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1、报报警管理警管理/信息安全技信息安全技术术的的发发展与展与标标准准 美国美国PAS公司公司 北京北京赛赛普泰克技普泰克技术术有限公司有限公司 创建于 1993 提供用于安全生产的 Human Reliability Software(人员可靠性软件)广泛应用于全球电力、石油天然气和加工行业 可持续和可盈利增长 业务策略 灵感源于领域专业知识的创新技术 战略性客户关系 关键使命性的软件解决方案 20%的年度研发再投资 思想领导力与战略合作关系 报警管理和 HPHMI 人机界面手册 AICHE、NPRA、EPRI、ISA、EEMUA 191、OSHA Honeywell、英维思、Intergrap

2、h、NovaTech 和 区域性合作伙伴赛普泰克(中国)关于关于 PAS 我们的全球分布我们的全球分布-本地支持本地支持 PAS-机密和专有信息机密和专有信息 2012|2 北美洲北美洲 休斯顿,美国 北美洲北美洲 多伦多,安大略省 欧洲欧洲 英国,法国英国,法国 中东中东 沙特阿拉伯,沙特阿拉伯,巴林,卡塔尔巴林,卡塔尔 非洲非洲 沙索堡,南非沙索堡,南非 亚洲亚洲 新加坡新加坡 澳洲澳洲 布里斯班,布里斯班,珀斯珀斯 我们的客户我们的客户 石油天然气、精炼、石油化工产品、化学制品、电力采矿 PAS-机密和专有信息机密和专有信息 2012|3 329 个从事能源、电力、化学制品和采矿等领域的

3、顶级客户 885 处厂址,6,187 项软件许可 28,000 位用户(估算)中国中国:康菲康菲,扬巴扬巴,南京赛拉尼斯南京赛拉尼斯,扬扬子子,镇海镇海,齐鲁齐鲁,云天化云天化,BP珠海等珠海等 PAS 解决方案解决方案 PAS-Confidential and Proprietary 2012|4 ICS 信息安全信息安全 Industrial Control System Security Solution Cyber Inventory Change Control 自自动动化化资产资产管理管理 Configuration Management Management of Change

4、Project Integrity 操作管理操作管理 High Performance HMI Alarm Management Boundary Management Control Loop Performance Management PAS与与报报警管理技警管理技术术 1995全球第一个报警管理项目 1998全球第一家发布报警管理软件 创始成员 ISA 18.2(报警管理)报警管理手册(ISA出版社)Winner of Raymond D.Mallory Award for best selling ISA Publication Co-Author of Electric Power

5、 Research Institute(EPRI)Guideline on alarm management Member of API-RP-11167 Alarm Management for Pipelines EEMUA Industry Review Group for EEMUA 191 PAS-Confidential and Proprietary 2012|5 Chinese Edition August 14 报报警管理技警管理技术术的的发发展展 PAS,Inc.2014 Proprietary and Confidential Information How did we

6、 get here?DCS报报警警问题问题的由来的由来?Analog Panel Board A single,fixed and contiguous board At-a-glance view of the entire process Early pattern recognition of process upsets Direct and quick access to controls 50-to-150 alarms per board CRT-Based Console 4-6 screens and 50-100 displays“Key-hole”view of the

7、process Post event recognition of process upsets Multiple keystrokes to access controls 2,000-to-4,000 alarms per console“There are more things to alarm us than to harm us,and we suffer more often in apprehension than reality.”Lucius Annaeus Seneca Alarms Per Operator Position 0500100015002000250030

8、00350040001960 1970 1980 1990 2000Configured Alarm Events Alarms Per Day 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000-8 Weeks-Recorded Max.Manageable(300)Acceptable(150)Thousands of alarms that must be screened/dropped/ignored by the operator Not a safe or desirable situation Operator Alarm Handling Capacity 报报警

9、泛警泛滥带滥带来的来的问题问题?工工业业事故案例事故案例 Texaco Milford Haven On July 24th,1994,a tremendous explosion occurred at the Texaco Refinery in Milford Haven,Wales A severe electrical storm early morning caused a system upset An explosion occurred 5 hours later during a complex re-start 26 injuries resulted from this

10、 explosion HSE Cited Alarm Overload as a contributing cause Over 275 alarms in the last hour before explosion BP Texas City March 23,2005,a series of explosions occurred during the restart of a hydrocarbon isomerization unit 15 people killed,170 injured Alarms&HMI were cited by OSHA as a contributin

11、g factor Over 130 alarms in the last hour before explosion See and 0501001502002501/25/2003 0:001/25/2003 0:101/25/2003 0:201/25/2003 0:301/25/2003 0:401/25/2003 0:501/25/2003 1:001/25/2003 1:101/25/2003 1:201/25/2003 1:301/25/2003 1:401/25/2003 1:501/25/2003 2:

12、001/25/2003 2:101/25/2003 2:201/25/2003 2:301/25/2003 2:401/25/2003 2:501/25/2003 3:001/25/2003 3:101/25/2003 3:201/25/2003 3:301/25/2003 3:401/25/2003 3:501/25/2003 4:001/25/2003 4:101/25/2003 4:201/25/2003 4:301/25/2003 4:401/25/2003 4:501/25/2003 5:00Alarms Operator Changes02468101214Production(M

13、#/Hr)Operator ChangesAlarmsProduction ratesAlarms 237 Opr Chgs 35 Production 121 1/25/03,03:00Hrs In this case,the alarm system was worthless when the operator was providing the most value to the process!工工业业事故案例事故案例 报报警管理警管理 报警管理相关的 文件与标准 11 标标准是什么准是什么?“Standard”is a special word.A standard is an a

14、uthoritative document,developed in accordance with a strict ANSI methodology,embodying such principles as balance of interests and consensus,and incorporating a stringent review and documentation process.Standards are developed by such organizations as ISA,ASME,IEC,etc.that follow this process.Organ

15、izations like EEMUA and the ASM Consortium do not,and the documents they produce are not standards.12 报报警管理相关指南警管理相关指南/标标准文档准文档 制定制定历历程程 13 YA-711 Principles for Alarm System Design 1994 NA102 Germany Rev.2008 Texaco Milford Haven 1998 EEMUA 191 1st Edition 2nd:2007 3rd:2013 2003 2006 2009 2001 Work

16、 Begins on ISA-18.2 ISA-18.2 Issued!2010 1st ED.2nd ED.2008 2008 Electric Power Guidelines Issued Co-authored by PAS 2009 ASM Alarm Book Issued 2014 2015 IEC 62682 Begins 2010 Expected to Publish 3Q-4Q ISA-18.2 Expected Re-Issue RP-1167 PAS-Confidential and Proprietary 2013|14 ISA 18.2 设设置置报报警的警的标标准准 The definition of an alarm is:An audible and/or visible means of indicating to the operator an equipment malfunction,process deviation,or abnormal condition requiring a response Alarm systems should

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