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1、Academic+Reading+3Academic Reading 3学术阅读3Using Interactive Technology to Support Students Understanding of the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming利用交互技术支持学生对温室效应和全球变暖的认识Keisha Varma and Marcia C. Linn凯莎瓦尔玛和马西娅林恩Introduction介绍1Although global warming is a popular topic in science classes in most mid

2、dle and high schools, there is little understanding of the greenhouse effect. Anderson and Wallin (2000) conducted a study focusing on high school students. They found that these students had several different representations of the greenhouse effect. Many confused the greenhouse effect with global

3、warming and described it by listing the causes of global warming. Others confused the greenhouse effect with “the ozone effect” (Anderson and Wallin, 2000). This confusion about the relationship between the greenhouse effect and the ozone effect is common (Francis et al., 1993;Meadows and Wiesenmaye

4、r, 1999;Rye et al., 1997). Data from Meadows and Wiesenmayers (1999) study indicate that some students have incorporated this misconception into their knowledge frameworks of global warming and use it to reason about all issues related to the global warming phenomenon. Other work shows that some pre

5、-service teachers also attribute the cause of climate change to the depletion of the ozone layer (Papadimiriou, 2004).虽然全球变暖是大多数初中和高中科学课的热门话题,但对温室效应的理解却很少。安德森和沃林(2000)进行了一项针对高中生的研究。他们发现这些学生对温室效应有不同的表现。许多人把温室效应与全球变暖混为一谈,并把全球变暖的原因列举出来。还有一些人将温室效应与“臭氧效应”(安德森和沃林,2000)混为一谈。这种混淆关于温室效应和臭氧层效果之间的关系是很常见的(弗兰西斯等

6、,1993梅多斯和维森迈尔,1999;赖伊等,1997)。来自梅多斯和维森迈尔(1999)的研究数据表明,一些学生将这种误解融入到全球变暖的知识框架中,并将其用于解释与全球变暖现象有关的所有问题。其他研究表明,一些职前教师还将气候变化的原因归咎于臭氧层的损耗(Papadimiriou,2004)。2 Obviously,helping students have a better understanding of greenhouse gases and their impact on the temperature of the Earth is urgent. In the work pr

7、esented in this paper,a series of activities were conducted around the Global Warming:Virtual Earth(GWVE)curriculum unit. The goal is for students to learn about the role of each concept in the greenhouse effect and to understand how they interact to create the greenhouse effect. The activities also

8、 help students understand the relationship between the greenhouse effect and global warming. We measure students representations by analyzing their responses to a series of open-ended questions about the concepts covered in the module.显然,帮助学生更好地了解温室气体,对地球温度的影响是紧迫的。在本文提供的工作,进行了一系列的活动在全球变暖:虚拟地球(GWVE)课

9、程单元。目的是让学生了解每个概念在温室效应中的作用,并了解它们是如何相互作用产生温室效应的。这些活动还帮助学生了解温室效应和全球变暖之间的关系。我们通过分析学生对模块中所涉及概念的一系列开放式问题的回答来测量学生的表现。Methods方法Research design研究设计3 The main research question is,“How does students understanding of the greenhouse effect and global warming change after participating in a technology-enhanced l

10、earning environment featuring virtual experiments with an interactive visualization”This research is based on GWVE curriculum unit. In the week-long unit during their science classes,students participate in an eight-question,paper-and-pencil assessment prior to and following participation in the uni

11、t,creating a matched sample comparison. A series of matched sample t-tests are used to determine the degree of significance between pre- and post-test performance.主要研究的问题是,“学生如何理解参与技术强化学习环境特色和交互式可视化虚拟实验后的温室效应和全球变暖改变“这项研究是基于GWVE课程单元。在在科学课上为期一周的单元,学生参与一个8个问题,纸笔评估之前和之后的参与单元,创建一个匹配样本的比较。通过一系列匹配的样本t检验来确定

12、测试前和测试后性能之间的显著性。Participants参与者4 Five teachers from three schools on the west coast and two schools in the southeastern US enacted the curriculum unit in their sixth-grade science classes. The teachers each had at least two years of experience using our curriculum units in their instruction. Each te

13、acher received targeted professional development support (Varma et al.,2008). The professional development activities included meetings to introduce the overall Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) and the GWVE unit. Teachers also received classroom support to help them incorporate the activ

14、ities in their instruction (Varma et al.,2008). One hundred and ninety sixth-grade students (98 males and 92 females) participated in the unit activities and the pre-/post-assessments.美国西海岸三所学校的五名教师和美国东南部的两所学校开设了六年级的课程单元。每位教师在教学中都有至少两年的课程使用经验。每一位老师收到了有针对性的专业发展支持(Varma et al .,2008)。专业发展活动包括会议介绍全面的基于

15、网络的调查科学环境(WISE)和GWVE单元。教师还得到了教室的支持,帮助他们在教学中融入活动(Varma et al,2008)。一百九十名六年级学生(98名男性和92名女性)参加了单元活动和前/后评估。 Procedure过程5 Students participation began with their individual completion of an eight-question,paper-and-pencil pre-test. Classroom teachers administered the pre-test during the students normal c

16、lass meetings. The questions,presented in Table 1,were primarily open-ended questions about global warming,the greenhouse effect,and the individual factors that contribute to these phenomena. Following the pre-test,all students worked in pairs to complete the activities and embedded reflection notes in the GWVE unit.学生们的参与开始于他们的个人完成一个8个问题,纸和笔的预测试。课堂上的教师在学生正常的课堂上进行了预测试。这些问题,如表1所示,主要是关于全球变暖、温室效应以及导致这些现象的个别因素的开放性问题。在预考后,所有学生都成对工作,完成了GWVE单元

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