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1、潘基文世界人道主义日致辞稿潘基文世界人道主义日致辞稿(最新版)编制人:_审核人:_审批人:_编制单位:_编制时间:_年_月_日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的实用范文,如演讲范文、工作总结、文秘知识、条据书信、行政公文、活动报告、党团范文、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this shop. I hope that after

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3、 summary, secretarial knowledge, article letters, administrative official documents, activity reports, party group template essays, other sample essays, etc. I want to understand the format and writing of different sample essays stay tuned!正文内容接下来由本店铺为大家推荐潘基文世界人道主义日致辞稿,希望对你有所帮助!潘基文世界人道主义日致辞稿Mr. Pres

4、ident, thank you for your gracious introduction. We have an expression in the United States Senate where I served for many years when we want to say something personal, we say, permit me a point of personal privilege. I would like to introduce you to two of my family members who Ive brought along wi

5、th me, my daughter-in-law Kathleen Biden and my granddaughter Naomi Biden. Would you guys stand (Applause.)校长先生,谢谢你的亲切介绍。我曾多年担任美国参议员,在美国参议院,我们如果想提出个人看法,会采取一种表述方式,我们会说,请允许我提出一个个人特权问题。我想向你们介绍我带来的两位家人,我的儿媳凯瑟琳∙拜登和我的孙女内奥米∙拜登。你们两个人请起立。(掌声)It would be more appropriate to say Naomi brought me al

6、ong with her since shes a budding Chinese speaker, been taking Chinese for five years, so Ive been listening to her on the whole trip.如果说内奥米把我带到这里来,也许更恰当,因为她说中文已达到初级水平,她学了五年中文,我一路上都听她的。I want to again thank you very much. I had a wonderful few days in Beijing and a series of very positive and produc

7、tive conversations with Chinese leaders. And Im pleased to make my first visit to western China, which has played such an incredible, such an incredible role in this nations proud, proud history, and which today is the vanguard of Chinese - Chinas high-tech future.我想再次向你们表示十分感谢。我在北京度过了非常愉快的几天,与中国领导人

8、进行了一系列非常积极和建设性的交谈。我非常高兴首次前来中国西部访问。这个地区在贵国可引以为骄傲的历史上发挥了很了不起的作用,今天已成为中国高科技未来的先锋。Two years ago, Sichuan province suffered one of the greatest natural disasters in Chinas recent history. And the American people were inspired - were inspired by the way you all came together to help one another during tha

9、t crisis. And Im absolutely amazed as I drive around the city, and Ill be moving out into the province later, after this speech - Im amazed at how quickly you have rebuilt and you have recovered.两年前,四川省遭受了中国近代史上最严重的自然灾害之一。你们在危机时刻同心同德、相互帮助的精神鼓舞了美国人民。我坐车经过成都各地时,感到万分惊讶,晚些时候,在我演讲完后,我还要去省里的其他地方参观你们的重建和恢复

10、如此迅速,实在令我惊叹。The people of Chengdu, let me say simply that your hospitality has more than lived up to your reputation as the “land of abundance,” so again, thank you so very much for that hospitality.简而言之,成都人民,你们有“天府之国”的美誉,但你们的殷勤好客更令人感动。我再次对你们的热情好客表示深切的感谢。Its also great to be here on a university cam

11、pus. I also want to thank our host, the university which counts amongst its alumni some of the most illustrious figures in recent Chinese history, including Zhu De and Ba Jin, both of whom are - one a literary icon; the other, one of the most illustrious figures, and a founding father of the republi

12、c.来到大学校园,我感到很激动。我还要感谢接待我们的校方,在贵校的校友中有一些中国近代史上最杰出的人物,包括朱德和巴金,一位是文学巨匠;另一位是最杰出的人物之一,I share this story with you not because its unique, but because it is uniquely American. While not every child or grandchild of an immigrant will reach the pinnacle of society as Ambassador Locke has, America continues

13、to put such possibilities within reach of all those who seek our shores.我与你们分享他的经历,并不是有什么其他原因,而是因为这是美国的独特之处。虽然并非外来移民的每一个子女或后代都能像骆家辉那样到达社会的顶层,但美国始终促使所有寻求移民美国的人都有可能做到这一点。On my first visit to China, which was more than 30 years ago when I was a young United States senator in 1979, I was with the first

14、delegation of congressional leaders to visit China after normalization. We had several days of business with then Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping. It was a very different country then, but what was absolutely clear to me was that China was on the cusp of a remarkable transformation.在30多年前的1979年,我还是一个年轻的美

15、国参议员,当时曾随美中关系正常化后的第一个国会领导人访华代表团首次前来中国访问。我们同当时的副邓小平开展了几天的公务活动。当时的中国与今天大不相同,但对我来说已经绝对明确的是,中国正处于天翻地覆的大变革的最前沿。Changes were just getting underway. My first introduction here in Sichuan that would begin transforming a largely agrarian society into an engine of economic global and help lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty was - seemed to me clear at the time. That first visit came amid a debate in the United States of America similar to the one that exists today about how to view Chinas emergence. Let me be clear - let me be clear: I believed in 1979 and said so and I believ

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