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I like music that I can dance to优秀教学设计.docx

1、I like music that I can dance to优秀教学设计Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section A 1a-2d 教学设计本课分析本课是人教版九年级第9单元的教学内容。本课是一节听说课,首先通过播放不同种类的音乐激发学生学习兴趣,并在语境中导入重点词汇和短语以及定语从句的句型。并在此基础上引导学生基本能用定语从句表达自己喜欢的音乐及音乐家。本课是本单元的第一课时,在整个单元中起到了导入话题,起着帮助学生热身的作用,音乐、电影都比较贴近学生的生活,能引起学生的共鸣,所以课堂任务应该侧重培养学生的语言实践能力。学情分析学习本

2、单元之前,学生已经学过许多表达喜好的方式。但是用定语从句来表达喜好,对于学生来说,有一定的难度。教师要通过各种不同的语境和学生交流,给学生提供不同的语境让学生互相学习,互相练习,使学生扎实地掌握并运用定语从句表达喜好。一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词及短语:prefer, lyrics, Australian, electronic, suppose, smooth, spare, director, case, in the case, war.2)掌握 I like /love/prefer music that表达喜欢的音乐。3)掌握 I like music t

3、hat I can dance to. / I prefer music that/ which has great lyrics I only like movies that / which are funny.I like musicians who play different kinds of music.句型的用法。3) 学生能初步运用定语从句表达自己对于音乐、音乐家及电影的喜好。学习关系代词that/who引导的定语从句。2. 情感态度价值观目标:1. 使学生学会谈论自己的喜好。2. 通过表达个人喜好,提高学生欣赏美的水平。3. 激发学生的学习兴趣和学习热情。二、教学重难点1.

4、教学重点:1)prefer, different kinds of, sing along with的用法。 2)句型: I like music that I can dance to.I like musicians who play different kinds of music.2. 教学难点:学习关系代词that/who引导的定语从句。课时安排: 1课时课前准备:1. 课下询问学生熟知的不同类型的音乐。2. 收集具有典型代表性而且学生比较熟悉的音乐。3. 准备好录音机,多媒体课件,制作教案和学案。教学方法:任务型教学法、情境教学法、自主学习和合作学习相结合。三、教学过程设计. Wa

5、rming up 师生问候。. Lead-in Say:What kind of books do you like? I like interesting books. I like books that are interesting.Writethat are interesting on the blackboard. Point to it andask who can make another sentence with it. Write another phrase on the blackboard that is comfortable to Help the studen

6、ts to make sentences with it. Presentation 1. 教师播放学生较熟悉的带有歌词或歌手的图片的流行歌曲, 激发学生的学习兴趣,同时,师生对话,引出本单元的内容学习,为完成1a做铺垫。T: Do you like music/?S: Yes, I do. T: What kind of music / do you like?S: I likeT: Which singer do you like?S: I like2. Play the tapes of different kinds of music for the students, only a

7、short piece of each tape. Say, I like music that makes me relaxed. Write these four groups of words on the blackboard,that has great lyrics,that I can sing along with,that isnt too loud, that I can dance to. Tell the students lyrics means the words of the songs. Ask the students, What kind of music

8、do you like?Say, You can answer with I like music, I love music, I prefer music Explain prefer=likebetter to them. Get one of the children to answer the question, then let this child ask the one next to him /her the same question. Set off a chain drill. Explain that I like music that isnt means that

9、 I dont like too loud music.3. Show students some different kinds of pictures of movies and ask students to discuss what kind of movies they like in pairs.4. Discussion: 1a. 让学生在小组内交流讨论自己的喜好,教师适时总结并完成对新词的学习,然后对单词进行强化训练, 让学生交流对一些歌曲的看法,写下句子并引出本节课的重点句型。I prefer music that has great lyrics.I love music

10、that I can sing along with.I like music that I can dance to.通过对这些句子的学习,引导学生归纳比较引导的定语从句及其结构特点,教师进行精讲点拨,培养他们的观察能力,为下一步的听力打好基础。. Listening Listen to 1b and check the kinds of music Tony and Betty like.让学生看图表,明确表格中有谁,分别喜欢什么类型的音乐,完成相对应的选择。Music that I can dance toMusic that has great lyricsMusic that I c

11、an sing along withTony Betty . Pair workFinish 1c. Make a conversation between you and your partner about the music that you like. A: What kind of music do you like?B: I like music that I can sing along with. What about you?A: I prefer music that has great lyrics. Listening 1.Listen to the tape for

12、the first time and finish 2a. 1. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. T F 2. Xu Fei likes the Australian singer Dan Dervish. T F 3. Carmen likes electronic music thats loud. T F 4. Xu Fei prefers groups that play quiet and slow songs. T F 2.Listen to the tape for the second time

13、 and finish 2b. Carmen says1. I really love Dan Dervish. I like musicians _2. The Modern are really great. I love electronic music _Xu Fei says3. I like musicians _4. I think the Modern are too noisy. I prefer groups _通过听力训练,进一步熟悉练习that /who引导的定语从句。. Practice1. Make conversations using the informati

14、on in 2a and 2b. A: Does Xu Fei like The Modern?B: No, he doesnt. He prefers2. Ask a few pairs of students to present their conversations to the class. Reading.1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.1. What kind of music does Scott like? Why?2. Does Scott like serious movies?3. What kind

15、of movies does Jill want to see?2. Role-play the conversation in 2d.1.Ill just listen to this new CD I bought.2.I suppose Ill just listen to this new CD I bought.3.I like smooth music that helps me relax after a long week at work.4.I only like movies that are funny.5.In this case, Ill ask someone who likes serious movies.6.I prefer movies that give me something to think about. Language points1. Hmm, depends which movie.1) 本句省略了dep

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