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本文(逆向学英语口语外国人学汉语经典教材 Travel in China 英汉对照.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

逆向学英语口语外国人学汉语经典教材 Travel in China 英汉对照.docx

1、逆向学英语口语外国人学汉语经典教材 Travel in China 英汉对照Travel in ChineseBookmarksLesson 112-26-2005 15:301)哪儿 Where (例)你们住在哪儿?Where do you live? (例) 你从哪儿来?Where do you come from? (例) 哪儿卖火车票?Where do they sell train tickets? 2)给 preposition, as in for somebody (例)妈妈给儿子收拾房间。The mother tidied the room for her son. (例)他

2、给我介绍了中国的交通情况。He told me all about the Chinese transportation. 3)应该 should do something or be some way (例)如果他坐两点的火车,现在应该到了。 If he took the 2 oclock train, he should have arrived by now. (例)他是在中国长大的,应该看得懂中文。 He grew up in China, he should understand Chinese. (例)已经是3月了,应该暖和了。 Its already March, it shou

3、ld be warm by now. 4)可以can, possibly, maybe (例)我可以用这个电话吗? Can I use this telephone?Lesson 212-26-2005 15:341)是的 a way of emphasizing something about an action, like the time, location or way something has been done. (例)他是去年九月来的。Emphasizing time He came last year in September. (例) 他是来旅游的。Emphasizing

4、purpose He came for tourism. (例)他们是坐船走的。Emphasizing method of transportation He went by boat. (例) 她是在家吃的早饭。Emphasizing where she had breakfast She had breakfast at home. 2)可能 possible, maybe (例)这么晚了他可能不会来了。 Its so late, maybe he wouldnt come after all. (例)今天下午可能会下雪。 Maybe it will snow this afternoon

5、. 3)再 indicates an action or state repeating or continuing (例)请您再说一遍。 Could you say that again? (例)我们再等一会儿吧。 Lets wait a little bit longer. 4)赶快 quickly, hurry (例)要下雨了,我们赶快走吧。 Its going to rain, lets go quickly. (例)已经8点了,赶快起床吧。 Its already 8 oclock, quick! Get out of bed!Lesson 312-26-2005 15:391)还有

6、 also, in addition (例) 他会说法语、英语,还有汉语。 He can speak French, English, and Chinese. (例) 这种衣服的颜色很多,有红色、蓝色、还有黄色。 This clothing is very colorful, there is red, blue, and there is yellow. 2)一就,indicates that one event follows immediately after the other (例)你一到北京就给我打个电话。 As soon as you arrive in Beijing, gi

7、ve me a call. 3)离 from (例)这儿离我们家不太远。 Its not too far to our house from here. (例)现在离飞机起飞还有十分钟。 From now to the time the plan takes off, there is about 10 minutes. 4)都 here is used for emphasis, like even in English 他说的话我一句都听不懂。 (例)I cant even understand one word of what he is saying. 你的朋友我一个都不认识。 (例)

8、I dont even know one of your friends.Lesson 412-26-2005 15:421)往 towards, indicating a direction (例)往 towards, indicating a direction (标题) 请一直往前走。 (例)Please keep going straight. 过了红绿灯,然后往左拐。 After you pass the traffic light, turn left. 2)一直 all along, to show an action has been continuous (例)这几天,天气一

9、直都很冷。 These few days, the weather has been cold all the way through. (例)过了十字路口一直往南走。 After you pass the intersection, keep going south. 3)落 to lose or misplace something (例)书包落在车上了。 The book bag was lost in the car. (例)下车前,好好看看,别落东西。 When you get out of the car, take a good look around and dont forg

10、et anything. 4)记得 to remember (例)你记得出租车的车号么? Do you remember the car number of the taxi? (例)我不记得他的电话号码了。 I dont remember his telephone number anymore.Lesson 612-26-2005 15:491)怎么样 a general question like what do you think or whats up (例)你觉得北京的天气怎么样? What do you think about the weather in Beijing? (例

11、)六点了,一起去吃晚饭怎么样? Its 6 oclock why dont we go for dinner together? 2)别 dont , better not (例)今天天气不好,我们别出去了。 The weather is no good today, lets not go out. (例)时间太晚了,别看电视了。 Its too late. Dont watch TV anymore. 3)收到 to receive (例)我昨天收到了她的信。 I received her letter yesterday. (例)我收到了我预订的机票。 I received the ti

12、cket that Ive reserved. Lesson 512-26-2005 15:531)能 to be able to (例)您能给我看一下儿您的护照吗? Could you show me your passport for a moment? (例)您现在不能换房间。 You cant change rooms now. 2)都 all (例)这些都是我们的行李。 This luggage is all ours. (例)我们都是从美国来的。 We are all from the Unites States. 3)左右 approximately (例)一个双人间一天大概30

13、0块钱左右。 One double room per day is approximately 300 yuan. (例)他大概50岁左右。 He is around 50 years old. 4)不过 but, indicating a change (例)这个房间不错,不过小了一点儿。 This room is not bad, but its a little small. (例)北京的秋天天气很好,不过空气很干燥。 The weather in the autumn in Beijing is quite nice, but the air is a little bit dry.

14、Lesson 712-26-2005 15:541)正好 indicates a convenient coincidence (例)你要去邮局吗?正好帮我寄封信。 Are you going to the post office? What a coincidence! You can help me to mail a letter. (例)今天我正好有时间,咱们一块去吧。 Its just so happened that I have time today. Lets go together. 2)怎么 How, used before a verb to make a questio

15、n about how something is done (例)请问,去故宫怎么走? May I ask how toget to the Forbidden City? (例)你知道怎么去动物园比较快? Do you know how to get to the zoo fairly quickly? Lesson 812-26-2005 15:561)应该 should (例)去他家之前应该先给他打个电话。 Before we go to his house, we should give him a phone call. (例)今天天气很冷,你应该多穿点儿衣服。 Today is really cold. You should wear more clothing. 2)那么 and 这么, both indicate more than expected (例)没想到北京的夏天这么热。 I never expected the summer in Beijing is so hot.

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