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1、与太极拳有关的英文.二十四式太极拳 Twenty-four Style Taijiquan第一式 起势 Starting Posture第二式 左右野马分鬃 Part the Wild Horses Mane on Both Side第三式 白鹤亮翅 White Crane Spreads its Wings,第四式 左右搂膝拗步 Brush Knee and Twist Step on Both Side ,第五式 手挥琵琶 Hold the Lute第六式 倒卷肱 Forearm Rollings on Both Sides第七式 左揽雀尾 Grasp the Birds Tail-Lef

2、t Side第八式 右揽雀尾 Grasp the Birds Tail-Right Side第九式 单鞭 Single Whip ,第十式 云手 Cloud Hands第十一式 单鞭 Single Whip第十二式 高探马 High Pat on Horse第十三式 右蹬脚 Kick with Right Heel ,第十四式 双峰贯耳 Twin Peaks第十五式 转身左蹬脚 Turn and Kick with Left Heel,第十六式 左下独立式 Push Down and Stand on One Leg-LeftStyle第十七式 右下独立式 Push Down and Stan

3、d on One Leg-Right Style第十八式 左右穿梭 Work at Shuttles on Both Side.第十九式 海底针 Needle at Sea Bottom第二十式 闪通臂 Flash the Arms第二十一式 转身搬拦捶 Turning body, Pulling, Blocking and Pounding第二十二式 如封似闭 Apparent Close up第二十三式 十字手 Cross Hands第二十四式 收势 Closing Form练太极常用英语:抬头raise ones head挺胸square ones shoulders脚后跟着地heelt

4、ouches thefloor脚尖着地tiptoetouchesthefloor不要翘臀dontraise thebuttock伸腿kickthebucket伸直手臂straightenyourarm曲肘bendyourelbow推掌pushpalm曲腿bendthebucket太极拳术语(汉英对照)汉语 英语“老三本 ” “ Old Three Volumes ”陈氏太极拳图说 The Illustrated Canon of Chen Style Taijiquan道德经 Daode Jing (Tao Te Ching).身法八要Eight Principles of Postures太

5、极拳解Explanation of Taijiquan太极拳论On Taijiquan太极拳使用法Application Methods of Taijiquan太极拳释义The Revealing of Essential Taijiquan太极拳术The Art of Taijiquan太极拳体用全书Essence and Applications of Taijiquan太极拳运动Taijiquan Sports太极拳正宗Authentic Taijiquan太极图说Explanations of Taiji Diagram武术Martial Arts杨式太极拳基础教程Basic Cou

6、rse of Yang Style Taijiquan周身大用论Using Every Part of the Body周易 (或易经 )Zhouyi;The Book of Changs, Yi or I Ching28 式杨式太极拳28-form Yang Style Taijiquan八门劲the power of eight directions必修课程a required coursePeng (warding off), Lv (rolling back), Ji (pressing), An掤、捋、挤、按、採、挒、肘、(pushing), Cai (pulling down),

7、Lie (splitting), Zhou(elbowing), Kao (body stroke), Jin (advancing), Tui靠、进、退、顾、盼、定(retreating), Gu (shifting left), Pan (shifting right) and Ding(central equilibrium)不丢不顶no releasing and resisting directly不解之谜mystery不偏不倚impartiality缠丝twining沉肩坠肘lowering the shoulders and elbows沉着heavy and steady撑掌u

8、nfolding palm成语之都Hometown of Chinese Idioms抽丝taking out the thread丹田Dantian (pubic region)弹簧力springy force导引术guidance道Tao;Dao.道法自然敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌 疲我打,敌退我追第五代传人顶头悬懂劲动与静动中寓静动作动作招式招术对立统一对立与统一耳提面命发劲法道修身法道治国反者道之动,弱者道之用非圆即弧刚柔相济根于脚,主宰于腰,行于手指弓步功夫攻防攻防搏击贯串之意国术馆含胸拔背合中有开后发制人呼、发、伸、进、起、仰、往、出、放、打、击、刚、动、实、开、升、上、左呼与吸.Ta

9、oism following the natureretreating as the enemy advances, disturbing as the enemy camps, attacking as the enemy fatigues, advancing as the enemy retreatsfifth-generation successorsuspending the head and relaxing the neckcomprehending forcemotion and stillnessstillness with motionactionmovement/acti

10、onthe unity of oppositescontradition and unfication;unity of the oppositeswhispering into disciples earstalkingandface to facedischarging forceself-cultivation with Taostate-governing by TaoThe application of Dao is using mildness rather than violence, softness rather than hardnesseither circle or a

11、rccombining hardness with softnessrooting with feet, leading with waist, and moving with fingersn.bow stance; v.lunge forwardGongfu; Kungfu;fighting art;fighting skills attack and defense; offense and defenseoffensive and defensive fightingYi of permeatingNational Martial Arts Gymscontracting the ch

12、est and lengthening the back closing with openingstriking only after being struckbreathing out, attacking, extending, advancing, raising, facing upward, going, sending, releasing, hitting,striking, hardness, moving, solidness, opening, lifting, ascending,turning leftbreathing out and breathing in.化劲

13、 dispersing force技击术 art of attack and defense节节贯串 joints coordinating借力打力 transforming the coming force to attack the opponent劲整 integrating force经络 Jingluo (main and collateral channels)经络中通行的气 Qi (air) in Jingluo精神 mind静中寓动 motion with /in stillness卷(蓄)与放 storing and discharging开胯屈膝 separating th

14、e thighs and bending the knees开与合 opening and closing开中有合 opening with closing快与慢 rapidness and slowness老子学说 Laozi s Doctrines砺练品格 morality training练劲 building up power练巧 mastering techniques练顺 smoothing out the frame螺旋 volution螺旋缠绕 spiral enwinding落点(劲点) attacking points (positions)门规戒条 doctrines, regulations and restrictions内不动,外

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