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4、。四、主要教学目标:1、能听懂、会说12组会话,并能进行简单的交流。2、能听、说、认读60个单词和词组并能听、说、读、写61个单词和24个句子(包括学校、时间、衣服、天气、购物、农场动物、数字、颜色等几个话题),并简单运用。3、能听、做6个TPR活动。4、能学会3个小制作。5、能唱8首歌曲。6、能听、说、唱7首歌谣。7、能完成6个自我评价活动。8、能听懂6个幽默小故事。9、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。五、方法措施 1、认真备课,钻研教材,进行课堂的有效教学,提高课堂效率,做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、创新运用各种不同英语教学法来辅助教学,如:情景教学法、直接教学法和TPR全身反应法,并开展一

5、些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在轻松的氛围中学习英语。 3、创设英语情景和环境,使学生们在一定的英语语言环境里习得“第二语言”。做到“生活中有英语,英语中有生活”。 4、鼓励学生大胆说英语,相信希望生的进步,树立学生的信心,培养学生朗读和书写的习惯。 5、注重教材的灵活性和可操作性,以满足不同层次的学生的需求。帮助英语基础不好的学生,提升英语基础好的学生。 6、练习形式多种多样,手、脑、眼、肢体并用,静态、动态结合,基本功操练与自由练习结合,单项和综合练习结合。通过大量地实践,使学生具有良好地语音、语调、书写和拼读地基础,开展学生简单的日常用语交流活动。 六、班级情况分析四年级从上个学期的情况来看在

6、英语学习上掌握较好,主要表现为学习成绩层次上很均匀,英语学习兴趣很高,口语朗读上较为扎实。在教学上我最多的是在个别辅导之余引导他们分组相互学习,师徒结队,共同进步。四年级英语(下册)教案第一课时1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 1 Whose watch is it?Goal request:(教学目的) New words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right rememberSome useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -I think its that mans watch.

7、Key difficulty:(教学重难点)Master these words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right rememberAnd master these useful expressions :- Whose watch is it? -I think its that mans watch.Teaching times: (教学课时) 1Teaching method: three doubts three searchesTeaching preparation and method:cards, radioTeaching

8、process: Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes)First, let the Ss look at these new words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember, let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words .Step 2 设疑自探(10 minutes)let the Ss look at the part 1, in

9、this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to ask and answer these questions :- Whose watch is it? -I think its that mans watch.Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes)1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: (1) - Whose watch is it? -I think its that mans watch.(2) N

10、ew words: 2 Practice the dialogue and act in pairs.useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -I think its that mans watch. Step 4 质疑再探(7 minutes)1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, lets talk : Do you have any questions about the dialogue ?2 Can you use “watch whose think man ask beautiful

11、 right remember? 3 Please act out the dialogue with your partner .Step5 运用拓展(8 minutes) Show some exercises on the blackboard,let the students finish it. Bb writting desgin:(板书设计)Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember- Whose watch is it? -I think its that mans

12、 watch. 教后反思 第二课时Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? Goal request:(教学目的) New words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember Some useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -Its Toms watch.Key difficulty:(教学重难点)Master these words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember And master these

13、 useful expressions :- Whose watch is it? -Its Toms watch.Teaching times: (教学课时) 2Teaching method: three doubts three searchesTeaching preparation and method:cards, radioTeaching process: Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes)First, let the Ss look at these new words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right r

14、emember ;let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words .Step 2 设疑自探(10 minutes)let the Ss look at Lets learn, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to act it out the useful expressions:- Whose watch is it? -Its Toms wa

15、tch.In this part , let the Ss master these useful expressions .Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes)1 When we learned about this part , we masterthese useful expressions and words: - Whose watch is it? -Its Toms watch.The new words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember2 Practice the dialogue at Page 2 and act it out in pairs .Step 4 质疑再探(7 minutes)1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, letstal

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