andProfessor in the Department of Management(IEGI)and SDABocconi School of Management at Bocconi University,Milan,Italy.r 2008 The AuthorsJournal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,9600 Garsington Road,O

11、xford,OX4 2DQ,UK and 350 Main St,Malden,MA 02148,USA347Business Ethics:A European ReviewVolume 17Number 4October 2008Over the last decade,governments have joinedother stakeholders in assuming a relevant role asdrivers of CSR(Moon 2004)and adopting publicsector roles in strengthening CSR(Fox et al.20

12、02).At the start of the century,these govern-mental initiatives converged with the actions ofdifferent international organizations such as theUN Global Compact and the European Commis-sion,1both of which began to promote andendorse CSR,recognizing that the role of publicadministration and public pol

13、icy initiatives werekey in encouraging a greater sense of CSR.Looking at the political agenda,the increasingprofile of CSR as a concept in government action islinked to other challenges brought about byglobalization and economic change in the late20th century(Aaronson&Reeves 2002b,Fox et al.2002),su

14、ch as the debate on corporate citizenship,the changing role of business in society(Detomasi2007)and the interrelationship between trade,investment and sustainable development.The objective of this paper is to understand thechanging role of governments in promoting CSRover recent years.Our purpose wa

15、s to conductresearch to analyze governments CSR publicpolicies and initiatives in order to understandwhich comprise the main elements that shapegovernment thinking when drawing up CSRpublic policies.To pursue this objective,we firstanalyzed the state of the art and earlier research,leading us to app

16、ly a relational analytical frame-work focus on the relationships that governmentsadopt when they design and implement CSR.The empirical research presented provides for acomparative analysis between CSR public policiesdeveloped in three European countries:Italy,Norway and the United Kingdom.These threecountries show three different approaches in termsof governmental actions promoting CSR(Lozanoet al.2005).First,we classify public policies andinitiatives on the basis of the relational frameworkand

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